Far Cry. Yep, I had to post this.

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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Hmm for the second level I simply ran back below deck and took care of the chopper and then killed the two goons on the side then with my left flank clear I just took cover and picked them off. This took me about 10 tries to figure this out as when you're playing with "Realistic" settings, you've got about 4 shots until you die if you have full kevlar.....unless they score a headshot inwhich you're screwed.
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Post by Megatron »





The fifth try or so on the second level I cleared out the deck then jumped onto the boat. In my stunning intelligence I shot one of the two chains holding the boat up, so I fell while the boat just hung there. I didn't think to go on land and shoot it down.

I'm on the first night mission now.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I don't think anything in Morrowind looked good....It was pretty sub-par, even for an RPG. I also didn't really care for the actual story...Open ended is good, but when a game is so open ended and huge you forget what you're doing before you get to the second town, that's just a bit much.

I've got a P4 1.5Ghz, 512MB RAM, 256MB 9600XT...Think I will be able to run Far Cry in a decent visual mode?
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Post by Mad Max RW »

I'm at the beginning of the final (I think) Volcano level and it is by far the worst part of the entire game. You have this chick Valerie following you, and my current count for restarting because she keeps getting stuck on shit is 3 times. The first time she got stuck on a few steps and was blasted by several mercs. The second time she got stuck on a footlocker. This last I was just about to complete a mission when she got stuck in a fence. If there was an option to simply click on Val to get her following you instead of having her think on her own it would save so much trouble. Instead they had to fuck it up. Oh well, fourth time's a charm I guess.
Please PLEASE be the last time I escort this stupid bitch.

At least she's a great driver ;)
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Post by CloudNineGT »

How would you all rate the AI on this game? I've had some nice times where they worked together to flank me, then a sniper moved in. Other times I've had them do something that can only be described by maybe trying to masturbate into the butt of their gun and furiously turning around and around.
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Post by Bleusilences »

The screenshot is whithout pixel shader, go to the option (not in game) menu and put the vexel shader on, voila, good looking water.
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Post by Bleusilences »

The screenshot is whithout pixel shader, go to the option (not in game) menu and put the vexel shader on, voila, good looking water.
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Post by jetbaby »

ED, hahaha Morrowind is anything but openended. The main plot is incredibly short, the only thing that gives it serious length is the billions of side plots and quests. If you sit down and only do main plot you'll be done in a heartbeat.
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Post by Kashluk »


You ain't got the super-duper flaring reflection whatever thingy on in that Morrowind screen. It looks different with that:


and http://www.elderscrolls.com/images/art/mwind_web71B.jpg and http://www.elderscrolls.com/images/art/mwind_web70B.jpg and http://www.elderscrolls.com/images/art/ ... web03B.jpg

FarCry's water looks like... Well in Megatron's scrrenie it looks like 12 000 tons of blue sugar candy was dropped into the water to give it some color and shit. In EvoG's screenshot it looks like someone had replaced all water with chocolate cream pudding. 'Got nothing against the game and all, haven't even played it, but those screenies of it's water effects were far from causing me to go "WOOHAA DA BEST WATAH EVAH".
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Post by Megatron »

CloudNineGT wrote:How would you all rate the AI on this game? I've had some nice times where they worked together to flank me, then a sniper moved in. Other times I've had them do something that can only be described by maybe trying to masturbate into the butt of their gun and furiously turning around and around.

Yeah, it's usually pretty good but sometimes they do stuff like run into trees or strafe backwards and forwards for about 2 steps out in the open. I guess you could say it's a little human-like. The rocket-launcher snipers also like to try and shoot you at point-blank range. The tri-gens seem pretty smart, but I don't know if it's intentional.

I'm stuck on some level. I've done it a few times but something seperate always ends up killing me, usually the rocket-sniper. It's the first mission with the 8-wheeler thing, level 9 mebbe? Pity I threw away my sniper rifle else I'd have done it pretty quickly. Orwell.
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Post by EvoG »

Yea its the river level...fun...more frustrating than I thought it would be tho, then again I was probably being a bit careless thinking I was safe speeding by.

Kashluk, you're full of so much shit its ridiculous, makes me believe you're just saying it to say it. No, on every level this is superior water. Morrowwind merely reflected the SKY box(no terrain, no people no nothing), and rippled somewhat. Here in Farcry, the water reflects AND refracts everything in the scene. Reflections are fresnel (meaning that the reflection is stronger at glancing angles and less so looking head on(perpendicular) to the surface. Combined with convincing shoreline animation(a first in my book...others have tried..but this looks great), and its just spooky real, especially in the river shot I captured.

LEWL either your recollection is a bit skewed or you're a tard. :drunk:


ADD: Alright, seems you guys just had this back and forth already on the water...you STILL can't be serious Kash...water is 100% about specular reflection and refraction. What kinda shit is sugar candy or cream pudding? The water in FC has NO texture on it(like real life), and is entirely a product of its environment. So how is that LESS real than water that reflects nor refracts anything at all like!? Morrowind is only relecting the SKY...and poorly at that. HAHAHA.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

<img src="http://images.17173.com/news/200305/0516far04.jpg">
<img src="http://www.goin2travel.com/photo8/a8243.jpg">

Hmm, I think if you added some soldiers into that second picture you'de get basically the same scene, no? I suppose the "12000 drops of blue candy" analogy kinda works because thats how water actually looks like in the jungle/carribean.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Finally beat that level where I had to escort the chick with the nuke. Don't know why I called it Volcano or thought the game was almost over. For some reason the checkpoint load had a different name.

I would have been happy if it ended there, too, but the very next level is something I'm glad I didn't miss. Right now I'm standing ontop of a waterfall way fucking high up looking across a valley populated with all sorts of giant mutants. And all I have is the M16 with little ammo and my precious binoculars are nowhere to be seen.

[Edit] Later on...

I just beat the game. Fucking hell, Volcano was the hardest shit in the world.

Post by Kashluk »

Well, like I said, I was just commenting on those screenshots. It looks pretty crappy on those, but what the heck, what would I know.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Wait wait, I think I understand, "Crappy" is one of those hip new terms that youngsters now adays use for "groovy." Like "sick" or "Wicked"? Right? Thats the only way that sentence could possibily ever make sense.
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Post by Megatron »

Have you even seen the sea in real-life kashluck?

The only complaint I have about the water is that there isn't any waves.

Anybody had a look at the editor yet? Seems pretty easy to make a very basic map, but I haven't worked out how to rotate things or place enemies yet. Orwell.

The physics add a lot too the game. Pity there isn't more interaction with the enviroment. The things suspended by rope are nice though. I also liked pushing barrels over and using them as cover while I moved.

Half-way through mission 10 now. I think I'll change my guns around. The P90 seems to be the best indoors, also able to kill 3 mutants if you aim for the face? It's getting pretty hard now though.

edit: I'm on the 'Rebellion' mission now. I found Command pretty annoying as there didn't seem to be that many health-packs or armour and not many quicksaves either. Eventually I died on the finish line so I managed to get to the next level. The mission I'm on is very very good. I tried a couple of solutions but eventually just drove off then when I crashed my jeep, ran away. I've also ran out of ammo for every weapon besides the pistola.
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Post by jetbaby »

Bought it. Have it. Installing now.
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Post by jetbaby »

I installed and patched, but when I click "Play" It brings up that loading screen dealy and just crashes after a few seconds. Anyone have an idea what causes this?
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Post by Stainless »

Just a note. I hate you EvoG (along with MMRW). I wasn't paying any attention to this game and I'm still waiting for Silent Storm to get released so I can play that. And NOW. NOW you go and make this game look so bloody awesome I have an urge to pre order it, unless it's out here already. However since I haven't upgraded me computer in the last... 15 months I might be in a little shit in running it.

I'll could probibly just switch everything on low. Anyone care to enlighten me on how much detail it looses?
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