Got a brand new Sig .45

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Post by ApTyp »

In that case, I want legs made out of guns D;
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Post by Urizen »

The basis of the welfare state is an idea which i believe has yet to reach the US, namely that everyone is created equal. It's very easy to say that everyone's the same at heart, or at birth, but very few people bother to see the consequence of that philosophy.
If one believes that, then one also has to believe that everyone who doesn't reach their potential, i.e. become honest and law-abiding, have been inhibited from reaching their potential. In Europe, many belive that poverty, lack of education, abuse and other things are examples of such hindrances. The solution? The welfare system.

-Your prudishness does seem very strange to us, 'cause it's so utopian and unrealistic. I've seen a couple of cocks and pussies on the (government-funded) telly tonight, but the network won't be getting any hatemail because of it, 'cause everyone knows that cocks and pussies also exist in real life.

-The way you put politics and religion in the blender and joyfully drink the smelly ooze that comes out. Here in Norway, we have one (1) political party based on religion, the christian people's party. But they don't talk about christianity, 'cause they know that if they did, then most of the country would hate them for it. The two things they do talk about are liberty and open-minededness. Not that anyone votes for them anyhow.

-It seems like you believe that diehard capitalism is the only way to run a country, and we should all be gratefull 'cause you're here to protect us. When my grandparents were young and Norway was occupied by the nazis, do you know who liberated the country? The Soviet Union.
Maybe american kids are tought that the germans were defeated at the bay of spam or whatever, but here we're tought that they lost because they prematurely attacked the soviets and underestimated the harsh north european climate.

-Your president is felt to be a warmonger, and your foreign politics seem to based solely on what's good for your own country. Like how you fund fanatics to fight your wars for you, and as a byproduct end up with fanatical regimes. "Oops!"

-You're the worlds worst polluter, yet you still refuse to commit to reducing your emissions.

This is deliberetely written in a "you are to blame" kind of style. Not because I believe that the US is to blame for everything, but because that's the way many people see things here on the other side of the canal. I'm not going to defend what's in this post, because there are things I've written here that I don't agree with. I'm just trying to give the americans on the forum some idea of what arguments people in Europe use to justify anti-amercanism.
Last edited by Urizen on Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Kashluk »

airsoft guy wrote:What about countries that are run by men who think they are God, like Japan?
The emperor hasn't had any power in something like 700 years or so, though. He just dances around, playing the son of God with government money :dance:
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Post by Redeye »

Kashluk wrote:
airsoft guy wrote:What about countries that are run by men who think they are God, like Japan?
The emperor hasn't had any power in something like 700 years or so, though. He just dances around, playing the son of God with government money :dance:
I thought thw WW2 Emperor was required to renounce his claim to
divinity. Was that only temporary?

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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Well he has no official power now, but in times before the Tokugawa government, he was considered a religious figurehead, much like the pope.

Post by Kashluk »

I thought he's been pretty much a puppet since the Shogun "revolution" or some chit in the medieval times? That warlords and the richest landowners pull the strings behind the scenes while the people cheer at their almighty emperor's orders?
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Post by Lynxer »

Industralization and corporate power probably infringed on the imperial autocracy Japan was governed by.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

He's Japan's Queen D;
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Kashluk wrote:I thought he's been pretty much a puppet since the Shogun "revolution" or some chit in the medieval times?
Kinda - He was important still in the eyes of the people. He had no official power, much like the pope, but was regarded as the religious center of the nation. So while he had no real power, he was regarded as an important figurehead. Susan has a good summation of it - he was like the British royal family, only considered abit more like god.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

There isn't really any religion founded on the Emperor. Japan's religions are buddhism and shintoism. The Emperor is subject to a totally different cult. He's just a very important character and he used to be considered as the Sun's son or something.

He was much more subject to respect than to a cult. And not from everyone. Some warlords didn't hesitate to manipulate him, Tokugawa is the best example. The emperor's family used to be very poor in the medieval times and suffered a lot from corruption, as well as the court.
Last edited by S4ur0n27 on Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

wikipedia wrote:The role of the Emperor of Japan has alternated between that of a supreme-rank cleric with largely symbolic powers and that of an actual imperial ruler from the dawn of history until the mid-twentieth century. An underlying imperial cult (Arahitogami) has played a role, as monarch's high-priestly (mediator between people and divine) position has regarded to have come from his close (hereditary) ties with Japanese gods.
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Post by CrazyNick »

Hte emporer is like the queen of england. No real official power, put people still listen anyways.
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Post by Jennifer »

okay, i open up page 1 of this thread and it's aptyp showing off his pop gun. i go to page 2 and it's everyone making fun of aptyp for showing off his pop gun. i skip to page 8, and you wackos are talking about japanese history :chainsaw:

what happened in between? where did we go wrong?
Did i say that out loud?
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Post by vendetta »

THe way I see it:

ApTyp shows off his piece of shit -> people make fun of him -> Mandy comes in -> airsoft guy makes things get worse -> America & paranoia -> America is shit and all -> golden legs (?) -> Japanese history.

See? Very logical.
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Re: Got a brand new Sig .45

Post by Smiley »

ApTyp wrote::hyper:

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Congratulations on your new piece. I hope you think it's worth it.

Just don't put it in your pants and blow your balls off..
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Post by Aonaran »

Edit: Ah hell, thread got the cut.
my vocabulary skills is above you.
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Post by ApTyp »

Someone was asking about Walther PPK, and I mentioned Makarov...

I carried Makarov today. It's 26 ounces heavy (about 4-5 ounces heavier than PPK), and that's heavy enough not to keep it in your pocket. After some experimentation I've found that the best way to carry it w/o holster is to squeeze it between the pants and the belt, one link to the right of the belt buckle. Very flat, snug fit. Safety switch is of some concern, however, I've handled two Bulgarian models and it seemed loose and switched from safe to ready with relatively little effort.

It's a great carry gun in a hot weather conditions, where it can be absolutely invisible under loose clothing worn over it, but it's still way too heavy to just toss it in your pocket on your way out. For that purpose, Kel-Tec P11 with a comfortable grip extension seem to be a better choice, both weight and caliber-wise.

What Kel-Tec needs is to make P11 with a longer, more comfortable grip, and keep the prices in $150-250 region.
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Post by airsoft guy »

Don't carry Mexican style, that's incredibly unsafe. Get an in the waistband holster for it so it don't fall down your pant leg and accidentally go off somehow.

Slap down some cash for a good holster, being able to get the gun out and into the fight is just as important as having the damn thing in the first place. Gun does you no good if you fumble with it and it slides down your pants.
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Post by ApTyp »

I'm not worried about THAT. At least not on my pants, not with its belt loops positions, and not with my belt.

Just try it, and walk around your place really fast. Try jerking it around and tugging it down.

But belt holsters are more comfortable and fit on every pants that can work with a belt, sure.
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Post by kingcomrade »

I was thinking of getting a no$ebleed .45 from Springfield, but really, I think all I should bother with are the .22 pistol and rifle I have. I live in a neighborhood of old white people in a small military town. Not a whole lot of crime in this part of town.

Still managed to have my bike stolen though.
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