Weapon Ideas

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Post by OnTheBounce »

Blarg wrote:I like the idea of an aiming option, where you can spend extra AP's to get an accuracy bonus.
That's an interesting option. You could spend an extra AP on "Careful Aim" for a non-specific location and get a bonus of 10% of your applicable weapons skill (e.g. if you had a 100% SG skill, you would get a 10% bonus to-hit). This could also be tacked on to Targeted shots, so that if you took a Targeted Shot w/the Careful Aim option you would add 2 to the AP cost of the attack.

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Post by Megatron »

I remember on an X com game (apocalypse?) you could make an aimed shot (from the shoulder, lot of aps, high accuracy) a normal shot (med aps, medium accuracy) or a crack/burst shot (lot aps, low accuracy)

in fallout you already can make an aimed shot, but it doesnt improve accuracy but enables aimed shots the body.
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Post by James »

The aimed shot option might be quite usefull if ammo was a scarce as it should be in The Wasteland.

Instead of firing 4 shots over two turns trying to hit the advancing raider/radscorpion/etc. you could spend the fist turn crouching and aiming (possibly selecting a specific target area, such as head or eyes), and the second turn aiming and firing.

This would give you a significant to hit bonus, and save ammo.
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Post by Frost »

i just want a really cool dagger and maybe a sword
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Post by VasikkA »

Frost wrote:i just want a really cool dagger and maybe a sword
I don't.
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Post by Grand Lord Penguin »

Dark Xenomorph wrote:
:: whips out 2 giant pistols and begins shooting at that stupid dansing THINGIE From FF9:: :2gunfire:

:: Grand Lord Penquin dies froms massive gun shot wounds to that hat::
How old are you? 12?

Black Mage is from the first Final Fantasy. (dumbass)

Anyway, I want to see less high tech weapons (plasma, laser) and more emphasis on the good old slug throwers. FO2 had more energy weapons in it than freaking Star Wars.
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Post by CK »

Pancor, well oh...maybe shotguns should do just a little less damage in fallout 3 so there would be a reason not to use them.
Personaly i would like to see some more handcrafted firearms that have been constructed with residu from pre-war times.
HELL YEAH! Like the .223 FMJ Pistol, inspired by detective Deckards blaster in the great movie Blade Runner! More guns like that!
The bladerunner pistol is the best gun this side o NCR!
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Post by Dark Xenomorph »

Grand Lord Penguin wrote: How old are you? 12?
No 14. Only a 12 year old would be as sick minded as me if he was from a dysfuctional family.
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Post by Icabod »

There's just going to have to be a replacement to the sniper and gauss. Perhaps the Barret light .50 cal. (BTW: the bozar was supposed to be this I think, at least the graphic looks like one. Although the real one doesn't have burst, if it did it would be breaking everyones collar bones :oops: )

Another interesting thing would be dual weilding, if you get two of the same gun and equip them both you could shoot at the two nearest enemies. Of course there would have to be some kind of limitations, like needing a buttload of str and end plus using a few more APs. Imagine weilding two mini-guns, or having two knives.

(OT):Oh yea, more death animations as well. Like for really good targeted criticals to various body parts, arms flying off, yet leaving the target alive to do some 1 -armed damage, could get cybernetic implants to replace lost limbs too. Like the Black Knight scene in Mony Python's Holy Grail "I'll bite your leg off!" heh heh.
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Post by DeepOmega »

Ok. This is Fallout. With a capital F. Let's say it slowly together, children... Faaaaaallllloooouuuuuuut. Ok, do we understand now? This is 50s-pulp-comics-inspired, post-apocalyptic, desolation-lathered turn-based ass kicking (or, let us not forget, sneakiness or diplomacy or whatever). We do not have "realistic" weapons. We do not have cybernetics. We do not have cyborgs, unless you count the robobrain. We have ray-guns, lasers, plasma weapons (although even that's iffy) and generic pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc.

On a positive note, the jerry-rigged weapons, and maybe even dual-wielding, are good ideas. But YOU CAN'T DUAL WIELD A F*CKING MINIGUN, DAMNIT! Hell, the weight alone would make it ridiculous. Two miniguns would be, IIRC, around 70 pounds of your weight. Assuming you have power armor, that's about half your overall weight. Nuh-uh. Besides, it'd be hard to find enemies that stand up to a dual-minigun-wielding bastard in power armor. In order to keep it feeling like everything is actually life-and-death in the wasteland, they'd need even MORE ridiculous bad guys. Christ no.
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Post by Icabod »

Woot~! I seem to have struck a chord!

The power armor supposedly is stronger than a tank (according to the FO bible anyway...) so who is to say two miniguns is a remote possibility? :wink: Like I said, there would be limitations. I don't want to unbalance the game either.

But if that pissed you off...

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Post by Nirvana »

hey no dual miniguns , that would be insane , come on even the super mutants didnt have the strenght to wield two miniguns .
Even if they put a lot of effort , dual miniguns would suck , they would start random shooting , and the amount of ammo required to them ...
Imagine wandering the desert while wielding to minguns and having ammo for them ( i am not counting diferent types of ammo , just one type of ammo is enough to make my point ) that amount of weight would be insane ...
As for the power armors it´s said in the fo bible , that its stronger than an tank , in terms of protection ... not in terms of strenght !
How could an armor be stronger than a tank ... maybe in terms of proportion it is like the example of a human and an ant ...
If you think that this would be possible by whatever magical means , fallout 3 would become a mechwarrior type of game :mad:
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Post by FireWolf »

duel guns would only work with pistols. anything more is just plain stupid. and dont go saying "but in the matrix they used two smg!" think about recoil.

anything beyond pistols would be stupid. anyway, duel pistols would suffer a lack of accuracy replacing it with ROF and damage. reloading AP would be higher though.

PA is not stronger than a tank. in either context. firstly it doesnt have the pulling power of a tank. it also doesnt have anywhere near the armour of a tank. i doubt it has 5 or so inches of hardend armour around the body. afterall it does have to remain mobile.

In starship troopers PA is better than a tank because it carries mini-nukes, is more maneuverable, not because it has a lot of armour. this is pretty much the same with fallout PA. the suit is more agile and can take cover in a ditch if need be.

on the note of swords... fuck no. I would hate for fallout to turn into Diablo. lets face it, swords arnt in fallout. If you put a sword in then lets put a light saber in and be done with it. basically a knife was only useful against other knife weilding characters or a rat. anything with a ballistic weapon would own you. Fallout is guns. lets keep it that way.

Shotguns are powerful. keep them that way. their main problem is accuracy over range. Bozar wasnt a sniper rifle. The graphic is maybe a little misleading. I'm not sure WHAT exactly it was... but not a sniper rifle. The barrat .50cal is a pretty interesting weapon but its hardly 1950s sci-fi.

I dont want to see large numbers of energy weapons. for one thing they dont have burst fire, and i like bursts. ammo flying around the place is grate fun.

lets not even go down the road of armour mounted weapons, if you want that, bugger off to mechwarrior like nirvana said.

ammo was a little too easy to find in fallout 2. i think as weapons become more powerful as you progess the ammo should be very scarece, only purchasable from specific areas and expensive to boot.

Range shouldnt affect AP. it doesnt take very long to aim at a distant target. aimed shot is a good option especially if an eye shot causes blindness of lower chance of a hit.

some weapons should be very dependent upon your stance. standing with a m60 would mean low accuracy, crouching would be a minimal increase while prone would mean greater accuracy at the expense of a lower AC because you cant move out of the way.

a perk which made you dive out of the way of incomming fire based on luck and agility would be interesting. if you dive out of the way you suffer AP loss and are prone for the next turn.

Yes, my ideas are based on TB combat. NOT CTB.
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Post by DeepOmega »

There we go! Another spinoff!

From the fine folks that brought you Fallout: Tactics...


Up to 50 giant enhanced-power-armor-wearing warriors! Wield up to 4 miniguns at once in the armor's 8 hands! The Fallout you've been looking for! All of the raw, undiluted DEATH and none of the confusing conversations, choices, and plots! Sneaking? Who wants to sneak when you can throw rusted-out 18-wheel mac trucks at your enemies?!? And now, NEW to the Fallout universe: A gigantic, superstrong race of psychic alien bug monsters 50 feet tall! Ward off the alien invasion with nothing but your ASTOUNDING ARSENAL OF F*CKING BIG WEAPONS!

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Post by DeepOmega »

BAH. Damn you, Firewolf, you post when I'm writing my posts so I can't respond... I agree, ammo was far too plentiful. I liked how in FO1 you had Smitty and Miles actually making bullets for you, and the lack of ammo. I didn't like how you got a pistol so soon... I mean, in FO2 my first 10mm Pistol was a godsend. I practically danced with joy... Altho, that was more an issue of length. FO2 was at least twice as huge as FO1. (And that was a horribly written sentence... but to hell with that) I did like the rareness of stimpacks in FO2, tho (which makes sense... they'd have been used up a bit, right?). Ranged shots shouldn't take more AP, they should just be a hella lot less accurate. The stance ideas are good. And I like the diving, but it'd be too negative with balance. You dive out of the way, don't get hit, lose AP but are not prone.

Eh. I throws in yet more 2 cents.

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Post by jvn3t »

I want to unload the chambers of a old revolver into the chest of a Jethead, and when he's still coming, I want to pistolwhip him into pulp.

I want to go into a bar, pull out my baseball bat-with-nails-in-it, and score massive criticals to the groin.
There should be less energy weapons, much less than in Fallout 2. They are a large, delicious, overpowered privildge, much like the Power Armour. They should not be attainable in the first few minutes of the game, if you know where to look.

Personally, I find combat between my character, armed with a shotgun and a handful of shells against a couple of starving punks armed with knives and maye a gun, a LOT more interesting than just exchanging damage between myself and three Enclave soldiers. By around Level 10 or 12, you usually had the Enclave APA, a laser weapon of ungodly proportions, and more cash than you know what to do with. This is not the Fallout I know, or want.

If combat is not dynamic, and risky, then it is not exciting, or fun.

No crazy nuclear launching elephant guns, or magical power armor that turns into a cockroach or dildo.
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Post by FireWolf »

the dive perk would be a rarity only available to high agility characters. it would not happen every time but only if you have high perception and are facing the direction of the attacker. and even then it would be based on a luck roll. going prone is very likely considdering you're diving for your life.

deepomega dont put ideas in interplay's head. PLEASE!

in fallout 1 you start off with the pistol dont you? anyway, initially ammo for that gun is very rare and your complete inadequecy with the damn thing means you're more inclined to use a knife against rats and only the pistol in emergencies.

I dont know how the hell you all played fallout 2, but i'd gone through all the cities in fallout 2 by the time i'd reached navvaro and one hit on an enclave trooper often killed him, i often found myself low on ammo due to weight restrictions. also when i encountered them they had a high chance of kicking my ass, especially as they always outnumberd myself (i always end up killing my NPC when they shoot me in the back. blame ian for this)
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Post by DeepOmega »

Eh. Shrug. I played through as many quests as I could find, got all the bestest weapons (TURBO PLASMA RIFLE! WHOO!) and hella lotta armor. I cleaned out Navarro that way, and it was no big deal. The hardest part was probly Sierra Army Depot (Gah! Damn turrets...) And as for the prone-ness... I shoulda been more specific. If you lose AP and are prone, you'll end up losing about 6 AP. (from getting up). So you essentially lose a turn. You'll get shot at again. Net result is the same, just one more round wasted by the enemies. Yeah, you probly would be prone, but it could be the "short" one (where you get back up on your own w/o losing any further APs). So you'd basically just lose 3 APs or so, but not get hit. A pretty balanced trade.

Oh, and what do you mean by this:
deepomega dont put ideas in interplay's head. PLEASE!
One more thing. You get the pistol off the corpse outside the Vault. So yeah, you start with it, and I didn't really dig that. I really liked having to work for your pistol...

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Post by FireWolf »

your idea for fallout mechwarrior. if interplay is reading, we're feckerd.

pistol wasnt effective at the start. wasnt poorly balanced. plus it meant you worked on your SG skill rather than focusing on Melee which would become obsolete pretty soon.

why get up after diving to the floor? when you're prone you have greater chance of a hit, this means you can shoot your attacker. and then get up.

another thing, i read somewhere on this boards about the idea of sheilds... lets not even go there.
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Post by DeepOmega »

When you're prone, you also have a better chance of being hit, not to mention the additional APs lost getting up (which is automatic). As for the pistol... That's a good point. (Tho the super sledge made melee very useful) Perhaps, then, you should be stuck with a pistol for a lot longer. No shotguns for a while. It'll make the better weapons that much more awesome to find (and emphasize the struggle for survival).

And shields? I missed that. But I can briefly outline my opinions...


Thank you.

Peace and much love.
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