a new fallout game is out and dac doesnt give a shit

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a new fallout game is out and dac doesnt give a shit

Post by Megatron »

whats up playa is this shit canon are there deathclaus holla back atcha boy megatron asap hit up these dum dums whit my uzi
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Post by King of Creation »

Read the New Vegas forum..people are enjoying the game quite a bit more than Fallout 3: Bethesda's Revenge.
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Cimmerian Nights
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

I have no doubt it's better than 'Oblivion with Guns' in story, setting, characters, art direction etc. I have that much faith in Obsidian.

Same shitty gameplay and mechanics though. I can't see past that.

The engine and tech are old and ugly and clunky.

I look to a Fallout game for tight, PnP inspired RPG mechanics. I don't see how this is any less of a FPS compromise with the setting slapped on to appeal to the mainstream.

I'll give it a fair shot later, but I'm not in any rush.

Besides, I have serious moral reservations about giving money to Todd Howard so he can send his kids to Jesus Camp.
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Post by popscythe »

It's Oblivion with Guns with Clumsy Fan-Service and a layer of extra features reminiscent of the thin layer of frosting on a shortbread cookie. If you like shortbread, the frosting is a bonus. If the shortbread is question is dog shit, the frosting does nothing to alleviate the fact that you've just bitten into animal feces.

Things to look forwards to when trying New Vegas:

NPCs that race across the wasteland twice as fast as you can move to deliver some message (ala "Stop Criminal Scum" from Oblivion) being re-added after having been removed for Fallout 3, operating on exactly the same fundamental basis as they did in Oblivion. Oh, and these NPCs, though they have an insane amount of HP, are of course always using level-scaled equipment.

Insane (Equal to Fallout 3) number of invisible walls everywhere forcing you to adhere to a strictly linear travel path to experience a number of small, pointless scripted encounters between each area.

Completely fucking stupid hyper-focus on poorly designed Factions including an insulting disguise system, and an entire Roman faction that screams Oblivion at the top of it's lungs throughout the entire game.

The usual broken quests, dialog options that spoil major plot points before your character has heard about them and other hallmarks of Obsidian games.

The much-lauded "Hardcore" Mode adds absolutely no challenge to the game. Water, food, healing supplies and ammo are absolutely rife throughout the wasteland on any difficulty level.

All in all it's Fallout 3 with a disgusting, forced 1885 gimmick in some areas and forced 1950's gimmick in others (which is now so completely heavy handed that Brian Fargo should be personally insulted) and you can get thirsty if you ignore the massive number of sources of running water everywhere.

Don't think that these are the only "highlights" of Crude Vegas though, the inept handling and malformation of this game, including the "fan service" which is nothing more than robotic and unimportant NPCs mentioning "Hey Remember Fallout 2" once in a while, is as deep and as wide as the wasteland. As in, if it weren't for the invisible walls, you could traverse the entire thing at the cripplingly slow default walking speed in about ten minutes.

However, in keeping with the topic of this thread, I must admit, I am disturbed by how many of the heavy posting New-DAC crew love this shit game to the point of angrily defending it at all costs. Have we truly fallen so far?
"I've decided that if positive affirmations can "cure cancer" then negative affirmations can cause cancer. Chant with me: Fuck you and Die, Todd Howard. Fuck you and Die, Todd Howard. Fuck you and Die, Todd Howard."
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Post by rad resistance »

Popscythe still bitching about NV?
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Post by Stalagmite »

It's pretty ok. If not for the fact that it was made with Beth's engine and stretched out to appeal to consoles ala Fallout 3 than it would have been pretty legit methinks.

Since Obsidian are known for adding a sense of buggy depth to console games you could look at it as Fallout 3 is to New Vegas as KOTOR is to KOTOR 2.

This may throw hardcore fans of the original off (as popscythe's post clearly demonstrated), but others who just want something fun to kill the time (AKA people stuck in Melbourne for several months when you want nothing more than to get home) and you enjoyed Obsidian's work in the past to a healthy degree I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

popscythe wrote: The usual broken quests, dialog options that spoil major plot points before your character has heard about them and other hallmarks of Obsidian games.
I haven't found a broken quest yet, but dialog options for shit you haven't heard of yet abound and detract from the game.
The much-lauded "Hardcore" Mode adds absolutely no challenge to the game. Water, food, healing supplies and ammo are absolutely rife throughout the wasteland on any difficulty level.
I agree. It doesn't add a new level of difficulty so much as just gives you reverse radiation bars to micromanage.
However, in keeping with the topic of this thread, I must admit, I am disturbed by how many of the heavy posting New-DAC crew love this shit game to the point of angrily defending it at all costs. Have we truly fallen so far?
And I'm disturbed about how seriously you take videogames.
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Post by Stalagmite »

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Post by Retlaw83 »

I'm kind of surprised no one's done anything using the VB tech demo.
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Post by hoochimama »

-dialog writing(consistently good in obsidian games, who writes them?)
-voice acting
-non-linearity and quality of quests
-towns(rarity in modern arpgs)
-attribute/perk/skill checks
-ammo system
-weapon and armor variety

- main story didn't interest me past the point where I got my revenge(only 1 playthrough so far) and met the factions
- main quest resolution all too predictable
- excessive winks to fo2
- broken quests
- hardcore mode does not add a survival-like experience to the game
- broken combat difficulty(very hard is still too easy)
- broken economy(too easy to get large amounts of money you'll never have to spend)
- landscaping: I like madmax's desert setting better than chernobyl types yet still found fo3's wasteland more appealing than new vegas'
-new weapon and armor textures: I noticed it in the previews, some of the new art assets clash too much with the overall fo3 ones, some use much higher res textures, different artstyles or look altogether unfinished such as a few of the modded weapons or the combat armor mk2
- music: wayne newton is repetitive, few and mostly poor radio songs(aside from peggy lee's), some tunes old and new fit really well(necropolis song in nipton) but most of it is unnoticeable
-SETTING: worst offender, I liked fo1's better than fo2's, which felt too disjointed and "post post-apoc", new vegas takes it even further(also has some timeline issues possibly due to bethesda)

Overall I had a lot of fun and see myself replaying this until I see all the content. I like New Vegas more than FO3 yet I was more pleasantly surprised by the latter.
Last edited by hoochimama on Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yonmanc »

Well to counter Popscythe's dumb arguments:

1) Never seen any NPC's "race across the wasteland". In fact, I only bumped into one or two outside of towns. As for meeting NPC's in one town then another? Dunno if they got there faster than me, rarely use fast travel.

2) Encountered ONE invisible wall near the top of a mountain. Every now and then there were invsible walls near what I would have used as crawl spaces in real life. Since there's no crawl feature, no biggie.

3) Found hardcore mode quite challenging. Although there's plenty of food and water around, most of it costs, meaning I had to buy food and water instead of decent weapons; pretty tough game to be honest.

4) Massive amount of running water? There were one or two places that had CLEAN running water, most of it was irradiated.

5) Crude Vegas? Really, that was the best you could come up with?

As for the whole "ROMAN INFLUENCED ARMY!? THIS SMELLS LIKE BETH!!", well, sorry to chalk that up to you're own lack of experience with the series, but the first thing they reminded me of where the Khans from Fallout 1 and 2; a historically influenced gang of raiders and slavers. The fact they've amassed to the size hey have with the ambition of conquering actually fits very well considering it's 200 years since the bombs fell, and the fact parts of America are still completely lawless, you'd expect small tribes to grow into large armies, and the fact tey're based on the Romans? Again, Khans based on Mongols.

Now, with Popscythes stupidity put to rest, allow me to deliver a REAL review:

Characters: In fallout: New Vegas the Characters live up to the depth of those in previous titles. However, the problem is they don't surpass them. Couple of examples: Cass's constant reminders of her alcoholism, and Veronica's forced humour are very reminiscent of characters like Tandi from Fallout 1, who for some reason seemed to managed to remind me how boring Shady Sands is EVERY other sentence. The problem here is that isntead of falling into dubious cliches, such as they would in Fallout 3, instead they just fall into more realistic cliches: the gangsters are gangsters, the NCR troops are loyal soldiers, Caesars legion are emotionless pawns.

Still, with that said, nobody seems out of place. everybody has a purpose, and despite the roles often feeling a little cliche, they are at least, done well. I can tell hoe characters are feeling withou them telling me. The voice actors deserve a big round of applause this time around.

Side Quests: Where to begin? I guess what took me by surprise is how much detail went into them. From doing detective work in Novac, to helping a bunch of whooo-ers escape from a casino, everything had that little touch just to make it extra special, that little unexpected result from your actions that kept things fresh. Although some of the usual "talk to this guy" "shoot these people" quests where present, they didn't feel like lazy attempts at choices. Even on certsin side quests that possessed a certain amount of linearity (I hope to Science that's a word), the option to ignore them (assuming you didn't want to do something), would still have an affect on the characters around you.

Factions: From simple townsfolk to technology pumped armies, EVERYBODY in New Vegas seems to fall into one faction or other. This could have led to some very flat story-telling. However, given the war-like setting, this didn't feel too strange or out of place. My only gripe would be that most of the quests seemed to affect the faction as a whole, rather than individuals.

Combat: Much better. Although I still yearn for the turn based action from the original, at least this time around I wasn't invincible. As with most of the skills in the Game, your SPECIAL stats actually play a role this time. The new armour feature means this time around simply shooting something with whatever is at hand doesn't always work, and a level of tact comes into play. The fact stimpaks don't auto-heal on Hardcore mode makes combat even more challenging. To put it bluntly, simply having 30 stimpaks and a machine gun doesn't mean it's time to go hunting super mutants. However, HtH combat still leaves a lot to be desired. This may be because I played a primarily shooty guy, only resorting to melee on the (quite often) occurance of running out of ammunition. The (xBox) controsl for HtH are still clunky, and a straight knife fight just feels awkward.

Locations: This is were New Vegas both shines, and falls. The detail in both the reasoning and the functionality of the games towns and buildings is very impressive. They fit well into the story line, they have realistic population sizes, and they each have interested backstories, something EVERY location in Fallout 3 lacked. From the bright lights of The Strip, to the chaotic ruins of Westside's maze like alleyways, the effort is evident, and is worthy of applause. However, sometimes it feels as though obsidian forgot they weren't making a top down game, with many places being annoyingly difficult to navigate. Still, the locations are fun to play, my personal favourites being Vault 11 and Novac.


If you're still reading at this point, fuck it, I started writing this review thinking it wouldn't take so long, and I now know I've still got a shitload more to do, and quite frankly, I'm a busy man. I need a shit and I've got to go pretend I'm an internet celebrity for a while, so in an abrupt conclusion:


+Great Story, both main and side
+Hardcore Mode
+Challenging gameplay

-Some maps over complicated
-Some characters, although well acted, are still annoying
-200 chip limit on bets!? WTF MANG I GOT GUNZ TO BAI!
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Post by Tofu Man »

Oi popscythe honestly, what the hell were you expecting?

Bethesda bought the rights to the fucking franchise, and although unfortunate, in one way or another, we, the people who do still give two shits about the real Fallouts, have come to grips with it, so I ask again, even though your criticism is valid:

What were you expecting?

Seriously, do you really think your holier than thou act sticks, particularly with the DaC crowd, as if the ability to actually enjoy a fucking game about which there's nothing we can do suddenly means we've made a pact with the devil?

Do you have a couple of millions in your back pocket? None of us do. If you do have, then do us all a favor and buy back the franchise and either get Tim Cain and the boys and make a decent Fallout 3 or bury the whole thing, and I'll support you either way. Hell I'll get KoC to rename the place popscythe.cx when you do.

Until then, stop pretending that the lot of us would prefer NV over VB.
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Post by gobbleykins »

Tofu Man wrote:Oi popscythe honestly, what the hell were you expecting?

Bethesda bought the rights to the fucking franchise, and although unfortunate, in one way or another, we, the people who do still give two shits about the real Fallouts, have come to grips with it, so I ask again, even though your criticism is valid:

What were you expecting?

Seriously, do you really think your holier than thou act sticks, particularly with the DaC crowd, as if the ability to actually enjoy a fucking game about which there's nothing we can do suddenly means we've made a pact with the devil?

Do you have a couple of millions in your back pocket? None of us do. If you do have, then do us all a favor and buy back the franchise and either get Tim Cain and the boys and make a decent Fallout 3 or bury the whole thing, and I'll support you either way. Hell I'll get KoC to rename the place popscythe.cx when you do.

Until then, stop pretending that the lot of us would prefer NV over VB.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Cimmerian Nights wrote:I have no doubt it's better than 'Oblivion with Guns' in story, setting, characters, art direction etc. I have that much faith in Obsidian.

Same shitty gameplay and mechanics though. I can't see past that.

The engine and tech are old and ugly and clunky.

I look to a Fallout game for tight, PnP inspired RPG mechanics. I don't see how this is any less of a FPS compromise with the setting slapped on to appeal to the mainstream.

I'll give it a fair shot later, but I'm not in any rush.

Besides, I have serious moral reservations about giving money to Todd Howard so he can send his kids to Jesus Camp.
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Post by Mismatch »

Im actually surprised that so many of you tossers are actually playing these games. Ive tried neither, and those of you who has are spineless cunts.

Fuck you
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Post by Stalagmite »

Mismatch wrote:Im actually surprised that so many of you tossers are actually playing these games. Ive tried neither, and those of you who has are spineless cunts.

Fuck you
Ur mum is a spineless cunt, that didn't stop her from popping a few capsuls of overreach and manage to create an offspring now, did it?
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Post by Mismatch »

Stalagmite wrote:
Mismatch wrote:Im actually surprised that so many of you tossers are actually playing these games. Ive tried neither, and those of you who has are spineless cunts.

Fuck you
Ur mum is a spineless cunt, that didn't stop her from popping a few capsuls of over reach and manage to create an offspring now, did it?
But that's what I said, you lot of cum guzzlers are doing things you shouldn't due to being rapefaced asscloggers.
Had your insult not lacked both in logic and thought I might even take you seriously. But alas, you're just another border retard.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Your lack of vision and attention to details will be your short(er)(and)(shorter)coming.
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But, but I thought we were Internet Friends !?

Post by Blargh »


Fortunate that I have more engaging things to lose sleep over. :dance:

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Post by Mismatch »

I rilly can't make sense of dat chit. Either I'm getting old or just don't care as much as I'd want to.

Was it just a random retort or was there a profund meaning I missed.
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