The Arena!!!

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Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper crawls along to his rune sword, struggling with his entire leg missing and a good portion of his abdomen as well. Reaper picks the rune sword up and manages to use it as a lever to get himself up. Reaper, standing on one leg, swings the rune sword and points it at BB.


*Reaper fires a bolt of lightning out of the rune sword which hits BB and sends him flying across the arena. Reaper then falls dead from blood loss.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

pulls up a lwan chair and watches the fight. hmm. i wish people posted here more often.

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper respawns and waits for BB to attack. A sudden gust of wind occurs and both the combatants' cloaks flap around in the wind one white, one black.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

*munches on some popcorn*

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper stands awaiting BB's attack, the light from the arena spotlights reflecting off the black blade of the rune sword. The 7 runes glowing a fiery red, they yearn for blood.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

TheReaper stood in anticipation, allowing a drop of sweat to streak down his face. The midday sun wasn't helping, distorting the shape of his enimy with heat waves. Across the charred battlefield, the cloaked one sat up from a pile of rubble. He looked at the hole in his cape and laughed. As he pulled off the cloak, the sun glinted from an unscathed suit of Mandelorian armor. Petty lightning bolts would do nothing. He was still concerned about the sword though.

"I am Janus, bloodbathmaster the second. Feel my true power!"

The ground quaked and the firey sun dimmed. From the gauntlets of his hands, bloodbathmaster summoned a flux of energy. The mana drifted, shapless for a matter of moments, then suddenly disspeared with a flash. Then a loud crack was heard. In theReapers hands, his powerfull rune sword shattered into a million rusty pieces. The shards shimmered with the magic that destroyed them, falling helplessly into the dust. Bloodbathmaster2 grinned.
One day...

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper looks down at the remains of the sword's hilt in his hand. Reaper looks up at the smiling bloodbath. Reaper grins evilly :twisted: and laughs.

"Ha ha ha! That ain't gonna hold me back for long."

*Bloodbath the second looks doubtful but his expression soon changes when he sees the rune sword blade growing out of the hilt again. Reaper continues to grin.

"Maybe lightning won't damage your armour but how about some ice with magical fire!"

*Reaper swings the sword and 4 shards of ice with blue flame hurtle out of it and towards BB.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

His leg frozen by the blast of ice, bloodbath struggled to avoid the incomming rain of fire. A cinder landed neaby, exploding with deadly force. Thinking quickly, the demigod unsheathed his sword, unveiling it to the daylight. The Masamune, legendary sword of Dreamstone, glinted in the light. With a flip of his wrist, bloodbath swung at the fireball. Ancient writings glowed in the face of danger, and the Masamune deflected the fire with ease. The ball of flame exploded hamlessly on the outer arena wall.

Bloodbath then hacked at the ice that restrained his leg. The blade stopped only milimeters short of cutting his own limb off, and with a crack, the ice shattered. The sword then spun to face the true danger. The one in black, standing only meters away, was readying for a responce. Bloodbath knew what he would do, and he steadied his whole body. His eyes closed and sparks of static electricity clung to his blade. Time slowed to a halt. Slowly, the demigod lept from his place, dissapearing in theReaper's eyes. He gained momentum, swinging his blade as he ran. He neared his prey and suddenly, he was gone. Then back again, only behind theReaper. The blade made contact with a full swing.
One day...

Post by TheReaper »

*The impact of the blade on Reaper's back knocked him staggering forward but he quickly turned and swiped at the figure, the blade followed by a black viod of nothingness. But BB was to far away for the huge blade to hit him, Reaper had gone further than he first thought. Reaper resumes his stance and brings the sword above his head. He slices down and opens a hole in the space-time continum and leaps through, it promptly closes behind him. BB looks around, Reaper is nowhere to be seen.

BB: "Where are you?"

*Reaper comes out of a hole behind BB and uses and upward slash, it connects with tremendous force.

"Right here!"

*After the attack, Reaper stabs the sword into the ground as he falls to one knee, BB's attack has begun to take effect, the huge gash on Reaper's back is bleeding immensly. Reaper uses a special chemical from his carryanything (tm) pouch to try and heal it as best as he can but it is clear he won't last long after the fight.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

The demigod cried out in pain as the rune sword connected with his back. His armor teared, emitting a hollow scream. Sparks flying from the gash, mechanical devices in the armor began to ceise function. Within seconds, all power was drained, and the Mandelorian armor became a prison for the warrior inside. Bloodbath, unable to move, calmly yelled over to his opponent, who, if you think about it, was suspiciously alot like him.

"Good fight, theReaper, but not good enough. My armor is rigged to self destruct in event of a total system failure."
"It was an honor to fight you."
"If there is a hell, I'll see you there."

It was all silenced with a blinding flash, so powerfull that it spread across the arena. The dust kicked up, and the screams of the dying combatants were drowned out. When the dust settled, nothing was left standing aside from the flawlessly designed arena itself. Over the loudspeaker, a machine aleterted the spectators:

"Respawn activated. All combatants will retun in their desagnated safehouses."
One day...

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper respawns fresh into the arena after the immense explosion. He looks around to see others respawning. Reaper draws the rune sword and looks for a challenge. The blast ended his pain from the wound BB had delivered.

"Thanks for the fight BB, you're a great fighter."
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

mmmm, good fight...*munch-munch*
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Post by Stainless »


to the right!? left!?!?



The single ship flung through the dimensional rift and hovered glimmering over the Arena. It's hull boor the insignia of Stainless's mighty fleet.

Although Stainless had lost almost all of his ground troops, his mighty fleet was still strong.

The cockpit flung open revealling a helmetted figure, his cape flowing in the wind around him.

Then a the man jumped from such allitude it would of killed a normal man. The figure landed steadily on the ground, a darkness cloaking his whole body prevented anybody from seeing him. Then the person raised his arms to the sky and his voice boomed.

"Prepare yourselves inferior creatures, for Stainless comes soon!"

With the mans last breath, he vanished. Above in the lone fighter craft sat Stainless, grinning evilly (as if there was any other way). He holsterd his newly made Blaster of Editting and ignited the engines, along with the dimensional drive, and hurtled into his own dimension, leaving a smoking trail of noxious fumes, which slowly decended upon the Arena.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

Emerging from his safehouse, the cloaked one looked up to see the craft zip past. The aircraft sent bloodbath to the ground as it broke the speed of sound, and bloodbath slid across the tile of the arena floor. His Mandelorian armor now gone forever, bloodbath pulled his cloak about his face to protect it from the noxious fumes. His eyes darted at the fighter ship with determination. This would be tricky.

He crouched low to the earth, pumping all of his energy into his legs. Stainless swooped around, ready to begin bombardment. As he neared the arena, the cloaked one lept from the earth. The tile smashed under the pressure of the leap and the demigod smashed into the fighter just as planned. Like a fly on Stainless' windshield, bloodbath grinned and pulled out a small laser tomohawk.

"So you can travel upwards of 1000 meters per second? I'm still going to rip you limp from limb... while traveiling upwards of 1000 meters per second."
One day...
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Post by Stainless »

Dammit man, I was going to fight later.....anywho, you give me now other choice then to smite your sorry arse!

BB's grinning face was pressed against the cockpit windscreen. THe grin was soon wiped from his face as stainless smirked back at him and pressed a single red button.

The cockpit flung off the craft takeing BB with it. Stainless then turned around for another pass, and locked the laser sites onto BB.

BB, seeing the impending danger of Stainless playing too many space combat games, flings his tomahawk at the incoming craft.

The aim is true and narrowly misses Stainless's head, but not a vital component. Dark cable fluid sprayed onto Stainless's visor blinding him temporaly as BB flung himself from the cockpit and onto Stainless

Stainless tears his helmet from his head, revealling a scared face that had seen better days, in time to see BB's fist screaming towards his head. Stainless cops the full force of the punch head on and quickly counters by smacking BB in the side of the head, with his helmet.

Both fighters dazed and blurry eyed, take a time out to gainn their bearings.

Stainless reaches over to the control panel beside him, and punches in a fue commands.....Stainless's help was coming, and his new fleet had wonderful new tech installed (like rift inhibitors, to prevent TR from getting inside).

BB then grabbed Stainless by the throat, his hand throbbing from the amount of pressure placed in it. Stainless's eyes bugged out and Stainless managed to draw his SoD. The sheild came up with force, knocking BB aside, and giving Stainless time to leap off the ship, eject an elemental suit and trigger the self destruct.

In free fall, Stainless clambered into his suit and activated the jump jets and hoverd high above the Arena, waiting for his fleet to come.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

Bloodbath stared out of the gaping hole in the side of the ship. Sparks flew from the sheered metal, and a noxious smoke filled the air. The ground was getting bigger. Bloodbath closed his eyes and frowned.


With a dull thud, the demigod respawned to see the wreakage of the fighter ship hit the ground.
One day...

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper looks up to see the explosion and just stands still while the others cower and run for cover he then sees a dimentional rift opening and a huge number of ships came through then the rift closed. Stainless' main fleet had arrived.

"I'd love to know what dimention they come from."

*Reaper thinks for a minute, he reasons it would be logical if Stainless had fitted rift shielding to stop Reaper getting in.

"Gotta do it the old-fashioned way."

*Reaper stands, his eyes closed, in a moment of intense concentration, he suddenly looks ahead and then up to the fleet. He crouches and dissapears completely. He soon appears on top of one of the ships, his rune sword glowing with the fires of hell. Reaper slices the hull open and dropped into the ship, it was a medical ship.

"Time to cripple his fleet."

*Reaper walks around, unnoticed by the crew and plants explosives all over the place. Reaper walks to a wall and leaps through it. The combatants look up to see Reaper erupt from the ship like water from a geyser. He falls to the ground and uses the rune sword to break his fall. The sword sticks in the ground but Reaper stays in the air, he balances with his hands on the handle of the rune sword. Reaper lowers himself to the ground with the rune sword behind him, still holding it. He grins but no-one can see through his black helmet.

"Say goodbye to two important ships Stainless! :twisted:"

*Reaper pulls the sword out of the ground and carries on with a downward slash, it causes a shockwave to expel from the blade with such force that it slices completely through Stainless' supply ship, cutting it in half. The two halfs blow up, followed soon by the mediship, an aura of pure evil surrounds Reaper and shows up against the background explosion as a dark globe around Reaper.
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Post by BigJack »

Just thought i'd drop in...

*while reaper is distracted with the fleet destruction BigJack stabs him with his laser dagger and runs away to the shadows...*
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Post by Umpa »

thereaper stands in his globe and grins. the muddy floor of the arena, stained with the blood of countless people ripples and a small crack opens.

a dark cloud begins to form on the blue, cloudless sky. a hole appears in the clod and it begins to widen. the hole soon covers the whole arena in an eerie light.

a small puddle of water on the floor begins to widen and ripples cover its surface. the puddle spreads until the water comes to the combatants knee hight.

the crack on the floor widens and soon a deep hole is in the ground.

umpa begins to float slowly upwards into the centre of the arena. somethings going to happen...

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper gasps from the impact of the wound, he uses his power to heal it. He sees Umpa rise and teleports to a vantage point high in the arena to sit back and watch for a while, not entering in combat.

"I don't want to be around when he ressurects."
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