The Fall - Last Days of Gaia Revealed

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The Fall - Last Days of Gaia Revealed

Post by Mad Max RW »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

<html><body><P>The folks at Silver Style Entertainment, creators of the post apocalyptic strategy game Soldiers of Anarchy,are at it again. Today they unveiled their next project, <A HREF= target=_blank>The Fall – Last Days of Gaia</A>. The site for this 3D RPG just opened, so there isn’t a whole lot of info about it. What I do know from forum discussions is that it takes place in the southwest United States and has a more tactical approach to combat.</P><P>Here’s a little preview of some of the screenshots available:</P><blockquote><center><A HREF= target=_blank><img src=/madmaxrw/thefall1a.jpg></A> <A HREF= target=_blank><img src=/madmaxrw/thefall2a.jpg></A> <A HREF= target=_blank><img src=/madmaxrw/thefall3a.jpg></A></center></blockquote><P>There’s several more screens to check out, and I’m sure more will come soon along with info about the story and everything else you want to know. In the mean time be sure to check out the <A HREF= target=_blank>official site</A> and visit the forums.</P><P>I just noticed the press release in my email. Better late than never:</P><blockquote><em><B>The Endtime has begun: THE FALL - LAST DAYS OF GAIA</B>
<br>The Berlin/Germany based studio Silver Style Entertainment develops THE FALL - LAST DAYS OF GAIA for PC, an innovative Post-Apocalyptic Role Playing Game with tactical combat and a highly original, disturbing storyline. The game is scheduled for Q1, 2004.
<br>THE FALL will be the first 3D-RPG set in an endtime scenario on the market. Current Project Status is about 70% completion.
<br>THE FALL guides the player into the post-apocalyptic world of 2083 where mankind has fallen back into a primitive anarchic state. The player will explore a huge territory which was formerly part of the south of the US and is now a fascinating place full of danger. A dramatic, novel-like plot unfolds in twists and turns and captivates the gamer from the first minute of playing.
<br>THE FALL is easily accessible for the novice and literally draws the unexperienced gamer into the plot while at the same time the game offers a level of deepness and detail which excels existing Core-RPG standards. The top notch in-house developed engine of THE FALL displays an unbelievable realistic 3D world as well as highly detailed characters. Each and every of the more than 1000 NPC in the game has its own look and its own social life and daily schedule.
<br>THE FALL gives the player a high degree of freedom. Besides the main plot there are more than 150 sub-quests. However, the player never gets lost in the game world; he is very well guided through the story.
<br>THE FALL comes up with an unique combat system. The traditional difficult spot of 3D-Role Playing Games, the often dull or repetitive combat is actually one of the main strengths of THE FALL. Battles are scalable so that the player can choose any level of involvement: Combat can be accelerated and automated by the players who are mainly interested in the story and the character development. Vice versa, the tactical player may make each and every combat decision himself. He can fight every battle as a challenging tactical game in itself which may be several hours long.
<br>Carsten Strehse CEO of Silver Style comments: “THE FALL will inspire every RPG fan. The unique features, the very deep story and our very strong in-house engine are perfect qualifications for a stunning gameplay experience. Because of the quality of the game and the fact that THE FALL will be the first endtime 3D-RPG on the market we feel absolute confident about its success.�
<br>About Silver Style Entertainment
<br>Silver Style Entertainment ( was founded 1993 and is based in Berlin/Germany. CEO and Lead Designer Carsten Strehse has more than 15 years experience in game development. The company worked together with mayor publishers like Activison/NBG, THQ, JoWooD or Atari in the past. Silver Style’s latest game Soldiers of Anarchy ( was highly acclaimed by the worldwide press and got many awards.</em></blockquote>
Last edited by Mad Max RW on Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Jeff » ... ot_003.jpg
hahah what the fuck? "road warrior the game", only with 3 thugs
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Post by Mad Max RW »

I translated what I could of the more complete German site. Apparently the game is non linear, choice of real time and turn based combat, hunting and eating food helps you to survive, you can play in top down isometric or 3rd person (kinda like SOA I guess), and controllable vehicles (which I've already known for a while).
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Post by ApTyp »

Screenshots are SWEET!
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Post by Silver »

Finaly, something. Crave. Me try and translate, german sucks.

„The Fall: Last Days of Gaia“ ist ein atemberaubendes 3D-Rollenspiel in einem Endzeitszenario, das dich in die Welt des Jahres 2083 entführt. Eine globale Katastrophe hat die Menschheit fast ihre Existenz gekostet. Du siehst sich mit einer vollkommen unwirtlichen Welt konfrontiert, in der brutale Gangs das Sagen haben und das Recht des Stärkeren zählt.

„The Fall: Last Days of Gaia“ is a breathtaking 3D-RPG in a end-of-time scenario, that put you in the world of 2083. A global catastrophe brought the human race to the end their existence. You will be confronted with a complete unwordly word, where the brute Gang of Sagen have the right of beying the strongest.

Deine Aufgabe besteht in der Unterstützung einer Organisation, die sich „Regierung der Neuen Ordnung“ nennt. In einer Welt des Chaos scheint sie die einzige ordnende Konstante zu sein. Aber was noch wichtiger ist: Sie versorgt ihre Leute mit Wasser, Nahrung und Waffen und somit mit allem, was Söldner wie du in diesen Tagen erwarten können.

Your mission is the succes of a organisation, that calls themselves the „Government of the new Order“. In a world of chaos this appears to be the only Order that is constant. Yet there is something bigger; They provide your people with water, food, weapons and thus, what Soldiers in these days can expect

Stell dir eine bis zu 6-köpfige Party zusammen, statte deine Leute mit mehr als 100 verschiedenen Waffen und Rüstungen aus, und verschaffe dir einen Platz in dieser neuen Welt, von der man keine Gnade erwarten darf.

Put together you 6-headed party, give them over 100 different weapons and equipment, and take your new place in this world where you can expect no mercy

Yeah my German sucks, who cares.
Last edited by Silver on Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ApTyp »

Translated the story using: ... -trans.htm
Shitty, but gives you a general idea.

What previously happened…

It was struggle for began the year 2062, when the humanity that its existence. The intercourse with the rapid technological development had become the habit, to the everyday life. The first viable would clone were had overcome a long time grown-up, the gene research almost all types of the cancer and new technical masterly performances, how the standing attempt to the settlement of the Mars, were taken with equanimity to the knowledge. The humanity had become accustomed to its roll as a game bale its characteristic research urgent. That the departure calculated should into a new world the downfall of the old on sound, would have come no one into the sense.

The 21 January 2062 was to be settled ventilated it as the NASA the open secret around its plans the Mars in the form of Terraformer 1 to 6. The gigantic machines should permit it the person for the first time to make a new world through atmospheric variations inhabitably. The paradoxical was, calculated should that the Damoklesschwert to free itself of that the humanity since decades tried, the Mars life on breath: CO2. the Terraformer were only to the purpose constructs become to lead quantities gigantic at coal dioxide in an unimaginable speed into the atmosphere of the Mars, in order to worry so for a global warming. Already soon an atmosphere should emerge, that possible makes human survival. Yet so far it never should come.

On the 2 October 2062, 11 days before the planned start of arm ring 1, which should convey the six Terraformer on the Mars, the incredible novelty ran over the tics: fanatics of a sect had won the inspection over the machines. Under use of a mixture out of Cyberterrorismus and raw force of arms, all security measure of the NASA ausgehebelt and the total world in hostage custody were taken. The negotiation leaders stopped threatened would have given the breath, when the terrorists the use of the Terraformer on the earth, and it the chance, they would be come later with security all political demands. Why the Terraformer middle in the negotiations CO2 in gigantic quantities began to pump into the earth atmosphere, knows today no more. Perhaps it was were very simply technical failure, perhaps the leaders of the sect also simple the opinion that too much spoken and too little acted became. The reason is today also no longer important, the consequences all the more more. Already after short time the catastrophe was perfect. Before the fanatics could be turned off and were the six Terraformer again under inspection, had arrived so much CO2 into the atmosphere that centuries will pass, until the earth will have itself by this blow recovered. Experts appreciated that the earth would warm up globally around on the average 4 degrees centigrade. 10.5 became.

What followed, not to is guessed heavily: storms of unimaginable measurements swept million cities simply away, through the enamel water of the poles conquered continents half the oceans, new illnesses of covered the earth with a shroud. He who survived, was found embittered in getting around the last drinking water resources and a world of the anarchy again.

Today, 21 years later, lives the humanity in the age of the storms. Mother nature takes yet always embittered revenge and peitscht glühendheiße hurricane over the earth whose strength burst each scale. Nourishment and drinking water are tightly, the only of which it gives enough, sand is. The persons are condemned to a life in Ödnis, permanent anxiety and death. That would say, it is to be had simply foolishly in such a situation hope where yet the hope was buried already years ago under tons by sand. A little bright spot seem but the reports on the development of a new government and the appointment of a president in the south of the USA..
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Post by N »

Interesting screenshots -- my only real criticism would be that with the look of the sky, the lighting shouldn't be quite so bright/uniform, and with perhaps a gloomier orangish tint...
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Post by Inin »

Anybody notice that a couple of people aren't wearing shoes in pic #8? That's one thing I don't think any game has ever covered:

Years after an apocalypse, where are you gonna get shoes?

All those asian sweathshops are gone, rubber eventually breaks down, you can only make moccasins if there's cows around. It presents quite a challenge.

I definitely like the looks of this game!

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Post by VasikkA »

Ha, Dungeon Siege goes post apocalyptic!
no, err.. really, those screenshots capture the feeling but I want to know more about the combat.
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Post by airsoft guy »

Methinks I found a reason to upgrade this heap, does anybody know what the requirements are going to be?

I have often wondered where people are going to get shoes too, it usually pops up when I'm daydreaming about how much fun it would be to run around and kill people for their water, but then I think,"What about shoes? Where am I going to get shoes? I have sensitive feet so I can't very well go slogging all over the countryside in my bare feet, there's neddles and blackberry bushes and sharp rocks all over the place, and these shoes I'm wearing now aren't going to last me very long, why I need a new pair right now, these ones have no traction, and in the back they're kind of coming lose. Fuck this, I'm going to make me a pizza." And that's how it is.
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Post by Ernesto »

Turned Based or real time Vas. Sweetness. This has a good chance of kicking ass.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

bottom of this page

Doesn't look like you're gonna need a brand new computer

And there's more info about the supposed turn based combat. It's basically the same pause and play thing they did in Baldur's Gate. That's what I suspected even before they announced the game.
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Post by airsoft guy »

Well it seems I do exceed most of the requirements, except the prcessor and a video card, two things I've been planning on spiffing up, and adding some more memory just for giggles.
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Post by Ooe »

Eeek! Looks like FO:BOS!
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Post by Stainless »

Ooe wrote:Eeek! Looks like FO:BOS!
piss off!

This game sounds/looks awesome.
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