Freedom Fighters Ships

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Freedom Fighters Ships

Post by Mad Max RW »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

<html><body><P><A HREF= ... p3eag1none target=_blank>EA Games</A> announced in <A HREF= target=_blank>this press release</A> that their third-person shooter <A HREF= target=_blank>Freedom Fighters</A> hit stores today for the PC, PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube. In case you forgot what it&#8217;s all about, here&#8217;s a quick summary of the game&#8217;s plot:</P><blockquote><em>Players assume the role of average New Yorker Christopher Stone who evolves into a fearless patriot as he recruits an army of freedom fighters to battle the Soviet Red Army throughout the City. Players will use urban warfare to fight through the City streets moving from outside to indoors. Because wars are not won alone, a key component of the game depends on the player's ability to recruit and lead fellow New Yorkers in the battle against the Red Menace. An intuitive "Recruit and Command" system allows players to recruit and give orders to up to 12 fighters and execute critical missions at the touch of a single button. This charisma-based recruiting system rewards points for rescuing freedom fighters and achieving mission goals, allowing the player to recruit more fighters as the game progresses.</em></blockquote><P>I played the <A HREF= target=_blank>demo</A> recently and it wasn&#8217;t half bad. Kinda clumsy interface, but you can work with it.</P></body></html>
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Post by avenger69ie »

bought it for teh ps2, its quite a nice little game, lots to do, but not nearly as interactive as i thought it would be, ie: no npc's apart from teh ones in your command. the missions are good, the music captures the scenario, and the weapons have a nice feel to them, could have been a lot better, but its worth getting your hands on.
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Post by Sarge »

Anyone know what the heck the system requirements are for this game? It doesn't say anywhere on the EA site. :x Idiots: Release the game, but don't bother telling us what the system requirements are for it. Fucking briliant. :evil:
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Post by SuperH »

You could maybe look on the box?
Don't they usually have the specs on websites like Eb?
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Post by Mad Max RW »

It's the same engine as Hitman 2, so if that game runs on your system then Freedom Fighters should as well.
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Post by Sarge »

SuperH wrote:You could maybe look on the box?
Don't they usually have the specs on websites like Eb?
Well, my point was that EA should have put the sys. reqs. for the game on the offical website for the game. They didn't.
Oh, and neither did EB.
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Post by spyder07 »

I just got back from the store, and I think it said 750Mhz processor. That's about all I can remember.
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Post by The Gaijin »

The game's not bad--the only problem is with an AK-47 you're looking at a minimum of eight shots to kill someone. Highly frustrating in earlier levels when you have less than three NPCs and killing quickly and ducking out of sight is paramount. It's also wildly innaccurate--nine times out of ten your shot won't even be in the radius of the crosshair...and now for some reason I'm getting less then 30 FPS for little or no reason (yes I've turned down all the graphics...hell, I even set it at 640x480, and my computer isn't THAT shitty). If you can get past some of the bigger flaws and get into later levels (when you get a fucking m60 and a dozen cohorts to back you up)then it's definitely a fun game...however, I wouldn't-didn't-pay fifty bucks on it. Wait until the price goes down.
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Post by Sankis »

I rented this for PS2, as I do not have a computer capable of running it and it doesn't seem too bad. But there are a few things I hate. Such as how you cannot save, asides from the stupid quicksaves and autosaves.

It would also be nice if there were more weapons in the beginning. Only having a choice of 1 rifle, a shotgun, and 2 pistols sucks. The woman said that an SMG was available but I can't find it for the life of me.

but besides that, I like the game.
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Post by Max-Violence »

I'll probably buy it for the PC and rent it for the GameCube, then buy it for the GC if the multiplayer is good. Is there Co-op?

Does the PC version have MP?
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

Theres no MP at all :(. Very sad.

I just finished the game 5 mins ago. Pretty good game actually, but I could go for some more special character Freedom Fighters. And medkits were very abundant and the only time I had health problems was when I didnt use a kit in time. Some of the maps are really well made and looks beautifull, the snow maps are great, nice snow effect. Put weather effects on max and youll have fun aiming through a wall of snow. Some maps are abit easy to finish and others are very fun. I could ask for better ammo control, so that whenever youd change a gun (you can only use one at a time, primary and secondary) you would always have the same amount of ammo you picked up. The cool thing about the one weapon only rule is that youll always be gunning and running throwing guns and picked them up. Grenades are very well implemented in this game, and you cant live without em. The NPCs are fun to command around though a little stupid sometimes. They tend to go right past some enemies and charge overly ignorant of the fact that Ivan has 3 mounted machineguns aimed at them. They suck at taking cover as well, but pressing 3 for defend in an area with crates or anyother cover theyll spread out into the area around you and take positions behind stuff. Really good game actually, nice story, though abit unrealistic. Its worth the time playing it.
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Post by The Gaijin »

Sankis wrote:The woman said that an SMG was available but I can't find it for the life of me.
It's sitting around with the other weapons available--look to the left of the table with the medkits and the wrench.
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Post by Ripper »

The Gaijin wrote:The game's not bad--the only problem is with an AK-47 you're looking at a minimum of eight shots to kill someone. Highly frustrating in earlier levels when you have less than three NPCs and killing quickly and ducking out of sight is paramount. It's also wildly innaccurate--nine times out of ten your shot won't even be in the radius of the crosshair...
thats realism for u. :lol: Remember although the game is NOT Hitman 2 the weapon accuracies are similar. Its not the CS ak47 where u put 2 rounds right into dead centre.

So Freedom Fighters weapons actually require u to use some skill, generally the ak47 tends to recoil to the right. If the guy is some distance away, aiming at the chest level BUT not on it and doing 3 round burst sometimes gives a headshot.
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Post by The Gaijin »

My problem isn't realism--I can understand the concept of recoil. My problem is making one shot with a goddamn pistol and having is completely outside of the crosshair. That's not realism, that's retarded. And don't give me none of that "ER HE'S A PLUMBER" bullshit because if he can learn to fire a fucking AK then realism's been thrown out the fucking window and he should shoot straight.

Post by Soldier87 »

Well you see here, its actually a good game, but its all for the most part, killing commies. The graphics are nice, quite nice, the story is great, and the realism is on somewhat. You see the problem with aiming the gun and it flying upwards as you shoot is that this is a former plumber (being former cuz he dont plumb no more cuz of the commie invasion) so he aint a soldier. he has no training so therefore isnt a weapons expert. another problem i have with the game, is you can shoot a guy three times in the frikin head, yet he still gets up. o and by the way, you can get smg's off the dead commies who wear black, theyre commandos. i think, well they roll around on the ground and can choke hold you or your buddies and takes like twelve shots (guess) to drop them. or two frikin grenades in the head.
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Post by Ripper »

The Gaijin wrote:My problem isn't realism--I can understand the concept of recoil. My problem is making one shot with a goddamn pistol and having is completely outside of the crosshair. That's not realism, that's retarded. And don't give me none of that "ER HE'S A PLUMBER" bullshit because if he can learn to fire a fucking AK then realism's been thrown out the fucking window and he should shoot straight.
well u should not be "sniping" with the pistol anyway. :? Just run up to the enemy and let the rounds unload.

Overall this game is fine but the weapon selection is limited particularly the primary weapons like the ak/shotgun/sniper rifle/ smg. There should be more variety at least.
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Post by EvoG »

Just got it today....this is a very well made game. The intro was perfect in setting the mood ( Metal Gear Solid-ish ). I've always loved the work they have done with the Budapest Symphony Orchaestra and it is as moving and epic as the music in Hitman ( especially H2's menu music ).

For a vertex lighting engine the graphics are sweet...mainly due to consistent style. Great use of contrasts.

Weapons are so-so so far...shots are wild off crosshairs, almost too much, and without any option to 'upgrade' that ability, I don't like the idea that I'll have to deal with that the whole game. I'm sticking with the shotgun ( very satisfying ) until I find a better machine gun.

I would've liked to NOT have my men attack, but rather set up points for them to walk to but not it is, I 'look' at a location and tell them to go, and they instead will attack someone WAY the fuck across the map ( someone in my view of course ). I anticipated setting up flanks and ambushes but alas, I don't see it happening, what with only FOLLOW, DEFEND position and ATTACK. Simply modifiying DEFEND to be based on where I'm looking would add tremendously to that ability to setup flanks. Imagine having 12 dudes and being able to move them around an engagment ( from a high perch vantage ), getting them ready for an assault *drools*, but thats not gonna happen here ( unless I missed something though don't believe I have ).

Excellent squad concept, great graphics, excellent sound, engaging story and satisfying 'kill stuff' combat.

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Post by The Gaijin »

Try using the commands while zoomed in--they'll go to a specific spot and stay there.

And I wasn't trying to "snipe" with a pistol, I was trying to shoot someone about ten feet away with a revolver. Apparently using a revolver gives you Parkinson's or something.
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Post by EvoG »

Indeed...a case of RTFM. :)

Now the game ROCKS. Getting to some high ground and now being able to pinpoint where my men move is incredibly satisfying. The enemy AI is reasonable in the sense that they shoot at who they last saw, so flanks work, since your man who pops up on their sides is not seen, he gets great tactical advantage ( meaning, the AI just doens't 'know' you're there, so they'll conceivably be shooting in an entirely different direction from you to let you get the drop ). Keep in mind this is with only 2 men...I can only imagine what a full squad of 12 is going to be This really does add a new dimension to gameplay, as you're not superman, so you really do have to take care of your men at the same time, use them as the weapons they are. I love being able to secure a room by perching my men on top of shit and have them defend over a large area while I go in to collect weapons and scout.

This is how squad games should be done from now on. You're not removed from the gameplay and still retain tight ass control over your team, as just LOOKING where you want them to go is as intuitive as it gets, since the mode is global and consistent ( oh and it helps the AI behaves nicely ).

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Post by Wolfman Walt »

The thing that suprised me most about the AI is that their smart enough to jump over and across crap as well as climb. That almost blew my mind away because generally my dipshit NPC's go off the first cliff they can find to piss me off in other games.
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