The Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco thread

Talk about music, movies, TV, books, other types of entertainment and what your vices are. Also, if you're addicted to the high you get off Aspirin, this is the place to talk about it.
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Post by Superhaze »

Dreadnought wrote:And start listening to house music. :puke:
House comes after the doctor approved PCP/Special K cure.

oontz oontz oontz oontz :drunk: :pelvic_thrust:
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Post by Dreadnought »

House makes me sick.
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Post by DaC-Sniper »

i sniffed some glue and aceton today. :very nord korean kids:

Post by Naked_Lunch »

Anyone up for some robotripping? B)
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Post by Megatron »

is coke worth trying or should i just eat some bacon
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Post by Tingel Tangel »

Stick with the bacon. Have some rind as well.
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Post by Superhaze »

Hot! :clap:
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Post by popscythe »

Megatron wrote:is coke worth trying or should i just eat some bacon
The only person who's gonna have any fun about you doing coke is the guy who sold it to you. Think caffeine plus with the delightful side effect of having to keep doing it all night or else your seritonin levels drop and it's a bitch to have a good time no matter how much fun you would have been having had you not started down the rail that evening.

A lot of people enjoy it, and just act like cocks when they run out. But honestly, if you want to have fun for a while in an evening on some stims, do x, or even get drunk and just forget the stims alltogether.
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Post by Superhaze »

Wow.. I got quite a different reaction to coke. Think
"thebestthingyouhaveevertried" and then add "and then some"
to the end of the sentanse. Caffeine my ass. its like beeing a chainsmoker,
then not having cigarettes for 3 days and then
finally getting the time to fume up a 20 pack with a cold beer.
The problem is that you need to use quite a bit to
get the good times rolling. Use a few g's over a few
days and you will regret beeing poor the rest of your life.

Drinking? Lawl :drunk:
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Post by popscythe »

Superhaze wrote:Wow.. I got quite a different reaction to coke. Think
"thebestthingyouhaveevertried" and then add "and then some"
to the end of the sentanse. Caffeine my ass. its like beeing a chainsmoker,
then not having cigarettes for 3 days and then
finally getting the time to fume up a 20 pack with a cold beer.
The problem is that you need to use quite a bit to
get the good times rolling. Use a few g's over a few
days and you will regret beeing poor the rest of your life.

Drinking? Lawl :drunk:
The funniest part about that statement is the fact that whatever shitty coke you are using requires "a few grams and a few days" to "get the good times rolling". Yet you are a big supporter, apparently. I bet your "friend" just loves your custom, sir.
"I've decided that if positive affirmations can "cure cancer" then negative affirmations can cause cancer. Chant with me: Fuck you and Die, Todd Howard. Fuck you and Die, Todd Howard. Fuck you and Die, Todd Howard."
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Post by TNP »

True National Socialists don't use drugs of any kind. I don't drink because I have a smidget of Native American blood (which doesn't rule me out if that's what you're thinking, some NS groups are actually willing to give half-blacks a chance at Aryan way of life).

We look at substances as weakening of your mind and body and supporting the collapse of our nation. Basically, if your white, DON'T DO DRUGS YOU WEAKLING! haha j/k do what you want, I'm not gonna try to force you to support our cause but it does frustrate us to see whites pollute themselves with drugs.

Thorkaufman, before you post my confession to using amphetamines on IRC, I've given it up completely since I jumped on the NSM.

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Post by edhead »

My ass. Use but don't abuse.
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Post by TNP »

edhead wrote:
My ass. Use but don't abuse.
Says the Jew.
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Post by Blargh »

TNP wrote:smidget
Ha ha.
TNP wrote:weakening
Conservation of a Finite Resource in Short Supply. Yes.
TNP wrote:14/88

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Post by Subhuman »

The point of this whole thing is that none of you have ever done coke in your lives, and it shows.
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Post by Megatron »

i dont want some anymore, i am happy just being plain old drunk. i couldnt get there for a while, so i just mix my drinks.
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Thor Kaufman
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Coke is too 80s B)
Tried speed lately, but it didn't do much, maybe it wasn't very good? Others told me one has to "learn" the speed high D:

Anyway, go for acid kids, totally das Uberdrug
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Post by PiP »

it wasn't very good. If you wanna be sure if the pusher isn't fucking with you and you haven't got the experience, take it before going to sleep. If you manage to fall asleep that night the stuff is watered down. Or worse.
(unless your body's accustommed to powerful stimulants - then you'd be able to fall asleep after a couple of hours. I take tripple espresso and sleep like a baby.)
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Post by Redeye »

Last edited by Redeye on Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Redeye »

Thor Kaufman wrote:Coke is too 80s B)
Tried speed lately, but it didn't do much, maybe it wasn't very good? Others told me one has to "learn" the speed high D:

Anyway, go for acid kids, totally das Uberdrug
Hoffman. Something jewy about him.
Maybe being around all those fine Aryans rubbed off.
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