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Post by ApTyp »

Just tape a weed knife to the barrel, you'll be fine.

It's not like you're going to ever need the bayonet anyway...

I wanted to saw off the bayonet on my SKS, but decided against that. I think it's illegal, unless you take off the grenade launching attachment and the night sights, and I'm a big fan of night sights.
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Post by Burnov »

I really don't know how you can not own one of those rifles in the States and yet we can own them up here. I mean. Can't you buy the HK 91 in the U.S? That's just as blatantly "Assault rifle" as the Vz.58 or any civilian reproduction could be.

They find their way up here too I believe but for some reason I'm under the impression they're illegal here. Yet, supposedly we can buy this czech AK knockoff when they finally cross the border. Yes. We are having problems getting them into canada, however I assume it'll be a similar situation to the Walther G22. It'll get into the country since it was initially approved by someone who wasn't paying attention, a few hundred people will buy it. And then the CFO of some region will shit a brick over it, yet in the end. Those who got their guns can keep them. Non restricted et al.
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Post by Redeye »

airsoft guy wrote:
Burnov wrote:Actually it's a Czech assault rifle.
I dunno. Did the Japs use Czech rifles? I'd be interested to know.
I believe he's talking about some Japanese terrorists. ... Of course the Japanese are insane...
Yeah, it was wacky, bucktoothed nearsighted nips. ... d_1972.php

Not an actual terr-nip. Just a random pitcher.
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Post by ApTyp »

Yeah, the Japs aren't even really people.
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Post by Burnov »

One of the terrorists, Yasuyuki Yasuda, ran out of ammunition and was cut down by his companions.
I don't think they worded that sentence too well.

Because it could also imply that he was cut down by his companions for running out of ammunition. Instead of him simply being shot down near his fellow assailants. The former interpretation would be stupid, however their whole outfit seems to have stupidity in spades.

The only drugs for us are Marxism-Leninism. The world of Che Guevara is the only stimulus we need.
I know I'm digressing here, but seriously...

What the fuck are commies and the palestinians doing working together? What's the idealogical connection?

One rebukes religion in any form, and the other group is predominantly driven by the tenets of islam.
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Post by ApTyp »

Chaos, that's what.

Communists have long since used chaos to their advantage. The islamists in Iraq are doing it right now. It's like e-Bay "sniping", only with real brains and skull fragments on the pavement.

Besides, it's not all that uncommon. Remember USSR? KGB actually killed the original leader of KP of Afghanistan for being too anti-religion, which did not bode well with the population. USSR was always more about the state than about ideology, though (until the later began to adversely affect the other).
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Post by Blargh »

Something of a tangent - I have been playing JFK - Reloaded of late.

Hit the Limo Driver in the left eye and killed him !
Exited the Limo Driver's head.
Hit the Governor in the mouth.
Hit the Governor in the neck.
Exited the Governor's neck.
Hit JFK in the right nipple and killed him !
Exited JFK's chest.
Hit the Presidential Limo and ricocheted.
Went into the air.

Amusing game. Silly, yet amusing. :drunk:
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Post by airsoft guy »

Burnov wrote:I really don't know how you can not own one of those rifles in the States and yet we can own them up here. I mean. Can't you buy the HK 91 in the U.S? That's just as blatantly "Assault rifle" as the Vz.58 or any civilian reproduction could be.

They find their way up here too I believe but for some reason I'm under the impression they're illegal here. Yet, supposedly we can buy this czech AK knockoff when they finally cross the border. Yes. We are having problems getting them into canada, however I assume it'll be a similar situation to the Walther G22. It'll get into the country since it was initially approved by someone who wasn't paying attention, a few hundred people will buy it. And then the CFO of some region will shit a brick over it, yet in the end. Those who got their guns can keep them. Non restricted et al.
It doesn't have to make sense, it was written up by politicians, the people least qualified to make laws about anything.

TheVz58 isn't an AK knockoff though, it's a totally different weapon. My SAR-1 is a knockoff, of course just about any AK in the U.S. is a knockoff since "real" AK's are fully automatic, and like I said before, full guns cannot be imported. When people import "assault weapons" into the United States they either have to be in parts and then American made parts have to be added to make them legal guns, or the guns have to be broken down when they get here to have those parts added. Usually it's the later thought because it's just easier on the people shipping them here.

The thing with the Vz.58 civilian rifles is that there isn't a demand for them here, especially when people can still get AK clones as they haven't been banned or put on some bullshit "restricted list" so there isn't a big demand for the Vz.58 so nobody is making them here. I think one or two small companies might be making them from parts kits domestically for collectors, but they're most likely VERY expensive compared to an AK clone.
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Post by Burnov »

I was somewhat aware that the VZ.58 wasn't a knockoff in the most traditional sense. It operates differently according to some websites I've read.

However. In the eyes of legislators and anyone else who bears a certain paranoia towards firearms. If it looks like an AK or an assault rifle. It might as well be.

One of the weapons used by a criminal in an ambush of some rookie RCMP earlier this year in my province was an HK 91. And everyone kept referring to it as an assault rifle. As far as I know. That's like referring to an SL8 as an assault rifle. And they're legal here. Although the SL8-4 was almost banned because it was black...

Yeah.. how retarded is that?

They're explicitly made for a civilian market. They may have different furniture, but you can find semi automatic rifles in both respective calibers in your traditional configuration with a wood stock etc, that fire semi auto and behave generally the same way.

Yet you don't see anyone screaming about a mini 14?
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Post by airsoft guy »

You don't hear people bitching about the Mini-14 because Bill Ruger sold his soul to the anti-gun lobby. He was a businessman first and a gun right supporter second. He was a supporter of a 15 round magazine limit because his autoloading pistols generally held fifteen rounds or less, meanwhile his competitors like GLOCK, Beretta, SiG and HK, along with other companies, their products mostly held more than fifteen rounds.

Plus Ruger doesn't release magazines over ten rounds for the Mini-14 except for the police and military and all the after market magazines are hit or miss. Ruger factory magazines over 10 rounds can be found, but they're really hard to find and expensive. I'd still love to get one at some point for no other reason than to have it. Of course I have other things to buy first.

As for the shooting of the RCMP officer earlier this year, as I understand it the shooter illegally modified the weapon to fire fully-automatic. Of course no gun laws could touch him anyhow since he was not a law-abiding citizen, they were up there making or growing drugs or some such thing. So it's not like some regular Joe went nutty and started shooting the place up.
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Post by Burnov »

As for the shooting of the RCMP officer earlier this year, as I understand it the shooter illegally modified the weapon to fire fully-automatic. Of course no gun laws could touch him anyhow since he was not a law-abiding citizen, they were up there making or growing drugs or some such thing. So it's not like some regular Joe went nutty and started shooting the place up.
What's more. The guy was legally prohibited from owning guns by court order as a result of conviction on previous offences. As I recall.

So it's not really a case for gun control at all. He circumvented the laws to such a degree that no gun control legislation would have worked anyhow.
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Post by Redeye »

Burnov wrote:
One of the terrorists, Yasuyuki Yasuda, ran out of ammunition and was cut down by his companions.
I don't think they worded that sentence too well.

Because it could also imply that he was cut down by his companions for running out of ammunition. Instead of him simply being shot down near his fellow assailants. The former interpretation would be stupid, however their whole outfit seems to have stupidity in spades.

The only drugs for us are Marxism-Leninism. The world of Che Guevara is the only stimulus we need.
I know I'm digressing here, but seriously...

What the fuck are commies and the palestinians doing working together? What's the idealogical connection?

One rebukes religion in any form, and the other group is predominantly driven by the tenets of islam.
The Japanese Red Army was super-fanatic. If you lost your discipline,
you could be tortured, killed, or both. So, I'm not the slightest bit
surprised that Mr.Triggerhappy got it. He just didn't make the grade, or
maybe living comrades without ammo are just a security risk. Or both.

Also, the times (60's/70's) saw the rise of Islamic Radicalism,
plus Westen counterculture, plus Soviet Bloc looking for alternative warfare modes. The KGB even had encyclopedias rewritten to "prove"
the compatibility of marxism and islam. And so on...
The association of Zionism with "greedy Jews" was absolutely perfect
for the Soviets. A clear cut case of "Capitalist Oppression of the Islamic
Masses." No way they were going to miss out on THAT bonanza.

Rooskies had a lot of influence in the ME/NE. I think they got kicked
out of Egypt in 79/80. They had bases in Yemen (north?), somalia/ethiopia, asociations elsewhere- esp. Libya and Syria.
It was just another one of the Proxy Wars that collectively made the
Cold War into WW3.

So of course the commies and the wacky students got in with the Palestinians. It was the "new hip thing."

Especially if you were a fanatical Jap. They even nailed each other under
floorboards for "fornicating".
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Post by ApTyp »

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Post by jiujitsu »

Are those yours?
I am Megatron alt #7.

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Post by airsoft guy »

ApTyp wrote:Image
You need some better lighting or turn the flash on or something. I can't tell what they are except the SKS and the AK clone. That sort of looks like a Mac 10 or 11 clone down there. I think the one with the silvery slide is a SIG or a Springfield XD and the pistol on the far left looks like a Makarov.
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Post by ApTyp »


Yugo, WASR-10, Bulgarian Makarov, Kel-Tec P11, Sig 220 .45ACP, MPA 30 9mm.
Nothing extraordinary, except maybe MPA.
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Post by airsoft guy »

You got some much nicer looking wood on your WASR-10/SAR-1 than on mine, mines all mismatched. The buttstock is a blonde wood that looks like it was dipped in laquer or something, while the forestock is an unfinished darker wood. O've also go the muzzlebrake on yours, mine doesn't.
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Post by ApTyp »

The wood is nice, sure. The metal, on the other hand... The barrel is badly painted, and the front sight looks like rusted shit. There's also some scratches on the receiver that I could live without. Eh, you want quality, buy Vepr...
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Post by airsoft guy »

Burnov wrote:It's so nice when DAC fucks up your post so you lose it...

I love it when that happens.

Here's a brief synopsis of what I had posted.

"I don't like guns that aren't real blah blahblahblah, the jackhammer never made it to production only a handful of working demo models were ever produced. Blah blah blah. Just like the OICW. It was a big gimmicky piece of shit that had no place on the battlefield, blah blah blah blah blah. It looks gay too. Blah blah blah, if you think the OICW or XM8 look cool, you're clearly gay. Blah blah blah blah blah."

So that pretty much sums that part up.

Um. I'm planning on buying the civilian version of the Vz.58 when they finally cross the border. Normally I wouldn't buy something like that, however it's a non-restricted firearm. Which makes it worth the purchase.
Bust out the crayons and color me wrong. Surfing around I found this: So we do have them here, they're just crazy expensive because they're not as common or as popular as AK47 clones. I suppose it's one of those guns I'd like to have just because, but I've got other guns and non-gun related things to buy before I go and drop $1,250 on one single rifle, especially since I've already got something like it.

Gunshow this weekend at the Puyallup Fairgrounds for anyone in Washington. I'm going for ammo, you can never have enough ammo when the zombies break down your door. Maybe a big knife too since it's the knife show too.
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Post by Burnov »

Hm. That's awfully expensive compared to the price we were quoted here.

650.00 + case and two mags at one place.

350.00 for just the gun and nothing else at this other place.

However... they haven't gotten them in yet... so maybe they'll jack up the price. I dunno. I think they expect to sell a lot of them, not only that, but it seems to me up here they expect them to acquire restricted status or something because of their appearance. Many gun stores up here have done this before, they've moved massive amounts of firearms "pending restriction" at really low prices.

Typically the way it works here is if you buy a non-restricted firearm and it becomes restricted, you're sort of grandfathered in for however many years the gun is registered for... at which point it loses it's previous status.

That's what supposedly would have happened with my cousin's G22 when they threatened to prohibit it. Only instead he would have had to give it up after like five years because he bought it pre-ban.
Last edited by Burnov on Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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