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Post by airsoft guy »

ApTyp wrote:Sigh.

Not if you extend the barrel to the legal 10" length. You think you're dealing with an idiot here?
Anything under 16" and it's a SBR.
box wrote:Questions Questions

I was told by some friends of mine that getting a class III license isn't all that difficult. Something about some inquisitive BATF bullshit, and a whopping five hundred dollars annual renewal, though if I had the $$ for an automatic weapon a piddling 500 bucks would, well, be piddling.

Is that really the case? And if I were thinking about getting an FFL, would an FFL make acquiring a machine gun license any easier?

Cheapest automatic weapon? I saw an old uzi, beat to shit, for four big ones. I see one online right now for three. Anything less?

Also, if you have this license, can you convert a semi you already own, provided of course you pay and fill out the appropriate 27.Z/6
It's really not that easy, depending on where you live and who's in charge of where you live it might very well be an impossibility.

No, you cannot convert a semi-automatic weapon to fully-automatic. No machines guns have been produced for the civilian market here in the United States since 1986. Any machine guns on the market today are at least 20 years old, and if they break that's it. You can't replace the fun switch in them if it breaks. You could only replace it with semi-auto parts, but you would still have to keep it as a machine gun because the BATFE has some bullshit rule "once a machine gun always a machine gun." Mind you that's not actually a Federal law or anything, but they'll still prosecute you for it.
Antimeasure wrote:I've got dies for .303British but I haven't got the press and all that, my grandfather does. If I want to reload .303 all I gotta do is ask him. That's cheaper than buying new ammo because .303 isn't all that popular and surplus ammo isn't as plentiful as 7.62x54R. So as long as this stuff stays this cheap it's simply not worth it for me to reload, especially since I don't plan on shooting this gun all the time. Working the bolt is a fucking bitch. Cycling through a full magazine and it's nap time.

Why not buy a Mosin-Nagant? At these prices you might as well pick one up. They're cool guns with a lot of history behind them. Also, I'd like to have a collection of combat rifles from each of the major combatants in World War 2. I've got this one any my Lee-Enfield, next I might pick up a Mauser, although I'd like another handgun first.
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Post by box »

airsoft guy wrote:BATFE has some bullshit rule "once a machine gun always a machine gun."
So it doens't go the other way, either? Presuming it were this easy, I couldn't just drop a full auto trigger group into my vepr, register it as a machine gun, and be on my merry way? Because I see conversion kits, esp. for kalashnikov family guns. Are they shitty, the kits I mean? Or more importantly, are they legal then?

Oh and by "prosecute you anyways" do you mean "surround your house with tanks and cook you?"


mosin-nagants, mausers, both cheap and plentiful. good, all around rifles. I never shot an enfield, mostly because of the whole ammo thing, but my favorite battle rifle thus far is definitely the krag. Too much fun, that thing.
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Post by airsoft guy »

What conversion kits? Show me these conversion kits to make the guns full auto.

Oh, and I just noticed you live in New York state, even if they allowed machine guns and such good luck getting someone to sign off on it. Up there it seems like owning a gun is a privilege and you gotta get permission from big brother to even touch them.
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Post by Antimeasure »

"On the flip side" it is true that many people are killed and injured each year by firearms, about 4-10 being children, on the average. Thing is though that there are many other things that kill far more people, things that are designed to kill people. Does that bother anyone else? People rally around the idea of banning guns, something that yes, is designed to kill people, and yet there are tons of other things out there designed to hurt anybody but they're doing a better job than the guns. I know the argument is old and tired and everyone is sick of hearing it, but lets not ban cars. I know, I know, "but they're designed to kill people!" Yeah, but they arent. "But, but, people need them to get to work and whatever!" Sure, that's nice, convenience and all, but think of the children, and besides that's what we've got public transportation for.
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Post by ApTyp »

Most people don't have any use for guns, and most people are rattled by violence in the world. Since they don't care for guns themselves, their idea of putting a dent in annual murder rate is "well, fuck those who have guns, it's not like I personally lose anything". Similarly, hunters who supported assault weapons ban were like "well I don't use AK rifle to hunt deer, it's not like I personally lose anything". And people who buy their guns from a van in the back alley are mostly "who cares, lawl".

The way things are going, expect pistols to be banned by 2050.
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Post by fallout ranger »

airsoft guy wrote:What conversion kits? Show me these conversion kits to make the guns full auto.
I know that in an M16a2 all that's required is to take out a small sear. On the other hand it DOES already fire in bursts
does this work
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Post by ApTyp »

Lightning Link was one of such devices. On old AR15 rifles installing this gumstick-shaped piece of metal turned your rifle into fully automatic (that was since fixed by manufacturers decades ago). There are rumors going on about a similar device for SKS carbines. Both AK rifles and closed bolt MAC pistols can be converted into fully automatic, provided you have the original machinegun parts, and know how to drill and weld stuff.

Machinegun parts kits are perfectly legal (assuming you are not afraid of BATFE agents busting your doors and asking all kinds of uncomfortable questions such as why the hell would you need the parts kit unless you are planning to make a new machinegun). "Full auto conversion kits" that cost under $3,000 and don't require Class 3 transfer sound like BATFE entrapment operations. Another thing I can think of are snake-oil "rapid-fire triggers".

Machineguns are not my thing.

Yep, goofed up with the 10" barrel.
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Post by box »

Nor mine, obviously.
Hellfire and the like are gay. No dude, drop-in trigger groups, full-auto parts kits with torch-cut receivers, some of them by-name "full auto conversion kits," and yes, probably all of them entrapment operations.
They're conversion kits, plain and simple. You go to the local gun store, buy a Romanian AK, some kind of rivet gun, one of those nifty parts kits from Sportsmans Guide, and Viola!
Maybe not the express purpose of these kits, always, but parts is parts.
But to answer my question then, it would be illegal to do such a thing, even if you could somehow register that converted gun as a full-auto?

My AK fires in bursts when it's overheated, but I dont think that's a good thing...

Actually, you guys would be surprised about gun laws in NY. Life does not start and stop south of Westchester County, thank God. Actually, no. Actually, let me clarify. Rifles are as unregulated as the BATFE will allow them to be, pistols are registered with the state but really that's all. Special connections are unnecessary, women can get CCW very easily, and men too if they have "need." And by "need" I mean hunting/target, self defense, just cookie cutter type shit.
I have a PA CCW, and it was basically the same process as in PA. A little more restrictive, but it is NY. And of course a lot more expensive, as I believe all in all, my PA application cost a whopping 40 dollars. Of course it does expire, and NY's does not.
All of this applies to north of the Westchester Line, of course.
No, NY is REALLY unfriendly to out-of-staters, and that's the real tragedy.

NY's handgun law is basically trapped in the 1960s. Every time some cowardly, ass hat liberal GOP legislator proposes updating the handgun law, you know, getting digitized plastic cards instead of silly green gov't paper, or upgrading the typewriters and file cabinets in each county's pistol permit office, some Communist, ass wipe liberal Dem legislator tacks on some measure to make bullets illegal, 3000% fee increase (GOP Gov. Pataki pulled this stunt back in aught four-- his budget was scrapped), 10000% tax on hollow points, and/or some similarly retarded venture. At which point, the NRA and SCOPE spend gobs of $$ to kill the bill, and here we are in 2006 and how are you?

And yes, we are on track, as a nation, to being just like Canada, Australia, hell, just like every other shitty country on the planet.
Policemen that turn their pistols in after their shift is through...
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Post by Antimeasure »

How is it you can do that because all the departments I've ever talked to have requirements for sidearms and you must follow those guidelines, no substituting your duty weapon for any personal weapon unless you have the consent of the chief and it follows the same guidelines. As for a backup you can carry just about anything you want, so long as it's legal, so no sawed off Mad Max style shotguns on the small of your back. But that doesn't mean you can pull your backup gun anytime you need to start shooting back, they's gonna ask you why you pulled your backup instead of your main sidearm if there was nothing wrong with it.
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Post by St. Toxic »

Uniform officers have different rules from street clothed officers which is where I'm headed. As a clothed officer you can substitute your own personal weapon for the police issue.
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Post by Antimeasure »

Like some Dirty Harry shit then? Well shit, mang, why not go for the gusto? Smith & Wesson M29 .44 Magnum. Go on, get to it, Insp. Callahan.

FUN FACT: The gun used in Dirty Harry wasn't actually a Model 29, it was a Model 25 in .45 Long Colt. The used that because of the availability of .45LC blanks at the studio.
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Post by St. Toxic »

Cause I don't like Colts as much as I like Smith and Wessons They're good guns, but I like Colt Designs better. Just me though.
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Post by ApTyp »

Brand new GLOCK 23. 3 mags of x13 .40S&W, mag loader, cleaning tools, and a T-shirt :aiee:

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Post by Antimeasure »

St. Toxic wrote:Cause I don't like Colts as much as I like Smith and Wessons They're good guns, but I like Colt Designs better. Just me though.

The advantage to them is that that you can stick the gun in your waistband and carry it Mexican without fear of it slipping down your pant leg. The rubber bands grip to you and your skin. This used to be real popular with everyone, even cops, before there were all these million different types of holsters for every type of gun out there. The thing the criminals ("swell guy") liked best about the rubber bands was one can't leave their fingerprints on them. So after one gets done capping a punk-ass-bitch he could just drop the pistol with little fear of the pigs catching him, yo'.

I put them on my gun because the grip simply isn't comfortable, it's got some rough edges that sort of dig into your hand.
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Post by ApTyp »

Copy-pasting other people's discussion from early pages. Why don't you go do it in the Wasteland?
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Post by Redeye »

ApTyp wrote:Copy-pasting other people's discussion from early pages. Why don't you go do it in the Wasteland?
Fuck this shit. I shouldn't have to deal with bitchass dickheads like you guys. I ain't doin this shit no more. You got beef, you can come to my front door. By all means, I ask you to. Because the second you see the door open you can be sure I won't stop ripping and tearing away at your flesh till you're nothing but a bloody pile of mush and broken bones in my driveway. I'll gladly add just another name to the list and bury you shallow in my back yard, you insolent, pestering little fucks. You wanna fuck with me, ask me later for my address, and I'll gladly give it to you. And next time I check back, I sure as hell hope to see someone's asked.
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Post by Fa11lloutfan_15 »

Redeye wrote:
ApTyp wrote:Copy-pasting other people's discussion from early pages. Why don't you go do it in the Wasteland?
Fuck this shit. I shouldn't have to deal with bitchass dickheads like you guys. I ain't doin this shit no more. You got beef, you can come to my front door. By all means, I ask you to. Because the second you see the door open you can be sure I won't stop ripping and tearing away at your flesh till you're nothing but a bloody pile of mush and broken bones in my driveway. I'll gladly add just another name to the list and bury you shallow in my back yard, you insolent, pestering little fucks. You wanna fuck with me, ask me later for my address, and I'll gladly give it to you. And next time I check back, I sure as hell hope to see someone's asked.
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Post by Antimeasure »

Redeye wrote:
ApTyp wrote:Copy-pasting other people's discussion from early pages. Why don't you go do it in the Wasteland?
Fuck this shit. I shouldn't have to deal with bitchass dickheads like you guys. I ain't doin this shit no more. You got beef, you can come to my front door. By all means, I ask you to. Because the second you see the door open you can be sure I won't stop ripping and tearing away at your flesh till you're nothing but a bloody pile of mush and broken bones in my driveway. I'll gladly add just another name to the list and bury you shallow in my back yard, you insolent, pestering little fucks. You wanna fuck with me, ask me later for my address, and I'll gladly give it to you. And next time I check back, I sure as hell hope to see someone's asked.
Like I said though, they have to be made here and parts kits aren't as plentiful as AK parts kits making them very expensive. For that price one could purchase a competition grade AR15 and some snazzy accessories for it.

Also, as I understand it in Canada you can't have magazines with a capacity over 5 or 10 rounds, I forget which. In either case guy's have got some goofy laws just like us, but more so.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Redeye wrote:
ApTyp wrote:Copy-pasting other people's discussion from early pages. Why don't you go do it in the Wasteland?
Fuck this shit. I shouldn't have to deal with bitchass dickheads like you guys. I ain't doin this shit no more. You got beef, you can come to my front door. By all means, I ask you to. Because the second you see the door open you can be sure I won't stop ripping and tearing away at your flesh till you're nothing but a bloody pile of mush and broken bones in my driveway. I'll gladly add just another name to the list and bury you shallow in my back yard, you insolent, pestering little fucks. You wanna fuck with me, ask me later for my address, and I'll gladly give it to you. And next time I check back, I sure as hell hope to see someone's asked.

btw: Guns :dance:

Post by Naked_Lunch »

GUNS! :aiee:
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