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What do you think of this topic?

Poll ended at Sat Sep 28, 2002 11:22 am

It's vile and disgusting! You're a sick, violent psycho. Go to hell.
It's great! I can finally threaten people without consequences!
You're stoned again, aren't you?
Total votes: 18


Post by Haplo »

Pleasure in anti-pop? Sure there is!

Backpacking with minimal equipment is exhilarating! Eating barbeque venison instead of your ready to eat McDonalds is a life experience! Ignoring popular trends and exploring culture at your own pace is a way of life! I revel if watching Jeremiah Johnson! In John Wayne movies! I enjoy maintaining my right to bear arms!

I'm happy being anti-pop, and I have plenty of anti-pop friends. I live in an anti-pop family. In fact, what is pop for me is anti-pop for you, and vice versa. So, you to my friend, are Anti-pop! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Post by Subhuman »

Haplo wrote:So, you too my friend, are Anti-pop! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[Deep breath.]






[Pant, wheeze.]
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the guardian
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Post by the guardian »

count me in your little hive haplo
Hello New Jersey

Post by Haplo »

Guardian, your only a step removed from being a hermit anyways. I think you're actually more anti-pop than I am. :D
Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

How anti pop i am: I buy clothes at Good Will ( I DO not my family )

My music is a little diverse. I really hate rap and i read too much than talking to plp! :oops:
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Post by Slave_Master »

I buy my clothes at Goodwill and stuff because I am too goddamn cheap to buy it anywhere else.... :?

And besides, paying fifty bucks for a pair of "faded" jeans that just has a white line down the center is stupid when you can pay a tenth of that for something better. I dunno why them stupid kids love pissing their money away so much.... I guess that's what pop culture is all about...

Post by Haplo »

Exactly. Feel free to buy the new 200$ Nikes, my 30$ Wal-mart brand hiking boots are far more comfortable...
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Post by spyder07 »

Dark Xenomorph wrote:
Echelon was sweet, Morrowwind plp made that, ARE YOU CRAZY? Dont kill them.

Gay plp, even Lesbians? I say only gay men. Gay women, bring them on!!! :twisted:
Echelon could have been a good game, but there are some holes in it. Like the fact that I've played through half the game and I'm still a cadet. How in the hell do you get promoted. And when you have an aircraft that has many weapons slots, why would you not fill them up. They expect me to destroy about 8 enemy ships with only 2 advanced plasma guns. Do you know how freaking hard that is? I also noticed sometimes when I hit something it doesn't get damaged.

I don't get it either why people like to get ripped off so bad. Why would I spend $70 on a shirt at some preppie store when I can go down to K-mart and get 10 shirts for that much.

Here's an update for my list:
Gay men
most rappers (they're not musicians, they don't even play their own instruments)
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Post by Slave_Master »

Spyder, the gay people by themselves aren't bad. It is when they are aggressive about it, it's nasty. As in, hitting on every guy in sight, and bragging about being gay. :bad-words:
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Post by Subhuman »

Haplo wrote:Exactly. Feel free to buy the new 200$ Nikes, my 30$ Wal-mart brand hiking boots are far more comfortable...
Totally. $200 shoes are just outrageous - I get all my shit at WalMart. Last pair of shoes I bought were Vans, for about $25 bucks.
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Post by the guardian »

right, im not completely sure whats an anti-pop, but judge me:

-clothes: i buy what looks good, i dont even know the brand thing...

quick review of the company tag on my pants reveals that they call themself EGZOZ, which is some part of the car. basicly, i buy what looks nice on me. but dont think i dont know the whole "judge you by your clothes" syndrome....

-shoes: instead of buying new ones, i took my dad's old one... its bluish, its not old, and i had better uses for the 300 shekels(ie ~60$) he gave me... who the fuck look at your shoes anyway? "holy shit mike, did you see guardian's SHOES? my god, that man has no diginity"

-music: im pretty off the mainstream, trust me, nobody knows who im talking about half the time

-artistic shit: i draw alot, mainly, stuff that'll make you scratch your head. i write silly poetry when my will to masterbate stops, and in the process of writing a story....

-socializing: i know how, very well, i just realy hate doing it, REALY hate talking with humans, because that means they'll talk again, and on boring subjects... the one person i acully enjoy talking to is a friend of mine,and thats because we're talking about science(all subjects mind you, social, physical, and theories)...
i do wish to be alone most of the times.

and last but not least
-anger: i dont hate, i simply wish you'd die, there's a diffrence, no? also, there's no focusing on a certon group
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Post by Lynxer »

I'm wearing my dads spare armyboots that i have found hiding in the murky depths of this bag i came across in the attic once.
Ever since i have had no use for new shoes as these are extremely durable, not to mention the unique sturdy look is hard to match.
No expenses is most desirable hmm?

$200 for a couple of shoes that are either classified "not done" before Christmas or will look worn-out within the same amount of time is hilarious.

ok, back to topic now. People i would like to shoot are the following:
-Bush, not original u say? well, fact is he's an incapable asshole.
-Sharon...can u say "F A S C I S T"?
-Ian Stuart, Representing neo-nazism is like begging for a bullet.
Sometimes an atomic weapon is just an atomic weapon, ja?
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Post by the guardian »

Lynxer wrote:
ok, back to topic now. People i would like to shoot are the following:
-Sharon...can u say "F A S C I S T"?
*pulls out dick*

can you say "S U C K T H I S"?
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Post by Lynxer »

Lol, somehow i managed to forsee this reply.
Sometimes an atomic weapon is just an atomic weapon, ja?
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Post by Megatron »

I have had the same pair of shoes for 2 years and they cost 5£. I don't even care what I look like, as I barely ever go out. I don't like people, my town is a zoo. I don't care what music I listen to so long as I like it.
I have fairly diverse musical tastes (just ask my friends)
I don't see how garbage and no doubt are diverse. Just crap.
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Post by the guardian »

yeah well, eventualy, the urge to have sex with something other then one's palm overtake the hate for society

i know

being an animal can be so annoying sometimes...

garbage and no doubt is considered as "alternative". pure shit yeah, but ALTERNATIVE shit
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Post by Megatron »

the guardian wrote: garbage and no doubt is considered as "alternative". pure shit yeah, but ALTERNATIVE shit
Anything that has a music video can't really be considered as alternative.

Post by Haplo »

Ever seen a video for speed metal?

I rest my case.
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Post by Megatron »

anthing that has a video on MTV then....
or soemthing

blah i dont care. Garbage isn't alternative--->they suck---->the end

heh, voodoo has gone for a week now to so we can slag off everything he likes.

Post by Haplo »

Garbage is Garbage. Buffy blows. :twisted:
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