Serious question #2

Since Bethesda decided to make Fallout 3, we figured we might as well have a forum about it.
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Post by Smiley »

S4ur0n27 wrote:How much times do we need to discuss this?
hmm only as long as your avatar keeps head-banging.
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Post by Mismatch »

..Why wouldn't you call Morrowind a true RPG?
It has all the elements of skill/class-building, interactive wildlife(plants/animals)/city-life, dialogues, multiple choices and so on. Not to mention the vast possibilities to build new worlds, characters, enviroments and so on...
It isnt a true RPG... Its an action rpg. And them dialogues are horribly bad written. The world never comes to life.
I don't get the fact that you're bashing Bethesda.
We're not bashing anyone.
imo, the only thing keeping gaming-companies from making a decent Fallout 3, is retard negative thinking like your own. I'm sure if Bethesda received the proper encouragement and the incredibly long list of ideas this, and other forums, have come up with, then they just might be able to whip something up which might be enjoyable.
I don't see your point. We have ideas here. And the negative thinking isnt with no reason. They have already stated that FO3 will be released on colsoles. The only way that'd be ok was if they developed it for PC first and then ported it to consoles. If they don't do that all we'll get is a game that is no where near its full potential.
You don't have to get your hopes up for TEH GRAND FALLOUT 3, because it's been so hyped by almost all communities that if we ever receive it, it wond meet the standards.
Have you sen anyone here getting their hopes up?
curl up and die.
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Post by Smiley »

Its an action rpg. mean because it's not turn based?
No seriously, you tell me then, what makes an rpg, a true rpg?
We're not bashing anyone.
Fair enough, but they're not exactly greeted with open arms either.
And the negative thinking isnt with no reason. They have already stated that FO3 will be released on colsoles. The only way that'd be ok was if they developed it for PC first and then ported it to consoles. If they don't do that all we'll get is a game that is no where near its full potential.
Wait, they actually made an official statement about making Fo3?
Missed it then. =/
Have you sen anyone here getting their hopes up?
Ever since DAC was on gamespy? yeah several times.

meh, I dunno.. but for once, it'd be great to see some positive thinking, and a pinch of hope for better times.
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Post by Mismatch » mean because it's not turn based?
No seriously, you tell me then, what makes an rpg, a true rpg?
indeed it is very subjective, and there are always exceptions, but I can tell you why Morrowind is an action RPG.
First its because you, as a player, need to see to that you aim your chop right. Secondly, the game wold is dead as a raped & beaten thai hooker. So, if you want any fun, you need too fight. I know, this can seem muddy, and mebbe the whole thing is rather muddy. But to me Morowind is an action RPG.
Wait, they actually made an official statement about making Fo3?
Missed it then. =/
Well, apart from saying that they'll make it, they havent. But they have stated very dubious things about the greatness of consoles, and blahblahblahblah, indicating that they'll develop FO3 for consoles.
meh, I dunno.. but for once, it'd be great to see some positive thinking, and a pinch of hope for better times.
there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just a big negroe raping party.
Its all downhill from here. Positive thinking always ends with dissapointment. And that, grasshopper, is something we've all had enough of. Especially susan.
As a child he never got any real present, his parents wrapped their genitals as presents.
and forced him to open them.
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Post by Subhuman »

See, this is why FO3 will never completely satisfy anyone. Someone here will come up with an idea, and other people will be all, "No! That sounds like an action RPG! Action RPGs are teh suck!" It's as if creative thinking should be banned in favor of turn-based-old-skool-l33tness.

What made Fallout so great was the deep gameplay, terrific atmosphere, and insane replay value. The combat system was easily Fallout's weakest aspect, so I'm not as devoted to turn-based combat as the rest of you seem to be. I think the Fallout universe is very fluid and adaptable. If Bethesda wants to incorporate some action-RPG elements into the mix, more power to them, as long as they do a good job.
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Post by Smiley »

It's as if creative thinking should be banned in favor of turn-based-old-skool-l33tness.
Heh, well mostly that's because the 3rd person turnbased system was fun in it's own way =)
Or rather... a unique way.
People are afraid of change especially if it's something they love and admire, always have been, always will be. And who can blame them?

Too bad, that it doesn't sell =/

I bet you, if there was a Fallout 3 released on the same old engine, but with a completely new plot, every fan of Fo would download it, but guess how many of them would actually *buy* it?

I'd say about 5%...

The fallout curse =/ Want it, but don't want it.
What made Fallout so great was the deep gameplay, terrific atmosphere, and insane replay value. The combat system was easily Fallout's weakest aspect, so I'm not as devoted to turn-based combat as the rest of you seem to be. I think the Fallout universe is very fluid and adaptable. If Bethesda wants to incorporate some action-RPG elements into the mix, more power to them, as long as they do a good job.
Agreed. not on the combat system though, but I agree that some new changes would be welcome.
Unless they are making it for consoles, then they can shove it...
wth is the hype with consoles anyway? they're nothing but kiddie-boxes..!
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Post by Mismatch »

What made Fallout so great was the deep gameplay, terrific atmosphere, and insane replay value.
And you think its possible to combine that with this:
If Bethesda wants to incorporate some action-RPG elements into the mix, more power to them, as long as they do a good job.
action RPG's seldom provide good feel & atmosphere, and almost never any replayability.
I bet you, if there was a Fallout 3 released on the same old engine, but with a completely new plot, every fan of Fo would download it, but guess how many of them would actually *buy* it?
Noone has said keep the engine. We just don't want the world and game fucked up. We are divided on the combat part, I for one want turnbased, since it IS after all part of the SPECIAL system.
I bet you, if there was a Fallout 3 released on the same old engine, but with a completely new plot, every fan of Fo would download it, but guess how many of them would actually *buy* it?

I'd say about 5%...
that was a fucking retarded statement, I betcha that evry single one here has bought at minimum one copy of FO1 & FO2.
And some even bought bloody tactics.
The fallout curse =/
The fallout curse is rather marketing and fucked up ideas of what the market want. Everyone except interplay could realize that noone would want bloody POS for instance... But prolly the ply marketing division or summit said that consoles were the future. If devs keep fondling the consoleplayers balls the future will be a bloody genoside on all them mentally challenged x-box kiddies.

wth is the hype with consoles anyway? they're nothing but kiddie-boxes..!
I have nbo idea... I can agree that playing a fighting game on a console while drunk can be a tad amusing. But that's about it. Every other game, with no exception, are worse on consoles than PC's. And games made primarily for consoles.... well, they're fucking retarded... Need I even mention finalfantasy aka 'I suck cocks'.... and so on, and so on.
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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

Smiley wrote:People are afraid of change especially if it's something they love and admire, always have been, always will be.
It isn't change we are afraid of, it is when we hear about the changes and realize they are for the worst that gets us worked up. Neat-o 3D graphics engine to render the ever so haunting barren landscapes that cover the Fallout world is good. The combat being real-time with pause instead of the superior turn-based element is not good.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Hey, Final Fantasy is good.
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Post by Mismatch »

S4ur0n27 wrote:Hey, Final Fantasy is good.
don't push it
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Post by Smiley »

The combat being real-time with pause instead of the superior turn-based element is not good
you mean like tactics? nah, not exactly the best..

But I'm willing to see a different version, in real time.
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Post by Ripper »

The beauty of Fallout is that u can take the worst possible character like a 2 Int dumbass and still stand a good chance in finishing the game. Granted the storyline is fixed but how u can finish it is entirely up to you. You dont even need to pull the trigger at all in FO 1 to complete it.

Given Beth soft current ability, i think not. And its better to be negative than positive, since people fail more often than they succeed.
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Post by Carib »

Okay, as far as anyone can guess, Bethsda hasn't announced what exactly what they're going to do. So its a bit early to pass judgment.

So if we do less foaming at mouth, they might tell us, and knowing that we are rabid, I'd think they'd want to listen. Then again, they might actually add something new. And after all, they are pretty good.

But for the love of God, if I see first person view (then again, remember Deus Ex) and No SPECIAL, i will personally serve up someones liver.

On another note, console RPGS are usually scripted from beginning to end, and thus belong on consoles. Final Fantasy is an alright game, but I take freedom of choice any day of the week.

Fallout, defined that, and why Interplay didn't have the fucking common sense to do what Valvle did and capitilize on the franchise like they did on Half Life 2.l Valve listened, Interplay didn't. They instead made FOBOS, when they should have done Fallout 3 first instead.

Damn cocksuckers....
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