Enemies at NMA.

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Enemies at NMA.

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Ya know..As long as I've been here at DAC, no one has ever really pissed me off, and I don't seem to have pissed anyone here off. No one's mindlessly flamed me (Except Llama God when he first showed up). All-in-all, though a lot of us are jackasses, we're damned civil and we don't really argue for the sake of arguing.

When DAC went down this last time I went to NMA. As my post count rises, more and more people piss me off there. They just jump into random threads and throw in mindless crap and statistics with nothing to back themselves up. Then when I call them on it, they start getting all pissy.

I started a "Pwned Pix" thread there. And someone got on my case for having my name on pictures I made. Saying it's other people's work and I shouldn't put my name on it, or some such BS. I politely said that I made them, so I put my name on them. Then he used a picture I made from scratch and dedicated a webpage to calling me a retard.

I've also been jumped on by a few mods for various reasons, though the mods there seem pretty decent people. I actually like welsh, Montez, and Kharn...But some of the others..Sheesh..

NMA just angers me a bit, and I'm venting.

Anyone else made any enemies at NMA lately?
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Post by Megatron »

I don't like most of them either? Pretty close-minded and boring.

I'm pissing away most of my interberry time there now though. I'm just waiting. For Edward.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

NMA is pretty stupid, they kind of act like the elitist assholes that this community harbors but they lack the whole intelligent argument detail. Who the hell has enough time to bother making a website about a photoshop someone he didn’t like made on a forum he posts on?
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Post by Imnotbelgium »

The person that had a problem with you has a site hosted by DAC, and comes here like he goes to NMA.

Extrapolating one persons view on your pics on a trend of people beeing pissed at you is a bit far fatched, but that`s ok, no problem and all the best.
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Post by Megatron »

i lick aptyp mebbe i get him mixed up with ausir.
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Post by atoga »

I don't really like NMA very much. A few of the people are all well and good, and much love to Brios, but the majority of them are humorless and stupid. Welsh starts something like five meaningless topics a day; and it's filled to the brim with all this boring, elitist, pseudo-intellectual shit, going around quoting The Economist, talking about the merits of Fight Club, and junk like that. But what really pisses me off is when their mindless, irrelevant, post-for-the-sake-of-posting threads that are completely irrelevant - "List Your Favorite (Whatever)" threads, for instance - get spammed or run off topic, and they get all huffy about it. Honestly, who gives a shit.

You could accuse DAC of being a cesspool of assholes and mental invalids, but we do have our share of creative, intellectual dudes but at least we have a sense of humor and style. And, in all fairness, NMA is only a community in the loosest sense of the word; after all, we have all that IRC jazz. DAC is one big happy family.

The DAC forums are pretty stale, though. I don't think you can really compare it to NMA, which is growing pretty quickly.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

i think the majority just fear that the DAC forum n00bs will rape them with snide remarks and goatse pictures.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Imnotbelgium wrote:The person that had a problem with you has a site hosted by DAC, and comes here like he goes to NMA.

Extrapolating one persons view on your pics on a trend of people beeing pissed at you is a bit far fatched, but that`s ok, no problem and all the best.
It's not so much that people don't like me..It's that I don't care for them, really. I like most of the people that're there all day every day. But the ones that pop in maybe three times a week and post something obnoxious just to irk me...Well..Irk me.

I'm over my anger now, though. I just wanted to vent some of my pissyness on others that feel my pissyness.
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Post by jetbaby »

I check out NMA every once in awhile, but most of their population is, as said above, elitist assholes. I would fit in even less there. I'll probably never shift to their forums unless I am INSANELY bored and DAC has been long, LONG dead.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by DarkUnderlord »

APTYP? Don't pay attention to him, he's mentally retarded anyway. Tagging a pic you mildly edited by simply adding some text is no different to all the game sites that stick their logo / branding on screenshots and other images they host. It's so people know where they got them from.

Interestingly enough the Suck It! one you tagged and used in your reply to APTYP has www.uglypeople.com just underneath the words...
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Hay-Foot, Straw-Foot

Post by 4too »

Hay-Foot, Straw-Foot

It's the inverse of the cliche about the sound of a dropped shoe.

If I scan NMA first, then I will scan DAC next.

If I scan DAC first, then I will scan NMA next.

After e-mail check, unless death and taxes lurk behind every shadow, I go to the premier FO sites first, before webbing onward.

Those critical of our world view, our post apocalyptic world view, link the two peaks of FO resonance in the same string of invective. So one can never dodge the 'guilt' of association no matter what "best foot" one puts forward.

If our 'great crime' is that we are fans of FO, the shoe fits, and we can wear it, proudly. No matter which appendage we shod first.

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

welsh is still nothing else than a gaping asshole farting stupid comments and annoyings remarks.
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Post by Brother None »


You know it's been said before, DaC and NMA are like two kinden gartens at war. No, not blaming or accusing anyone. Start a thread like this at NMA and you'll get such wonderful replies as "they're all opinionated assholes" or "they have nothing intelligent to say whatsoever"

I really wish it would stop already. Seriously, people, they're different communities catering to different crowd. To pull up the comparison again, I don't go around being all huffy because DaC censors more than the Asshats. Yes, I like Asshats more than this place, but why should anyone care?

Yes, NMA has its flaws and yes, DaC has its flaws. As much as I enjoy listening to criticism (and I do), I often get the feelings that both DaCers and NMAers criticise each other just out of spite.

4too is right, we're just two different shoes to the Fallout community. Different, yes? But yet we're more the same than most online communities, in that DaC and NMA share a common history and common posting grounds. All this spite is stupid.
Ozrat wrote:I haven't been so oppressed since prom in 9th grade.
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Post by Som Guy »

DaC has its flaws
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

If you have a valid problem at a forum anywhere where I am a mod, let me know and I'll deal with it. I had to bitch slap APTYP a little last week because his ass was getting uppity. I will do the same to anyone who does get that way there or here. NMA has its share of candy-asses who get easily enraged over petty bullshit. All I can say is don't dance with them. Go directly to Odin if you have a problem with some of the C-A mods. He is pretty reasonable and is usually fair without taking sides. I never take sides and will delete any flames or flame-baits and be somewhat tolerant of newbs.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

criticise each other just out of spite.
Well I think someone realized the root of the issue, not that its going to be fixed anytime soon.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I didn't intend this to become a NMA vs. DAC thread. I just wanted to bitch. I like NMA and DAC about equally. I was really just asking if anyone else had any people that pissed them off at NMA, and I gave my example. (And it was seriously something ridiculous, too)

I didn't bring any names into it, other than the mods that I rather like. I even left out the names of the people I do like at NMA, just to keep this thread less NMA vs. DAC oriented.

Seriously, guys...I just wanted fun stories of people pissing you off.
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Post by Doyle »

ExtremeDrinker wrote:I didn't intend this to become a NMA vs. DAC thread... Seriously, guys...I just wanted fun stories of people pissing you off.
First post wrote:Anyone else made any enemies at NMA lately?
Literacy is overated.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Exactly...Tell stories of the enemies you've made at NMA lately.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Eh, lets not perpetuate hate. Unless Killzy has anything to add.