The Academy Awards... shitty?

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The Academy Awards... shitty?

Post by Sol Invictus »

The obvious answer is yes. After that night's LOTR-ass kissing debacle/fiasco I can only say that the Academy is a load of shit. Best picture... LORD OF THE RINGS omg big surprise there.

What a load of bullshit. Cold Mountain, Lost in Translation, The Last Samurai and Master & Commander were all better movies with better writing, better characterizations, actual plot, better cinematography (I got fucking bored an hour and a half into The Return after the 481904890 rubbish battle scenes where none of the good guys die - save for the grunts) and better soundtracks. Can anyone even remember LOTR's soundtrack? I know I can't, and I love music, dammit.

What a shitty spectacle.

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Post by Nicolai »

Heh, I didnt even remember that there was a soundtrack at all, in the Lotr movies :0.

And the more Academy-awards a movie wins, the crappier it is.
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Post by Bleusilences »

It won all the academie award now because lotrr should have one at least one or two oscar the las year, the judge decided to give them all academy award in one shot.

At least LOTR is one of few film that stay true to the book as humanly possible. Btw I can't really judge the show himself because it bore me, I always hated this kind of show.
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Post by SuperH »

Yea, of course they're dumb awards. Let's see here, it's a popularity contest put together and run by the bigwigs who make the movies in the first place. Ok. Fair and balanced? keke. It's always been like this, since it's first inception, they never tried to actually give the awards to the best movies, even if there's one that's obviously a far cry above the other contenders, if something else is popular / the awesome movie is unpopular the less deserving one will get the awards hands down.
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Post by EvoG »

C0n5p1r4c33 7h30r1ez!!!

LotR just rocked. Don't be silly, though of course I really loved Master and Commander...but LotR was spectacular, so its well deserved, oh, and I remember the soundtrack

/me hums lotr soundtrack

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Quebec's got the best movie in a foreign language so I'm happeh!!

But yeah, Oscars sucks. Remember the last movie that got 11 oscars?

Yeah, Titanic.
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Post by Mr Carrot »

LOTR was a better adaptation of the book than M&C!

Its not like the LOTR team decided to change the orcs to elves because of the current political situation.

The best thing about the LOTR sound track is when they used the Requiem for a Dream Theme in the trailers. The film/s simply didnt have a good battle theme.
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Post by Sol Invictus »

Bleusilences wrote:It won all the academie award now because lotrr should have one at least one or two oscar the las year, the judge decided to give them all academy award in one shot.

At least LOTR is one of few film that stay true to the book as humanly possible. Btw I can't really judge the show himself because it bore me, I always hated this kind of show.
I don't see how the movies were true to the book considering the liberties Jackson took with giving Arwen a bigger role and expanding the boring romance that never had much importance to it in the books. Why the hell exactly does her life depend on the One Ring, anyhow?

Oh yeah, don't forget the Scouring. It wasn't in the movie at all. The movie's just got a happy Disney ending unlike the book, which ends rather tragically for Bag End.

By the way, Steve, since was the greatness of a movie based on how well an adaptation it is? The LOTR books aren't the fucking holy grail of books, either. In fact, they're rather boring. I'd call LOTR the literary incarnation of a pillow.

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

The third LOTR was shit, compared to the first and second. It was just a bunch of fights filmed together, and a lot of the dialogues(which made it interesting) from the book were cut. And like Ex said, the end is long and boring a la Disney.

I still think LOTR movies are OK, but for sure it's not true to the book.

Anyway, the third sucked ass. In fact, most of the mainstream movies sucked add this year.

Not that it's new.

Post by Kashluk »

Yay, that's why it's better to stick with the French and Aki Kaurismäki.
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Post by Phias »

You shouldn't really pay any attention to any awards show, since they're all biased and rather useless in our society. LOTR or some other film's critical success doesn't mean you have to like the movie, or accept that what the "ACAD3MIE" says as the final word.

I loved the game Nocturne, but did it succeed? Nope. Because not many people bought it, didn't change the fact I loved the game.(OT: Beats Resident Evil by several leagues)
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Post by BlackDog »

Exitium wrote:I'd call LOTR the literary incarnation of a pillow.
I actually found them to read more like encyclopedias than any sort of solid story.

The movies were of course better than the books to me...

But at any rate, whats been said is true. Two Towers was stiffed last year or the year before (OMG we can't give the movie with a name similar to the world trade center an Oscar OMG TEH HORRAR!), same with Fellowship. I suppose the Academy felt that b/c of that horror, they'd do something right for a change.

But then there is still that matter of Michael Moore getting an Oscar. Egads they can NEVER make up for THAT idiocy. :evil_laugh:
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Post by LlamaGod »

LoTR movies suck balls.

And soundtrack? You mean that constantly repeating theme they'd play over and over?
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Post by Phias »

Yes, that's the one. They changed an amazing number of things from the book to the movie. The movies aren't even a summary of the book's story, since so many things were changed. That battle with the troll that lasted 15 minutes didn't even last a whole paragraph in the book.

But, the point is that LOTR was good because it let you open your mind and imagine... stuff.
Dumbing it down for a child audience was a bad move, and the whole love story deal was completely a waste of time. I fell asleep during LOTR2.

But while we expect this...

I wanted a Nocturne movie. Nope. Myth: The Fallen Lords movie. Nope. GOOD Resident Evil movie. NO SORRY. It's better that we forget about book-to-movies or game-to-movie deals, since they almost always disappoint.
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Post by atoga »

LotR was bad in the typical big bucks Hollywood way - big music, overblown visuals, and a typical, boring, cardboard story to boot - which is precisely why the Academy loved it. It was pretty easy to see the whole nasty spectacle coming.

But it's a stupid point; it's well established that the academy is idiotic. Look a few years back to Titanic, which coincidentally won as many awards as LotR did.
BlackDog wrote:But then there is still that matter of Michael Moore getting an Oscar. Egads they can NEVER make up for THAT idiocy.
Yeah, that was retarded, but again, it was easy to see the whole thing coming. I thought The Comedian should have won best Doc last year, but it wasn't even nominated. D:
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Phias wrote:GOOD Resident Evil movie. NO SORRY.
What exactly was wrong with the Resident Evil movie? Nobody ever gives me any reasons why they don't like it.
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Post by jetbaby »

Personally, I felt Return of the King was an enjoyable movie, but not necessarily a good movie. I never got to see a bunch of the other movies like Lost in Translation, Last Samurai, etc etc, but if Return was really the "best"... then that was one bad year of film.[/list]
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Post by Mr Carrot »

Um the story has to simplified and the action increased because these are fucking film you tits, you cant make an exact film adaptation of the books because it would have to be 50 hours long and would be fucking boring to boot.

OH NOS TEH TROLL F1gThszzz to long!!!111 what the fucks wrong with that? its better than some fucking midgets singing about how much they want to bum each other.

Resident evil was shit because for once the games base story was already pretty good, the mansion setting would have been far more scary than the "underground lab", the mansion stuff at the start was the best bit of the film and the best shots that hack PAnderson has ever directed. But ignoring that it has toned down gore, a crap cast you didnt care about and killed off half them of in a stupid way. Plus ninja slapping the dogs was stupid.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

Franz_Schubert wrote:
Phias wrote:GOOD Resident Evil movie. NO SORRY.
What exactly was wrong with the Resident Evil movie? Nobody ever gives me any reasons why they don't like it.
i thought it was alright. it was good for what it was at any rate.
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Post by Ernesto »

Did any of you check out Uma? I guess someone's pissed over no Kill Bill.

With ROTK, you were expecting so much more. It was the final chapter and you want to be blown out of your seats. Didn't happen, apparently.

I'm surprised that the frenchies didn't start ranting about Seperation. Good on the Quebecians - Those crazy mothers.

The true highlight of the the awards was when Micheal Moore got crushed in the beginning. That was goddamn funny, I couldn't stop laughing.
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