Michael Jackson and Little Boys

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Michael Jackson and Little Boys

Post by SuperH »

Right, this would have been a wasteland topic, but since it's gone you people in Gen. gotta deal with it.

What are YOUR opinions on the king of pop and little boys? Did he really molest tons of them? Do you agree with his decision or hate at it? lewl it's hard to make this into a serious discussion so here :


I made that for the occasion. I personally think it would be funny to put him in prison and have his face melt from inmate pummeling.
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Michael Jackson admits that at his ranch, he sleeps in beds with little kids. However, he says there's nothing sexual in it, and he just thinks it's cozy.
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Post by SuperH »

But he just got arrested for it, for being more than just cozy. Wats da deal?
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Post by Menno »

I think he did do it. In his deluded mind, it probably isn't "molestation". He probably considers it "exercising" the boy's private parts. I mean its obvious the guy isn't in the right state of mind, especially when he has his kids walking around wearing Spiderman masks in public.

I heard that one of the allegations is that he gave the kid wine and some pills, though I don't know if that's a legitimate claim. Anyway, the guy should definately have been more careful around kids, especially after the last incident he had. Yet he continues to put himself in the same position over and over. I just better not see the media twist this into a case about race like they did with the OJ Simpson trial, because Jackson in no way qualifies as a black person anymore.
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Post by iohkus »

i don't know, maybe the kids parents are tryign to gold dig like the other family did 10 years ago?

but who knows, i don't care a whole lot since his music sucks
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Post by Lunchmeat »

I heard the kid's family isn't asking for any money.
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Post by Menno »

Imagine if he does go to jail. He's going to be the perfect "Prison Bitch" to those guys in there. There's probably going to be a prison riot for who gets to his ass first.
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Post by SuperH »

Yeah, that's why I say his face is going to start melting from the bitch beatings he gets. He simply couldn't handle it after all the plastic surjery he's recieved.
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Post by airsoft guy »

He'll be like a wax figure in the Arizona desert.

He wont be put into a regular prison, I mean, he's rich, he's white and he's a woman, they'll put him in a women's prison.

Oh, and I'm stealing that picture, I know some people that will get a kick out of it.
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Post by SuperH »

Go ahead and take it. Spread it wherever you want, I wanna be the creator of the next retarded olympics kid pic :-!
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Post by Menno »

Who needs a military when you have....


And remember, we should always think of the children and listen to what they have to say also...




Is it just me or does it look like she's crying in the picture?
Last edited by Menno on Fri Nov 21, 2003 10:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Megatron »

I don't think he did it, you have to be weak and puny to get raped off michael jackson. He's just a little crazy and not aware of people being so paranoid. Poor jackson :(
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Post by iohkus »

i hope michaels just a little looney and not a pedophile, i hope he genuinely likes kids because they're nice and not because he wants to touch their wankers

he really puts himself in awkward positions, even if he's innocent, argh. although u can argue that he was neglected and treated like shit when he was a little dancing and singing black kid, i think he often complained about not being able to do what he wanted and always bossed around by adults

this might be somesort of extreme backlash, he's either become a total fucking child and is truely innocent like one or he's totally fucking twisted and thinks by fondling kids he's sort of getting back as an adult at all his misery as a little money maker
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Post by Negadas »

I really have a problem with Michael Jackson, I always have. I think he did molest the child, you cant really trust him when he says, " I didnt do it" because hes the one who said he didnt get surgery to make him white and fix his nose and give himself a cleft. Also, I hate his music, but that doesnt factor in on why i think he did it. If he gets sent to jail, which i think he should, he would be killed or raped the first day there.

Post by Kashluk »

It's weird... MJ claims his innocent but during the years of prosecutions he always got out of it by paying lots of compensations.

Eeach time he told the public that he was innocent, but because of some inexplicable whim, he decided to pay each family 25million dollars to keep their mouths shut instead of going to the court and proving his innocence.

I say burn him alive.
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Post by SuperH »

Kashluk wrote:It's weird... MJ claims his innocent but during the years of prosecutions he always got out of it by paying lots of compensations.

Eeach time he told the public that he was innocent, but because of some inexplicable whim, he decided to pay each family 25million dollars to keep their mouths shut instead of going to the court and proving his innocence.

I say burn him alive.
It says all over the news how it only happened once. And if somebody was making a huge stink about how you molested them, wouldn't you pay some big bucks to make the cut it the fuck out? That's not to say he did or didnt do it, but it makes sense to me.

Post by Kashluk »

Hm... to choose between paying the family millions of my "hard earned" money and make myself look shady OR going to the court and settling it once and for all + saving my reputation?

Hm.... Hmmmm......
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Yeah it's pretty fucking suspicious. Of course, you can't blame the families for taking the money. Unless perhaps you argue that they should have refused the settlement and taken it to court for the purpose of not letting him hurt any MORE children.... oh well, greed pwns.
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Post by Jawz II »

remember back in the 80s?

he looked really good,had more money than any musician ever,and everyone thought he ws the coolest guy on the planet?

yeah i think all of that combined would make most people lose their shit
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Post by Slave_Master »

Any parent who lets their kid stay with Michael Jackson overnight is just as guilty as the man who raped the kid.

You'd either be totally clueless, or you expected your child to get fucked up the ass, so you can get a $25 million dollar settlement.
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