Legalise institutionalized sodomy?

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Legalise institutionalized sodomy?

Post by Urizen »

The issue of gay marriage is ripping the nation apart. What's YOUR take on the crisis?
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Post by St. Toxic »

Bann all marriage!
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Post by Aonaran »

Gay Marriage? Why the fuck not, let them have their rights for fuck's (sodomy's) sake.
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Post by Blargh »

I choose not to see why anyone should be barred from such an unnatural arrangement. Especially so when with it stalks high to unavoidable probability for crippling damage both physical and emotional.

Let them suffer as the other morons do. :drunk:

Post by Kashluk »

Hooray for boobies.
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Post by Lunchmeat »

I am pro people doing whatever.
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Post by Bloodlust »

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Post by Megatron »

I don't see why not, it's only marriage. Would it really matter if they could or not to anyone else unless you were angry at gay people for whatever reason?
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Post by airsoft guy »

I simply don't see what the big fucking deal is with the whole gay marriage thing. It's such a non-issue it's not even funny. Seriously, there are hundreds of more serious threats to the world than a couple homos saying they're going to be with each other forever and wanting The Man to recognize it.

Never mind terrorism, taxes, violence, war, famine, disease, racism, human rights and all that shit Cooter, we gots a couple swell guy over here trying to bring down Jesus! Lets git 'em!

Gays have been around since like forever. I'm quite certain there were gay cavemen. Although that argument doesn't work because according to some of these geniuses cavemen didn't exist, the world is only like 10,000 years old.

Of all the things to latch onto and freak out over, Christ almighty.
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Duck and Cover: THE site for all your Fallout, gay porn, White Supremacist and goatse needs.

Post by Kashluk »

And the funny thing is that many gay people who've grown in Christian enviroment are actually devoted believers. D: Love and equality and chit.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

It doesn't matter, marriage is for idiots, anyway.
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Post by Urizen »

I happen to agree with you all, which doesn't make for much of an argument. Are'nt there any conservatives here? Come give us pinko liberals a taste of your mind!
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Post by Nicolai »

Fags are okay in my book.
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Post by St. Toxic »

Well, they shouldn't be allowed to marry in church, as religion is clearly against it and them. How's that for enough to argue about?
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Post by Koki »

Who gives a damn about religion.

Let them marry and end of discussion, let's talk about intelligent design :joy:
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Post by Urizen »

St. Toxic: No, it isn't. Many churches and priests would marry gays if they could. It's just that the higher up in church hierarchy you look, the more conservatives you see. The Quakers are even pro gay marriage all the way up.

Note that I'm not talking about catholics here. If you were referring to them, you're probably right.
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Post by Geno »

The religiosu people who do not want gya marriage should make a distinction between church marriage and legal. They can not accept gays for marriage in their church, gay marriage legalised would not mean that they have to accept it in their church, dammit! It's only legal, recognized by the state! Organized religion sucks anyway. LEGALIZE! It's already in Canada, so...
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Post by Filize »

Give them a civil union that gives the all the exact same rights and benefits of marriage.

But just don't call it marriage.

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Post by Urizen »

Most people want marriage to be defined as a union between two people who love each other, though. Are they wrong to think so?

A marriage used to be defined as a union between two people of the same race, but now swell guy and whiteys can marry whomever they please. following your line of thought, this is also wrong.
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Post by ApTyp »

The issue is whether or not the state should support a gay family. Sure they can adopt children, or if theyre lesbians they can use artificial insemination (sic?) but then how many long-time gay couples actually do that? I bet very, very, very few. Also, people think living with gays makes you gay, or something, so they dont want to approve accursed gay-making machines or something.

Also, families get all kinds of breaks that single people don't, should we do that with gay families? Discuss!

imho since teh dawn of time marriage always was about two people who live and support each other, and love and fucking was just the easiest way for two people to be compatible for each other. Hell, who the fuck marries each other purely out of love? it's stupid, you should like live with each other at least a year before you do that.
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