New ideas for FO 3 - simply and clearly

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My Ideas for FOIII

Post by grapedog »

I would like to see more involving raiders and less super mutants. During both FO and FOII, the hero's put serious corks in the mutant production methods...mostly FOI. I think that as a side effect, mutants becoming available would slow to a crawl except in areas like underground vaults where they can breed and live undisturbed and more refined mutants like Marcus working with humanity. The raiders I think pose more of a workable threat AND storyline. I think FO:Tactics nailed it pretty well with the larger raider establishments popping up.

Two main ideas, one much more detailed than the other...let me know what you think.


Fade In: 50 years after FOII. Some technology has started to progress and some regress. Most energy weapons have failed, high voltage fuel became very scare and only the haves were and still are able to keep a supply of both workable weapons and fuel for them. Steam techonology has crept back into society with most of the major towns being connected loosely with steam engines and railroads. Raiders, finding the stealing of food and supplies much harder with trains operating now, started to band together to form larger groups allowing them to make raids on large cities. Firstname Lastname has established a large raider city in the mountains that split the northern continent once known as the Rockies and conducts raids from that point on both sides as well as having set up a number of smaller colonies on both sides.

Settlers now more willing to explore the wastes and move away from raider influence, once again have started moving north and south, mostly into territories once known as Mexico and the continent of South America. Not having the industrial power of the US and other world powers at the time of the Turning, they were not able to shelter as many people and it seems mutants were more prevalent due to more secondary and less direct exposure. Seems there are tails of mutant/human hybrid colonies that are able to breed and reproduce. While not as strong as the manufactures super mutants they still retain some of their abilities.

The enclave, while not destroyed was scattered somewhat. No one wanted to repeat the mistakes that led to their first and last attempt at creating a "greater society". The BOS and Rangers took in most of the newer recruits who could be reshaped into reasonable thinking and more morally correct citizens. Those who were not started forming colonies in the north once known as canada....groups of nomad raiders and settlers have also both moved into the area, some joining together, some forming independant and highly restrive(to outsiders) societies trying to make their peace with the world for once and settle down.

I'd like to see seperate languanges that you could learn or perhaps with a high enough charisma and intelligance combo, work around. Different colonies reaching America trying to re-tie some of the international bonds like Germany, England and Spain.


Also, another idea for FOIII could be that the PLAYER himself, gets sent to Germany or England to try and re-establish contact, create an embassy and start the game from that point. Entirely new places to visit, new cities, the possibility of having to travel to different continents on boats. Introducing techonology from one culture to another in trade for food, other technology or military alliances.
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Post by king_ota »

wow I like that first idea, but just a little add on If you don't mind...
How bout the raders and slaver have a uneasy allence the raders taking the gear and stuff while the slavers take the people. You as the player have to break the allance and star war between the two groups

I also like your language idea but how whould that work (like if you alread know spanish)
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Post by grapedog »

add on's are always good...and that one sounds pretty good, I forgot about the slavers. :D

the language barrier I just figured it would show up as garbled text or something along those lines until you learned that language, possible cap on languages based on intelligence ALA D&D. Also, there would be a dialogue option like "no hable espanol" or whatever...
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Post by TheGreatTriscuit »

yeah, if they were going to implement a language system that woudl be the way to do it, however, thats a big if. Mainly because that way sucks. Dont get me wrong, Its the best way I can imagine doing it, but even so, it is merely the lesser of many evils. Having the text (or worse, voice dialog) appear as "oogy boogie lalala" would DEFINITELY detract from the FEEL of the game.

Unless of course it was some lost raider you find in the waste who's been in the sun a bit TOO long... in which case it'd be funny :D
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Post by Follower »

Your idea about language is good, may be some new ones will be good. New cultures and all that stuff... Different languages of Deathclaws, ghouls, aliens or different communities.

And about city of raiders - idea is good, but I don't like that world will become so industrial. I more like Wastes... A whole communities of raiders will be good too. To learn smt new about other world will be great anyway, some short missions in Europe will be good too, but I don't want to travel a whole world. It prevents from coming back to dear communities of the past FO
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Post by grapedog »

Follower wrote:It prevents from coming back to dear communities of the past FO
The main reason I said that is because I have seen many grumbles on the way that many FO cities never made it to FO2...and that they assume certain moral choices. Travelling to a new continent would make them free to start anew for the most part...without having to try and figure out how the average player would have ended FO or FO2. I would definately like to come back to some of the familiar spots of FO2...I doubt I'll get called Mr. Pink anywhere other than New Reno.
Follower wrote:And about city of raiders - idea is good, but I don't like that world will become so industrial. I more like Wastes... A whole communities of raiders will be good too.
Well, I'm just curious how long it will take people to move back into the swing of things. Towns like New Reno and NCR show that humanity is already making good progress restoring some of the easier technology...I would think railroads and steam/combustion engines would be the first to be reproduced. Steam isn't hard to understand and the combustion engine hasn't changed much since it was first introduced back in the early 1900's if I remember correctly. I would think that SOME books have survived to this point in time with information on steam and combustion engines.

I like the wasteland look and feel as well, but eventually people are going to start moving towards tech again, it's human nature I think...some people just do it faster than others.
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Post by Temaperacl »

Probably the easiest (not the best, the easiest) is to have each message have several variations depending on how the character rolled against their skill level. This would require ALOT more dialogue for NPCs who speak a different language, but would be simplest coding-wise.

"You don't understand what they are trying to say."
"Zirak Gzedudet. Zhumaru Di Bolovos?"

Barely succeeed:
"They are trying to ask you if you seen someone, but you can't tell who."
"(You don't understand this first part). Did you see him?"

Partially succeeded:
"They are asking you if you've seen the man that commmitted the crime."
"The man who did this. Did you see him?"

Fully succeeded:
"They are asking you if you saw were where the man who comitted this crime went"
"The man who did this. Did you see where he went?"
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Post by Follower »

Temaperacl - Your idea is great, but it will give a lot of problems to player and to the game itself. A lot of bugs for sure, a lot of problems to catch idea. You'll have to use your mind to understand what they want and most don't like it. But idea is really great, I like it.

Grapedog - people are moving toward tech to gain power and resourses. War will take it's spoils again, that's for sure. A lot of tech, a lot of problems... and than wasteland will become again. Tech is only a tool in hands of humanity, not it's purpose. People need it, so it develops; I think that current state of development of FO 2 will be enough for them. Than they will seek for power, conquer new settlements; new battles, destruction... Well, this all will remain like this. There is no strength to unite them - NCR or BOS will destroy each other... By the way, steam technology is easy, but to built railroad is not so easy, very expensive and troublesome. There is not even simple roads in FO, but to build railroad is much more harder
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Post by Kashluk »

Hm... If the developers are going to create even 1/1000 of all these ideas, they'll need dozen DVD's for the game :roll:
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Post by Follower »

Kashluk wrote:Hm... If the developers are going to create even 1/1000 of all these ideas, they'll need dozen DVD's for the game :roll:
Nobody said it will be easy. We, players, want a good game and Interplay must give us what we want!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: It 's their business what they'll do with it, but to use some of these ideas will be good
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Post by Follower »

Ok, sigh... I've just read news about FO 3. I don't know what to do - cry or laugh. :mad: Anyway, I have couple of ideas what can be changed in FO 2.

Form of dialog - you point theme of dialog and your hero will talk using his intellegence and speech skill.

Statistics - all is fine here, but can be better. Hero should develop only one statistic to max. If he is strongest he can't be smartest or most beatiful - of course, we want to have a hero, who will be example in all stuff, but it's not very realistic. Your hero must be cool fighter or good trader.

Tree of skills - this stuff may be developed better, more clearly. Skills like steal, gambling or trade are completly useless. May be a new point of development - defferent field's of action. Fighting skilles in one field, medical or trading skills in other field, all thieves skilles in third and all kinds of survival skills in the other one. It will help to develop skills more clearly, I suppose.

Luck&Charisma - in most of the games this statistic are useless. It can be changed. If luck is too bad, weapons explode in your hands. You meet Enclave patrol even near Arroy, most of the quests will fail by different cases. If charisma is bad, everybody hate you. Your only option is to kill everybody in your site. Nobody want to talk to you, trader give too expensive prices for their goodes and so on.

Terrain problems - they can put random things in chestes. It sucks to find the same stuff all the time. One can use advantages of the terrain - to hide under the stone or behind tree...

Traders should get some different stuff.

Game scenario should be developed to use all kinds of skills and weapons of the game. About most secrets of FO 2 I found only after I played it only several times. It sucks to get advanced powered armour only in the last hours of the game.
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Post by Megatron »

Instead of the different languages, how about some computers garble out shit unless you learn the language from where the computer was made? Or if you do need to learn a different language, just have letters * out, so until you learn it more of the * go until you get the full sentence?
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Post by VasikkA »

Skills should be definitely be modified. That was a major flaw in Fallout 1 & 2, you didnt need most of the skills at all. All skills should be usable and equal to eachother, damn hard to accomplish that though.
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