The Arena!!!

Role-play any post-apocalyptic scenario to your heart's content or discuss unofficial Fallout PnP games.
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Post by Glowbug »

Swinging the sword down in a graceful arc, the thin blade worked its way through Folower, leaving an oozing heap of shadows. Wiping the foul goo off his blade, he sheathed the sword, then walked in Reaper's direction.
Radiation! Giving you that healthy green glow...

Post by TheReaper »

*The light shines off Reaper's armour and he turns his head to see the warrior approaching him. Reaper turns his whole body to face the new opponent.

"You got more balls than brains."

*Reaper swings the sword in a display, the swings are elegant, precise and appear to cut through the fabric of space and time by the small black void left behind the swung blade. Reaper waits...
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

FF leaps between glowbug and reaper, with a quick slash with a katana on glowbugs knee he immobelises glowbug.
"he will be mine, do not interfere, i will deal with him"
slowly turning around to reaper,and looking at the ground he shakes his head.
''you just made a baddy"
fast as light FF pulls out a sledge hammer and gives reaper a giant wack.
though by the hit, he loses his helmet.
FF looks at some sort of fog coming out of the suit of the reaper, the mist slumbers past glowbug.
FF runs after the fog screaming: hey come back here, im not done with ya!
and so they dissappear into the open space of the arena
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.
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Post by C-riz »

Hello, I am a swede, I drink a lot.

*Takes a swig of Carlsberg*

I'll be right over here, hanging my a$$ over the fence,
if you feel like butt-f**king me.

(ed- Smiley)

Post by Kashluk »

C-riz wrote:*C-riz joins the game*
Then takes out his inumanly sized pancor and bursts everyone dead, then says:
"hahahahaha losers"
*Then our hero quickly leaves before the Host bans his ip*
Bag full of brahmin crap, he is.
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Post by C-riz »

Oh yes harder! Harder! God this bottle up my butt feels sooo good.

Wait, while I go puke in a phonebooth.
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

indeed, i thought massive kills werent allowed, maybe i am mistaken
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.
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Post by C-riz »

No no, I'm sorry I didn't abide by the rules... but if you feel like taking
me from the behind, go ahead. Oh, use this bottle as well.
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

try and read the whole story of the arena, as you are fairly new to the bourds here i guess, i know its a long read but please try......
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.
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Post by C-riz »

bah, fine

Post by TheReaper »

*The mist goes around the arena and finds it way back into Reaper's head, exposed by the removal of his helmet. His skin is pale and his hair is long and white, his hair stops just below his shoulders and his eyes glow a deep red. He looks at FF evilly.

"And you just met your death."

(OOC: The number one rule of the arena is LITTLE POWERPLAYING AS POSSIBLE. Don't break it or your posts will be ignored and you will become non-existent to us.)
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some guy named Bob
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Post by some guy named Bob »

OOC: From the looks of C-riz, I think this is the first board he has ever been to. His grammer is worse than a drunken goose.

IC: Bob walks up in advanced power armor MKII with a minigun in hand. He aims at a small group of people fighting in some brawl. CLICK. Bob suddenly realizes the gun has no ammo. "#!&^ it!" He drops the gun and runs like a sissy.
Egomet inopia sexualis sanatio.

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper charges up a spell with his left hand and hurls a huge spear of bone at Bob, it strikes him in the stomach, wounding him badly. Reaper returns to his fight.
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

you just had to kill the n00b eh?
well pick someone of your own calliber, bring it on reaper.........
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.

Post by TheReaper »

Didn't kill him, just hurt him. You don't wanna say that to me mate :) you will die :twisted:.

*Reaper runs at FF with his sword behind him FF swings again with the hammer as Reaper gets close, Reaper backflips out of the way, leaving FF open Reaper casts four small shards of bone, about the length of an average lower arm, and hurls them at FF.
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

FF dodges the shards of bones wich hit glowbug and thus killing him.
during the dodge FF shoots a grenade somewhere to create a crater.
FF leaps into the crater and wups out an avenger minigun and starts ratteling it at reaper.
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.

Post by TheReaper »


*Reaper faces FF and time slows down for him and only him as the bullets fly toward him, leaving trails behind them. Reaper can act quickly and swings his sword at the on coming bullets and manages to deflect them, he continues doing this. To FF, it looks like Reaper is moving impossibly quickly, deflecting the bullets with a seemingly ordinary sword. FF runs out of ammo and time resumes it's normal speed for Reaper as he approaches FF, full of menace.

"I told you not to underestimate me, now you die horribly :twisted:."
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

ah but you underestimate me!
suddenly FF puts his right hand into the air. a light blue light forms into FF hands.
i dont need guns, i can do without, i just love em.
the blue light shoots out to reaper, wich fills reaper with a blue glow, a hissing sound fills the arena....
"now there reaper, dont you feel bloathed?"
BOOM! the reaper explodes, organ flying everywhere.
just when it is silent the reaper wonders where all the other warriors are.
"mmm i havent seen any other warrior except for reaper for a while now, i bet they are hiding".
"mmm i had such good battles with S_F and the other old combattents".
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.

Post by TheReaper »

A voice booms inside FF's head. "Down but not out." It says, FF looks around to see the source of the voice but no-one with that voice is around. Suddenly FF feels a sharp pain in his chest, he looks down to see the tip of a sword sticking through, he looks round to see Reaper's pale face grinning at him as he dies from the fatal wound.

"Told you so."

*Reaper charges up his magic in his left hand and it is soon glowing with dark energy, ready to be unleashed at his next enemy.
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First Force
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Post by First Force »

runs away into the darkness of the night, to do something horrible.
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
Never attribute to malice what can satisfactorily be explained away by stupidity.
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