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Franz Schubert
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Post by Franz Schubert »

the guardian wrote:Living life without a meaning! That's just darn gosh impossible.

Shut the fuck up. Jesus, you and your pethatic "I need a direction" DAILY routine. Not everyone need to be constantly reassured that their meaningless, boring life actually do mean something(hint: They don't).

I'm a speck in a sea of grains and I realy don't care, you know why? Because I just don't. Some of us grew out of this, this neurosis of repeatidly questioning our point of existence and realized that it realy doesn't matter , we'll cross that bridge when we get there(at least if you're a jew, I mean, everyone knows goys don't get to go to heaven). If you can't find a way to get out of your obsessive quest for a deity then at least spare us the constant post that realy, realy repeats itself. Take a fucking Prozac/Valium combination and SHUT THE HELL UP.

At last when you were posting whiny dark poetry you weren't trying to portray as a god damn intellectual while at the same time retaining your cretinish way of thinking. One can only hope you'll reach a low enough level of perdition that you'll take a great amount of hallucinogens that will change the way you view life, or at best, fry your fucking brain.

Just don't forget folks, it's not too late, we can still ban him!
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Post by Slave_Master »

Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:i just dont like the whole idea that there is a being that is all powerful and untouchable. aliens couldnt be supreme because they would have to be some form of matter to exist which means they can be destroyed.
Haha, an alternative to god without actually being the all-powerful god you hate. Convenient.

The way I see it, extraterrestrials are no more likely than an all-powerful being who made earth habitable, and populated it with humans. If you justify God as being some sort of pure energy creature with nigh-infinite power, then that's on the same level of reasoning as extraterrestrials.

I still stick with my opinion that conspiracy theorists need a god just as much as any religious person, but they don't want believe in a deity for some odd reason.
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Slave_Master wrote:The way I see it, extraterrestrials are no more likely than an all-powerful being who made earth habitable, and populated it with humans. If you justify God as being some sort of pure energy creature with nigh-infinite power, then that's on the same level of reasoning as extraterrestrials.
What cracks me up is that the term "extra-terrestrial" is always associated w/a hyper-advanced civilization when it really just means "life from somewhere other than Earth".

The odds that life exists at this moment on some other insignificant speck of dust is almost a certainty, given that the universe is either limitless, or pretty close to it. However, all this means is something that could be anything from microbes to a hyper-advanced civilization exists somewhere "out there". I would also point out life on other planets could very easily take a shape that we wouldn't easily recognize, if at all. Contrary to popular belief by Trekkies and New Agers, the odds of anthropomorphic, carbon-based life forms existing near enough to reach us is exceedingly slim.
Slave_Master wrote:I still stick with my opinion that conspiracy theorists need a god just as much as any religious person, but they don't want believe in a deity for some odd reason.
I agree. I think what scares people far more than the notion of a universe w/o gods and/or meaning is a world that is simply indifferent to them. I'd say that most people would rather be hated than to be unknown or known and not cared about. Enter the non-religious mytholgies that many people subscribe to today. Anthing from CIA conspiracy theories to studying the minutiae of various fictitious milieus. (You know what I'm talking about: the people that can rattle off things about the ST or SW universe w/such exacting detail that if that had to put even a quarter of that effort into their studies there'd be a revolt on campus...) Avidly following sports seems to fill this void in much the same way.

"On the bounce, you apes! Do you wanna live forever?!"
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Post by atoga »

Mandalorian Fallout God wrote:i just dont like the whole idea that there is a being that is all powerful and untouchable. aliens couldnt be supreme because they would have to be some form of matter to exist which means they can be destroyed.
Haven't you seen/read 2001? The 'aliens' in it are pretty much gods, and they've evolved from flesh to machine to matter and thought. Obviously this has no real scientific grounds, and it's just a thought on evolution, but it's interesting to think about, especially since merging our bodies with machines seems to be a popular, and plausible, outlook on the future. Just an idea.

As for alien 'gods' - it seems likely that there are civilizations more advanced than us (a lot more advanced) but it's unlikely that they would fit the definition of 'god'. Even so, discussing whether aliens would be considered gods to us is kind of a moot point, especially considering how primitive civilizations have considered technologically advanced foreigners to be gods in the past. It's all relative.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Slave_Master »

OnTheBounce wrote:I agree. I think what scares people far more than the notion of a universe w/o gods and/or meaning is a world that is simply indifferent to them. I'd say that most people would rather be hated than to be unknown or known and not cared about. Enter the non-religious mytholgies that many people subscribe to today. Anthing from CIA conspiracy theories to studying the minutiae of various fictitious milieus. (You know what I'm talking about: the people that can rattle off things about the ST or SW universe w/such exacting detail that if that had to put even a quarter of that effort into their studies there'd be a revolt on campus...) Avidly following sports seems to fill this void in much the same way.

I'm of the opinion that if there is a meaning in life at all (Which I harbor serious doubts about that) it goes far beyond the creature of your choice sitting in the sky watching them.

Is attention whoring an inherent human trait that we would invent multitudes of different beings that watch us? Perhaps that one Greek philosopher (Aristotle? I always get them mixed up) was right when he said that the unobserved life wasn't worth living, at least from a psychological perspective.

I really can't understand why people would care so much about being watched and judged by powerful beings. It seems far more sensible to just not care, and live one's life however one wants.
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Post by avenger69ie »

add the generic laws of culture in each culture and you've got it! dont forget the standard pinch of salt though :)
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Post by The Gaijin »

Slave_Master wrote:It seems far more sensible to just not care, and live one's life however one wants.
HA! When have humans EVER been sensible?
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Post by Megatron »

I think the idea is not to do things of how others perceive it and think should happen, just do what you want. If you're just going to sit around moaning and blaming your shitty life on other things, chances are you've lived your life how you wanted too. A very boring waste of time, too scared or stupid too do what you want. Mebbe. Perhaps it isn't that 'sensible', but who gives a shit?
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Post by Slave_Master »

The Gaijin wrote:HA! When have humans EVER been sensible?
Since, uh, shit.

Megatron wrote:I think the idea is not to do things of how others perceive it and think should happen, just do what you want. If you're just going to sit around moaning and blaming your shitty life on other things, chances are you've lived your life how you wanted too. A very boring waste of time, too scared or stupid too do what you want. Mebbe. Perhaps it isn't that 'sensible', but who gives a shit?
I agree. Sure, from my point of view it may be nonsensible to be another cog in the machine, popping out babies and generally keeping society running, but since that seems to make most people happy, who am I to bitch about it?
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Paladin Solo
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Post by Paladin Solo »

Here is my zodiac profile;

The Bull
April 21 to May 21 (April 22nd, 1987, my b-day)
Taurus Traits

Patient and reliable
Warmhearted and loving
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving

On the dark side....

Jealous and possessive
Resentful and inflexible
Self-indulgent and greedy

Taurus About Your Sign...
The Taurean's characteristics are solidity, practicality, extreme determination and strength of will - no one will ever drive them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust. They are stable, balanced, conservative good, law-abiding citizens and lovers of peace, possessing all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie. As they have a sense of material values and physical possessions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt, they will do everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be somewhat hostile to change.

Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of experience. Their character is generally dependable, steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from their virtues, going to extremes on occasion,such as sometimes being too slavish to the conventions they admire.

On rare occasions a Taurean may be obstinately and exasperatingly self-righteous, unoriginal, rigid, ultraconservative, argumentative, querulous bores, stuck in a self-centered rut. They may develop a brooding resentment through nursing a series of injuries received and, whether their characters are positive or negative, they need someone to stroke their egos with a frequent, "Well Done!" Most Taureans are not this extreme though.

They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun.

Although their physical appearance may belie it, they have a strong aesthetic taste, enjoying art, for which they may have a talent, beauty (recoiling from anything sordid or ugly) and music. They may have a strong, sometimes unconventional, religious faith. Allied to their taste for all things beautiful is a love for the good things of life pleasure, comfort, luxury and good food and wine and they may have to resist the temptation to over indulgence, leading to drunkenness, gross sensuality, and covetousness.

In their work, Taureans are industrious and good craftspeople, and are not afraid of getting their hands dirty. They are reliable, practical, methodical and ambitious, within a framework of obedience to superiors. They are at their best in routine positions of trust and responsibility, where there is little need of urgency and even less risk of change, and a pension at the end. Yet they are creative and good founders of enterprises where the rewards of their productiveness come from their own work and not that of others. They can flourish in many different trades and professions: banking, architecture, building, almost any form of bureaucracy, auctioneering, farming, medicine, chemistry, industry Taureans make good managers and foremen surveying, insurance, education and, perhaps surprisingly, music and sculpture. They make an ideal trustee or guardian, and can attain eminence as a chef. Some Taureans are gifted enough in singing to become opera stars or to excel in more popular types of music.

They are more than averagely amorous and sensually self-conscious, but sexually straightforward and not given to experiment. They make constant, faithful, home loving spouses and thoughtful, kindly parents, demanding too much of neither their spouses nor children. They can be over possessive and may sometimes play the game of engineering family roles for the pleasure of making up the quarrel. If anyone offends their amour proper they can be a determined enemy, though magnanimous in forgiveness if their opponent makes an effort to meet them halfway.

No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus. The main objective in leading a Taurean life is primarily (though not entirely) to maintain stability and physical concerns. Your inner spiritual sense longs for earthly harmony and wholesomeness. When you fully understand this, and work toward this end, you will no longer need to blindly reassure yourself with external possessions and comforts. A realization that finding this inner peace will cause all of the above mentioned positive things will overtake you and your life will be very full.

Ultimately the Taurean needs to discover their truest, deepest and highest values. When they know what is truly valuable, they are no longer chained to people and to things that have to do with lesser values. The greatest indication of value to a Taurean is beauty, which cannot be owned, only appreciated.

Possible Health Concerns...

Taurus governs the throat and neck and its subjects need to beware throat infections, goiter and respiratory ailments such as asthma. They are said to be at risk of diseases of the genitals, womb, liver and kidneys, and of abscesses and rheumatism. Because their body type has an inclination to physical laziness, Taureans can be overweight.


Being Attracted
Things Natural
Time to Ponder
Comfort and Pleasure


Being pushed too hard
Synthetic or "man made" things
Being rushed
Being indoors

Your ruling planet is VENUS

Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.723
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.62
Equatorial radius (km) 6052
Polar radius (km) same
Body rotation period (hours) 58.32
Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 177.3
Number of observed satellites 0

Some more interesting facts about your sign:

The animal associated with you sign is this tough looking bull. The Egyptian Hourus was the bull of heaven, and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at the New Year to placate Ramman, the god of thunder and lightning.

Hmm...I fear lightning and thunder. Agh, my birth color is pink! But at least I have a cool starstone (Emerald)! Yeah, Taurus basically desribes me. But pink? Genital diseases? Fat?
Wise man say, forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.
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