Blizzard's next project, Star craft 2 or Diablo 3?

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Star Craft 2 vs. Diablo 3, Blizzard's next project.

StarCraft 2
Diablo 3
Total votes: 20

Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

1: it's you're
2: how right u are..... :oops:
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Post by Rosh »

I'd usually only play with that nick for air combat games like Descent 3 and Forsaken, and Mech games

Ahhh, but back in my Dungeon Keeper days...that was a fun game. I remember mapping for it quite a bit, and had som nasty trap maps.

Now, for Chuckles' biggest game, I used to go by "Grits". :P
Can you guess that game, and who "Chuckles" is?
Crow of Ill Omen
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Post by Crow of Ill Omen »

Rosh wrote:
Crow of Ill Omen wrote:If WoWC doesn't turn out to be a huge money-maker for Blizzard (in spite of Rosh's living on another planet), I'll eat all my hats and my head.
Do you really know how saturated the market has become with MMORPGs, or are you prepping another straw man? Being able to capture a majority of the market and make immense amounts of cash isn't a possibility unless you bring out a game that does attract the widest amount of people. Which is kind of hard to do since there's already a number situated and effectively "embedded" into playing a certain MMORPG until it goes down.

Considering there's dozens of MMORPGs slated for release in the next couple of years, and a good number in a high-profile status, the market is going to be fierce and someone is going to fall. Also, if Blizzard's MMORPG does do well, then it would likely draw from other projects as they might require more manpower. Much like how Origin has become solely for UO's production and that's it. Considering how Diablo and Diablo 2 have had rampant exploits and are comparatively MUCH simpler than a MMORPG, they're going to need the extra manpower and may be ironing out WoWC for quite some time and possibly post-release as well.

Try to keep up here.
Rather than pointlessly present our speculations as fact to no avail here (particularly since I've no desire to hear your tired "saturated market" nonsense again), why don't we just both shut up and see what happens?

One of us can ressurect the thread when WoWC is a big hit and gloat.
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Post by Viktor »

Where's the "Couldn't care less...." option???

Post by TheReaper »

Rosh wrote:I'd usually only play with that nick for air combat games like Descent 3 and Forsaken, and Mech games
I've just installed Descent 3 and I'm gonna play online sometime. I'll look out for you just so I can see if I am good at the game (I doubt it).
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Post by Strap »


i wasted so mutch life on that crappy game... grrr...grrrrr

i had like every charactor class up at like lvl 85 or so, on USwest realm. and then i didnt pplay for a wile, and when i got back on it said:

This charactor has not been played for 3 months and has expired

and i was like: SHIT!!!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT!!

and then i stopped playing.

(besides, D2 is so corrupt now, that your only considered "Good" if you have "Sojs, Vamp, Arcanes, LS, GF, shako, oculus, ect ect ect... so corrupt)

Diablo1 was fun, that game actually required SKILL!, not d2, thats purly item based
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Post by spyder07 »

Ahhhh D1. Takes me back to the days when I actually could play games online. Namely just that one. That was a great. It was great. Unfortunatly I lent it to a "friend" who never managed to return it. I still have it installed but I just don't have the disc. Oh, how I long to play it even if everyone who is playing is hacking.
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Post by n305er »

Dark Xenomorph wrote:WOWC doesnt have my money however, Star Wars Galiexes and Planet Side have my vote right now ( depending they arent buggy as Ultima 9 !)
The original Ultima9 was crap allright... But after you used the unofficial Patch 1.19f, and you got a decent 3D card and surround sound, it's nice.

In the case of blizzard's new game, I think SC 2 will be nice. Although I like RPG better, Diablo was no RPG to me.
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Post by First Force »

well i have good news, a friend of mine works at blizzard and said that they are first working on a movie of starcraft and then will start working on starcraft 2. this of the record of course and blizzard havent made any official announcements about it.....
he didnt know about diablo 3, but maybe they will make it, i havent spoken to him for 3 months now sooooo......
You are losing it, doesn`t matter, let`s close our eyes and wake up from this dream.....
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Post by Rat Keeng »

There really is no reason for them to make Diablo 3. I mean, hundreds are still playing Diablo 1, and thousands are playing Diablo 2.

As for Starcraft, i just installed it again and played it. It's still very good.
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Post by Smiley »

SC2 I hope....

But I'm not sure they will make it in the future while we have WCIII....

WoW is going to fail big time, they've picked the wrong set.
The storyline in WCIII was great, really awesome, but relying on that
for WoW isn't a good idea.. I'm pretty tired of that universe now.

They should've made a Space of StarCraft instead, hell at least they'd
get half of korea as customers from start!!

The worst thing about making a Diablo 3, is that the graphics are going
to be 3D... inda ruins the idea =(
Testicular Pugilist
Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

What a brain fart! Why dont Blizard makes a FPS set in the Star Craft Univerivse! That would be fun. you can take control of vechicles and fight the zerg like they are some Alien from AVP. Blizzard would definitly do a good job, and a hella of a better job than Westwood and that renegade crap!
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Post by Rosh »

Crow of Ill Omen wrote: Rather than pointlessly present our speculations as fact to no avail here (particularly since I've no desire to hear your tired "saturated market" nonsense again), why don't we just both shut up and see what happens?
How about you just shut up and I go off of more than 15 years experience? A saturated market is nonsense? Where do you figure they suddenly pull players as an infinite resource out of their ass, then? It doesn't manage to riccochet inside that skull of yours that what was first a service-specific game (and usually high-priced at that time, too, at about $5 an hour) evolves into a halfway decent graphical basis (though at the cost of some implementation possibilities), and then on - there is a finite amount of people who can and will play the game? Mostly due to language barriers and how good server connections are. With the service-specific games, it relied on people who could afford the game and who was using the service, whether QuantumLink, GEnie, or CompuServe, etc. Along comes the graphical MMORPGs, and what's the general availability of them (with a few exceptions)? Mostly in the US unless a regional server is set up. UO was able to do that sort of thing because they had most of the market at that time until players began migrating to alternatives. Most new MMORPGs often can't afford to take the risk, or don't have establishments overseas in which to do that. Licensing establishing a MMORPG server site complete with trained personnel is a BITCH to do. Ragnarok Online is in a prime area, in taking benefit of the Japanese and Korean markets, which haven't been tapped save for a couple of games - but that game isn't really going to do remarkably well in the States for obvious reasons, even with the recent server-move to States local. There's nothing there to draw a significant amount of new people in nor draw people established on other MMORPGs away.

And it doesn't also occur to you that WoWC is also the high fantasy cliché? Like most of the market is already?

The market has grown, but not proportionately, far from it in fact. Someone is going to fail and it's eventually going to be one of the high0-profile ones. AC2 and EQ2 are expected out in a short time and are going to pretty much cover the fantasy realm (along with DAoBT, if they ever get their act together). Exploits in those games are a bit less rampant, as Blizzard has had exploits and bugs galore in Diablo and Diablo II. Mainly in having a lot of the calculations on the client-side that can be altered through cracking of the software. Given that even after years they haven't been able to work out a lot of the exploits, then something is wrong and it doesn't look good for a large-scale project that is solely online. It's likely going to lead into the shitfest that public Diablo 2 has become as Strapon2 has mentioned.

I don't see you putting up any rational counter-points, so I'll take this as your usual straw man trolling. Hey, I'm wondering you could possibly tell me what I "dumb client" is. I gave a hint earlier, let's see if you could put it together.

Get a clue or uninstall your browser.
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Post by Smiley »

EQ2 is going to fail as well, I have a bunch of friends who are deeeep
into EQ(I hate it when I can't get their attention because they're "gone")
and none of them are looking forward to EQ2...
The graphics engine is going to kill a standard 1GHz with ease,
and three quarters of all EQ players have only the bare essentials for
running EQ....

And besides, with all the high level chars, no one wants to begin
from the top again. Or so they say.
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Post by Rosh »

Smiley wrote:EQ2 is going to fail as well, I have a bunch of friends who are deeeep
into EQ(I hate it when I can't get their attention because they're "gone")
and none of them are looking forward to EQ2...
The graphics engine is going to kill a standard 1GHz with ease,
and three quarters of all EQ players have only the bare essentials for
running EQ....
Perhaps...perhaps not. A lot of AC's players are looking forward to AC2. Not sure about EQ2, but EQ's always been a bit bloated for system specs. There's probably going to be a substantial number to move over if they promote or push from EQ, but that might lose people. That's possibly one of the reasons why UO2 never saw the light of day, yet it was quite impressive. They were afraid of losing people from UO, since UO2 would have likely run on the same architecture as UO (as in, replacing, with some upgrades), or requiring more cost to start it out as the develop alongside UO. What they shell out is already substantial enough, and if they started smaller and worked up, they had a risk of becoming bogged down hard. Bad starts can hurt a MMORPG, like AO, and if that happened to them it wouldn't have looked good at all. That's why a lot of people flocked to and from DAoBT, is because it was nice in theory, it just wasn't enough to hold them and they eventually moved back to their old familiar.

Verant could either try to oust from EQ or give bonuses, or EQ2 might attract from others jaded from their other games, but a notable amount are getting jaded from the high-fantasy cliché even if it's got some uniques like EQ2. Their biggest obstacle is that most MMORPG players are already established onto other games and would have to move, and a lot of EQ players as their prime market are mired hard into the game and may or may not move over. It's a mixed bag, but they might do so for brand loyalty.

Then again, EQ has had an assload of expansions, and AC has had only one with regular updates, so I guess that is why AC players may feel a bit more eager to move to AC2.
And besides, with all the high level chars, no one wants to begin
from the top again. Or so they say.
When WintersEbb and another server for AC were brought in, there was a rush to see who could get the most established monarchy there. It was refreshing, since the old regulars of the original servers were kind of tired of the same old idiots hanging around and doing the same annoying tricks.
Crow of Ill Omen
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Post by Crow of Ill Omen »

The market has grown. Therefore there is more money in it. Inevitably, this attracts more providers. The unsuccessful providers will fail and lose money. For successful ones, there is more money to be had than ever. I'm confident Blizzard will be one of the successful ones.

The fact that you see a market that it still young (less than a decade old), still growing (fueled by increasing internet usage and increased leisure-culture amongst other things), and being hotly pursued by companies willing to invest millions to get their piece of the action as a bad bet for money making is incredible.

Still, keep talking. This thread is going to look very funny when WoWC hits the shops and you're halfway through a post explaining why Blizzard aren't going to make any money from it.
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Post by Araanor »

By their track record, I'm expecting WoWC to be nothing less than a huge seller. Blizzard knows what they're doing. I recall they had a Warcraft adventure game in the works a few years ago, it didn't shape up as they liked it so it was cancelled.
spyder07 wrote:Actually I think the Starcraft 2 project has been underway for a while now. I saw a site a while back on it. It had some concept art and it said they were working on it I think.
That's crap. Internet rumors.

Warcraft III (and the inevitable expansion) will be satisfying their RTS segment for a good while.
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Post by Smiley »

I agree with you that WarCraft III is good, but it'll never achieve
the status of which StarCraft did. It doesn't have the right... feel to it.

WoW is going to fail. Definately, because people are far more into
EQ UO DaoC and all of those... They're not about to give that up
for WoW, especially bcause most of them don't know this universe...

And, a competition is not far away, StarWars galaxies........
Testicular Pugilist
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Post by Rosh »

Crow of Ill Omen wrote:The market has grown. Therefore there is more money in it. Inevitably, this attracts more providers. The unsuccessful providers will fail and lose money. For successful ones, there is more money to be had than ever. I'm confident Blizzard will be one of the successful ones.
Your confidence is a moot point. Blizzard has made numerous flaws with a game and sequel that are technologically simpler than a MMORPG. Their success is also driven by their multiplayer component is free, which does not guarantee sign-ups from those customers.
The fact that you see a market that it still young (less than a decade old), still growing (fueled by increasing internet usage and increased leisure-culture amongst other things), and being hotly pursued by companies willing to invest millions to get their piece of the action as a bad bet for money making is incredible.
Ever hear of the dot-com bust or are you still living under a rock? That's what happens when you have a high-cost medium with a finite resource and it implodes upon itself. As Smiley just pointed out, Star Wars: Galaxies. Here comes another big project into a market that is growing slowly while developers and producers take a look at UO, EQ, and AC and think that if they set up shop they'll be just as successful without understanding that a lot of players develop a form of brand loyalty and aren't really willing to jump ship. The current MMORPG boom (about the 3rd one now) is still limited by the access of those foreign to the location of the servers and/or broadband, and the boom this time is on behalf of developers. The player boom was a few years ago, and the trickle of new players isn't up to supporting the large amount of titles slated for release. The amount of MMORPG gamers has grown and is still slightly growing, but not enough to support everyone nor be as wildly successful as people have said. MMORPGs are also highly damaging to the production capability of a developer, as it's been proven more than a few times with each large-scale MMORPG developer as they become a one-trick pony, and it will undoubtedly have an affect upon Blizzard.

In addition, the MMORPG industry is more than a decade old, even if you don't wish to consider text-based or ANSI a "MMORPG". Sorry, kid.
Still, keep talking. This thread is going to look very funny when WoWC hits the shops and you're halfway through a post explaining why Blizzard aren't going to make any money from it.
Now you're a mouth-stuffing piece of shit. Nowhere did I say that Blizzard wasn't going to make any money off of it, but it looked doubtful that they might have a rampant success as one person put it "a license to print money". Go back up and re-read in case your memory is your second shortest thing. DAoC should be theoretically doing well because they were working on the flaws of EQ. As a result, the game gets into a total bore much quicker than others, not to mention the bugs found in that game (hence it's nickname Dark Age of Beta Testing).

What do you think will happen once Blizzard puts in one of their patented dupe bugs? Server rollback? Sure, that's really "popular" as OSI found out. Eliminate the duped items? That hasn't really worked yet for Diablo 2. Diablo and Diablo 2 have been out for how long now, and how many exploits are there for those games, exploits still unpatched, and new exploits sometimes created by their fixes of previous problems? Their latest draconian method of flagging an entire account (CD Key) as a cheater has hit substantially more than a few innocent bystanders.

As I said before, try to keep up here.
Last edited by Rosh on Fri Jun 28, 2002 8:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Rosh »

Smiley wrote:WoW is going to fail. Definately, because people are far more into
EQ UO DaoC and all of those... They're not about to give that up
for WoW, especially bcause most of them don't know this universe...

And, a competition is not far away, StarWars galaxies........
Yeah, unless they pull some severe tricks from their sleeves and suddenly become competent in coding item handling, they are going to be the cliché high fantasy a lot of gamers are sick of from D&D and also have to deal on a routine basis on the exploits that may make UO look tame.

Something different from the norm or more high fantasy bullshit? (Not counting unique fantasy worlds, mind you.)
The choice should be obvious.