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Post by Franz Schubert »

Freakyweakywoo wrote:Add to that the extreme right wing media biais
Woah! Let's not get into THAT discussion, buddy.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I'm waiting for Menno or Hammer now.
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Post by jetbaby »

Menno smells the blood, I can see it coming.

Regardless. I'm not a fan of either of the two frontrunners in this election, they can both burn in hell for all I care. Kerry has his blatant lies, Bush has an incredible speech impederimanet (Specific Northwest and all) and I am a definate un-fan of his foreign policy, but what the hell. Personally, I'll probably throw my vote to Nader, not because I want him to win, but because I want him to get his 5% so the major factions will pick up that some (that oh, so precious few) of his ideas have merit and act accordingly. Besides, it's not like any signal vote will matter, no matter what the hell all those BS "YOUR VOTE COUNTS!" ads say.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

There have been countless books on Bigfoot and the Lockness monster and yet they aren't true so I neglect seeing why if someone wrote a book on Bush "Stealing the election" that it automatically becomes true. And don't try bullshit with statistics, anyone with a 11th grade calculus class knows that statistics are the easiest shit to mess with to make it seem like their in someones favor. He won it when a supreme court decision was made, simple as that. Maybe you should read up on a politics book cause thats how it happens.

Besides, I <b>seriousily</b> doubt that Al Gore would much better of a president. We can pretty much forget Gore on any foreign policies he would have instituted much less things like media. Between Tipper Gore and Lieberman any sort of violent media would be so heavily supervised, eliminated, raped, etc that there would probably only be 2 R movies in the whole 4 years. Hell, if it were up to liberman, videogames would cease to exist or go back to pong.

I won't even start to mention how Gore would have probably handled 9/11 because he wouldn't have.

Right Wing Media Bias. We are watching the same new programs right? Almost every news organization out there is liberal. CNN, ABC, you name it and they have a liberal slant. Aside from Fox news which is so blantantly conservative its not funny.

Oooh I LOVE the "Rich get richer and the poor get poorer" tax idea. My mom brings this up everytime and my dad just shuts her down. Let me put it this way, if you're a rich factory owner and you get a tax break, are you A. going to embezzle the money causing yourself a hurt in the industry and lets not account for the fact that you're already rich. B. Put the money back into your company creating more jobs, better work conditions etc, so you'll earn more profits or C. Spend it all on an elaborate plan to kill the worlds hookers. I'de choose C, but I'm not a bussiness man. Most people with common sense chose B, which is why the Economy is doing much better then it was. The reason is, yea sure, rich people WANT to get richer, but by choosing B they get richer faster, more securely, and on a more regular basis.

Hmm can you point me to the EXACT edits to the legistlation that make it "easier for his money grubbing friends" and also HOW they are edits in tht favor. I mean I know theres Hallie Burton and everything, but Cheney AND Hallie Burton are both under investigation for that.

Have you even read the patriot act? Just checking cause a majority of you communist wannabe's don't even know what it says. It may do acouple of things that they previousily weren't supposed to, but it hardly gives the government dictatorship-esque powers.

When the citizens of a free-country want to be safer they trade in some of their freedoms to the government to make the country more secure. We did that. And aside from having to check the stupid terrorist alert level everytime I'm taking a leak, its working.

I'm sorry, did you watch the same election as I did, Bush and Gore had one of the closest races around. He only trailed behind in the popular vote by about 500,000 votes, which isn't alot. He had 47% of the popular vote, Gore only had 48% so obviousily a good portion of America DID vote for him, so shut up on that issue. So why'de he win? Because thats the way the electoral college works, the person who doesn't have the popular vote can still win if he wins the right states which have higher ammounts of electoral votes and those votes vote for him. I say this because Gore had one vote which abstained.

Hey heres an idea, why don't you worry about your own damn country, I'll manage mine.

WMD's and Osama Bin Laden connections? Maybe you haven't been following the news or anything, but Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Madeline Albright have ALL made the same assertions. Infact I'm betting if Clinton could of kept his trouser snake in his pants we would have been in Afganistan by 2000. I find it funny how during Columbine that everyone payed attention to two little whiny kids shooting people when Clinton launched missles onto a city that killed something like 102 people. I find it funny how "Al-Queda" wasn't in most peoples dictionaries until 9/11, even though Clinton launched countless cruise missiles into their training camps all the while dancing with the Taliban so they can remain in power. I REALLY find it odd how people can ignore the quotes these people made which flat out say that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as well as terrorist links, not to mention making air strikes and shooting down iraqi jets while Clinton was in. But yet, Bush makes takes the same idea and instead of being a pussy about it acts on it and suddenly he's like some sort of uber-nazi who kills babies and drinks their blood while raping iraqi women.

Al Gore even said about Saddam Hussein, "We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological weapons in his country." So wheres every liberal jumping on him since the government obviousily knew this every time.

Even Clinton (who everyone swears knew nothing about this sort of thing) made it sound like he was about to go to war with Iraq. Infact, he probably was until they impeached his ass so he could stay in power longer. "If saddam and we have to use force our purpose is clear. We want to diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction."

I hate it when all you liberal dumbfucks act all innocent when one of your canidates says it, but when a republican canidate says the same damn things, he's worse then Hitler.

As for your suggested literature, I neglect to see why your liberal smut material is any better then my apperant right winged media propoganda campaign.

Micheal Moore is an idiot who can't even get all his facts straight most of the time. Although he raises good points, some of those points are only partial truths, falsified information to make him look right, or just plain flat out lies. He's entertaining yes, but he just feeds the liberal media ideas that their completely right when most of the time its bullshit.

Also, just to note, its not like Kerry is going to make a much better president, that Waffler couldn't make a decision if his life depended on it. When the Iraq War (part 2!) started he sent Wallace Carter a letter to supporting the war entirely. He then later sent a letter 2 weeks later damning the war. This is especially damning considering he's against the war when even he said "...The Threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real. He presents a particularly grevious threat because he is consistantly prone to miscalculation and now he has miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistant grasp for weapons of mass destruction."

So how about this, you sit down from your little chair of political criticism and let the guys incharge do their job especially since, <b>Headline:</B>You've got your own damn country to worry about.
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Post by Turan »

Linkin Park? Linkin Park? The only time I don't listen to classical is System of a Down, and that is because my girlfriend is Armenian.
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Post by jetbaby »

Michael Moore as in "Bowling for Columbine" Michael Moore? I never saw it but some people around school starting raising holy hell about it so I looked it up and found this: http://www.hardylaw.net/Bowlingtranscript.html I've never seen it myself, but just from that I want to strangle everyone that is all hot and bothered by such "GLARING (half, fake, forged, and edited) TRUTHS."
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Post by Killzig »

if there's one thing I farking hate it's career politicians, unfortunately that's all we have in this country. I was inclined to vote for Edwards and was going to in the primary but he dropped out of the race before my primary came up. Now I'm either going to vote for Kerry or just toss another vote at the socialist party like I did last election.

Walt, in your fantasy world, where corporations use the money to enrich the work environments of their laborers / add benefits etc where does it fit in when they move the jobs to India? Or how about when Wal-Mart fits everything into one store and undercuts everyone else? What are you going to tell me when there's only one brand, WAL-MART BRAND? It's pretty much what's happening now, even companies with different names usually have the same parent company. I had an experience very recently shopping for new hardwood floors. I walked into a show room to see displays for SHAW, BRUCE, ROBBINS, and BR-111. Funny enough, there was a little subcaption under all their display names in real fine text "A Robbins Company." Everywhere I went had the same vendors and the same prices.

So this is capitalism? One brand, one price, no competition. Sounds pretty backwards to me.

I really have no love for democracy, or the people for that matter, they're all a bunch of fucking idiots and prone to sentiment.

Is there an American Oligarchist party?
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

we dance to Ado Hynkel
Benzino Napaloni
we dance to Schikelgruber
and dance with Maitreya
with Totalitarismus
and with democracy
we dance with Fascismus
and red anarchy

we dance and we jump
we hop and we sing
we fall and rise
we give or take
Amerikano friends and
German comrade
we dance well together
we dance to Bagdad
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Post by iohkus »

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Post by Turan »

Is there an American Oligarchist party?
If you knew anything about Capitalism, you'd know that recently the tendancy is against all-encompasing uber corporations. For instance, look at the end of American Steel, and the Rockeffelers. No corporation or family today can even claim to be that big, not anybody. Marxist economic theroy is dead buddy, get over it.
I really have no love for democracy, or the people for that matter, they're all a bunch of fucking idiots and prone to sentiment.
Which is EXACTLY why we should give power to middle class 20something History majors, theyll know what to do more then the vast majority of the American people!
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Post by Sol Invictus »

Turan wrote: 3rd)
Shrapnel that "hurts him to this day", but required two days out of service. That is two whole days!
Hey numbnuts, you realize that most people only spend a minimum of 4 hours to a week in a hospital if they get shot, right? Hell, there was this one guy on Ripley's who fell from a ladder onto a construction spike that went right through his head (puncturing his nasal passages and fragmenting his eye socket) who only spent a -whole- 3 days in hospital. He still gets treatment for the pain and goes for weekly muscle excersizes but the fact is that he only had to spend 3 days in hospital. You don't really know how serious Kerry's war wound is but whining about how short a period 2 days is, is pretty damn stupid. If you're able to walk out of the hospital (bandaged or not) you should damn well get the hell out of the hospital to make room for incoming patients.

Imagine if everyone involved in a serious accident or gunshot wound spent weeks or months in the hospitals - hell, the hospitals would be more crowded than Turkish prisons considering the sheer number of victims who come in each day under those circumstances.

The only time a person would have to actually spend such a long period of time recuperating in hospital is if they're there for some terminal illness or if they were affected by a nerve agent, toxin or chemical weapon - like the soldiers in the Gulf War who got bombed with mustard gas.

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Post by Sol Invictus »

Wolfman Walt wrote: Oooh I LOVE the "Rich get richer and the poor get poorer" tax idea. My mom brings this up everytime and my dad just shuts her down. Let me put it this way, if you're a rich factory owner and you get a tax break, are you A. going to embezzle the money causing yourself a hurt in the industry and lets not account for the fact that you're already rich. B. Put the money back into your company creating more jobs, better work conditions etc, so you'll earn more profits or C. Spend it all on an elaborate plan to kill the worlds hookers. I'de choose C, but I'm not a bussiness man. Most people with common sense chose B, which is why the Economy is doing much better then it was. The reason is, yea sure, rich people WANT to get richer, but by choosing B they get richer faster, more securely, and on a more regular basis.
You seem to have forgotten Option D, which is what most, if not all of these rich guys do: keep the money in a private savings account, where the money just grows, and grows, and is never to be traded again in the world economy. The result? Inflation, increasing levels of poverty (due to the inflation, as the money you carry now becomes increasingly worthless), and all of that nasty stuff that comes with pumping increasingly worthless money into the economy to make up for the lack of flow of those huge sums of money resting in someone's bank.

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Post by Radoteur »

It's only an extreme right-wing bias if you are extreme left-wing.

Accents are like biases. See, I think brits have accent, because they talk so funny, but the people that I live around don't have any accent. They talk just like me. So, the more someone else's bias differs with yours, the better you'll be able to spot it. Because everyone is biased.

I was under the immpression that the money I put in the bank doesn't just sit there, but is rather loaned out to other people, who do stuff with it.
And I'm guessing doing stuff with money means it is getting spent, and getting spent means it is going to the world economy, right?

I know that there's alot of stupid junk in the army. Apparently, soldiers sitting safe in kuwait are supposed to get combat patches. But when someone serves their country, I usually have more respect for them, no matter how much I disagree with their political views. Unless they are commies out to steal my precious bodily fluids. Or trying to kill me.
Mailbox Man!
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Post by Sol Invictus »

They're saving bonds, Radoteur. That means people can't fuck with your money.

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Post by jetbaby »

I say we just thermonuke the surface of the earth until all the voices are silent and there is no one left to argue.

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Post by Doyle »

Exitium wrote:They're saving bonds, Radoteur. That means people can't fuck with your money.
Bonds are just loans, Rex. Why else would the government sell war bonds?

Even if those dastardly, rich folk stored the money in some manner that took the cash totally out of circulation -- matresses, boots, etc. -- then they would actually become poorer because inflation (3% per year is considered acceptable in the US) would decrease the value of their money over time. Likewise, if they just kept in a bank that made private loans, the interest they earned might still be less than the rate of inflation. So if they want to actually make more money, the best option is to invest it.

Outside of five-year olds keeping money in a piggy bank, the largest source of hoarded cash is probably in the Federal Reserve system... which actually allows them to control inflation by taking money out of the economy.

Hitting the bottle when you wrote that, Rex? :drunk:
Hey numbnuts, you realize that most people only spend a minimum of 4 hours to a week in a hospital if they get shot, right? Hell, there was this one guy on Ripley's who fell from a ladder onto a construction spike that went right through his head (puncturing his nasal passages and fragmenting his eye socket) who only spent a -whole- 3 days in hospital.
Yes, but do you think that construction worker was back on the job as soon as he got out of the hospital? I'd bet he was 'out of service' for quite some time with that kind of injury. Kerry, however, was out of service for two days with his injury. Not in the hospital two days, but out of service.

I'm curious about the nature of that injury myself. I'm not exactly sure what would be severe enough to take you out of service but allow you to reenter as soon as two days later; severe tennis elbow from masturbation might not be too far from the truth. Maybe some of our vets have some ideas?
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Post by Killzig »

Which is EXACTLY why we should give power to middle class 20something History majors, theyll know what to do more then the vast majority of the American people!
:D Damn skippy, at least we'll know what to do before we get the latest gallup poll in our morning briefing.
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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