Fallout 3 rumourmill - the inevitable, or more non-news

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Post by Mismatch »

And theres nothing we can do, other than repeatedly point out to eachother that bethsoft are a bunch of slackjawed cockgobblers who will be first ones to get lined up against the wall when Jesus returns.
Sure, bethsoft get put on our list of companies from which not to buy, but theyre more or less already there.

In the end, all we are left with is the image of Pete Hines dressed up like a cowbow, thrusting his hips furiously while screaming "Im fucking the Fallout comunity in the ass." burnt into our retinas forever.

And he probably is.
Gosh are we being fucked.
Each thrust sends us deeper and deeper into submission, and yet we know that things arent so bad yet. When todd howard joins in, the shit will really hit the fan.
Quite literally.
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Post by Koki »

Let's make our own Fallout 3. As a community we can do it.

Serious Business.
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Post by graphophobe »

Koki wrote:Let's make our own Fallout 3.
sure, with the main quest objective to waste everyone at the Bethesda headquaters with plastic swords and pyrotechnic magic. and remember, there must be an option to finish the game right away, like walking straight to the bethsoft military base and talk them to death etc.
My recommendation: Do me.
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Post by Fa11lloutfan_15 »

Koki wrote:Let's make our own Fallout 3. As a community we can do it.

That would probably turn out to be even more horrid than Bethesda's. A bit like a malformed baby which hasn't been fed properly, whereas the real Fallout 3 will remind everyone of the "the revolution will be commodified" feature of Wonder Showzen. I'd actually prefer the latter.
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vx trauma
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Post by vx trauma »

f3 will end up as a hybrid of stalker and van buren. few screenshots and half-assed documents. or it will be released on xbox only as 'BoS - revenge of the thongs'.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

vx trauma wrote:f3 will end up as a hybrid of stalker and van buren. few screenshots and half-assed documents. or it will be released on xbox only as 'BoS - revenge of the thongs'.
For extra 2 dollars you can have the thongs removed, or choose their colours.
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Post by St. Toxic »

These forests look amazing because they're procedurally-generated; algorithms govern their growing patterns. :yes:
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Post by VDweller »

King of Creation wrote:Vault Dweller isn't really someone who's "rumors" I would tend to believe.
Why is that? Purely of curiosity.
Stainless wrote:I await the next news post of the world is flat because is VD leaked it.
It IS flat. Like totally. Spread the word, my child.
Aaranor wrote:Vault Dweller may have his particular angle at times, and argue his points fervently, but he's basically an honest sort. The way he puts it, I have no reason to disbelieve him.
God bless your kind and fair heart, Aaranor.

The award for the angstiest post goes to TinyTeeth:
TinyTeeth wrote:Vault Dweller's rubbish may be completely unfounded and perhaps also in other aspects poorly supported, but he's right, if not by completely randomly choosing a stance to argue for, which has undeniably worked in the past, despite not impressing anyone.
Whoa! I sense a lot of unresolved issues there.

Btw, first post, bitches. Let's celebrate :joy:
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Post by Blargh »

This place will be pale, comparatively. VD. In the rough words of one G. Lars (1941), I am 'vaguely, cautiously optimistic' regarding your soon to be MMORPG.

Welcome, you horrible, horrible twit. :drunk:
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Mr. Teatime
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Well I'm still hopeful of a game I enjoy playing, whether or not it's 'Fallout 3' to my mind. I still think Bethsoft are more concerned about the quality of the game than many other developers/publishers would be, even if many don't agree with the direction they may take. So yeah, we'll see. If worst comes to worst, I've still got my DS which is the only thing I play games on these days.

PS Welcome VDweller
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Post by VDweller »

Blargh wrote:In the rough words of one G. Lars (1941), I am 'vaguely, cautiously optimistic' regarding your soon to be MMORPG.
Every game eventually becomes a MMORPG, just like a creepy looking caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. Evolution!
Mr. Teatime wrote:Well I'm still hopeful of a game I enjoy playing, whether or not it's 'Fallout 3' to my mind.
That's how I felt until I played Oblivion.
I still think Bethsoft are more concerned about the quality of the game than many other developers/publishers...
What makes you think that? Beth is concerned about one thing only - selling a shitload of copies. That ensures that they won't release an unfinished product, like Obsidian could have done, but doesn't promise anything else.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

VDweller wrote:
Mr. Teatime wrote:Well I'm still hopeful of a game I enjoy playing, whether or not it's 'Fallout 3' to my mind.
That's how I felt until I played Oblivion.
I still think Bethsoft are more concerned about the quality of the game than many other developers/publishers...
What makes you think that? Beth is concerned about one thing only - selling a shitload of copies. That ensures that they won't release an unfinished product, like Obsidian could have done, but doesn't promise anything else.
Oblivion did what it set out to do really. Not my sort of game, but it worked for the ES fans. What was so bad about it, in relation to the other ES games (MW in particular)? It felt like a sequel to Morrowind to me, with some dumbing down admitedly - or 'streamlining' I guess the PR people would say.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Mr. Teatime wrote: What was so bad about it, in relation to the other ES games (MW in particular)?
Mr. Teatime wrote:with some dumbing down admitedly - or 'streamlining'
There you go.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Fair enough. It wasn't completely awful though, taken in the setting of ES.

As for why I think Bethsoft care about FO3's quality, it's a number of things, like the fact they're calling it Fallout 3 and not Fallout Invisible War or something, the poster that looked pretty good, their desire to interact with the fan community... minor things, but I'm trying to maintain a relatively positive outlook until I know for certain how the game's going to work.

No TB and no iso I'm pretty sure are as confirmed as they can be without a press release, which sucks though. As I said, there may be other positive qualities though. I just can't spend my time hating on a game I don't know very much about yet.
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Post by VDweller »

Mr. Teatime wrote:Oblivion did what it set out to do really. Not my sort of game, but it worked for the ES fans.
Uh, not really. It fucked the ES fans again, just like MW fucked the DF fans. Most people who were well known members/modders of the ES community have left. Most fans who played the previous games feel that Beth killed the series. The new generation of fans, attracted by HAWT action and streamlining love the game, of course, but that's a different matter.

There are many threads explaining how Bethesda has completely fucked the lore and setting, so that doesn't bode well.
What was so bad about it, in relation to the other ES games (MW in particular)?
It made MW looks like fucking masterpiece. If you are looking for a longer answer, I'll be happy to explain.
It felt like a sequel to Morrowind to me...
No more than FOBOS was a sequel to Fallout 2.

I just can't spend my time hating on a game I don't know very much about yet.
Hating is an extreme, and I'm not inviting you to do that. Unfounded optimism is another extreme though.
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Post by Alexander »

Mr. Teatime wrote:No TB and no iso I'm pretty sure are as confirmed as they can be without a press release, which sucks though.
I don't know about you guys, but personally I think that turn-based combat in three-d is not even nearly as good as turn-based combat in two-d; I played some of the newer games using turn-based combat and a three-d engine - it just becomes messy. So, if they are going to go with the three-d engine, which, in all probability, they will do then they might aswell lose the turn-based combat too.
Mr. Teatime wrote:As I said, there may be other positive qualities though. I just can't spend my time hating on a game I don't know very much about yet.
Well, we will just have to wait and see.
TinyTeeth wrote:
Koki wrote:Let's make our own Fallout 3. As a community we can do it.

That would probably turn out to be even more horrid than Bethesda's. A bit like a malformed baby which hasn't been fed properly, whereas the real Fallout 3 will remind everyone of the "the revolution will be commodified" feature of Wonder Showzen. I'd actually prefer the latter.
Of course it will look like shit if we let you touch it!
VDweller wrote:The award for the angstiest post goes to TinyTeeth:
TinyTeeth wrote:Vault Dweller's rubbish may be completely unfounded and perhaps also in other aspects poorly supported, but he's right, if not by completely randomly choosing a stance to argue for, which has undeniably worked in the past, despite not impressing anyone.
Whoa! I sense a lot of unresolved issues there.

Btw, first post, bitches. Let's celebrate :joy:
Vault Dweller, we don't like him either, please take him off our hands or we will all go NUTS from his inane babble! Do with him what you will, you have my blessing.
There are no 'knowns'. There are thing we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that's basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

To be honest, I am not too bothered about the TB action, for that's not what I played Fallout for. Fuck it, let them make real-time action, we all know that they are going to do it anyway.

I played Fallout (I only played Fallout once, I don't think that it has much replayability, but I have finished Fallout 2 ~50 times or so and am thinking about starting again right now) for it's dialogue, quests, setting, storyline, in-depth background. Hell, people have said that they didn't like Fallout 2 too much because of it's out of character NPCs, I wasn't too bothered about that and found them good just as they were. Fallout 2 was a masterpiece in the context of cRPGs and games overall.

Now if Fallout 3 is going to use the same engine as Oblivion (which it was announced to do), I'm already thinking of Oblivion with guns. What does that mean? It means that you won't have conversation options longer than one line. Hell, they'll probably want to include voice actors since it makes the game more popular with the 10-year-old audience, otherwise they will find it boring.
They won't include the foul language that was very common in the Fallout series, for the very same reason. Now foul language was as essential to Fallout as the prostitutes. You could not have had the game without them. Even if you never banged a single whore during your Fallout game, they were still there for the setting, they created the world in which you lived, for example, showing destitution (is there such a word? I mean the noun from destitute), showing that it was a world made for adults, and not for 10-year-olds. They were a little, yet essential factor in what shaped the setting of Fallout. Honestly, if they are going to use voice actors (most probably), they are not going to include any, if no swearing at all, especially due to the fact that they will probably be selling it to little children. I think that the audience for which they are catering is 10-15 years old, and especially now that Oblivion has been released, the same audience is going to wish for the same game in a futuristic setting, which means duel wield handguns, thongs, etc, we've been through that already.
If Fallout 3 goes like Oblivion, the only storyline and background that you will be getting is from the intro and the "storyline" essential conversations that last more than 30 seconds, as opposed to the usual 5 second ones.
As another point, computer games have not advanced enough yet. For example in Fallout, text was used to portray the feelings of characters. Now, I do not think that game engines, including Oblivion's engine are advanced enough to express visually what could be said in text. Quite h-obviously they are not going to include in comments like: "The vault dweller smirks and scratches his balls." They are going to try to portray it all visually, meaning that it's all going to go to shit.

Anyway, my rant made short, Bethesda is listening to their fans, but I think that they are listening more to Oblivion fans, instead of Fallout ones. To be honest, I do not think that they would want to, or be able to make Fallout 3, feel "Fallouty". Oblivion with guns FTW!


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Post by Mekorig »

Ummm....i have my doubts, but i dont think that Beth is going to make the game for kids only. They have in mind a very specific population (people from 18 to 30something) for the game. It is know in the Video Game bussiness that making a certain type of game to a all family game is just a way for doom.

But, its only my opinion. Maybe the Beth people is lees profesional and screw all.
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Post by Fa11lloutfan_15 »

Alexander wrote:Vault Dweller, we don't like him either, please take him off our hands or we will all go NUTS from his inane babble! Do with him what you will, you have my blessing.
I love when you try to speak for the entire forum. It makes you seem like an overgrown baby.
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Post by Blargh »

Alexander wrote:please take him off our hands
And while you do, VD, please consider dear Alex the other, uglier half of an obligatory two-for-one. We're a surprisingly generous community, you see ? Yes, you see. Writing of sight, the apparent absence of a 'but it might be AWESOEM !' delusion from your words is a (sadly) refreshing spectacle. Bittersweet. :drunk:
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