So I just tried playing Fallout 3 again...

Since Bethesda decided to make Fallout 3, we figured we might as well have a forum about it.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Kickstand27 wrote:as i said, of course it was a departure ffrom the original titles. I am able to comprehend that it was released across consoles too and take it with a grain of salt.
Let me put it this way. In every game I play, I can take the startup seriously, whether it's the original Fallouts, Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto or even The Conduit on the Wii. The fact Fallout 3's opening - and indeed the rest of the game - has no internal logic is because of poor design.
youre making it sound as if you cant do anyting in the game without it crashing.
Among other things I don't do without crashing is firing an assault rifle on full auto while walking forward in a large outdoor area and completing the one quest that doesn't make any fucking sense with the android that's somehow lived in Rivet City his whole life aside from the fact he's an android from West Virginia. Also zoning into Rivet City Market, which is basically the only place to trade in the entire game, is iffy.

You simply can't defend that shit.
I have easily spent a thousand hours on the game
That would explain your brain damage.
and aside from th eoccaisional VATS crash
I forgot to list that as a crash.

Here's what you do - make a single savegame, enslave Angela Staley, then save right after it if you're so confident Fallout 3 doesn't crash.
original fallout isnt really sandbox though. not really.. havent played krondor
I wasn't aware a non-linear game where you can do whatever you want doesn't classify as sandbox. Also, don't bother with Krondor - you actually have to read and it plays in low resolution in an un-windowable DOSbox wrapper. It also features thinking, which isn't your strong suit.
and its way too easy in any of the GTA games to just drive around, jump out attack pedestrians and then outrun the cops-gets boring really fast to me :shrugs:
So strolling around a non-geographically correct representation of the areas surrounding Washington DC while being assailed by random game crashes, shitty voice acting (which isn't really the voice actors' fault, given the conditions they were working under), and the worst non-translated writing in the history of RPGs is your cup of tea?

I'm guessing the brain damage happened before you played Fallout 3.
i would rather play F3 than any GTA anyday
Yep, it started before you touched Fallout 3. Go do your math homework, son.
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Post by Manoil »

Retlaw83 wrote:son
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Post by Yonmanc »

i would rather play F3 than any GTA anyday

You sure are an ass.

(Yes, unless the edit button is given back, that's how I'm spelling things from now on, eat a dick management)

NOTE FROM RETLAW83: Edited for spelling.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Suck it, Trebek.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

The commonly arising argument from all FO3 fanboys appears to be that the game is good from the perspective of its strengths, however no-one seems to be able to identify those strengths. Voice acting - shitty, exploration - boring, combat - horrible, quests - abysmal.

Fallout 3 gets a solid 3/10 in my book. And I don't even know how to justify the points that I do give it, out of compassion?
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Post by Manoil »

You're a merry soul at heart, Frater. Like Ebenezer, you're pissed most of the time, but given the right circumstances, you'll buy everyone a Christmas Goose.
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Post by Yonmanc »

Yonmanc wrote:
NOTE FROM RETLAW83: Edited for spelling.
you've won this round...
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Post by Kickstand27 »

Retlaw83 wrote:fanboy rant
what part of "even with all of its flaws, i can still find enjoyment in this game" did you not understand?
i dont need a list of flaws with f3. as a game. like i said, i actually play it.

so keep spinning your wheels hotrod, i am sure someone is reading it.

one thing though. why would anyone have only one save in any game?
you talk about logic, but to me that doesnt make any fucking sense. most of us do pry their fat asses out of a chair once in a while and do shit outside, so maybe you never need to turn off a game and then come back to it later.

i also think its ironic that "fallout 3 fanboy" was thrown out in this thread in reference to me.

look, its not as if i am calling into question any of the cannon/plot holes in previous fallout games.. you know there there, theyre even referenced in this site. and i am not calling into question any of the bugs in the first two games, which again are referenced on this site. i am not even making a thread that says "fallout three pwnz!!!one!1"

but out of the woodowrk you all come crwaling to battle the person who states he plays fallout 3.. haha fanboi
typos are bound to happen. fuck it
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Post by Yonmanc »

Kickstand27 wrote:
Retlaw83 wrote:fanboy rant
Butthurt Fanboy Rant
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Manoil wrote:You're a merry soul at heart, Frater. Like Ebenezer, you're pissed most of the time, but given the right circumstances, you'll buy everyone a Christmas Goose.
Agreed, though I've really been laying off the booze recently*, first exam in 3 days.

*cutting down, though I did get pissed last night, and the night before.
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Post by Manoil »

Not me man Cazsimm and I just got drunk at Rosi'es and like I had chicken and fries and jagerboums and the waitress wwas hotand toouk all my money

then we drank in the parking lot of the menenoite church by myhhouse and I felt oddan dthrwe up randomly then somiled as I got a pickture taken

w's awesom
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Kickstand27 wrote:
Retlaw83 wrote:fanboy rant
Looks like some misunderstands the meaning of fanboy. If I were a fanboy, I'd be strongly in support of something; in this case I'm disparaging something. The retard is strong in you.
what part of "even with all of its flaws, i can still find enjoyment in this game" did you not understand?
i dont need a list of flaws with f3. as a game. like i said, i actually play it.

What part of you have terrible taste and Fallout 3 is a shitty game do you not understand?
o keep spinning your wheels hotrod, i am sure someone is reading it.
Do you have a book of one-liners of villians from cheesy 80s teen comedies? You talk like someone who wants to bulldoze a rec center to make way for a strip mall.

one thing though. why would anyone have only one save in any game?
you talk about logic, but to me that doesnt make any fucking sense.
If you're that confident Fallout 3 won't crash horrendously, there's no reason for you not to try that.
most of us do pry their fat asses out of a chair once in a while and do shit outside, so maybe you never need to turn off a game and then come back to it later.
Way to describe normal human function, kid. Perhaps you should write some emo poetry about how I've hurt your feelings?
i also think its ironic that "fallout 3 fanboy" was thrown out in this thread in reference to me.
I didn't call you one, but it seems to be a major facet of your personality.
look, its not as if i am calling into question any of the cannon/plot holes in previous fallout games.. you know there there, theyre even referenced in this site. and i am not calling into question any of the bugs in the first two games, which again are referenced on this site. i am not even making a thread that says "fallout three pwnz!!!one!1"
The original Fallouts had far fewer crashes and logical inconsistencies than Fallout 3, so that's not really a comparison - and most of the bugs from them got fixed, which didn't happen with Fallout 3. That aside, Fallout 1 & 2 had a quality in the story and writing that is completely absent from Fallout 3 - and that's the part that's unforgivable.
but out of the woodowrk you all come crwaling to battle the person who states he plays fallout 3.. haha fanboi
Yeah, we all hunted you down. It's not like you came here voluntarily, knowing what it was going to be like, and then starting shitting on our board. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened.

You did the equivalent of going up to a guy with a knife, begged him to stab you in a whiny little cunt voice, then once you get stabbed you act like he's the asshole.
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Post by Yonmanc »

Kickstand27 wrote:
i also think its ironic that "fallout 3 fanboy" was thrown out in this thread in reference to me.
I just caught you posting your shitty ideas on Beth's forums.
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I forgot to add fixed :)

Fuck you Walter
Do these glasses and my two chins make me look sexy?
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Wow Snake, congratulations. You almost wrote a coherent thought.

Do humanity a favor and empty your brain pan with a handgun.
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Post by Manoil »

Apparently, these days the kids refer to it as 'becoming An Hero.'

Witness An Heroism in action!
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Post by Yonmanc »

Manoil wrote:Apparently, these days the kids refer to it as 'becoming An Hero.'

Witness An Heroism in action!
The kids today are fucking idiots.
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Post by Sovereign »

F3 is decent but now that i have played F1 and F2,(Which i have sadly uninstalled, so i can fuel my addiction for WoW,) I would rather play WoW, or maybe Half Life. Or fuck it, Jak and Daxter.
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