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Post by Sol Invictus »

I got some denims like that. They were on sale.

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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

the guardian wrote:
Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:some peoples fatassness is genetic though.
This is today's latest bullshit fab, right after being proud to be a melting beast which seems to be taking over some parts of the good ol' US of A. I find the genetic excuse to be just what it is: An excuse. It basicly means you're more prone to gaining weight and having a harder time losing it, but that doesn't mean you can't lose the weight, just that you have to work harder then the casual Joe to shed it.
so you mean to say that since every male in my family has the same physique, we have to work hard than my dad does cleaning up the roads and laying/fixing water/gas lines in the sun 8 hours a day eating only one normal sized meal and he still doesnt lose weight?
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Franz Schubert »

I read an article that said a large percentage of obesity is due to parents using food as a pacifier when the person is a baby. Then, when they grow older and are feeling down, they have been conditioned to want to eat.

This has nothing to do with genetics of course, which by the way is not a "fad".
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Post by Calal »

I remember having read that too somewhere about the food being used as pacifier. Scarry thought, really.

A while back I also watched a documentary on NGC about a possible cause of obesity: the virus Ad- 36. This is even scarrier.


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Post by the guardian »

Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:
so you mean to say that since every male in my family has the same physique, we have to work hard than my dad does cleaning up the roads and laying/fixing water/gas lines in the sun 8 hours a day eating only one normal sized meal and he still doesnt lose weight?
When you age your metabolism rate lowers down, so age plays some part here... at any rate, I don't realy know what he's eating, if he's realy doing a full intense work all day long, or if he's not a "spcial case". You can't take one overweight person and claim he represent everyone that are obese
Hello New Jersey

Post by Kashluk »

iohkus wrote:
Kashluk wrote: I prefer long, black leather trenchcoat during winter, spring, summer and fall. No fucking mood swings or pre-faded crap. If it fades, it fades from use, God damn it!
funneay, believe it or not... that's fashion too kashewluck.
I was talking about fashion, as the mainstream fashion that changes from one extreme to another every quarter year, fashion that people fanatically follow and they *can't* use any clothes from the old season, Smuhkius for brains.


And when I'm talking about "fatness", I don't mean that 5'6 / 280 lbs would be a healthy combination. But if a person is a bit over-weight, but still not much unhealthily so, what is the reason to lose weight? To hit chicks? Sure. To look good? Why not. But I still don't see what makes it a *must* to be anorechtic.

Why NOT to be "fat"? If it doesn't bother you and it doesn't threaten your health, there should be no fashion, no preasure from the outside to lose it ASAP. If you decide to loose weight, it should be your own decision more than a community decision.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

funny thing kash mentioned health because me and my dad both have blood pressures and cholesterols that are average while my 110lb 5'6 step mom has to take meds for hers.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by MurPHy »

the guardian wrote:Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:
some peoples fatassness is genetic though.

This is today's latest bullshit fab, right after being proud to be a melting beast which seems to be taking over some parts of the good ol' US of A. I find the genetic excuse to be just what it is: An excuse. It basicly means you're more prone to gaining weight and having a harder time losing it, but that doesn't mean you can't lose the weight, just that you have to work harder then the casual Joe to shed it.
Even my sister believes in that genetic fatness bullshit. She is not the smartest person in the world, even though she has a 3.5 GPA. And when I try to point this out to her, she gets all bitchy and says shit like: "Who's the one doing good in school? That's right, ME!" Bitch. Just 'cause I have a 1.7 GPA doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm just very lazy. Very lazy.

But back to topic. Personally I believe what people back in the '50's believed about this: If you're fat, then you cannot control yourself, and have a discipline problem. Solution? Join the Army. Sweet and simple.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

MurPHy wrote:Even my sister believes in that genetic fatness bullshit. She is not the smartest person in the world, even though she has a 3.5 GPA. And when I try to point this out to her, she gets all bitchy and says shit like: "Who's the one doing good in school? That's right, ME!" Bitch. Just 'cause I have a 1.7 GPA doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm just very lazy.
meh genetic fatness is bullshit usually but some people have it. its just a scapegoat now for 500 pound women with 500 pound 3 year olds.

the whole GPA thing shouldnt mean shit. it should all depend on what you take. if shes takin sewing and gym it shouldnt count as anything compared to a history or calculus even if it is measured the same now.

plus people who get high GPAs usually go home and study for 6 hours and totally ignore their lives.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:

Post by Kashluk »

MurPHy wrote: Even my sister believes in that genetic fatness bullshit. She is not the smartest person in the world, even though she has a 3.5 GPA. And when I try to point this out to her, she gets all bitchy and says shit like: "Who's the one doing good in school? That's right, ME!" Bitch. Just 'cause I have a 1.7 GPA doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm just very lazy. Very lazy.
Yeah, right. Stop fooling yourself ;)

And genetic fatness is INDEED true. Too bad there's only something like 0.002% in the population carrying it, otherwise it would be a great excuse.
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Post by the guardian »

Kashluk wrote:
Why NOT to be "fat"? If it doesn't bother you and it doesn't threaten your health, there should be no fashion, no preasure from the outside to lose it ASAP. If you decide to loose weight, it should be your own decision more than a community decision.
Nobody's forcing you to stop eating those donuts. No community is forcing you to do that either, unless you count suggestions as a OMG PEAR PROUSURE!!!!!1

It's a question of whether or not you like to look leaky or not. You can argue that it's dictated but what society decides as the physical ideal but blah blah blah shut the fuck up.

MurPHy wrote:Personally I believe what people back in the '50's believed about this: If you're fat, then you cannot control yourself, and have a discipline problem. Solution? Join the Army. Sweet and simple
Well there are exceptions, but yeah, suppose that sums it up in a nifty way. Personaly I always thought it's simply a question of will power and organized routine.
Hello New Jersey

Post by Kashluk »

It's a question of whether or not you like to look leaky or not. You can argue that it's dictated but what society decides as the physical ideal but blah blah blah shut the fuck up.
It is. Dictatet by the society, I mean. If the society thought that fat people were pretty and that "the fattier, the merrier & sexier" then most people would struggle to be fat instead of thin. Look at "primitive" indian cultures in remote, isolated areas like South-America. Or, the heck, look at paintings from medieval times & reneissance. Fat chicks all over, man!
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Post by the guardian »

Obviously you didn't notice the end my sentence.
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Post by MurPHy »

Kashluk wrote:Quote:
It's a question of whether or not you like to look leaky or not. You can argue that it's dictated but what society decides as the physical ideal but blah blah blah shut the fuck up.

It is. Dictatet by the society, I mean. If the society thought that fat people were pretty and that "the fattier, the merrier & sexier" then most people would struggle to be fat instead of thin. Look at "primitive" indian cultures in remote, isolated areas like South-America. Or, the heck, look at paintings from medieval times & reneissance. Fat chicks all over, man!
It was different back in medievil times. Back then there was no McDonalds where you could get a whole meal for a couple of bucks. If you were fat, then you were rich, as only rich folk could afford to spend that much money on food. Poor people usually were farmers, and worked very hard to grow the food that they survived on. This subsistence farming usually takes about 5-10 acres of land, with about 4 acres minimum. Needless to say, this is backbreaking and very laborious work. Hence, all of the poor peasants weve in fairly good shape.
Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:the whole GPA thing shouldnt mean shit. it should all depend on what you take. if shes takin sewing and gym it shouldnt count as anything compared to a history or calculus even if it is measured the same now.
It shouldn't, but it does. You have to deal with it at some time or another. But the thing is, she's taking all of the AP and Honors courses. Algebra 2 Honors, Trigonometry/PreCalc etc. I'm the one taking all of the dumb courses. As I said before, I'm just lazy.

Post by Kashluk »

MurPHy wrote:It was different back in medievil times. Back then there was no McDonalds where you could get a whole meal for a couple of bucks. If you were fat, then you were rich, as only rich folk could afford to spend that much money on food. Poor people usually were farmers, and worked very hard to grow the food that they survived on. This subsistence farming usually takes about 5-10 acres of land, with about 4 acres minimum. Needless to say, this is backbreaking and very laborious work. Hence, all of the poor peasants weve in fairly good shape.
Well, fairly good shape indeed... Many of them were starving. But still anorechtic people are somehow considered beautiful today? But wasn't I right - it was socially acceptable back then to be fat (because it meant you were rich), so everyone *wanted* to be fat. Or are you saying that all the rich and powerful people in the world of that time lacked self-discipline and willpower?

Personally, I'm a son of this age, so I appriciate people who're fit. But what does it make me to adore thin people? That's the whole point here, to cry out loud for those, who think I simply like fat people.

-- And frankly, Guardian, going "shut the fuck up" doesn't really help to prove your point.
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Post by the guardian »

Maybe it'll make you shut the hell up at one point though. That's a comfort, ain't it?
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Post by Kashluk »

Maybe. Or maybe it means hell has frozen? I don't really know.
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Post by the guardian »

I'm, like, an optimist, like.
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Post by Yossarian »


A friend of mine worked as a bouncer at really large discotheque once. Asked about his opinion concerning goths this is all he would say:

"Whiners and cowards."
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Post by TheGreatTriscuit »

MurPHy wrote: But back to topic. Personally I believe what people back in the '50's believed about this: If you're fat, then you cannot control yourself, and have a discipline problem. Solution? Join the Army. Sweet and simple.
But the thing is, with the Army nowadays, most tubby tubby types that sign up (most, not all... 60 to 70 percent by my observations) thin out a bit through Basic and maybe some of AIT, but wind up with a flag by the time they've been at a real unit for 6 months, and end up (depending upon the length of their enlistment) either getting chaptered or just ETSing out when their contract is up. (Army paperwork is slow, chapter paperwork is doubly so)

And unless you've got an especially malleable mind, the Army doesn't really work for the whole discipline thing. That was one of my prime motivations for joining (i recognized that my status as "lazy phuk" was not good for my career)... and... well I got SOME... but thats mostly from being in an environment where I'm accountable for my actions (for once), than anything else. I'd of gotten nearly as much just from landing a decent job. Maybe the Marines are still good for that sorta thing, but I doubt any of the other branches are. If I'd of known more about the army, I'd of said fuck it and gone with the air force. (or maybe not... the AF recruiter in my town is/was a lazy prick of the first degree...) I've met more lazy degenerates here than anywhere else in my life. The Air Force is probably just as bad, but fuck, at least they get better food, quarters, and a bit more money. ;)