That GameInformer article in full...

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That GameInformer article in full...

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

Thanks to <b>Dark`Machine</b>, I can now paste the <a href=" ... nformer</a> article on <b>Fallout 3</b> in full, rather than the summarised version <a href=" ... 86">posted earlier</a>. <b>Dark`Machine</b> added that this was at the end of the seven or eight page article on <b>The Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion</b>.<blockquote><i>Last month it was announced that Bethesda had acquried the Fallout license from Interplay, and the company has confirmed that that Fallout 3 will follow The Elder Scrolls IV as a new next-generation title. While only in preproduction stages at the moment, the game will use the same technology as Oblivion, and is planned as another open-ended roleplaying game. This game however, will be decidedly darker. Imagine a survival horror-esque version of the Fallout world, with all the things you expect out of the series still intact, but with deeper, more immersive gameplay. The post-apoc theme (with tongue in cheek humor) of the series is still present, with your character having spent the first 20 years of his life living underground. Because of this, his eyes are unaccustomed to the light of day, thus players will have to train their eyes away from light sensitivity by using a special pair of goggles. Todd Howard claims that Fallout 3 will be one of the most original and violent titles ever and will be set in a familiar US city.</i></blockquote>ALERT! ALERT! They're going for <b>deeper, more immersive gameplay</b>. Pray tell, how <i>exactly</i> are you going to get <b>deeper, more immersive gameplay</b>? Oh, that's right: the <b>immersiveness</b> of real time combat and a first person perspective, combined with the <b>deepness</b> of a penetration, hard, from behind. Though, I have to admit, "<i>Fallout 3 will be one of the most original and violent titles ever</i>" did kind of pique my interest.
<br>Thanks, <b>Dark`Machine</b>.
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Post by Dark_Machine »

No problem.

The screens from Oblivion are promising, and the fact that "next-gen" means Xbox2, codenamed Xenon, which is expected to release before the end of 2005. If Bethesda plans to make FO3 a drop title (which seems to be the case) then in all possibility we could expect (for better or worse) FO3 before 2006.

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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Seems to me they're aiming to make a game that requires no knowledge or love for the previous entries in the series. Some ideas have merit, they're going for atmosphere and so on, and the idea of being set in a single city could work, but the key point is that it won't be a Fallout game, and certainly not a worthy sequel to Fallout 1 and 2.
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Re: That GameInformer article in full...

Post by brillo »

Would love to see it set in one of the ruined cities. Setting wise, that's pretty much always been what I've wanted to see in a FO sequel. Coming up out of a vault or whatever into one of the ruined cities. Ruins of retro Metropolis type architecture all around, crumbling skyscrapers and shit... Fifties style bilboards and propaganda posters pasted up on all the walls. Nice. Posted a ton of shit about that in the first few FO threads on Bethesda's old boards. Only thing I've heard so far that makes me happy. :)

Still though, the eye training shit and special goggles is seriously not good news. Never mind that I can't stop thinking about Pitch Black, I have a hard time seeing that done in anykind of 3rd person view. And the 'deeper, more immersive gameplay' thing pretty much confirms that for me.

And Open-ended? What the fuck? That's why morrowind sucked. I don't want open ended, I want a strong (but very non-linear) central story with multiple paths, and multiple endings that let me play who and what I want to play, and have their actions change things. Six months of wandering around doing whatever quests I find while I upgrade my armor isn't fun if there's no point to it all.

Hopefully it'll at least be moddable...
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

the deeper and more immersive gameplay thing, combined with wearing goggles, confirms first person perspective I think.

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Post by brillo »

Mr. Teatime wrote:the deeper and more immersive gameplay thing, combined with wearing goggles, confirms first person perspective I think.

And a FP perspective pretty much rules out TB combat...
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Post by Spazmo »

Jay, I'd say that Oblivion will be their big launch title. Development on Fallout 3 is just beginning in earnest and there's no way it'll be ready for the Xbox 2 launch.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

They're trying to tame us with unconcrete bullshit like the "deep and immersive gameplay", yet what the hell is a "deep and immersive gameplay"? Is it like Morrowind's gameplay?

Once they have some screenies and tech info about the game, most of their communications will be directed at the mainstream, with polygon numbers and shit. Who cares about a few old FO fans when you can sell millions to the Xbox teens?
Last edited by S4ur0n27 on Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

It's annoying that all this info was given to magazines whilst the fans were told 'nothing to say, nothing's decided, stop emailing us'.
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Post by brillo »

Mr. Teatime wrote:It's annoying that all this info was given to magazines whilst the fans were told 'nothing to say, nothing's decided, stop emailing us'.
To be fair though, fans were asking very specific stuff. The PC gamer article at least says "they wouldn't confirm" the presence of TB and Iso, which is the same answer the fans were given when asked specifics.

Notice how all the quotes and paraphrased info is the same for all the mags, and all these mags came out at roughly the same time? Sounds to me like they probably were all just sent the same info. That or they called and asked for specifics and were all given the same generic stuff instead.
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Post by King of Creation »

Will the raping of our beloved gameworld never stop? This absolute stupidity in that article just makes me angry.
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Re: That GameInformer article in full...

Post by Stevie D »

Mr. Teatime wrote:The post-apoc theme (with tongue in cheek humor) of the series is still present, with your character having spent the first 20 years of his life living underground. Because of this, his eyes are unaccustomed to the light of day, thus players will have to train their eyes away from light sensitivity by using a special pair of goggles.
I'm trying to think of ways to interpret this that would allow the game to go 3rd person isometric, and I'm failing miserably.

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Post by Mismatch »

indeed, this sounds too much firstperson.
So I suppose it will be.
fuck this.
suppose I'll stick to playing FO1 && FO2 for many a years still.
so I've got some good things to come.
I suppose they can kiss them rimjobs goodbye too, huh susan?
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Post by Briosafreak »

brillo wrote:
Mr. Teatime wrote:the deeper and more immersive gameplay thing, combined with wearing goggles, confirms first person perspective I think.

And a FP perspective pretty much rules out TB combat...
Hmmm, maybe not

SexMachine if they anounce the game in more detail this december then there`s a chance it will be out at the end of 2006, if not it`sa sign that it will be out only in 2007, that`s how they operate normally.
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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

Well, SOMEBODY is full of shit here, with Pete saying there are no developers for Fallout 3, with the GameInformer article saying something is planned already for Fallout 3, and with Todd yapping his mouth off. Everything is contradicting one or the other.
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Post by brillo »

Sovy Kurosei wrote:Well, SOMEBODY is full of shit here, with Pete saying there are no developers for Fallout 3, with the GameInformer article saying something is planned already for Fallout 3, and with Todd yapping his mouth off. Everything is contradicting one or the other.
Todd's sorta head honcho over there, and right now he's working on Oblivion. If he's talking about his ideas/visions/intent for FO3, that doesn't mean there's an actual team assigned to and working on FO3 yet.

Or maybe Hine got tired of telling folks no comment.
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Post by Sol Invictus »

Everyone needs just to shut the hell up right now. Okay, so get this, Bethesda's making an RPG in the Fallout universe called Fallout 3.

That's all we know, isn't it? Yep. That's pretty much it.

As for the 'raping' of the Fallout universe, that's already been done. See: FOT and FOBOS. Can't get much worse than that. Just face the facts here, Fallout's already been screwed over much like Star Wars was screwed over with Ep1. There's not much more to it than that.

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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

brillo wrote:If he's talking about his ideas/visions/intent for FO3, that doesn't mean there's an actual team assigned to and working on FO3 yet.
I don't know why any developer would start talking about their ideas for a game, and then make it appear as though it was written in stone.

Or that GI misquoted him and made him sound like his ideas are written in stone.

Either way, somebody is not telling the full, whole truth.
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Post by jiujitsu »

S4ur0n27 wrote:Once they have some screenies and tech info about the game, most of their communications will be directed at the mainstream, with polygon numbers and shit. Who cares about a few old FO fans when you can sell millions to the Xbox teens?
Exactly. It's a business. The objective of a business is to either: Make a profit no matter what. Or: Make a quality product with customer service which together will naturally lead to $profit$.

What would you do if you were them?

"I make game for my Fallout Fiends.. err.. Friends. Me no care if anyone else buy it!"

Please the majority or the minority? What will return the most profit so I can feed myself and the people who work under me?(And buy a Ferrari..)

I believe Bethesda practices the "quality product with customer service" business practice. Unlike those companies who just crank out a new football game every year where the only difference is a new roster. Is that what you want for Fallout? The same thing we've played countless times just with some nice new graphics and different characters?

Give them a chance. You may not be as disappointed as you think you will be when it comes out.
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Post by Sol Invictus »

Tell that to Vault Dweller at the RPG Codex. He sees fit to calling Pete Hines "Pete Full of Shit Hines" based on some bullshit speculation he pulled out of his ass about the game.

Oh yeah, he says he has no feelings, either. FEARRRRRRR.

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