The Arena!!!

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Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper sees Follower getting ready to do HtH. Reaper deactivates his rune sword and dispels his magic. Reaper walks slowly to a distance from Follower, focuses and assumes a crouched martial arts pose. Reaper waits for the attack, remembering his training he becons Follower to into the attack. Follower rushes madly at Reaper, who waits until Follower is close enough. Reaper backflips, kicking Follower in the base of the chin. Follower's head flies backward, blood and spit flying from his mouth. Reaper is standing opposite Follower quite calmly, waiting once again for the attack. This guy knows kung fu.

"just try it."
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

"Just try it," said the Reaper just as a glass bottle shatted across his vision. All he could see was red, and all he could hear was a mad laughter. He could recognise it anywhere. "Damn that BB!" he managed to yell.

Bloodbath took a swing from a bottle of rum and hurled it at Follower. A miss this time. He grinned in his drunken state and reached out his hands. From the faded leather of his gloves, a strange glow radiated. An arc of blue lightning connected between the hands, and his entire body began to pulsate with energy.


With the word said, a ball of flame appeared before him. The searing wave of fire hit no one, but rather faded away after a number of seconds.


This time, a pillar of ice struck the earth. Like the ball of fire before it, it melted away within seconds.


The blue lightning that was snaking itself around bloodbath's arms leapt to the ground. It howled and roared like a dragon, and fizzled into nothingness. For a few seconds, nothing happened, then the earth rumbled.

"Muahahahahaha! Taste my true power! Hampstor! Arise!"

From deep beneath the surface of the earth, a demon of the worst kind heard bloodbath's call. It woke from its slumber and ripped froth from the ground. The gigantic hampster gnashed its teeth and swung its head in a rage. It saw the Reaper and Follower and it yearned for food. The only thing that would do would be the blood of human...
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Post by Glowbug »

A dry wasteland breeze twirls around the combatants, as a young, mask wearing ghoul approaches, his glow surrounding himself with an aura of white. "I am unproven here, yet I know your words, fighters. The fall of something that had honor, to the young and impetious. This is a fall that has occured everywhere. I would like to be tested, to proven to you." The young ghoul stands silently, waiting for a response from the proven elders.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

Hampstor sees the ghoul and squeals in delight. Within seconds he is airborne, jaw opened and aimed at the newcommer.
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Post by Glowbug »

Jumping out of the way of the overgrown rodent, he lands in a Crane stance, his aura or radiation brightening. "I seek no trouble from you, proved one, only acceptance. But I will kill your demon if you persist in attacking." The demonic hampster turn, roaring at Glowbug. Glowbug leapt up in the air, coming onw on the rodent's back, grabbing its fur and skin with his left hand while he pummeled the beast's head with outer edge of his hand, the impacts sounding like muffled gunshots. Continuing to beat the beast, he thrust his heels into it's ribs repeatedly, listening to it raor and squeal in anger. The hampster pawed at him, but he ducked, then kicked off of it's back, rolling as he hit the ground to a stand, assuming a Bow stance. "Fight me no more, abominate of the UnderEarth, I have bested you." Standing there, Glowbug awaited the beast and it's master's next decision.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

"Very well handled... roleplaying of your kind is very much welcome here."

Hampstor stops upon his master's command and proceeds to pin the Reaper to the ground. A large ball of saliva falls to the Reapers face as the hamper opens its jaw.
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Post by Glowbug »

Drawing himself up slowly, he watched Hampstor and The Reaper, then crouched down, thinking. Today was a good day.
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Post by Umpa »

Smiley, I challenge you to a duel

Post by TheReaper »

*The saliva washes away the blood from Reaper's eyes, he can see clearly now as he looks up all that fills his view is the overgrown rodent. Reaper thinks fast, he cannot use his arms so he will have to go with his feet. Reaper kicks upwards and hits the rodent in the throat, it rears back, choking. Reaper backflips from the ground then leaps at the rodent's head, foot outstreched in a flying kick. Reaper aims to stun it in the middle of the forehead but the rodent moves and Reaper's leg plunges deep into it's eyeball, causing it immense pain. Reaper tears his leg out and gets on to the back of the rodent's neck, it is thrashing wildy now as the pain overcomes it. Reaper finds the right place in the rodent's spine and strikes with a well-aimed blow and snaps the neck of the huge creature. It falls dead and Reaper leaps off.

"For that, you shall pay BB."

*Reaper opens his left hand and a ball of fire comes out, it hurls toward BB, Reaper uses the distraction to activate the rune sword and stand ready.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

"Hampstor! Noooooooooooooooooooo!"

Bloodbath reached to his side and gripped the hilt of his sythe. Taking the bladed weapon in hand, he rolled to the side and avoided the Reaper's fireball. A blue hue radiated from the sythe, as it was stolen from Thanatos himself, the poor bastard.
One day...

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper brings up the blade of energy that is the rune sword in front of him. The rune sword starts to glow at the prospect of a new soul to devour. Reaper points the blade at BB and holds his arm with his other hand. The rune sword gathers power and Reaper unleashes a ball of energy from the sword at BB. Reaper knows that this will be a solid weapon battle and uses some magic to turn the energy into solid matter, forming a crude looking sword with no runes on it. It is still the rune sword, it's power can be felt.

"Ready to die?"

(OOC: Who is Thanatos?)

Post by Kashluk »

OOC: Thanatos is a sacred veteran from the Ol'-DAC. Respect him.
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Post by Follower »

"I respect all veterans... even you, bloodbathmaster though you use poor animals in your sadistic games... poor hamster :cry: I'll take my revenge for your death... I am coming after YOU, Reaper..." - Follower says with hatred and atackes him from his back. He was busy with his new enemy and noticed this treat only in last second.

Reaper feels cold fingers of Follower's fingers on his neck and hears his angry cry:
"You will feel that pain, you cased to poor animal. I'll tear you apart." He tries to crush his prey, but time is lost. Reaper quickly dodges his action. In mad rage, Follower lashes upon him all his strenghts and with lucky atack breaks one of his arms... at the cost of large amount of wounds, covering all the body. But in mad rage Follower notice no pain, he sees only his enemy and his eyes are looking for his death...

Damn, I know that I can't describe good action properly. Sorry...
World of FO is coming... too fast for my liking

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper quickly examines his arm, it is unusable right now but. Reaper snaps his arm into place, it can be used but the pain will be great. Reaper sees Follower in a mad rage and puts the rune sword on his back for a moment.

"Damn, got two opponents, BB hold on this won't take any time at all. Follower, your rage is great, that will be your downfall."

*Reaper's broken left arm hangs, he is unable to use his magic but both legs work fine as does his other arm, that is all he needs to beat Follower in his mad rage. Reaper runs at Follower and, grabbing his shoulders, leaps over him and throws Follower as he lands by the shoulders. Reaper stands clamly.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

"Ha! I have no soul for you to devour!"

The words came quickly before bloodbath gripped th Reaper in a bear hug. No matter how hard he tried, the Reapr could not break free with only one arm. He was begining to lose the circulation to his legs when Follower staggered to his feet.

"You can have one free shot at him," said bloodbath to the vengeful Follower.
One day...
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Post by Smiley »

*Smiley stands up from the judges box and hops down into the arena,
Umpa apporahes him with a stern face*

Umpa: "I challenge you Smiley!"

Smiley: "Not right now, sorry. Hey.... don't you have dishes to do??"

*Smiley walks over to BB, who has Reaper in a tight grip*

"Not to spoil anything, but uhm, Reaper just pierced your foot when he
dropped his sword."

*BB looks down, a large pool of blood escapes the wound of his toes*
Testicular Pugilist

Post by TheReaper »

*BB looks down horrified at his injury and lets go of Reaper. Reaper catches his breath for a moment before preforming a crouched backflip, hitting BB in the chin and also coming down on Follower's skull, Reaper stands more cautiously now, aware that two people are out to kill him. He is at a major disadvantage as the rune sword's power is too low to fight with and he has no magic because of his broken arm. Reaper may be done for. Be he will go out fighting.
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Post by Smiley »

*looks at Reaper*

"Psst! Reap! Look down!"

*Reaper sees a big hole in his stomach, obviously punctured by
BB's scythe*

"tsk tsk... coincidences everywhere.."

*Smiley jumps back into the judges box again*
Testicular Pugilist

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper falls to his knees, near death. He raises his right hand and the rune sword flies into his grip. Reaper smashes the sword on the ground, shattering it and returning it to energy in Reaper's body. The boost is not enough to sustain Reaper, he falls to his hands and knees, managing to look up through the pain and say with a last gasp.

"I'll be back to kill you both BB and Foll..."

*Reaper collapses and dies from blood loss. Surprise strikes the other combatants when Reaper fails to respawn. Little do they know that Reaper is biding his time.

(OOC: BB, you might wanna take care of that foot injury before you go the way of the dodo.)
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Post by Follower »

"Animal killer is dead? Oh, I am so happy; may be as happy as one guy, known as Minsc" - Follower with evil smile comes to Reaper and begins to cut off his limbs - "I am not sadist or some maniac... I simply want to feed poor children of dead hamster, killed by him... Poor, flesheating children will like Reaper's meat. At least with his death they will be fed..." - Follower looks finally satisfied. But one thought appears in his head:
"There is not enough food..." Follower looks at BB strangely...
World of FO is coming... too fast for my liking
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