Star Trek Or Star Wars?

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Star Trek or Star Wars

Star Wars ( jar jar is a taliban though )
Star Trek (I'll launch a photon torpedo up ur arse!)
Total votes: 35

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Post by The Shrike »

Dammit Knight you don't support your Ideas logicaly you therefore end up sounding like an idiot. I like the starwars universe more than the startrek universe but I would have to say in a war between the two universes startrek would win. Saint's posts tell why startrek would win.
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Post by Knight »

We lost despite my illogical support at the laste minute! :mad: NO! :mad: Now we will all be assimilated! 8O
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Post by Walks with the Snails »

Knight, you're doing more harm than good. Saying things like antimatter doesn't exist don't help your case. Antimatter has been known and studied extensively right here in the real world since long before you were probably born.

Haven't read any of the books, but from what I remember from playing the Star Wars PnP RPG a few years back, Star Wars ships do travel faster than light, much faster, in fact. They travel through hyperspace, but they move so fast that the entire path has to be charted beforehand. If you didn't, you'd slam into the hyperspace shadow of a planet or something like that way before you or your ship could detect it and react. That's actually the core specialty of the series of robots of the same model as R2D2. The main determinant of the speed of travel other than the power of your hyperspace engines compared to the bulk of your ship is how well-known the hyperspace route is and therefore how straight a path you can take with a reasonable degree of safety. Even then, there's no guarantee you won't accidentally hit something that wasn't there when the route was plotted. Pirates really like that trick, in fact. So Star Wars ships would probably have a speed advantage in their own universe, but if plunged into a new area like the Star Trek galaxy, they'd be totally screwed. It takes a great deal of time and effort as well as danger to plot out new hyperspace routes in Star Wars, since everything that a ship might run into has to be recorded before it's safe to travel with any kind of speed.

Okay, just had to get that bit of nerdiness out of the way. As far as overall, I have to say Star Trek is better, mainly because Lucas has run Star Wars into the ground. If Episode 2 doesn't come on cable in a couple of years, I doubt I'll even watch it. The last good one was Empire Strikes Back. Everything since then has been downhill. We get fat, slow little furballs saving the universe, the Force showing up on a blood test, and Jar Jar. It basically is just a merchandising platform for the grade school crowd, now.
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Post by Crow of Ill Omen »

Aside from the ambiguous lightspeed issue, ship to ship combat would be pretty even. They both have energy weapons, explosive torpedos and deflector shields.

It would come down to infantry battles. There, both sides have energy weapons, but only Star Wars has the lightsabre and the force. On the other hand, only Star Trek has the VNP and telepathic super-powers.

In the end Star Trek would have to win, because they have the ultimate you-can't-beat-us weapon. Whatever the Jedi or Sith through at them, the Trekkies would just "remodulate their phase invariance" and win the day.

Science Officer: "Captain, we are under attack from an inexplicable force."
Captain: "Is there anything we can do."
Chief Engineer: "If I remodulate the phase invariance, Cap'n, me may just shake off their weird jiggery-pokery, suh"
Captain: "Make It So!"

3 seconds later

Science Officer: "It seems to have had the desired effect, Captain. We're now completely immune to their attacks."
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Post by n305er »

Hehehe... :lol:

I think Star Wars fans really out numbered Star Trek fans... But a new Star Trek Movie will be out around next year... we will see how it goes... Will people yawn like during Star Wars Episode 1 and 2?
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Post by Walks with the Snails »

You can't forget the other ace in the hole the Trek guys have - run it through the deflector dish. No matter what, it always saves the day when things look bleakest. Give some hot science chick a few minutes to come up with something so crazy it just might work and the Death Star wouldn't stand a chance, as long as it involved the deflector dish. Or a tachyon beam. Preferably both.

The Force is highly overrated, though. It, along with a lightsaber, is nice when you want to look like a badass but not really that good for much else. Kinda like actually trying to shoot something with a pistol in each hand. Anyway, I imagine if you gave any doctor from any of the series a Jedi's blood sample and a day or two in the lab, you'd have legions of souped-up Yodas in red shirts running around before you could blink, after the requisite hand-wringing, of course.
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Post by Crow of Ill Omen »

Saint_Proverbius wrote:Things go faster than light in Star Wars - without any type of explantion.

Technically, you can't accellerate things to the speed of light by pushing harder. However, you can bend space. Gravity works this way, mass curves space and thus produces gravity.

Now, say you have a ship in space. Say you bend the space around the ship so that space is "less dense" in front and "more dense" behind it. Essentially, this is the 3D equivalent of putting a marble on a flat plane and then inclining it, the marble rolls. The more you incline it, the faster it rolls. Likewise, the more you distort space, the faster the spaceship will go.

Thus, it is possible to "warp" space to achieve the speed of light and beyond. Hince warp drive in Star Trek.

NASA's been toying with this idea for years too.
Technically we can't do any of those things. Theoretically (according to currently accepted theories) we can. It all depends how much faith you put in the theoreticians. At least it does for me, since I haven't worked through the proofs.

I don't put much faith in them. I'd rather put my faith in human ingnorance. It's much more reliable. I fully expect current theories to be displaced by new ones in a huge revelation at some point. Then I expect those theories to be disproved.

Star Wars is fiction. Star Trek is slightly lower quality fiction. If one says "we push harder and go faster" and the other says "we warp space" they both are equally valid as pieces non-factual narrative.
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Re: Star Trek Or Star Wars?

Post by Jimbo san »

Dark Xenomorph wrote:Star Trek is very very cool, but the force can destroy any federation ship! A light sabre is better than a photon Torpedo and Boba Fett is such a cool hard ass. I like star trek alot but Star Wars graps my attention more, this poll may not work ok?
VOTE: Neither. LOTR is better than Star Wars and I can't get "into" Star Trek.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

n305er wrote:Hehehe... :lol:

I think Star Wars fans really out numbered Star Trek fans... But a new Star Trek Movie will be out around next year... we will see how it goes... Will people yawn like during Star Wars Episode 1 and 2?
It's REALLY awful.. So awful, I'm amazed Lucas didn't write it.
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Post by the guardian »

i hate star wars....

as for star trek, its cute,i only like the old serie though... kinda retarded when you look at it, but i acully watch it once in a while
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Post by Thrillkill »

sci-fi crap suxors 8) ...

i vote starwars however because its produced much better games in recent years then star trek (except for elite force) :roll:

oh and fantasy shit sucks also. Just had to say that
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Never played Starfleet Command? I think it's the best starship tactical game ever made.
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Post by Mr. Zealot »

Personally, I like Star Wars better, but Star Trek had some pretty cool plot ideas. That Genesis Device would be nice to have. Just point it at Mars and BOOM, let's go colonize. And I heard there was an episode where something happens with time and the Enterprise finds an Earth in which Hitler won. What's up with that? Hypothetical scenarios are fun...

Oh yeah, I never played Starfleet Command, but Homeworld's pretty tough to beat. Blowing away another guy's Mothership with a fleet of Heavy Cruisers and Destroyers just gives me the warm fuzzies inside
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Post by Knight »

Alright! I admit I love both ST and SW but hate Q! So there! You see why the illogic! 8)
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Post by n305er »

Saint_Proverbius wrote:
n305er wrote:Hehehe... :lol:

I think Star Wars fans really out numbered Star Trek fans... But a new Star Trek Movie will be out around next year... we will see how it goes... Will people yawn like during Star Wars Episode 1 and 2?
It's REALLY awful.. So awful, I'm amazed Lucas didn't write it.
What are you talking about?
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Post by Phoenix »

Mr. Zealot wrote:Personally, I like Star Wars better, but Star Trek had some pretty cool plot ideas. That Genesis Device would be nice to have. Just point it at Mars and BOOM, let's go colonize. And I heard there was an episode where something happens with time and the Enterprise finds an Earth in which Hitler won. What's up with that? Hypothetical scenarios are fun...

Oh yeah, I never played Starfleet Command, but Homeworld's pretty tough to beat. Blowing away another guy's Mothership with a fleet of Heavy Cruisers and Destroyers just gives me the warm fuzzies inside
I totally agree that homeworld cool. i heard that they are going to release a new game called "project earth" similar to homeworld!
ohh yes!
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

Time travel situations are some of the most popular
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Post by DansingMungki »

The original ST went back in time a couple of times and one and a half times in the films, the next generation went back in time several times in the TV series and one and ahalf times in the Films, Voayager have gone back in time several times and Deep Space Nines done it several times too. I havent seen the new Enterprise go back or forward in time yet but as its part of the series's plot Im sure itll happen more times than its needed.

All in all the Star Trek films and series mustve gone back/forward in time at least 20times.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

n305er wrote:
What are you talking about?
There's an annotated script floating around the 'net. It's pretty funny to read though.
I totally agree that homeworld cool. i heard that they are going to release a new game called "project earth" similar to homeworld!
Homeworld and SFC are two different things.
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Post by n305er »

Mikey wrote:i find this hilarious.
It's just a dog interviewing some Fans...! And The damn computer here have a sound card but no speakers... : :(