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Post by Manoil »

Probably gonna get a used copy of L4D at gamestop, maybe L4D2 in a while. I'm tempted to rent Bioshock at least-- I wanna get my own take on it before shooting it down.
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

Anyone ever play Tron 2.0?

This one slipped by me and I'm enjoying it ATM.
In a way I find it very similat to Deus Ex, shooter with RPG elements and a kick-ass setting, characters, music etc. It's a lot of fun, and has a really cleverly done environment,

Gameplay is not really earthshattering though...
The Tron-ness of it is what makes this game, I have a feeling if you stripped it away and replaced it with "Generic FPS Setting# 351" I wouldn't play this game for more than 5 minutes.

Never even like the movie Tron all that much, but goddamn were those old Arcade games and Tron Deadly Discs not the shit.

This game has the potential to rank up with some FPS genre smashers like Deus Ex, Thief or SS2. It's almost there, but not quite to their level IMO.

Oh, it's got jumping puzzles. I hate that shit. I'm in my 30s man, I don't do jumping puzzles and shit anymore. My tolerance threshold for jumping puzzles was hit about 20 years ago playing Q-bert.
Fuck that shit.
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Post by inomel »

Tron and Q-bert? Time to go fire up the emu :evil_laugh:
Appearing stupid is sexier than being stupid. Although I hear stoopid was a cut perk in fallout three, but was abandoned when the devs found out it could be simulated by simply playing the game...
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Post by Caleb »

Jumping puzzles seem to be the piece of choice when wanting to ramp up difficulty or add a 'puzzle' aspect. Especially in first person shooters.
...signatures? WTF?
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

When it comes to Thief, which one should I play? In order please.
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

-Thief Gold + some hi-res graphics mods
-Thief 2
-Thief 3 (Optional)

Classic Warren Spector - it's up there with Deus Ex and SS2.
All of them pretty "smart", innovative takes on the design cesspool that is FPSers.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Playing some Heavy Rain. Am enjoying it. Will have a review for us per Pooper's suggestion. Game starts with you beating your son with a plastic sword though.
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Post by Stainless »

I liked Fahrenheit back in the day, I'm assuming it has similar kind things in it?
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Post by Blargh »




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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Stainless wrote:I liked Fahrenheit back in the day, I'm assuming it has similar kind things in it?
Pretty much, I'm still pretty early in, but I enjoy being an alcoholic father who tells his son that he can't have his favorite bear and it's his own damn fault for losing it.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

L4D2 was terrible. Play the new Monkey Island game.
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Post by drhanz »

mass effect 2 if u havent heard that already, plus fallout 1 and 2 i highly recommend. Not really the third one unless you liked oblivion
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Post by Yonmanc »

drhanz wrote:mass effect 2 if u havent heard that already, plus fallout 1 and 2 i highly recommend. Not really the third one unless you liked oblivion
Good point. I don't think many people on this board have tried the Fallout games. That's the one about the desert right? And the nukes?
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Post by SenisterDenister »

No no no, it had that floating skull.
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Post by ekkaman »

1 turn = two weeks, game is broken up into 4 campains playing the first one now. They seem pretty short.

Its 21ish gigs people, took one hour to install from dvds.

Graphics wise this is pretty impressive, units look and move better not as blockie as in the past. Small screen pops up during battles at top center and shows important stuff like general under attack ect looks good.

Guys get shot off horses and the horses dont always die with the riders now so you see ponys running everywhere on the map, whole groups scatter when cannonballs hit then pick themselfs up leaving gaps in your lines, the new enlisting Generals thing is good you pick form a pool of em each time.

Attrition is new and i like it, leave an army on the campain map in harsh winter/heat conditions and they might desert or die as is the case, also Replenisment, units now get men back when passing through towns ect.

Ships can be repaird at sea as well and crew taken on at ports. Generals now have a ring of influence adding boosts to morale, unit moral is highlighted above each unit now and generals affect it so damn much easy to sway a fight with just placing your leader behind units that are in trouble. Interface has been improved upon.

Now heres somthing i do not like key Generals ie. Napoleon are immune to DEATH and return to the game a few turns after they are taken down
in battle.

When you break enemy units the flag above them is removed, cannons look amazing and shake the ground when fired and impact shells busrt about in random directions very nice. Looting the towns is back as well just as is should.

So looks alot better than empires not that their was much wrong with that.

Campain maps looks pretty but the big feture "drop in battles", just had one works fine guy dropped into my campian as the austrians in the last battle of the first campain, toweld the ppor guy lost 84 units in total to his 500 plus deaths cant wait to smash this online in the full campain. Guys can fight you during your own campian at random online sounds pretty good. Looks like its pretty geared towards online battles. No USA or India that i have seen yet as well.

Would i buy it......thinking yes.

got it as a gift.

back to it.
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Post by Psychoul »

Im sure i ahve already read this somewhere?
And i think i also said I want to play that game.
Besides that, i believe starcraft is amazing. Its just a great game.
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Post by ekkaman »

Yer i just copied and edited what i wrote before it felt better to post it here ntw is worth the price nice very nice game.

If you got any questions about the game ask away found somthing new in it and love it called FEAR units can buckle and run at just the thought of coming up aganst your elites watcing 3 line inft run at the sight of my dragoons coming over the hill is hard to discribe love it.
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Post by twoisms »

Anyone have an opinion of Fear 2? I liked the first game, but it seemed like Monolith got lazy on the enemy variation(or setting variation)
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