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IPLY loves your feedback!

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

Looks like discussing <A href="http://www.interplay.com/fbos/">Fallout Enforcer</a> is <a href="http://forums.interplay.com/viewtopic.php?t=21428">now <b>illegal</b> on the IPLY forum</a>! That's right, folks. <a href="http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> is making a game that you're not allowed to talk about on their <a href="http://forums.interplay.com/">very own forum</a> <i>anywhere</i>! No discussion <i>allowed</i>! Per this post by <b>Shodan</b>:
<br><blockquote>Interplay started the Fo:Bos forum:
<br><i>You ruined it by your assaults on Interplay employees and bashing at Fo:Bos</i>
<br>Interplay allowed you to post your questions/comments about Fo:Bos here in the Interplay Feedback forum:
<br><i>You ruined it by your assaults on Interplay employees and Fo:Bos.</i>
<br>You flamed, bashed, insulted everyone that was even slightly interested in Fo:Bos.
<br>You've had you time. We've given you the time to talk about Fo:Bos in a sensible and intelligent manner. You blew it.
<br>Every Fo:Bos thread will be deleted and any negative comments on FO:BoS and every insult against Interplay will get you banned from the forum, permanently.
<br>There will be no more discussion about Fo:Bos untill Interplay decides otherwise.</blockquote>
<br>Of course, you could count the people looking forward to it on one hand, and still have fingers to spare, but that's another subject.
<br>You know, I think the phrase <i>You blew it</i> can best be aimed at the lovely folks at <a href="http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a>, considering they're the ones who are making the game that's pissed so many people off. They're the ones who've been blatantly hostile the whole time, censoring posts, banning people for nefarious and ever changing reasons, and so forth.
<br>You guys at <a href="http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> had a great license that earned a lot of respect in the past. <i>You blew it</i>.
<br>Thanks for the info, <b>Lorstan Vilberings</b>! You're the king, baby!
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Post by Finch »

Hey, I'm a *new* poster here. However, I have been visiting this site for a while. I love it, and I live the Fallout world (while playing the game...of course.) However, I am a voice of dissent.

Interplay, I feel, has a legitimate gripe with you people, just as you have a legitimate gripe. From day one, you insulted and degraded members of the Fallout: BoS development team. You attack those who showed the slightest interest in this game. You did it all because this game wasn't what YOU wanted. You are perfectly welcome to your opinions; however, it was made apparent every time I checked the Interplay boards that you wouldn't stand for any opinion BUT your own.

I will probably rent this game. I may buy it, but I'll hold off my judgement until I play it. Please don't judge me because I want to play this game. Thanks.
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Post by axelgreese »

finsher or something wrote:Hey, I'm a *new* poster here. However, I have been visiting this site for a while. I love it, and I live the Fallout world (while playing the game...of course.) However, I am a voice of dissent.
that's not the secret hand shake... GET OUT SPY!
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Re: Bullcrap

Post by 388 »

Finch wrote:You attack those who showed the slightest interest in this game. You did it all because this game wasn't what YOU wanted
The game "WE!" wanted was a game good by any indication. No, I don't like plants. Get back to Interplay, and fuck your secret mission to go undercover, then use your undercover persona to point at and say "SEE I'M RIGHT" in the fat fucking mouth.

You are probably Elara.
Last edited by 388 on Thu May 15, 2003 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dan »

Now this, I found amusing.

After they banned my Dan account, I registered again with another account. I'm now posting there without causing too much trouble.

A moderator by the name of Rayt replied to someone who posted a link to DAC. He said that DAC and NMA are not for the feint of heart, as you'll get banned or flamed if you don't agree with Rosh and Saint (He might have said Killzig, but I'm not sure).
I replied, wondering how he can say that after all the censorship going on there...

Closing down a forum is one thing. (One idiotic thing, but still).
Making it illeagel to talk about Fo:BoS is down right funny.
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Post by Elara »

Gotta love the open-mindedness here.

Since it's pretty clear that you people are completely wasting your time (not to mention getting worked up over something you claim will fail miserably and destroy the franchise) , perhaps you should rejoice at this. After all, to your mind, it probably confirms the idea that you're being mistreated by Interplay.

It's also amusing to read the threads on this boards, especially Roshambo's. It's pretty clear none of you have a fucking clue what's going on.
"We happen to like Fallout, just not the Fallout community.They don't know how to think on their own, have double-standards, and basically bash anyone or anything that isn't Them. Internet people trying to desperately to be cool and failing, basically."
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Post by 388 »

Elara wrote:Gotta love the open-mindedness here.
Got to love the veiled insults, your majesty. How ever could anyone mistake you for inlfamatory?
Elara wrote: Since it's pretty clear that you people are completely wasting your time (not to mention getting worked up over something you claim will fail miserably and destroy the franchise)
DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH WASTING MY TIME MIGHT AS WELL STOP. You're wasting your time with that pap, you might as well stop. The animosity isn't going away because you wave your princess wand and enlightened us damn filthy uneducateds.

Elara wrote: , perhaps you should rejoice at this. After all, to your mind, it probably confirms the idea that you're being mistreated by Interplay.
The factual confirmation was awhile ago.
Elara wrote: It's also amusing to read the threads on this boards, especially Roshambo's. It's pretty clear none of you have a fucking clue what's going on.
You wouldn't know a clue if it punched you in the weepy cunt. I guess I'm part of the Fansite Conglomerate of Evil, now, though, so I can be dismissed. Or maybe the swearing does that, but fuck that, I have uncivil and unconstructive problems with your majesty. Chuck isn't listening, Team Chuck isn't listening, and you fucking well know it, you dumb tit.
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Post by Rosh »

Elara wrote:It's also amusing to read the threads on this boards, especially Roshambo's. It's pretty clear none of you have a fucking clue what's going on.
So says Mrs. "All you should shut up cause they have big plans and are listening to us oops they have no time to make any big changes have to resport to spin-doctoring while admitting they are messing things up and I still stand by my original position and I'm a moderator haha".

So you want to talk about clueless, Chuck's Bitch? Look in the bloody mirror.

Enjoy your techno and metal background music, whore.

Now onto the "new" fellow:
Interplay, I feel, has a legitimate gripe with you people, just as you have a legitimate gripe. From day one, you insulted and degraded members of the Fallout: BoS development team.
Well, you might want to do a bit more research. From day one, we've been lied to, repeatedly.
You attack those who showed the slightest interest in this game. You did it all because this game wasn't what YOU wanted.
Wrong...but probably not in the way you're thinking.

I'll make it easy. The main point of why people are griping is because this game is just Fallout in name only. They continuously have made changes that contradict the setting for no real need.

They even lie and say that the game won't go contrary to the events in Fallout 1 & 2, when they've made changes to the BoS and the setting and more. They've made completely unnecessary changes to numerous aspects of the universe's look. An update to the graphics is one thing. Screwing over the concepts is another, especially when the game is set between two others and looks nothing like the setting - check out the ghouls and more.

And, supposedly they went to the fan sites to see what people wanted and what the fans wanted. Bullshit.

So we're supposed to be happy because we're lied to? Again?

If you want to verbally fellate a developer, you might not want to pick Interplay, as you'd be in a vast minority because there's few that Interplay hasn't pissed off because of their shitty QA and practices that have gone further downhill with that idiot Caen at the wheel. He thinks that you can just slap out quick console games and get wads of cash, but so far Interplay has done mediocre even then and the change to that has hurt them.
I will probably rent this game. I may buy it, but I'll hold off my judgement until I play it. Please don't judge me because I want to play this game. Thanks.
That's beside the point of the design being flawed. for future reference, when you go to berate people, at least do a bit more background check on the situation.

The funny thing is that it was WIDESPREAD hatred of the trailer and official site that pretty much has people steamed and, pay attention to this point, not just those who follow the Fallout fansites. When the trailer went up at IGN, people were crawling out of the woodworks to ask what the fuck to the point of the Interplay boards practically shitting over themselves.
Last edited by Rosh on Thu May 15, 2003 9:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Oh boy, Chuck's Dog speaks!
Elara wrote:Gotta love the open-mindedness here.
As opposed to the open assedness you've been displaying? You know, bend over and take it because you think Chucky's listenning to you? The trailer and the web site should have been a big, bright wake up call for you, dear. He's not listenning.
Since it's pretty clear that you people are completely wasting your time (not to mention getting worked up over something you claim will fail miserably and destroy the franchise) , perhaps you should rejoice at this. After all, to your mind, it probably confirms the idea that you're being mistreated by Interplay.
Actually, it's more of an ommission of what they've been denying the whole time, they don't ban people because they're negative about this title. Looks like that's now publically stated policy.
It's also amusing to read the threads on this boards, especially Roshambo's. It's pretty clear none of you have a fucking clue what's going on.
Oh, and you do? Kind of funny you've been telling people, including those of us in #fallout, that Fallout Enforcer will use the SPECIAL system when the most recent GameSpy hands-on preview clearly states it's using a bare bones system like BG: DA did. Was that a lie on your part, Elara, or were you lied to? Assuming you weren't lying, which is a huge fucking stretch, wonder what else you were lied to about?
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Post by Mistress »

Well, that pretty much confirms to me that quitting as a mod over there was the way to go. As I have said - fair enough that they don't want their product ripped apart on their own website, I can understand that. But the moderation of those forums is pretty much a mess these days.

Elara - I've noticed you drop little "you guys don't have a clue" comments whenever I see you post. It's just as tiresome as people ranting on about FO:BOS or anything else.
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Post by Rosh »

Saint_Proverbius wrote: Oh, and you do? Kind of funny you've been telling people, including those of us in #fallout, that Fallout Enforcer will use the SPECIAL system when the most recent GameSpy hands-on preview clearly states it's using a bare bones system like BG: DA did.
More to the point, a bare-bones version of SPECIAL that has been even more modified to fit into the 3 chars template and combat heavy aspect. Considering the talent on the game and the botching of the setting, I'm fairly certain they've done a number on the SPECIAL system that makes the changes done by Reflexive to look outright benevolent.

In any description of the system used by anyone, it's not SPECIAL in any form we know of. It's probably more like SPEAL (LEAPS), if that.

I also have to have a chuckle at the following:
GameSpy wrote:While dungeon crawlers are a sub-genre that's becoming a bit choked on the PS2 -- with the arrival of Dark Cloud 2 and the .hack series the competition is fierce -- Fallout promises to offer polished and accessible gameplay that spices up the groundwork laid by the enjoyable Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.
That's not saying much. .hack and Dark Cloud 2, among many other titles, completely bury all of Interplay's poorly designed crap console games by the strength of one title alone. Hell, even many mediocre titles can do the same. Interplay is way down on the food chain as far as consoles are concerned.

The funny thing to note is that if they kept to Fallout's unique setting, there wouldn't be much of a problem at all. Console, okay...can live with that. Action game...well...sort of a problem. Skullfucking the Fallout setting, seriously, what the hell? Hey, if the setting was kept to, then it would make the game stick out even more and not look like a trashed up version of other games.

The problem that many people don't understand is that poorly-made spin-offs don't do well at all. Spin-offs are hesitant sales at best. They are an attempt to cash in on something set before in a game series, using the background and to get some sales from word of mouth and those who might be interested in the target genre. It takes a set of fools to mess up what was set before and deviate from that, as without that you not only have alienated your main audience, you now don't have a good target audience as they look at the reactions of the core audience and also look for something better of that sort.

But then again, the name of Fallout is often pimped at every opportunity and Interplay's suits are clueless beyond belief because they forget why Fallout was that loved, and not just because that it was a CRPG. They believe "console = $" but forget that "crappy work != money".

Seriously, there's a good number of good console titles out there.

There's also a huge number of mediocre titles and a good number of flops.


There's a good point raised by someone on the GameSpy forums (yes, they aren't all morons, irony!).
Cheesey_imp_boy wrote:
Just a quick note to anyone who defends this game: Watch the trailer on Interplay's web site and check out the info they have posted so far. It is quite obvious that all they are trying to do is get the title of "Multi platform" under the Fallout franchise so they can sell it for a few dollars more. This is made clear by the dev team ignoring basic facts about the Fallout universe and not even caring what their target audience, the fan base, has to say about the game. They seem to have replaced the 50's influence with thongs and lousy heavy metal music. Interplay seems to be in its death throes, and is determined to take everything it created with it.
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Post by 388 »

Update: The Interplay thread to do with it has been slamfucked, but it had information in it I don't want to be lost; The hardline stance was taken because forums.interplay.com's plug is on the edge of being pulled, and too many more bad posts about Interplay/FO:BoS could tip it over the line.
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Post by Mistress »

I have been thinking that the days are numbered for the forums. The people they have working on them don't really seem to want to be working on them. Can't say I blame them - if your heart isn't in it, running an official forum is a pain and a big time consumer.

Of course there is the different slant that the FO:BOS element puts on things. Like - "eek our new game is being slated in our own forum - what do we do?" Really - they haven't handled it at all well - the FO:BOS forum etc needn't have been the big hoo hah that it was.
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Post by Rosh »

The fact that they are doing this "cover-up and spin" nonsense spells it out quite plainly that they have something to hide to keep the game from being panned completely. Given that they've repeatedly shot themselves in the foot with lies and bad promos like the trailer (and now metal and techno music in the FAQ), it pretty much points to that they are indeed looking to make the license "multi-platform" in order to use that as a selling point when getting rid of the Fallout license.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean a thing if the title does poorly, which it likely will since the biggest equasion in gaming states "poor design = poor reception = poor sales = poor life expectancy of the franchise".
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Post by Briosafreak »

Now this isn`t just about FOBOS:
http://forums.interplay.com/viewtopic.p ... sc&start=0

This time i´m with Sammael and Puuk, they are going too far, they are cutting the bridges to the consumers, and that´s never good.
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Post by Rosh »

Shodan wrote:We aren't a bunch of trigger happy people.
Constructive posts critisism is perfect. If voiced in an intelligent manner.
You jumped to a conclusion
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, the irony.

Oh, the bullshit.

Then later:
It's said in this way so that people know that we are very serious about this.
No-one gets banned because they don't like a game. People can post critisism about any game as long as they post it in a intelligent manner.
Posts like "Interplay sucks, screw them all!!" will get you a warning or a ban
Posts like "I don't like the way Interplayis heading, they are <insert reasons here>" is perfectly fine.

Posts like "You suck and <insert other insulting material> " will get you warned or banned.
Posts like "Well, I totally disagree with you because of the following things <insert text> is perfectly ok.
And then the announcement at the beginning of this thread.

Can't even stick to one thing and then waffles around afterwards, kind of like TechWiz. It's also kind of all half-assed because even before the F:POS board was locked there were rational posts that just "vanished" through those shitheads' stealth delete and stealth banning methods.

Kind of reminds me about that fiasco with the [H]ardOCP "benchmarking".
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Post by Silver »

I don't see why people are arguing here. I guess we can all agree that FoBoS Tits! crap is a total abuse, misuse, rapeage (whatever you want to call it) of A. the Fallout license, B. the Fallout community.

Nuff said. Let it rest people, it's a waste of energy.
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Post by Stainless »

Am I the only one who finds it odd that Elara sticks up for this tripe? As someone who has been writing fanfics on Fallout for some time now, I figured she'd be one of the main people against the mass butchering of the Fallout setting.
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Post by Rosh »

Stainless wrote:Am I the only one who finds it odd that Elara sticks up for this tripe? As someone who has been writing fanfics on Fallout for some time now, I figured she'd be one of the main people against the mass butchering of the Fallout setting.
I'm guessing her price to go from criticising to verbally fellating Chuck was a $5 gift certificate at McDonald's and moderatorship of the Fallout Enforcer forum for awhile.

Honestly, I think it was the possibility to be able to input some changes, though I wouldn't trust a developer who didn't have a clue to begin with (I shouldn't be doing his job for him). It would also take a real optomistic person to think they could or would do any changes in design at this point in time or even 2-3 months ago. To try and save pride, I think she's just being like this after the trailer and FAQ turned out to be complete ass.

EDIT: More announcement fun! Various mods post this message:
Good morning to you all, today I am the bearer of nasty news.

Problems have arisen, and the board is under threat. Basically, anyone caught 'bashing' anything in regards to Interplay (including games, the forum, the mods and anything or anyone else) will be given an instant warning. Get caught a second time and you'll be banned.

This is effective immediately. I don't want to have to ban anyone, but the bashers, spammers and flamers need to be filtered out. This is your only warning, not seeing this thread is not an excuse.

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Post by Mad Max RW »

Hahaha I love it! It's like a bad soap opera.