The Arena!!!

Role-play any post-apocalyptic scenario to your heart's content or discuss unofficial Fallout PnP games.
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Post by Blarg »

I took a weekend off and missed all of the fun, it seems...

"Yes. Cut the power as soon as possible."


"And now to..."

GG: *swings his his spear "Executioner Axe" style and decapitates Blarg*

" painfully on my head. Oh, its you, GG."


GG: wheres that lazy bitch Blarg?

"Over here."

*cuts GG in half the long way with cold iron and silver inlaid Fnordite(tm) alloy sword wielded with Really Spiffy Strength*

*drops thermite grenade on the pieces*
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »


bout damn time!

*pulls out his spear*

lets go

*hurls his spear into Blargs knee cap, the wide blade severing his shin from the rest of his body*

oo! we've seen this before, cept it wasnt you!

*sweep-kicks his other leg out from under him*

this too!

...but not this!

*fires a full clip into Blargs groin*


*lights a molitov cocktail, throws it up in the air above blarg and walks away*


*a chunk of blarg lands on GG's head*

aww, christ!

*whipes it off*
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Post by Blarg »



"Do ya feel lucky, punk?"

*blows GG's torso clean off with a 44(not a .44) magnum, the most powerful handgun in the universe*
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »


...this just isnt fun anymore...

a kill in one move? not even any style involved?

it's more fun fighting Reaper.

pathetic, Blarg...all these one move kills suck.

im goin to the Cafe...
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Post by Blarg »

Geez, can't a guy be silly here anymore?

*Puts a rabid weasel down GG's pants for not getting the Dirty Harry reference*
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

*the weasle finds more than he can handle and runs away*

i got the Dirty Harry refference, but you cant pull it off.

i need someone else to join the Arena so i can have someone worth fighting.

Post by TheReaper »

*Suddenly a portal opens and Reaper comes flying through and lands in front of GG. He gets up but has no use of his left leg since it was severly blasted when he killed Stainless. Reaper draws the ultimate rune sword.

"How about me for a challenge? This rune sword or the single one? If single, good or evil?"

*Reaper stands awating GG's responce. Reaper does his best to cope on one leg until his werewolf regenerative powers heal it.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

meh, i dunno.

you and stainless have YOUR rivalry, me and blarg had ours, and theres a few others.

i just need someone new to fight, y'know?

and someone that doesnt SUCK AT IT

*glares at blarg*

Post by TheReaper »

I blew Stainless' head apart in the med centre! I'm now looking for a challenge too. Umpa was my challenge but he has been away from the forums for some time now. I'll go round his house as ask him about it soon. Meanwhile, shall we fight? Just to pass the time. I think you'll find me a better fighter than Blarg. He used to be good in the old arena but he's gone too over the top now.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »


*kips up*

lets go

*pulls out his spear as reaper pulls out his rune sword*

you and that sword...well theres a lesson you have yet to learn reap...

*hitchkicks the sword into the air and into his hand*

never have a weapon that is more powerful than itself

*rips a hole in space & time and throws the sword in*


Post by TheReaper »

*While GG is busy throwing away the evil rune sword, Reaper pulls out the good rune sword and stabs GG in the foot and then slices his left arm off.

"The sword will come back soon, taste this one instead."
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Post by Ghetto Goose »


*sweep kicks Reap's bad leg dropping him to the ground*

*tosses aside his spear and pulls out his Desert Eagle*

*aims at Reaper head*

*3 quick shots ring out*
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Post by Blarg »

ARG! I'm a has-been already? Trying too hard to be funny, I guess. Sorry, guys.

*readies shield and warhammer*
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

why are you readying your sheild and hammer? no ones fighting you.
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Post by Follower »

"This is Arena! He must be ready for everything" - Follower appears from nowhere in his human form:

"It looks like that Stainless has been finished already... It's a pity. Oh, no matter - new victim awaits. So, Blarg, want to feel cold steel of my new sword in your guts? I am ready, but please don't kill me at fist time - it annoys a little..."
World of FO is coming... too fast for my liking
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Post by Stainless »

TheReaper wrote:*Reaper looks around to see that it's a medical ship!.... ....Reaper looks at the clipboard. The name says: STAINLESS. Reaper grins evilly :twisted: and walks to the bed side. Stainless is awake and Reaper is wearing a face-mask to conceal his identity.
Er....evidently you haven't been reading Follower's nor my posts :(

1st: I'm not on the medical ship, I'm in the burnt out remnents of the Medical wing of the Arena.

2nd: I'm no longer bed ridden, and am fighting at nominal strength (except my soul)

3rd: Please read the posts before doing it again, it really is annoying and muddles everyone up (ie Follower)

Stainless feels a disterbance in the his clone....(hey gotta make up for TR's screw up some how :oops: )

Stainless was tired of running from Follower. This battle would finish HERE and NOW. He scanned the remaining soldiers in his defensive barrier. Although they held their heads high, and their shoulders were squared their eyes betrayed their fears of death, but they also held an inner strength and loyalty towards Stainless.

Stainless heard the bloody angry roars of Follower's minions. Heard quick gun shots followed by screams as stranglers were hunted down by the monsters, although each fought to the bitter end.

He then studied his soldier's arnements. All of them were carrying high pressured plasma rifles, weapons capable of polerizing a HUMAN in nanoseconds.

Stainless then had an :idea: (idea) and grabbed one of the weapons from the nearest soldier. The soldier dashed over to a dead comrade and grabbed one.

Stainless tinkered with the rifle for a few minutes before reaching his aim.

He tossed the gun into the only corridor in and told his men to take cover. The rifle soon imploded, and a massive barrier of coherent energy flared up creating a shield. Hopefully it would stop Follower's army in it's tracks....but Stainless knew that Follower would keep coming though.

Stainless then took cover and readied his Blaster of Editing....his 20 men in defensive positions...waiting for Follower....
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Post by Umpa »

a door opens in the side of the arena and umpa walks out. he draws an AK-47 and walks slowly across the arena to his destination. begining to run umpa dived into one of stainless' soldiers having a quiet smoke in the corner and punched him in the face. Umpa brings his head up and slams it into the guards face, knocking him out.

Umpa drags the guard into a convinient toilet and steals his uniform and gun and runs over too Stainless' army and cocks his weapon.

his plan would soon be finished

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper turns around to see Stainless standing with some troopers around him. Reaper tries to comprehend what has happened, the it hits him.

"A clone, you used a clone!"

*Reaper sees one of the troopers pointing his gun at him. Reaper uses a jedi mind trick on the trooper to make him think that Reaper isn't there. Reaper sneakes up behind the trooper and grabs him from behind and slits his throat. Reaper draws his lightsabre and sneaks up behind Stainless and holds it at his throat.

"Stop right there! Anyone moves and Stainless dies!"
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Post by Umpa »

reaper laughs evilly then realises something. he notices a shot fly through the air and reaper loses concentration for a milisecond. Stainless soars up and the soldiers open fire on reaper. Umpa runs and jumps, grabbing onto stainless' leg

Post by TheReaper »

*Umpa looks down to see a crowd of soldiers. He thinks that Reaper is done for. But suddenly, all the soldiers fly away from Reaper who used to force to push them away. Reaper looks up to see Umpa and Stainless in the air. Reaper grins and uses force grip on Umpa, causing him to let go of Stainless' leg and hang in mid-air, clutching at his throat. Reaper tightens his grip on Umpa, almost killing him. Stainless intervenes by flying into Reaper, knocking him away and releasing Umpa from his grasp. Umpa now falls to the ground, almost certanly to his death. But Stainless catches him at the last moment and saves him.
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