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Post by Neon Dingo »

Drugs aren't that expensive, either. Especially if you grow them.

I've bought $25 worth of marijuana (I've lasted off of $10 worth for about 3 weeks now, actually) that has given me significantly much more entertainment worth than say Halo PC that cost $50. I played that game for about a week.

Edit: Plus, weed is pretty good for your social life, especially if you know girls that'll use you for it.

Marijuana is probably the safest drug ever. Alcohol and cigarettes (both totally legal) are like hooking an IV full of toxic waste up to your arm. While smoking marijuana does indeed harm the lungs, only really stupid and boring people smoke 5 joints a day, which is about as much as it'll take to get you lung cancer when you're 60.

I want to try acid too, but I've heard shit about it rewiring your brain.

Some people say doing it once won't do anything, but you hear so much conflicting stuff about acid. Acid probably has the most myths about it than any other drug.

'shrooms are much safer than acid, but the trip isn't as intense and in-your-face. It's more of a dreamlike state, from what I hear. It still sounds like fun.

Cocaine and heroin is pretty ubiquitous around here, but I'm staying far, far away from that shit.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Hey I've got an amusing acid story. This kid who lives near me took a bunch and drove into a tree, killing himself.

Drugs of any kind are pretty stupid. Most people need their experimentation period, I know I did. But to stick with it is just asking to fuck your self over. Ive tried almost everything you can come up with, excluding heroin (eeh needles) and even though you can smoke the stuff, it still scares me. I suppose you can ask me about my experiences if you want to, some of them were pretty amusing. I regret doing all of it though.

Atoga mentioned acid being wacky, I suppose it could be, but remembering what happened while you were on it doesnt usually happen. The one time I took it, all I recall is being scared shitless by really deep black squares on the floor. These squares, I dont even know, they were scary as fuck they were so deep. (it was checkered black and white floor) Not a fond memory, and I dont want to try it again.
Last edited by CloudNineGT on Tue Feb 24, 2004 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

who needs fucking drugs?

i took a nap today and had a dream about a bunch of monster bastards killing my group of deer so i kicked the shit out of them but only one deer survived and i was pissed.

id rather kill people. its much more productive. moreso if i rid the world of the drug using assholes that seem to be rising.

EDIT: the dream also involved running through soccer fields chasing large cat/dog like creatures with a sword and other assorted oddities but it all revolved around those assholes killing my deer.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Drugs are something I could live without, honestly. Same goes for videogames, TV, etc.
Hey I've got an amusing acid story. This kid who lives near me took a bunch and drove into a tree, killing himself.
This to me is just a case of stupidity. If I ever did decide to do acid I would most definitely do it with a person who was completely normal at the time to make sure I wouldn't do anything stupid like carve designs into my arm with a rusty nail. If I ever did it, I'd probably do it on a campout or something, away from technology, such as meat grinders.

Also: dreams are pretty cool when you're high, but I've had some really great dreams when I'm normal that are probably better than most of my drug experiences.

Even though the feelings you're experiencing when you're on drugs aren't truly real, one of the most profound feelings I've ever had was smoking pot.

(This last part is kind of long, nothing real unique or interesting. Don't have to read it.)

I went over to this guy's house who I write term papers for and smoked some very high-quality stuff (he's a dealer). I fell on the floor, and all of the sudden everything became slow motion. I stared at the ceiling and everything I could think of was so insanely profound, like I was in an infinite loop, like I had done this before several billion times in the universe, and that I was doomed to repeat it over and over. My body would move on auto-pilot and everything felt as if it were 10 frames a second. I remember jumping up off the floor, karate-style, in about 3 frames, grabbing a cup of water, and then purposely spilling it (it was all in slow motion) just to see how it looked. It was the best thing ever.

I remember the dealer grabbed two electric drills and started running at me with them and it was pretty scary. He's one of those types of people that goes insane when he's high. I'm not. It's best to know the people you do drugs with.

I remember I made it to the couch (crawling and rubbing my face on his vomit-soaked carpet) and I started petting his dog. All the sudden I got an insanely fast rush of blood to the head and I saw a very brief hallucination of a black silohuette of a person in the corner of my eye. All this time I was trying to see if it was a man I was seeing or a stack of CDs and it turns out I was unintentionally choking my friends dog to death! So anyway, my friend flips out, he's about to punch me. "Why are you doing this?!" he asks. I remember I replied "My dad is making me do it! I can't stop!" and I basically get kicked out. My friend tries driving his car (manual) home and he can't feel his arms or legs. He said it was one of the hardest things he'd ever done, but he made it home alright.

Don't drive a fucking stickshift when you're high. In fact, don't drive at all. Do it at a place where you have no chance of getting caught, preferably a house, put on a good CD or videogame, and just sit there and be crazy.

I remember the last time I did it I tried to play Ace Combat 4 on my Playstation 2 and it took me an hour to get through the menu, but it didn't matter because the menu looked so damn perdy to me.

Marijuana is my favorite because it makes you live in the moment. Everything in the moment is magnified. Colors, sounds, etc. are all just so much more brilliant. You don't worry about shit in the future because you take everything in as it's coming in instead of anticipating stuff or worrying about your grades and how much money you have. It's always a surprise. Plus, you'll never overdose on that stuff.
Last edited by Neon Dingo on Tue Feb 24, 2004 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Neon's trip thing
That sounds laced, no way can pot do that to you. Ive smoked a fourth in one sitting and just saw a few balls of light like when you hit your head. Then I got dizzy and fell into a wall.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

It might've been, but according to the guy (who I know really well, known for about 4 years) he said it was something called "Panama Red" which I've researched and it's probably the best stuff you can get. It's so good that his entire stash was stolen the next day.

I dunno, I don't think it was laced. I've seen very subtle hallucinations before and I've felt like I was moving at 10 frames per second from just normal schwag.

The stuff I've recently bought is lame. It makes me feel like I just ran a track meet all day. It still makes food taste better, though.

I'm probably not going to do it for the rest of the month as it's getting a little old.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Maybe the slow thing is just you, everyone is different. Panama red is some nice stuff, but when I smoked I liked purple kush. Nothing beats alaskan thunderfuck though.

Heh, all this talk makes me feel like a highschool freshmen.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Haha, yeah, I can't help but feel really stupid saying all this shit.

Is purple kush like purple haze or are they different?

I'm pretty sure I'll get bored of weed eventually and probably stop using drugs altogether. I don't believe in that "gateway drug" nonsense, for myself at least, but I do know some people that find weed boring and now smoke crack occasionally. They also drink. Rolling around in my barf isn't exactly what I'd call fun.

Anyway, I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts and not do anything too stupid.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

i guess i was just too mature to go through the "lets be a OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone angsty drug using teen" stage.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by CloudNineGT »

It can be a gateway drug, or at least it was for me. If it gets boring and you just stop, good job, thats not what I did.

Purple Haze is one of those legal highs isnt it? Anyway, Purple Kush is just a type of pot. It contains a lot more THC (i think thats the stuff) Then normal pot, and looks like it almost has little crystals growing on the leaves when its dry.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

i guess i was just too mature to go through the "lets be a OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone angsty drug using teen" stage.
Either that, or really boring and afraid of consequences when there aren't any, or hardly any at all.

I've had absolutely no problems with pot, aside from people like you not liking me because of the whole "I'm too good for drugs." thing.

I don't know anything about purple haze, really. I'll research it.

And yeah, the Panama Red I smoked, I could see the THC crystals on the outside of the leaf. It was pretty cool.

You can get THC in pill or liquid form, but it's very hard to come by. It's a lot healthier for you (no lung damage).
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Post by Radoteur »

I know this isn't exactly a drug, but I read some stuff about hooking up wires to the "pleasure centers" of your brain and shocking yourself. It's supposed to feel awesome. There's no real side effects.
Only problem that I found was that the rats it was tested on chose the shock to their brain over food and starved to death, when given a choice.
I dunno if I will die of starvation if I do it. Another problem is that it's probably going to be hard finding a good safe doctor to stick the wires in my head. I heard it's ethically wrong or something. God, I hate ethics.


I think it's called wireheading. Hmm, I haven't read that all, though.
I read a book by Michael Crichton about it. I think it was called the Terminal Man. There's this guy who needs those shocks to his brain to control some disease he has. I think it's seizures or something. Anyways, his brain likes the shocks so much that it starts seizing, because it's realized whenever it seizes it gets rewarded with shocks. Something like that. I'm not sure if that's how it works exactly, though. Anyway, I think he goes and kills some people, since Michael Crichton is such a damn pessimist.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

The biggest problem with that idea is the addictiveness of what it offers, and the horrible problems it could inflict upon someone with access to it. It sounds perfect, and that could potentially draw a great number of users. You say no side effects, but I feel it has the worst side effects of all drugs devised to date. What happens when this euphoria feels normal? What happens when you know you can run to it on a bad day? Thats addiction if I ever saw it. Something like this eliminates the bad elements of life, and well, without the bad how can you define good?

Rats given the choice of crack or food will alwasy choose crack. Same with the wire. I would hope humans would get food eventually, but I dont think any human has been given the choice of unlimited euphoria or food. Most have to go get 20$ to buy another rock somewhere a long the line.
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Post by Radoteur »

What makes you think that the rats become tolerant?
www.wireheading.com wrote:Apparently not. That's what's so revealing about wireheading. Unlike food, drink or sex, the experience of pleasure itself exhibits no tolerance, even though our particular objects of desire certainly do. Thus we can eventually get bored of anything - with a single exception. Stimulation of the pleasure-centres never palls. Fire them in the right way, and boredom is neurochemically impossible. Its substrates are missing. Electrical stimulation of the mesolimbic dopamine system is more intensely rewarding than eating, drinking, and love-making; and it never gets in the slightest a bit tedious. The unlimited raw pleasure of wirehead bliss certainly inspires images of monotony in the electrode-naïve; but that's a different story altogether.
emphasis mine

I don't know of any human trials of this, so I can't say what would happen, but I think that a human would keep eating while they were in their euphoric state. I mean, why not? I'd think they'd be rational enough to realize that the pleasure will stop if they quit eating.
And there's no reason that it has to cost alot of money like drugs. I mean, you'd need the operation, and probably somewhere to hook in batteries so you get the charge. I don't think it's paticularly energy draining. Seeing all the electricity I probably spend on entertainment, it would probably save electricity.
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Post by SDMVersion3 »

Spazmo wrote: Is it my fault if fucking Ontario is full of backwards inbred bucktoothed morons? Or was that British Columbia... fuck it, every province but Quebec sucks.

And, what this topic has turned into reminds me of that Deep Space Nine episode with the inventor who created the Cellular Entertainment Center. Sounded crazy at the time, but now people are researching it... :eyebrow: What an odd world we live in.
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Post by Grey Fil »

I did smoke some pot and drink a lot long time ago in another millenium.

I quit because it made me sick. I was lucky. Some of my friends got deep into that shit some did even go much deeper. I clearly remember one of those guys who smoked a lot of it, and it did change him. His personality changed and not for the good. My advice is to leave that shit. It does no good and it can do a lot of harm.

Anyway I am what I am, whatever good or bad I do is done by me not some fucking mind altering shtuff or booze.
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Post by iohkus »

in Canada, you never have to pay for pot... atleast I never do, I do it whenever it's around and it's around a lot

cigs though are stupid, alcohol is all purpose for me

I recently took a line of coke from a complete stranger at a bar but only because he was funny... it was just like when I snorted ritalin, except 10 x more powerful

Of all drugs though, the only one I would want to do for ever would have to be shrooms, and maybe acid a few times, but not constantly, shrooms mostly.

but whatever... girls are nicer?
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Post by Megatron »

I'd like to try a lot of drugs. I'll probably gather a large stash and OD one weekend.
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Post by Silver »

atoga wrote:I want to try acid. I imagine it would be sufficiently wacky.
I got some old truck and car battery´s laying around for you if you like.
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

Drugs are fun... :clap:

Well. I like a good trip now and then. Ive tried shrooms, speed and cocaine.. smoked alot of different things containing THC in alot of different ways. Its fun, can be abit dangerous though....

First time I was on shrooms I was in the middle of Copenhagen (capitol of Denmark) with one of my friends. We were standing around at the building of high justice around 4 in the night, tripping while admiring the gigantic pillars on the entrance to the building. I had something going with my skeleton trying to fease though my skin and muscle, surprisingly I enjoyed it though. My friend was seeing strange colours and shapes and screamed everytime I tried go near him because I turned into some pink freak when I talked to him. Well, its safe to say that we almost pissed our pants when a police patrol car came by.... it didnt stop though, only slowed down to an almost halt, then speed up and drove away. If the coppers had stopped and checked us out we would have been arrested for poessison and use of drugs for sure (we had more stuff on us, joints etc.) Anyways.. after that we kinda "sobered up" and went on our way home. Nice trip though.

An even worse story, which wasnt even fun, was new years eve where I drank and snorted alot of speed, then almost got in a fight with a psycho drug dealer who would surely have killed me then, if not the day after, had I tried to beat him up. I think I told that story already though. Heh.

I dont trip, smoke or even drink very often, but when I do I usually go almost over the edge. So stories like these dont come by the dozen for me. Ive only done shrooms twice, speed twice and cocaine once. Id like to try acid sometime soon though, but I have my doubts. Maybe ill just eat some shrooms to be on the safe side.
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