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Post by Atomkilla »

Started playing Witcher.
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I bought witcher when it was on sale for 5 bucks on steam, I probably won't play it anytime soon but I wanted the option for cheap.

Last night I played some more of Zelda: spirit trains but its too hard to lift the DS in the air and play it without one of my arms going numb when I'm laying on my bed. I will have to find a time to play it when I'm sitting down on a chair or something.

I tried to replay New vegas but I dreaded it a bit and got bored. I might try again and just not give a fuck of how I play and do what I want like a real megatron. I aspire to be like megatron when I play video games.
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Post by Sprainedkhyber »

I'm currently playing Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den, Resident Evil 5, and the Marathon Trilogy.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Arcanum. Had played it many many times in the past but hadn't got particularly far, probably due to the fact that I always played gun techie and because I never really grasped DnD mechanics. Anyway, spent the past week or so playing it and just finished. Really cannot remember a game that's captivated me so much in recent history. If you're unfamiliar with the game, there's a lot of pre-playing research to do but once you get the hang of it it's immensely enjoyable. Easily one of the best RPGs I've ever played.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I'm having a hard time getting through the dungeons and stuff in Arcanum because of golems and stuff. Their damage thresholds are too high and I run out of Molotov cocktails and grenades about half-way through it so I have to leave to get more.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Is that with a melee character?

I first played a tech gunner (Dwarf) with a Looking Glass Rifle and just kited all the golems and whatnot, they actually went down fairly fast.
At level 35 the game had become way too frustrating for me since I hadn't picked my companions properly so I decided to start anew.

After my initial failure, I decided to powergame and decided to make an Elf mage. The game was ridiculously (relative to my first attempt) easy (but nevertheless enjoyable), I basically walked through the entire game spamming Harm. Teleport also leads to a more casual gameplay because if you forget to hand something in etc, it's easy to get back.

Also, I seriously recommend you to get the mod that allows you to change NPC leveling schemes - after the crash in the beginning I immediately went to the town and got Sogg (thus getting him at an early level, though it wouldn't have mattered). Instead of having Vigil put points into shit spells or Lockpick (honestly wtf) I maxed out their Dex, Dodge, Melee & STR. Very soon I realised that I had nothing to do with all the spare follower stats so ended up putting them in stuff like Constitution. With the benefit of hindsight, pure HP would probably have been better but due to proper point distribution they hardly took any damage and instead dished it out like trucks.
A word of warning - you cannot put points in a crafting skill on an NPC that wouldn't normally have taken crafting since you don't get the speech option to actually have them craft anything for you.

I know what you mean by running back to get supplies - I played much of the early game like that, but as a mage you hardly have any running expenses so buy all the mana pots in town and store them on Sogg or whatever (store them on a companion since no encumbrance = extra speed in combat (speed = action points).

By the end of the game I had 8 companions. I will start a new game soon to play as an evil character and probably won't have more 3 or so.

*Companion mechanics*
You get 1 per 4 points in Charisma; +1 for being an Expert in Persuasion; certain companions i.e. Dog don't count towards the limit.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I'm playing the game as a tech gunner/engineer but I only have two companions, who are exclusively melee characters.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Who are your companions?
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Post by SenisterDenister »

A tech-healer I picked up in Caladon and the first guy. I haven't played in a while so I forgot their names.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

That's the problem - they are wank.

Virgil (the first guy) invests all his points in shit skills like Lockpick and some random spells that you don't need. Just because he equips a sword doesn't make him melee.

Jayna is shite beyond belief.

Those were actually the two NPCs that I had in my first game and it took 35 levels for me to finally give up, it was incredibly frustrating.

I suggest that you start over, this game won't take you anywhere. Forget about Jayna, get Virgil because he is good for the story but use the follower editor to allocate his skills properly and he will become a formidable fighter. In his unadulterated state he is boarderline useless.
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Post by Alister McFap II Esq. »

mega man!

Post by Kashluk »

I've always been into dwarves myself.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

You actually don't need to use an editor to change Virgil's leveling options. You can change it directly when you're looking at his character sheet, there's a small tab in the upper right corner and you can choose out of that list how you want him to level up.

I think I might just start a new game.
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Post by PiP »

Finally finished Dragon Age Origins - ending much poorer than the beginning (my origin was dwarf noble).

Still playing America's Army 2.8.5 every now and then - if only to exchange sarcastic remarks with other 30-year-olds after hearing them pull a 'nade in the next room.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

SenisterDenister wrote:You actually don't need to use an editor to change Virgil's leveling options. You can change it directly when you're looking at his character sheet, there's a small tab in the upper right corner and you can choose out of that list how you want him to level up.

I think I might just start a new game.
The button is there but at least for me, it did nothing. I highly recommend that you get the editor.
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Post by rad resistance »

Been playing mostly CoH lately and LOTR: Return of the Witch King.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Medieval 2: Total War.

I love this shit, addictive as hell. I tried Empire: Total War but I could not get into it....

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Post by Burning Oasis »

Been playing Brother's in Arms, and Civilization V.
I tried playig Call of Cthulhu: DCotE, but I just couldn't get into to it, due to the crappy controls.
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Post by PiP »

how's that Civ V working for you?
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Post by Burning Oasis »

I'll be honest- I haven't played any other one. I think it's pretty damn fun, though. Played as Mother Russia. The other fuckers are greedy and cocky, though. I already killed Greece because they kept on insulting me, along with Persia, and America. I'm on turn 200 something. It's becoming ridiculous.
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