A morally bankrupt whore/paragon of social virtue is you ?

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Was the quiz in question helpful with regard to actualising your (im)moral self ? HOW HELPFUL ?

Option #1 : Very helpful (olive).
No votes
Option #J : Considerably useful (crimson).
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Choice Epsilon : Vastly enlightening (puce).
Alternative B-105 : Marginally informative (tangerine).
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Preference William : Imperceptibly contributive (indigo).
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Token of loss and ennui : Vaguely educational (lemon).
Obligatory spurious nonsense privilege nine : Twelvety (onion).
Total votes: 18

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A morally bankrupt whore/paragon of social virtue is you ?

Post by Blargh »

The banana says 'YES'

I acquired a score of 30%, 40%, 80% and 12% respectively. Ha HA ! Or so it said. In all honesty, I don't put that much stock in such things, bar amusement of course. Huzzah.

Post your results, or do not. Discuss things relevant to this topic and so on, or do not. I don't really care, mind or anticipate gnashing of teeth or sleepless nights as a result or otherwise. And so off. No. :drunk:
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Post by Nicolai »

I can't be ared to take it, but I bet that I'd get a score of 27% or something.
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Post by Koki »

Moral Parsimony

Your score of 92% is significantly higher than the average score of 66%. This suggests that you have utilised a noticeably smaller range of moral principles than average in order to make judgements about the scenarios presented in this test, and that you have tended to judge aspects of the acts and circumstances depicted here to be morally irrelevant that other people consider to be morally relevant.

Geographical Distance

Your score of 83% is somewhat higher than the average score of 73% in this category. And indeed, it is a high score, which suggests that geographical distance only plays a marginal role in your moral thinking.

Family Relatedness

Your score of 100% is a lot higher than the average score of 56% in this category. It looks as if issues of family relatedness play have no significant role to play in your thinking about moral issues. HA HA HA!

Acts and Omisions

Your score of 83% is much higher than the average score of 60% in this category. It seems that you do not think that the distinction between acting and omitting to act has any real moral significance.


Your score of 100% is significantly higher than the average score of 74% in this category. It seems that scale, as it is described above, is not an important consideration in your moral worldview.

w00t. Just scale turned out kinda stupid.
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Post by the guardian »

45% , 83% , 35% , 35%, 27%
Hello New Jersey
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

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Post by Aneurysm »

I see Susan misses his father and wants to join him in prison.

As for the Moral Parsimony Score, I got 39% 67% 2% 35% 51%
Last edited by Aneurysm on Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by atoga »

78%, 83%, 100%, 51%, 76%

Some of the questions are a little half-baked. "You are required to send a person a gift, and you have bought a bottle of drink to send to them. However, you discover it is poison and if consumed will cause blindness in the drinker. To replace it with a non-contaminated bottle will cost you UK£10.00. You give the poisoned drink as a gift anyway. Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker?" How can you not be responsible?
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

55%, 51%, 18%, 51%, 100%
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Post by Retlaw83 »

atoga wrote:78%, 83%, 100%, 51%, 76%

Some of the questions are a little half-baked. "You are required to send a person a gift, and you have bought a bottle of drink to send to them. However, you discover it is poison and if consumed will cause blindness in the drinker. To replace it with a non-contaminated bottle will cost you UK£10.00. You give the poisoned drink as a gift anyway. Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker?" How can you not be responsible?
Kind of like the sabotaging the machine one.

My results were 59, 66, 34 and 100.
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Post by Spazmo »

49 67 67 35 27 and other meaningless numbers!

The sabotage question is there, I think, because there's a related question where you notice the defect but don't report it. It's for comparison.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Megatron »

Your Moral Parsimony Score is 38%

geo - 83
fam - 02
act - 18
sca - 51

hey aneurysm B)
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Post by Aneurysm »

In the end all it really matters is family really :salute:
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Post by St. Toxic »

It said I didn't have any morals. I think it's just asking the wrong questions.

SECRET EDIT: Oh and the end page title says "Success". Success what? In calling me a bad human being?
We make no judgement about whether moral parsimony is a good or bad thing. Some people bla bladi bla bla
Just say it. Im an asshole, you piece of shit test. Just fucking write it in capital letters at the top of the screen. At least give me that much respect, you vc fuckers. Fuck.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

You're so rebel mang, you're cool.
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Post by Blargh »

The questions are most definitely skewed, I recall finding issue with the wording of each one. We had a good laugh, and from a fairly standard Internet quiz at that. No, we are not writing for you. No.

atoga - Personally I cannot see the problem with gifting poison to another, as the question does indicate the nature of the liquid is readily apparent. Unlike some other questions, it does not outline your intentions. Roleplaying, to an extent, I could imagine that I was disposing of a hated rival. Then, of course, I would be entirely responsible for their loss of eyesight and quite proud of that responsibility too. How can you be responsible for the choice of a colleague, friend, relative or random stranger to drink it ? At no point does it mention tampering with or replacing the label, making the person drunk and then spiking their drink with the poison, or otherwise obscuring the qualities of the content. Fairly obviously, it near mirrors the donation vs. cocktail question, circumstance can be quite revealing of individual agenda and ethics. Also (and very, very importantly), UK£10.00 is UK£10.00 . . . Have you seen the exchange rate ?! I could almost pay off my mortgage with such a sum. /fish

St. Toxic - They're hypocrites, like every other human, mole person, and bacterial infection. Knowing, and oblivious. 'Tis an inescapable quality. Tee hee. But yes, you are probably an arsehole. Well done ! :drunk:
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Post by atoga »

I'm guessing the person was a good friend or something. Otherwise, yes, there's nothing wrong with disposing a rival, as you say -- but you're still responsible for their death. I mean, you gave them poison. How could you possibly not be?
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Blargh »

At the risk of repetition, the question provides no information regarding the ease of identification of the poison, no mention of obfuscation, no mention of any issues or problems that would impede the ability of the recipient to notice it wasn't a bottle of scotch for example. That said, how could you be responsible for the free will of another, specifically their choice to imbibe something clearly dangerous ? :drunk:
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Post by Fez »

You didn't force him to drink the poison. I suppose that is why some people said they were not responsible.
Don't hate him because he's beautiful.

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Post by St. Toxic »

Same thing with sabotage and withholding information if you ask me. You snooze, you loose... your legs. And I personally dont get guilty. I get stabby.

I got a 100 on everything except family, which drops 20-40% by saving your own kid instead of 10 other kids. I mean who does that? Unless its one extremely unwanted child, like devilspawn that couldn't be aborted (lived through several such attempts) and survived the ditchthrowing, choosing the other option is moronic. Not only are the questions illogical, undetailed and dumb... the morals are garbage.

When the test keeps asking about 'saving an X ammount of people, for the death of 10%, they thought they were putting weight on:

a) Sacrifice some for the benefit of the majority
b) Every individual counts, and it would be unfair to do that sacrifice.

Only thing that pops into my head is:

a) I save 10 million people. This means aprox 6 million assholes get to live another day, and I get to kill aprox 500 000 assholes.

b) I dont lift a finger.

I mean, its obvious I dont blame myself for any of that. Why should I? If I sabotage a mashine, I do it for a reason, and its not crying at some legless guys funeral. If I give someone a pack o' poison ( by mistake hihi ) and they drink it, I'd wonder how they've gotten this far in life.

I'm Mr Moral. Really. They're just asking the wrong questions. :drunk:

Once again the EDIT strikes: Oh and someone should try all the 3 options of reporting their brother to the cops, I think all 3 are get you a lower family rating. If not they should. Maybe its nothing serious, and no one needs to know. Maybe the bro is about to harm you or himself next! Maybe being indecisive is just what the situation needs to blow over?! You cant debate this shit.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

You're getting way too deep into this, Toxic. I mean, this is the INTERNET, you're not supposed to take anything on it seriously.
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