Scientists study gay sheep

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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

CloudNineGT wrote:
Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:lifestyle choice like being a rapist? people who rape people should be killed. same with child molesters and homos. its a life style choice and its definitely the wrong fucking choice. anyone with half a brain can see its wrong.
You’re point about child molesters and rapists is moot. Throwing gays into that bunch is a mistake though, being gay hurts nobody. Who are you to judge when a lifestyle is a poor choice when its not causing harm to anyone? Would you condemn celibate monks and nuns to death because their life is different from the social norm? You’re argument is loosing credibility with every word you type, offering an opinion on the morality of an action with no factual backup is stupid.
actually i would condemn them to death just like i would condemn all religions. but thats a whole other story.

you cant actually have factual information on a topic that is based on opinion. you want me to bring up statistics that say gay people should be shot based on public opinion?
if you want factual statistics say which ones and ill get them for you if it will make your feel better.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Never mind, you’re just a fucking idiot, saying things before you even think them through. You condemn all religious people to death? Congratulations, you just killed somewhere from 97.5% to 84.8% of the words population. I’m not even going to bother continuing to discuss the legitimacy of homosexuality with someone so fucking dumb.
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Post by Radscorpin »

Your not a "nOOb" magnet...I was just trying to be nice...never mind...ummm, how about....bite me....that seems to be the way to treat people around la la :chainsaw:

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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

CloudNineGT wrote:Never mind, you’re just a fucking idiot, saying things before you even think them through. You condemn all religious people to death? Congratulations, you just killed somewhere from 97.5% to 84.8% of the words population. I’m not even going to bother continuing to discuss the legitimacy of homosexuality with someone so fucking dumb.
no no, now you are missing the point cutie. you see, i'd only do it in the country i controlled. you couldnt do anything world wide because none of the countries in the world co-op for more than a few years to do anything progressive. think of all the debates and societal problems that would be eleviated by the total destruction of religion in a country. science could progress unhindered. stupid fucking ideas like "people are all created equal" and "god loves us" would be non existant. you wouldnt have groups like the KKK and other white supremist groups.
of course religion was a required step in humanities development, but it is a dieing phase. once religious groups become a minority in the years to come, all that will be left is the reality that there is no god.

anyways i dont think i would kill all the religious people. i think id just demolish their houses of worship and destroy their ideals of a god by creative propeganda.
anyways you cant discuss legitimacy of homosexuality when it isnt fucking legitimate. homos arent any better than dirt in my book.

i think that may have hurt my feelings after all. wheres feelings online?
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Radscorpin »

anyways i dont think i would kill all the religious people. i think id just demolish their houses of worship and destroy their ideals of a god by creative propeganda.
You don't need to kill them. They will kill them selves. Fuck all them fucking religious freaks.
anyways you cant discuss legitimacy of homosexuality when it isnt fucking legitimate. homos arent any better than dirt in my book.
And I'm sure your no more then a homophobic, in the closet piece of shit to them...
this board is going to get locked soon....well see

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Post by CloudNineGT »

I don’t think homophobic is the correct word, in fact its used incorrectly repeatedly in this thread. Most "homophobes" are hardly afraid of gays.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

Man imtired of the homophobic bullshit. Its a pansy way of getting out of the arguement, oh your just homophobic so you have no say in the matter. Homosexual sex does not produce life. And hetero sex does. Now by saying that does not include hetero relationships. Only sex was discussed. If the world could survive solely on relationships then who gives a fuck wehter or not they are gay. And as far as religion goes. Its all control tactics. Or in another sense its a way of removing yourself from the fear of death. And thats all its good for. Even if god or whatever you beleive in did exist. Your whole reason for liking him is the fact that you have an afterlife. If there was no afterlife then you would have no use for him. All religions offer a form of afterlife what a coincedence. No one wants to beleive in the one where you just die.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

Sister_Steel wrote:Man imtired of the homophobic bullshit. Its a pansy way of getting out of the arguement, oh your just homophobic so you have no say in the matter. Homosexual sex does not produce life. And hetero sex does. Now by saying that does not include hetero relationships. Only sex was discussed. If the world could survive solely on relationships then who gives a fuck wehter or not they are gay. And as far as religion goes. Its all control tactics. Or in another sense its a way of removing yourself from the fear of death. And thats all its good for. Even if god or whatever you beleive in did exist. Your whole reason for liking him is the fact that you have an afterlife. If there was no afterlife then you would have no use for him. All religions offer a form of afterlife what a coincedence. No one wants to beleive in the one where you just die.
of course religion is control. "give me money to make a better church in the name of god"

anyways im torn on wether you are a guy and if you are how gay you really are. so with that said, i honestly believe there is no afterlife and there is no god. oh and if you are a homo, please die.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Sister_Steel wrote:bunch of stuff
I'm sorry to say but I don’t see you coming out strongly for support of either side of this argument. Did I mention that your generalist view of religions is incorrect? Not all religions involve an afterlife, and not all people simply revere a deity because of his offering of an afterlife. Many simply find comfort in feeling there the big guy up there watching them, and if it helps them get through the day, the that’s fantastic. Others revere a god for a multitude of complicated reasons. Don’t presume to know why people do things, it just shows how ignorant you really are.

Mandalorian, you certainly are full of spite today. I retract the few insulting things I said, as they truly did not aid this discussion. I suppose I respect your viewpoint, but please, would you outline for me a few reasons why homosexuals should die, other than their inability to reproduce with one another?
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

CloudNineGT wrote: Mandalorian, you certainly are full of spite today. I retract the few insulting things I said, as they truly did not aid this discussion. I suppose I respect your viewpoint, but please, would you outline for me a few reasons why homosexuals should die, other than their inability to reproduce with one another?
the spiteful cynic is always on duty. anyways i know my views on homosexuals were tainted by everything and everyone i was involved with/in when i was a kid.
ill outline the points i got drilled in over years of listening to family conversations and other peoples opinions.

-homosexuals are like a disease that should be eradicated
-aids was created because of homos
-homosexuals dont add to society in anyway because they cant reproduce
-homos are just doing it to be different

anyways thats just a few. not that i believe them anymore nor did i ever totally believe them. now the though of homos just leave a bad taste in my mouth and a dark naggin in the back of my head.
well maybe homos shouldnt die. ill be generous today. maybe just sterilized or exiled.

anyways i can see all arguements from all sides, thanks to my 10-12 history teacher, and i can respect everyones opinion. i dont think 95% of societies ideals will get us anywhere but hell, i dont hold any power so i aint going to change it anytime soon.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:

Post by Kashluk »

Holy shit...

I said I wouldn't post in this thread anymore, but this kind of utter stupidity can't be watched without a reply!

Sooo... Ok, first of all AIDS was not 'created' by homosexuals. HIV is a descendant of simian (monkey) immunodeficiency virus (SIV), and as we know, HIV causes AIDS. People who were eating certain kinds of chimpanzees (including their brains) in Africa, in means of survival, which you seem to glorify so much, got the disease from there. So there was no homosexuality involved, learn to fucking read and study some basic human biology a bit.

Second - saying you don't add to a society, because you can't reproduce, is like saying the smartest / strongest / most skillful man on earth doesn't add to society in any way, because he can't reproduce??? That's just stupid. Any homo can do equally good or bad things during his life as any hetero. Ok, back to the "useless homos"- bit... Are you saying that people like Socrates, Alexander the Great, Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Hadrian, Liberace, Pope Julius III, John M. Keynes, Ludwig Wittgenstein or Tchaikovsky didn't add in any way to their society ???

And last, but not least, did you not read the article that started this thread for example? It's not because "they want to be different". Homosexuality isn't a choice, sure it's a way of life, but you sure as hell can't choose if you want to be excited about naked men or women. You can fake all that you want (that's how 'closet gay' people exist), but it's all different story how things really are. It's biological, it has existed for thousands of years and at times it was concidered completely normal.

So people, get your facts straight before you start screaming around meaningless things. This stuff I wrote isn't an opinion, it's pure fact. It's the assumptions you make from those facts that are opinions.

Yeah. Discuss.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

you are a dumbass kash. i said it was all hearsay, not what i believe. you gotta learn to read.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Grey Fil »

Funny thing is that I am actually homophobic. What creeps me is the concept of doing IT with a male. I just hate the concept. On the other hand I can perfectly accept that some man may feel the same about my sexual preferences as well. My right to like something is as good as somebody elses like for something else. As long as they dont try to impose theyre way of life on me I have no problem with what they do. And viceversa.
Raping is not a way of life its abuse. Please do not confuse one thing with another.
Slavers choices are so funny they make me agree with him in a totally sarcastic way. Lets use his criteria to eliminate all the useless people there are. First whe go for the people in mental institutions. It doesnt matter if they are mentally retarded or psichotic, they are useless and should go. Next whe should clean the jails of the world of all the scumbags who live at the expenses of governments. After all they are no use to society and a burden. Old people go next, after all they stopped contributing to society and are now a burden. Sick people in hospitals? They have to go, cancer, chronic diseases and deformed people who are more expensive then what they can repay to society must die! Fucking kids! They only eat and do nothing. Unemployed and homeless people to the meat grinder. Those fucking political activists who only complain and do nothing useful? Kill the bastards. Women who stay at home to take care of a bunch of kids are dispensable to, after all they are better and cheaper to maintain in orfanages.
Immigrants who are not of our own kind and steal jobs from our own people. Nuke them all. And so on and so forth. Did I forget somebody? Oh yeah the gay people who pervert the world doing more harm then good, how could I have forgotten them! Any more that should go? Any more suggestions?
Carpe jugulum.
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Post by Maximus »

I am fully with Slave_Master. It's not like hes suggesting we kill all the retards, hes merely saying that we shouldn't allow them to make retard babies.

Sterilizing those who are disabled is a great idea. It's even Humane.

Edit: Grey Fil, that would have been a semi-decent point if you hadn't fucking misspelled orphanage.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Maximus wrote:Edit: Grey Fil, that would have been a semi-decent point if you hadn't fucking misspelled orphanage.
It would have been a semi-decent point if it wasn't full of shit and didn't stuff words in my mouth.

Grey Fil wrote:First whe go for the people in mental institutions. It doesnt matter if they are mentally retarded or psichotic, they are useless and should go.
Sterilized, not killed. And yeah, psychos wouldn't be able to care for their children either, so sterilize them.

Next whe should clean the jails of the world of all the scumbags who live at the expenses of governments. After all they are no use to society and a burden.
This requires an overhaul of the prison system, but hey, since I think tards and loonies should be neutered/spayed, I obviously think we should kill everybody who doesn't currently contribute to society, right? Shithead. Anyway, most prisoners can be rehabilitated, and thus can serve in society once they are released.

Old people go next, after all they stopped contributing to society and are now a burden.
Tax money should not be used to support the elderly in the form of Medicare, etc. It's the family's responsibility to take care of its elders, and if they don't, then tough shit.

They have to go, cancer, chronic diseases and deformed people who are more expensive then what they can repay to society must die!
This has absolutely nothing to do with what I've been saying in this thread. Then again, neither did the rest of your bullshit rant, but this is the most blatant example thereof. I love your "logic" here:

1. slavemaster thinks that tards should not be allowed to reproduce
2. Therefore, slavemaster thinks that cancer patients should be murdered.

What the fuck? That was a rhetorical question, since you'll justify it with more bullshit anyway.

snip a whole load of other bullshit
Now this is plainly idiotic to the extreme. At least the previous examples could conceivably apply to the stereotype of a fascist, but this is undescribably stupid. Unless you're trying, and failing, to say that there'd be some kind of slippery slope situation, but that's baseless conjecture. After all, somebody of your high breeding and excellent education wouldn't resort to using baseless conjecture in lieu of an actual argument, right? ...Oh, wait.

Now that your bullshit has been utterly demolished, do you feel like actually contributing to the conversation? Or are you finished with your rhetoric? The fact remains that none of you have argued at all against my original point, and I find that rather sad. I expect horseshit like that over at the Obsidian fora, not here.

And stop debating me ad hominem under the pretense that I'm a fascist. Because it's failing miserably.
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Post by Phias »

He is an example of a person who knows not when to end his argument. He is an example of a person who will believe his argument is valid and coherent, even when many other, more erudite people will contradict this possibility and prove him wrong.

He will bring up facts that will try to strengthen his argument, but those facts will wound his point and make any opinion seem inane and nonsensical. The spiral is vicious, but the spiral is there.

He will continue his futile argument and when he realizes that he cannot win, he will resort to immature flaming to attempt to de-rail the argument.

He must learn that on forums, people have unique opinions, and that not everyone shares his opinions. He must learn that the only way to survive, or even thrive on these forums is to present a sensible argument and make a good point.

He will learn, my friend. Just give him time to.
Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

Post by Kashluk »

Ok, so I might just as well back up the reason why I disagree with the sterilization of the handicapped, because *cough, cough* it's not like I had arrogantly stated I'd stop posting in this thread or anything...

Not all things, at least in current human society, are measured in pure, cold cash and efficiency. There are things like love, compassion and mercy. You might consider them useless and weak, but many people appriciate them and personally, I think life would really suck without them.

We show compassion and love in form of taking care of handicapped people as in way of helping them to take care of their children, if they can not parent independently. The "only meaning of life", as one could phrase it, to have children of your own is something so special that it's too cruel (IMHO) to it away from somene by force. Human civilization in general might be at it's economic and wealthiness/healthiness peak right now, and I have little doubt we couldn't support a few more handicapped people, being a burden or not.

They experience and create love and caring around them, just like all "normal" people. They are always someone's children and at least their parents will always hold this feeling.

You can think whatever you want. It's your own opinion and by efficiency-means it's most correct, as well. But there is more to life than numbers and calculations - so what if someone can't add to the society? He might be a loving individual and share warmth around him & vice versa. That's my own opinion and I try to practice what I preach.

Oh, and you can't blame people for calling you fascist, be it ad hominem for this debate or not, because one of the most well-known example of racial purity and ethnical cleansing was the Nazi-Germany's order to sterilize all people with "diseases that could proove harmful to Nation's health", which included the handicapped. Many people disagree with this kind of thinking and on top of that, they always relate people supporting it to that prime example I mentioned earlier.
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Post by Turan »

Okay, first of all, on the article-
It is really kind of hard to call an animal "homosexual". They do not have the level of understanding what they are doing to really, let us say, fuck another ram up the ass. It's not in thier makeup. Now, hypothetically, Fluffy the Dyke Sheep might really want to go at it with another sheep, but it aint gonna happen, as it is both physically impossible, and highly unlikely as her female parter does not emit the stuff that says "fuck me" to another ram.

The Penquin case in NYC is a bit more interesting. There they could actually fuck eachother, actually traded places a few times, and did not mate with a female penquin. However, the penquin has no exterior sex orgons (no, I do not understand it either), hence it makes little diffirence the gender, all that matters is that he needs to release sexual tension. It is impossible to say the penquin is gay, as there is no penquin cock for him to love. Also in that case the number of male penquins to female was 20-12. Hell, I might consider it if I was stuck in that situation.

We show compassion and love in form of taking care of handicapped people as in way of helping them to take care of their children, if they can not parent independently. The "only meaning of life", as one could phrase it, to have children of your own is something so special that it's too cruel (IMHO) to it away from somene by force. Human civilization in general might be at it's economic and wealthiness/healthiness peak right now, and I have little doubt we couldn't support a few more handicapped people, being a burden or not.
Entirely correct. I might not agree on your sig, as the Bush immigration plan has helped my family, but you are in the right here. you mean you have contributed more to this world then, say, Oscar Wilde? Or William Burroughs? Or even Ian McEllen? What are you? A teenage, nilhilistic virgin, who is comparing himself to an entire group of people that flourish in the arts and media?
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Post by Slave_Master »

Kashluk wrote:Ok, so I might just as well back up the reason why I disagree with the sterilization of the handicapped.

Not all things, at least in current human society, are measured in pure, cold cash and efficiency. There are things like love, compassion and mercy. You might consider them useless and weak, but many people appriciate them and personally, I think life would really suck without them
They're not useless and weak. If they were useless, we wouldn't have them. However, they were far more useful when we first evolved them and didn't have the requisite cognition to make any valuable decisions on our own. Love is obsolete.

We show compassion and love in form of taking care of handicapped people as in way of helping them to take care of their children, if they can not parent independently.
But that's money that need not be spent on such things. You mention compassion and love. Would it not be more compassionate and loving to allocate those resources to normal people, who are the majority?

The "only meaning of life", as one could phrase it, to have children of your own is something so special that it's too cruel (IMHO) to take the ability of that away from somene by force.
Why is it cruel? If anything, and I personally couldn't care less about the feelings of the individual involved, sterilization is more humane than not, because many of the significantly disabled people can still feel emotions. And it's rather traumatizing to have one's offspring removed from oneself.

Human civilization in general might be at it's economic and wealthiness/healthiness peak right now, and I have little doubt we couldn't support a few more handicapped people, being a burden or not.
Again, money better spent improving the quality of life for the poor, or spent on education, or space programs, or something useful.

They experience and create love and caring around them, just like all "normal" people. They are always someone's children and at least their parents will always hold this feeling.
Which doesn't have much to do with the issue of sterilization. It's not as if I advocate the murder of the disabled or anything, although I do think that tax money should not be spent on their care.

But there is more to life than numbers and calculations - so what if someone can't add to the society? He might be a loving individual and share warmth around him & vice versa.
If his family can cough up the dough to keep the cripple alive, then this isn't really an issue.

And you can't blame people for calling you fascist, be it ad hominem for this debate or not, because one of the most well-known example of racial purity and ethnical cleansing was the Nazi-Germany's order to sterilize all people with "diseases that could proove harmful to Nation's health", which included the handicapped.
The fact that I share an opinion with a fascist group does not mean I am, in fact, a fascist. I may share opinions with the Republican party, but that doesn't make me a full-fledged Bush lackey. Same for the Democratic party. Same for any organization or ideology.

Many people disagree with this kind of thinking
I really have no problem with people disagreeing. I have a problem with the way some participants in this thread have expressed their disagreement, for reasons mentioned in previous posts of mine.

and on top of that, they always relate people supporting it to that prime example I mentioned earlier.
That's really not my problem. Associating my point of view with the Nazi party is only natural, but it fails as the basis of an argument.

Post by Kashluk »

Turan wrote:Entirely correct. I might not agree on your sig, as the Bush immigration plan has helped my family, but you are in the right here.
The whole point of my signature pic was to work as a counter-act to another forum user's (Menno) signature. I took that image and changed it "a bit". The original one had the president of France(?) smiling & arms open wide and the text: "Make the French happy! Vote for John Kerry!". So this is more of an inside-joke really than an insult towards Bush-fans. Which it is as well, but that's not the point :eyebrow: .


And Slave, could you bother to stop answering with that Quote-stuff. It makes looong posts and it's annoying to read.

'Love is obsolete'. Somehow I could see that coming. Anyhow, you can call me a hate hater or whatever, but I find it to be reasonable that handicapped people can live their life to it's fullest just as the rest of us. It takes more money and support, sure, but I find it to be quite a small price for a good life. This might make me sound like an idealist, but I'll shoot it out anyway: there are things that are far above material costs, including joy, happiness, love and life itself. In my opinion, of course. These things can not be measured in money or any other kind of value. That's why they should be supported.

Not all poor people are supported, nor are all the handicapped. Not all sick people get treatment, nor do all the handicapped. By removing the handicapped (I know this isn't what you mean, but it's a lot easier to use it as an example this way) we might increase the chances of helping other people, but it won't guarantee their survival / prosperity either. Some get support, some don't. I've had to learn that life isn't always (ie. almost never) fair, so why would it be in this matter either? At one point of my life I was willing to give all my money, all my posessions away if it would help the world. But one man's effort is in vain, that's why we have taxes. And if I had given all I had to those who needed it more, I would've ended up living in a cardboard box and *I* would've become the one who needs that money.

I know this sounds crazy, but some people even think that the reason why we should help the handicapped people is, because their life sucks big time already because of their disabilities, so there's no reason to make it suck more. I don't fully agree with this line of thought, though, but it has got a few good points. This works as a counter-argument for your opinion nevertheless, because (as I typed earlier) having children of your own is one of the best things life has to offer. So these people who think we should help the handicapped simply because nature has been unfair towards them would consider taking away the best thing of one's life to be an extremely evil act. No matter how efficient or rational it is.
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