Fallout 3 ?

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Fallout 3 ?

Post by Zila »

Rather an Odd idea. But it just occured to me.
Rather than being set after Fallout 2 (as is logical)
An interesting idea would be if the next PC version of Fallout in what ever incarnation it takes, was set a short time after the original Fallout.
So that the level of Tech in the world stays at a reckonisable level rather than just going crazy.
And you could be really clever about the storyline. Set it 10 years after Fallout, start it in a completly different area and have the main character say the only survivor of a Vault that is over run by the remnants of the Masters Army as they fleed. This give your character a motive/quest. To find the one responsible, which utimately is the original Vault Dweller. He'd/She'd be responsible for the destruction of your players Vault... And according to Fallout 2 the Vault Dweller just up and disappeared one day.

Yeah it's a dumb Idea I know, but i've read worse. (I've come up with worse in fact.)
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Post by Slider »

I like the idea of having the next game after FO because I liked having no real world guns in fallout. And a lot less of tech with towns like Junktown and Shady Sands.

I would rather see the player to try to get help to drive off the mutant invasion.
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Re: Fallout 3 ?

Post by Viktor »

Zila wrote:Rather an Odd idea. But it just occured to me.
Rather than being set after Fallout 2 (as is logical)
An interesting idea would be if the next PC version of Fallout in what ever incarnation it takes, was set a short time after the original Fallout.
So that the level of Tech in the world stays at a reckonisable level rather than just going crazy.
And you could be really clever about the storyline. Set it 10 years after Fallout, start it in a completly different area and have the main character say the only survivor of a Vault that is over run by the remnants of the Masters Army as they fleed. This give your character a motive/quest. To find the one responsible, which utimately is the original Vault Dweller. He'd/She'd be responsible for the destruction of your players Vault... And according to Fallout 2 the Vault Dweller just up and disappeared one day.

Yeah it's a dumb Idea I know, but i've read worse. (I've come up with worse in fact.)
No, it's a bloody good idea! It would fit easily within accepted Fallout canon which would keep the purists happy and avoid all the weapons info/balance problems that FO2 and FO:T had.

Hopefully it will have TB and CTB options for combat and hugely improved NPC AI. How many times did you get riddled with bullets from 'burst fire nightmares' such as Sulik and Marcus in FO2???
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Post by Flamescreen »

Hey Zilla,
If you are the man that made the "War Machine" campaign, should I remove it from my list? Or are you still making it?
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Post by Zila »

Damn someone remembered... Yeah I was working on the 'War Machine' Campaign for FO:T but I abadonned it due to the inflexibility of the Editors and my lack of skill. Yeah please remove it from the list, I really should of emailed the sites that were good enough to link to it, but I was so hacked off with the editors that I sort of turned my back on Fallout for a while (but suprise suprise I came back... damn Fallout for being tooooo good)
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Post by Tank »

This is an idea that has been brought up several times over at Vault 13, some like it, some don't. Personally, I love it. It gives us the chance to go back to a familiar setting and at the same time try something new. I'd say a new area is essential, that way the different possible endings won't conflict with Fallout 2.
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Post by Flamescreen »

In reply to Zilla:
Thanx for the reply. Btw, you should check the moding forums of at least old DAC. We came a long way to understand the editors better recently, and with the tile editor in production things now seem as the editors aren't really that inflexible. Sad to see you dropped, "The War Machine" sounded promising...
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Post by Mikey »

Tank wrote:I'd say a new area is essential
i concur.
i'd love to explore the post-apocalyptic northeast.
any other suggestions, anyone?
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Post by Umpa »

start in area 51, be some military dude who gets kicked into the wasteland for misconduct.

explains power armour and all of the good, real-life weapons
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Post by Miracleasd »

its a nice idea but it opens it up to creating problems in the general storyline.

what if the player decides to kill tandi in shandy sands?

hmmm. an idea springeth fourth. time to increase the number of topics.
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Post by Knight »

That is a great idea...your right it should be set some where far from any of the Fallout 2 locales because the player might change the future if he or she killed everyone in Shady Sands of the Military Base! :P
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Post by Frost »

i just wanna know something... is fallout 1,2,3 like the most wanted and the most talked about RPG for the pc if so i think it should get a reward dont you...?
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Post by FireWolf »

fallout 1 and 2 have had numerous accolaids.

I am not happy with the idea of the prequel. i am also not too fond of the idea of moving fallout somewhere else, while the idea of letting the main character be another vault dweller is kinda interesting it kinda moves away from the whole v13 legacy. some of the fun from the previous fallouts has been finding out what happend to some of the characters from the original fallout, like harold, tandi and others.

There isnt really a question about the tech level after fallout 2, the majority of weapons in fallout 2 were real world developments. example: H&K G11 project was cancelled recently for some reason, yet there was a working prototype. powered armour was developed at west tek, if you move too far away from west tek and the brotherhood, no PA is available. and fallout without PA is just wrong.

starting in area 51 would be a bit silly if you ask me. firstly i doubt they'd just send you out of area 51 for misconduct, especially if they dont want anyone to find out about it and raid their supplies, they'd more likely shoot you.

While i think moving away from the fallout 2 area is right, just like it was after fallout 1, it shouldn't move too far away. things should be new but there should still be a familiarity about it. perhaps it is wishful thinking but there you go. One thing i have noticed, after fallout 1 the vault dweller wanders off into the wastes leaving the scope for fallout 2 open. after fallout 2, however, the chosen one goes back to arroyo. kinda sticks you in one place unless the next game focuses on a wandering descendant.

personally i didnt see that much tech in fallout 2. i dont know what everyone is whining about it for.

If you dont want a well made plot which follows in the footsteps of fallout 1 and 2 why dont you just play fallout tactics. there they just scrapped pretty much everything, ignored most information, did away with anything that didnt fit and made a plot that was not believeable.
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Post by Grand Lord Penguin »

Ah, hell. FireWolf's post is too long.

1. Power Armor was used against China in the battles leading up to the nukes. Power Armor was in full production at the time of the bomb drops. Why do you think the Enclave had so many?

2. No tech? Um...did you go to VC or the NCR or San Fran? They had freaking laser turrets and laser gates in two of the cities, and the other one is controlled by a computer has guards with gauss rifles.

Anyway, I think the only logical progession is to head to a new location. Otherwise, you'd have to do a prequel or turn FO into scifi. [/b]
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Post by Dark Xenomorph »

Tank wrote:I'd say a new area is essential

I say we move into the eastern area but plz lets get out of California! I hate to see a Disney land Special Encounter/ maybe Texas area?
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Post by Megatron »

Yeah a new area! w00p33! Why not we just re-name the game at the same time? I wouldn't mind a new area, so long as vault 13 was somewhere on the map.
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Post by VasikkA »

Power armor was not used in war against China, IIRC. The Power Armor is an unfinished project that was developed pre-war meant to be used against China. So the nice looking power armors you see on BOS troopers are just prototypes. Dunno about the APA. I guess the Enclave had developed the regular PA further.

As for the area. I think a new area is a must. Not too far from original fallouts, maybe a few familiar locations, Nevada for example with Las Vegas as the center location. Of course full with casinos, booze, whores and guns.
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Post by FireWolf »

as i said all along. new area.

PA was used against china and china tried to build their own (that's what i remember from the fo bible anyway) not much survived though did it. afterall there was the small item of the thermo nuclear war which decimated most of the planet.

Enclave had access to the technological fascilities and about 100 years or more to develop nice new armour.

They had weapons, yes. laser turrets arnt much more than sensors with hand weapons on them with a mains supply. hardly rocket science. still, they didnt conquer the wastes did they?
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Post by kuhly »

what about australia they probibly didn't get hit much and may have some vaults [/list]
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Re: location

Post by Dan »

kuhly wrote:what about australia they probibly didn't get hit much and may have some vaults [/list]
Australia doesn't fit the setting... and why did you dig up this old thread?
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