Tremble, Fallout fans! New FOBOS trailer ahoy!

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Tremble, Fallout fans! New FOBOS trailer ahoy!

Post by Spazmo »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Our favorite band of chuckleheads at <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Interplay</A><!-- BBCode End --> have coughed up a new trailer for the game most likely to win the Derek Smart Award for Special Achievements, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. It's popping up at a number of sites, including <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF=" ... utput.html" TARGET="_blank">FileFront</A><!-- BBCode End -->, whose servers don't really deserve to have something so filthy on them. It's full of all the usual horribleness. This one is all about our pal <!-- BBCode Start --><B>Cyrus</B><!-- BBCode End --> and informs us that he is very, very black and very, very stereotypical. Enjoy, folks, and try not to claw your eyes out.

<!-- BBCode Start --><B>Killzig</B><!-- BBCode End --> told me to post this.

Killzig: You forgot to thank /SigmaHex/ for the news you ass ninja. While I'm here I'd just like to warn you all that this video sucks horribly. The 3d animation is almost as lousy as Republic: The Revolution's. The graphics have been polished up quite a bit since the initial screenshots and trailer. The gameplay still looks horribly bland, to include jumping puzzle and electric mazes. Interplay must think that running your player through puzzles while holding down the "FIRE" button makes for good gameplay. Otherwise they'd get a clue, have Chuck Cuevas deported and give JE Sawyer some fucking artists.
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Post by Megatron »

was republic any good?
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Post by SigmaHex »

Yes, dont forget me ;)

*Rides the 30 seconds of fame this as long as possible*
Megatron wrote:was republic any good?
Its not for everyone, its a very different style of game, you pretty much recruit people and use their "special skills" to take over parts of cities, and the major goal is to take over all the city.

The comment on the graphics is because the republic is almost like a RTS and small details are not detailed, but they are still very good for its style of game.
Last edited by SigmaHex on Thu Sep 11, 2003 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Killzig: You forgot to thank /SigmaHex/ for the news you ass ninja.
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Post by Spazmo »

You didn't tell me about our chum SigmaHex. Anyways, the electric maze thing is another example of Chucky replicating the wrong elements from the original FO games.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Megatron »

how could they even generate enough power to waste on flooring? They should just buy bigger locks and stuff.
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Post by Killzig »

[17:39:36] <@Killzig> god the new FOBOS trailer sucks
[17:39:57] <JJ86> new?
[17:40:58] <@Killzig> yea
[17:41:04] <@Killzig> i haven't posted it yet
[17:41:12] <@Killzig> cause i dont feel the world needs to be exposed to such filth
[17:41:15] <@Killzig> and i'm a lazy farker
[17:41:20] <+NicolaI> :D
[17:41:22] <@Spazmo> And you're ANGSTY
[17:41:24] <@Killzig> amen.
[17:41:31] <@Killzig> *listens to NIN and shines doc marten's*
[17:41:38] <@Spazmo> Gimme a link; I'll do it
[17:41:46] <@Killzig> Ugh
[17:41:52] <@Killzig> that requires opening up thunderbird
[17:41:54] <@Killzig> and an e-mail
[17:41:54] <JJ86> the one that came out three months ago?
[17:42:04] <@Killzig> ... utput.html
[17:42:04] <@Killzig>
[17:42:14] <@Killzig> thanks to /SigmaHex/
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by jerman999 »

I really love how, instead of coherent gameplay, they just show random explosions and shots of black guys seducing hookers. As if there were any real gameplay to show off.
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Spazmo wrote:Anyways, the electric maze thing is another example of Chucky replicating the wrong elements from the original FO games.
I still want to know who's responsible for that little bit on the Oil Rig. Hangin's too good fer 'em, I sez...
Killzig wrote:[17:41:31] <@Killzig> *listens to NIN and shines doc marten's*
Those wouldn't be cherry red Doc Martens. Would they?
jerman999 of black guys seducing hookers... does one go about seducing a hooker? I was under the impression that these were straight barter affairs. Or is someone trying to get a "freebie"?

"On the bounce, you apes! Do you wanna live forever?!"
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Post by Killzig »

I think if you bust out your wallet and it's a TUMI rather than some cheap dockers bit you can consider the hoe wooed.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

I don't see any improvement in the graphics in this trailer. It almost reminds me of one of those old LithTech overhead games like Sanity or whatever that one with Ice-T was. It just looks like shit compared to the other titles that have been produced for the PS/2 and the XBox. The textures look low-res and washed out, the environment looks chunky like they wrote the thing to take full advantage of the Voodoo 2 chipset and nothing beyond that, and the animations do the herky-jerky with no transition between unlike movement types. Considering this thing is supposed to ship next month, it looks like an early, EARLY alpha build of the game with temporary and hastily done artwork, missing animation sequences, etc. Hell, even the flame thrower's flames looked like crap compared to more recent but still several years old titles like Wolfenstien.

It's kind of funny watching this trailer, then going back and watching the Fallout 2 trailer from mid-1998 just to check out the clash of quality of the presentation. The Fallout 2 trailer had that 1950s public service reel theme, while the Fallout Enforcer's theme seemed to be a poorly done HEAVEY METLE BEEG BLACK DOOD BADDASS theme. Even the voice over writing is absurdly bad.. "The wasteland is my home! Nobody messes with my home!" Yeah.. What the fuck ever.
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Post by Silver »

Megatron wrote:was republic any good?
Uninstalled it today. I played it for 4 days, almost got to the end... And realized there was no frikkin point to even carry on playing. Uninstall. Keep Save Game Y/N?. N.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

jerman999 wrote:... shots of black guys seducing hookers.
FINALLY a shitty game thats speaks for ME!
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Post by Killzig »

Silver wrote:
Megatron wrote:was republic any good?
Uninstalled it today. I played it for 4 days, almost got to the end... And realized there was no frikkin point to even carry on playing. Uninstall. Keep Save Game Y/N?. N.
I rate it a 6/10 ..right away I'll tell you that it's just a turn based strategy game dressed up to be a revolution simulator -- it's not. I finished it and actually started up a game with a character who was the complete opposite of my first one. Peeves, the graphics are pointless. Literally. You play the entire game via the 2d map and very rarely go into the 3d view (adjust settings, play the dialog game, or "dig deeper" which involves using a magnifying glass to click on every single fucking building in a district til you get one that has your character's icon on it--very annoying.)

The game is very linear. You get one objective at a time and anything you do outside of that objective's goals are meaningless (aside from resource collection) Yes, that's right ... resource collection, rather than sending your peons out to chop wood you send them out to poster a district. Depending on the political idealogies of that district you'll get more of one of the three resources. $ / Force / or influence. Though soon enough you'll realize that it's costing you more to maintain support than it is to complete your goals.

i'd go on and on but I think I posted this already on codex and I just can't be buggered. It sucks, don't buy it unless you're horribly bored. Better to save your cash for ToEE later this month.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Saint_Proverbius wrote:Hell, even the flame thrower's flames looked like crap compared to more recent but still several years old titles like Wolfenstien.
.. and that flamethrower in RTCW looked pretty damed sweeeeet. SWEEEEET. Burn my pretties burn... Yesyesyesyesyes. Burn for your daddy. Muah! Muah! MUAHAHAHAHHAHH!!

*cough* Ahem, yeah. Anyway...
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Post by Ripper »

DarkUnderlord wrote:
Saint_Proverbius wrote:Hell, even the flame thrower's flames looked like crap compared to more recent but still several years old titles like Wolfenstien.
.. and that flamethrower in RTCW looked pretty damed sweeeeet. SWEEEEET. Burn my pretties burn... Yesyesyesyesyes. Burn for your daddy. Muah! Muah! MUAHAHAHAHHAHH!!

*cough* Ahem, yeah. Anyway...
yeah it rocked ! Hear the nazis scream !!!!!!!

Post by Kreegle »

Spazmo's first news post! :hug:
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Post by LlamaGod »

"The wasteland is my home! Nobody messes with my home!" Yeah.. What the fuck ever.
Haha, lovely. I would assume since he 'was born when the bombs fell', he'd realize his home was rather badly messed with to begin with. Surprised he just didnt jump into the sea and go try to beat up Chinese people or punch the president or something. I TOSS YO ASS.
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Post by DJ Slamák »

We called it FOBOS.
Waste of money,
Waste of resources,
Waste of time.

Anyway, this was in the trailer. It only appeared for 4 frames, but it was there.


Ring any bells? :roll:
Last edited by DJ Slamák on Fri Sep 12, 2003 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Megatron »

Is it meant to be a brahmin?

Or a deathclaw?


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