Fallout 3 ?

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Post by Arbgun »

what about this...

the brotherhood finished makin vertibirds and we could like pilot a vertibird in fallout 3. that would be cool! or have ur followers change appearance to when you give them the power armor or you would meet that bishop child as the new bishop boss or get to the place where the tribals and vault 13 guys settled or ...( possible plots are endless in fallout 3) more useful and exciting random encounters, ... just an idea anyway.
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Arbgun wrote:what about this...

the brotherhood finished makin vertibirds and we could like pilot a vertibird in fallout 3. that would be cool!.
Great just what we need after FO Enforcer, Fallout the Vertibird flight sim. *sigh*
Arbgun wrote:or have ur followers change appearance to when you give them the power armor
It can get confusing when everyone is dressed in the same armour, I remember in Fallout taking on some toughs that used the same graphics as Ian, ended up killing Ian by mistake, didn't know who was who. FOT, Dungeon Siege, Balding Git, Icewind Dale all these games have people changing appearance with their armour, and I always end up moving the wrong person at the wrong time in the heat of battle. If they did have this function then they'd need to either have a pop up character portrait in the corner of the screen which changes depending on which character you have selected and or different body types, i.e. fat, thin, tall short, etc so that even wearing the same type of armour you can tell which character is which. Then there's having so many suits of PA, it'd be better if the amount of working PA available, with the Enclave gone and the BOS in decline, very limited.
Arbgun wrote:more useful and exciting random encounters, ... just an idea anyway.
Agreed more could be done with random and special encounters than just having the player run into hostiles or having a bunch of easter eggs.
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Post by VasikkA »

requiem_for_a_starfury wrote:It can get confusing when everyone is dressed in the same armour, I remember in Fallout taking on some toughs that used the same graphics as Ian, ended up killing Ian by mistake, didn't know who was who. FOT, Dungeon Siege, Balding Git, Icewind Dale all these games have people changing appearance with their armour, and I always end up moving the wrong person at the wrong time in the heat of battle. If they did have this function then they'd need to either have a pop up character portrait in the corner of the screen which changes depending on which character you have selected and or different body types, i.e. fat, thin, tall short, etc so that even wearing the same type of armour you can tell which character is which. Then there's having so many suits of PA, it'd be better if the amount of working PA available, with the Enclave gone and the BOS in decline, very limited.
Well, you could give each character a different color. Of course, that'd make them look like teletubbies, but still...
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Post by Dragonetti »

Maybe they don't have their PA helmets on? Maybe they have graffiti on their armour etc. I agree with a new location. I'd like to see other parts of the globe, such as Europe, but I am from Europe, so That's a little Biased. I don't mind it being in the US.

The problem with FO3 being parralel to FO2 is the area and yet the limit of evil things you can do, i.e. assinate Tandi. I'd like to see a sequel to FO2. Technology wouldn't advance too much with the world in the state it is in now. I would like to see a better NPC AI, and you know those security robots from Sierra with the rocket hands, well think of the un of having one of those as an NPC :>
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Post by Kashluk »

I always wanted to see an army (well, a whole bugger of six characters) in power armors marching down the street, wielding plasma and pulse weaponry... Ahh :)

I don't mind if they look alike.
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Post by Dragonetti »

I thought of a storyline for FO3. It's a heap of turd, but hey!

You are a robotics engineer for the Enclave, yet you are against the enclave's twisted killling of vault idea etc so you speak your mind to your boss. He is not happy. But, seeing as you are an Enclaver and you said it gently, they kick you out of the Enclave instead of killing you. You get a 10mm pistol, a few stims and some ammo. You also convince one of the guards ot get one of your robots up here to help you. The robots are loyal to you so the guard agrees and brings you a robot. The robot is not armed. (So even if it is a big security robot, It can only do unarmed damage at the moment.) You leave into the wasteland.

A day later, you get a cutscene saying the Enclave was destroyed by a certain "Chosen one". this makes you feel happier because you don't have to worry about being captured.

You walk on further and you get a certain encounter. It's not random, and happens wherever you are after x amount of days. A group of BOS paladins find you and, seeing your Enclave uniform, are about to kill you. you rasie your hands and shout "I surrender" and tell the paladins you were kicked from the Enclave. The paladins believe you and seeing as you are a robotics engineer, you are taken to the BOS HQ. here, all you see is a broadcast form some frequency: The chinese have found a nuke in the US and are going to try to finish off the US. They ahve no fuel for it yet, so you have to stop them. the BOS are a bit stretched for resources, so you get a tranee in Leatheer armour and you get a 10mm SMG. Your robot also gets a 10mm smg. Yopu trudge off intot the wastes to destroy the Chinese and the Nuke.
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Post by Kashluk »

Too bad that the Chinese don't exist anymore. They were vaporized off the face of the Earth when the bombs hit.
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Post by Phias »

There were still some American troops left in China when the bombs went off, and I believe they survived. I got this from reading one of the Fallout bibles, not sure which one.
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Post by NumberZero »

heres the thing about the chinease.

Its 100 years later and hardly anyone really knows about the causes of the war, or pre-war nations. there is no unified chinease government.
hello, if your fallout idea starts with "Wouldn't it be cool", then i hate you, and i am very saddened by the fact that technology has not advanced to the point where you can reach out and touch other users, because i would strangle you.

Post by Kashluk »

Nor is there a unified (nation-wide) government anywhere. NCR is propably the biggest and the prettiest, but they're still quite weak too.
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Post by jerman999 »

Kashluk wrote:Too bad that the Chinese don't exist anymore. They were vaporized off the face of the Earth when the bombs hit.
Not neccesarily(sp?). I think MCA said that other countries might've had vaults. It only seems logical that the Chinese would prepare for a nuclear war that seemed so inevitable.
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Post by Dragonetti »


And there are the Shi. There must have been other subs too. America had the Enclave and government on an oil rig, wouldn't China put their goverment in a safe place too?
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Post by Gecko »

Dragonetti wrote:Indeed.
And there are the Shi. There must have been other subs too. America had the Enclave and government on an oil rig, wouldn't China put their goverment in a safe place too?
Ja, if they had subs maybe they had vaults under the sea, didn't they? Or they put another oil rig, i think... I think it is possible or i have just a sweet dream again...
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Post by UncleBob »

You could possibly have the destruction of the Enclave as an excuse to wipe out most of the high tech stuff in the game - you could say the unattended PoseidonNET infrastructure just shut itself off when the rig went (the master control computer evidently being where the inaccessible elevator led).

After a few years have passed tech becomes very very scarce (and therefore very very expensive) and only available after some damned hard quests a good way into the game.

Have whats left of San Fran wiped out by the BOS (to confiscate and protect the tech) and you can back to FO1 tech levels for FO3.

As for the main plotline, Raider activity growing sharply, all from the East. You have to investigate, and find they are being driven West by some powerful group who later turn out to be some East Coast equivalent of NCR. You get to see the whole country, pick a side or play them against each other etc.

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Re: Fallout 3 ?

Post by Anotomus101 »

Zila wrote:Rather an Odd idea. But it just occured to me.
Rather than being set after Fallout 2 (as is logical)
An interesting idea would be if the next PC version of Fallout in what ever incarnation it takes, was set a short time after the original Fallout.
So that the level of Tech in the world stays at a reckonisable level rather than just going crazy.
And you could be really clever about the storyline. Set it 10 years after Fallout, start it in a completly different area and have the main character say the only survivor of a Vault that is over run by the remnants of the Masters Army as they fleed. This give your character a motive/quest. To find the one responsible, which utimately is the original Vault Dweller. He'd/She'd be responsible for the destruction of your players Vault... And according to Fallout 2 the Vault Dweller just up and disappeared one day.

Yeah it's a dumb Idea I know, but i've read worse. (I've come up with worse in fact.)
i cant imagine a fallout without vault 13. i dont think that fallout will be the same to me without the original storys vault.

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Post by dishwasher »

On power armour.
I love power armour, hate the way it made you god. Definitely something for near end game only. And weren't those two troopers in the starting Fallout cutscene wearing pa? So it should be in production already.
On tech level.
Just make NCR and VC wipe each other out, and viola, no high tech items, until you go to the ruins of the military base for the THIRD time.
On China.
Such a populous country, and no one is left? Gee
On the Shi.
I wiped their harddrives. Hows fallout 3 going to handle that?
On vault 13.
I hope the architecture remains the same, meaning the cave leading to it has the same twist and turns, and the mother deathclaw den is still there.
Personal note: If you got pa in fallout 2 right after arroyo, I hope it ran out of juice by the time you got to Horrigan. Wait, there was that mk 2 thing. Oh well....
Chuck Ceuvas IS on a headstone somewhere in Fallout 2. Dead people make stupid games......
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Post by Zbyram »

dishwasher wrote:Just make NCR and VC wipe each other out, and viola, no high tech items, until you go to the ruins of the military base for the THIRD time.
Nah, that sounds impossible as VC has 102 or so inhabitants and the NCR has tens of thousands. You'd need some serious firepower to wipe that out.
dishwasher wrote:On China.
Such a populous country, and no one is left? Gee
Maybe some people are alive, but they have no better than you (and probably worse). Besides how would you know about them when you're stranded in the US?
dishwasher wrote:On the Shi.
I wiped their harddrives. Hows fallout 3 going to handle that?
On vault 13.
It's gonna be easy - no Shi or other uber-hi-tec stuff in Fo3.
dishwasher wrote:I hope the architecture remains the same, meaning the cave leading to it has the same twist and turns, and the mother deathclaw den is still there.
Oh come on, it has to be the same...
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Post by UncleBob »

dishwasher wrote:On power armour.
I love power armour, hate the way it made you god. Definitely something for near end game only. And weren't those two troopers in the starting Fallout cutscene wearing pa? So it should be in production already.
On tech level.
On the power armor side, you could have to assemble it as you go along, starting with an unarmored exoskeleton that perhaps just increases STR by 2 and then have to upgrade it bit by bit as you find new components and tailor it to suit your character - it could allow you to choose between fitting an 'Integrated Target Acquisition System' that increases PE by +1, or fit a 'Boost Regulator' that increases STR by an additional +1 or go for a database module that increases INT by +1.

Of course, any SPECIAL gains would be lost as soon as the suit is removed...

Limit the number of upgrades that armor can accept, and make any such customisation permanent, and you can then dump the crappy Perks such as 'Gain Intelligence' etc.

Make sure you have to rely on large power cells to run it, until such time as you can get hold of a fusion battery...
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Post by Maximous »

This Power Armor debate is getting out of hand. You guys who Love Power Armor NEED to play WASTELAND to find out the proper use of Power Armor and how weapons verses armor is supposed to be balanced as the game progresses.

Power Armor is to help BALANCE the game against the Ever Increasing Firepower of the enemy. Unfortunatly, the armor/weapons in FO2 need Balance. In Wasteland Power Armor helped you proceed in the game against a more difficult foe; without the PW you couldn't complete the game...PERIOD.

I'm playing FOT for the umteenth time, and there is absolutly no balance in weapons or armor in this game. You can finish the game using just a tactical approach...shoot and duck (Jagged Alliance 1 & 2 didn't pretend to use Power Armor...like FOT shouldn't pretend to be a Fallout Genre Game)

It's like at the beginning of Half-Life Gordon used ONLY a Crowbar to get around...that is what Wasteland is like...you start low...work your way up....that adds CHARACTURE to the game as well as your Characture. That is why Wasteland always had the Special Feel....like you were evolving with the game.
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Post by Carib »

More areas... Do it on DVD thus, more space for expansion....

More weapons, new and generic... Deeper story... Some of the things Avelleon said... More choice. Bigger consequences.

Eastyer egss only after all the necessary stuff is implemented.

But do it on DVD and make sure it has an editor with it. Kinda like the user friendlu Auroa Set for Neverwinter Nights.
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