Fallout Tactics Power Armor

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Fallout Tactics Power Armor

Post by lorigosolo »

hey guys i´m new to this forum, i love fallout and this forum rocks!!

So here is what I´m planing to do. As i love the power armor from fallout tactics i started to model it. So as all you guys here loves fallout i think that you could help me to improve my model.

For now i have started to model the helmet of the armor it still needs some details but i would like to know what do you think so far??

Comments are welcome!!



Post by Kashluk »

It looks nice... Although you should do the shoulders as well, so the total would be hell-of-a-lot-more massive. Plus, you need to skin it right to make it look pretty.

But it's a nice beginning, yup, too bad I don't know a shit about modelling so I can't be helping you out here.. :?
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

That's a damned fine piece of modelling you have there. That Lightwave?

Oh, and every person who loves Fallout knows the T-51b PA is the only good one! ;)
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Post by lorigosolo »

Thansk guys for the compliments!!!

Kashluk I know that the skining is very important, i will do it when i finish the hole model.

Saint_Proverbius yes i´m using lightwave, what software do you use for your 3d stuff?? and btw awesome models you have done from the wasteland i like a lot the job that you did on the scorpitron.

Here is a small update of my model, you will see some problems but don´t worry i will fix it in no time, this is only an update so you can see the progress of my model. Off corse the shoulders are not the same in the game so i will change them later and the armor still needs some details.

Comments are welcome!!

Hope you like it!!! :twisted: :twisted:



Post by Kashluk »

It's simply... beautiful.
Awesome piece of work, you got there, lorigosolo.
In fact, it looks cool already - without skinning!

Keep up the good work, I'm waiting for the final version to come out... :D
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Post by lorigosolo »

Hey Kashluk thanks for the compliments i´m glad that you like it, and i can´t wait to finish it and start skinnig.

Here is a little update guys, i´m almost finishing the chest armor. :D

Hope you like it!!!

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Post by lorigosolo »

other update!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

I'm not sure the FOT is so "platemailish", but that's beautiful.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

its amazing.

too bad its FoT armor :P

Post by Haplo »

That's...really good....program that into a FPS game...let me go around killing people looking like that....
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Post by VasikkA »

Whoa, that's impressive. I assume that's an APA, by the looks of the helmet.

The helmet looks kinda weird in front perspective, looks like an alien or that's just me.

Post by Kashluk »

Well, it is the FOT PA :roll:
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Post by DeepOmega »

*drooooooool* Fucking awesome modelling, man. *feels inadequate*

Keep up the asskicking work.
Peace and much love...
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Post by MF »

As a model it's great. If it only weren't the Fallout Tactics armor. And if only that otherwise fine looking armor would have made it into some Fantasy-esque thing instead of fucking up Fallout.

I mean. Your model is too close to the real thing. I hate that armor, and looking at your work makes me wonder even more what the hell Interplay was thinking when they approved this armor. (which is a fine piece of work in itself, I must admit)
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Post by lorigosolo »

Thanks for all the replys guys!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Lol what armor do you like MF and Ghetto Goose (i asume that you like the ones from the raiders am i right??)??

Saint_Proverbius: Yes for now it looks a little to "platemailish", but when a finish it and texture it i will give it a rusty old metal texture, what do you think about this?? Should i make it as if it was new or old??

Haplo: i would love to go into this armor and kick some mutants asses!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Ok guys here is a little render of the armor, i know that the power armor is not made of silver but i texture it like that only to see how it would looks like that, and the other is a normal render without texture.


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Post by MF »

What armor I like?
Armor that fits Fallout. And no, that's not really the FoT raider's armor either. In fact, very little in FoT fits Fallout.

This armor I like
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Post by VasikkA »

Yes that is the one and only Power armor. :)

Lorigosolo: The metallic reflections look great, but don't use that effect with the cloak on the shoulder. :lol:
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Post by Megatron »

the fallout tactics armour is a sort of version of the power armour mark 2, then interplay must have wanted to make it look more demony or something.
Really good model anyway, mabye after you could do power armour from the original fallout?
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Post by lorigosolo »

VasikkA: Lol is a new metalic look, no just kidding i forgot to put a diferent surface at the cloak, i will fix it later.

MF: You are right the power armor in FOT is too much, the power armor of the old brotherhood of steel of Fallout 2 were more "beliveble", it looks more Fallout. Btw I love all the power armors, and the armor of the guys of Navarro (I can´t remember their names).

Pyro: Great Picks man, i haven´t seen them anywhere, now i have 3 concepts instead of 1. Thanks!!!
Yes when i finish this one i could try modelling the true Fallout Power Armor, the only problem is that i don´t have any concept of this armor, so if someone has one or know where i can find some tell me ok??

Thanks Guys


Post by Kashluk »


Power Armor
Hardened Power Armor


Advanced Power Armor
Advanced Power Armor Mk.II


(FOT) Power Armor
(FOT) Advanced Power Armor

A simple list of FOPA's for you, my friend.
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