Weapon Ideas

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Post by Dan »

VasikkA wrote:Kids? Heh, there's not much possibilities shooting kids in European version.
Isn't the children patch supposed to fix that?
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Post by Rosh »

Doyle wrote:I thought about trying something like that. So, it doesn't actually count against you if you do it that way, then?
I don't think so. Plus the Super-Stim Assassin method works, too.
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Post by VasikkA »

Dan wrote:
VasikkA wrote:Kids? Heh, there's not much possibilities shooting kids in European version.
Isn't the children patch supposed to fix that?
Yes, but mine happens to be unpatched and is on a different computer, and I'm too lazy to copy it on a CD. :P
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Post by MF »

Yeah, well, just install it. It took me quite some years to figure out there even were children in the game.

I played Fallout (1) with the children patch applied for the first time last year. You don't miss much, but some kids even have something to say and you're just missing out on certain things. It's not just killing them that's interesting, it's crippling the atmosphere without them.

I really hate it that we're suffering from Germany's paranoia with regards to violence in games. And the publisher's attitude towards it. "Oh, Germany has strict rules. Oh, Germany also had a high-school shooting. (nothing to do with fallout..it's post 1997) Oh, let's screw over all of Europe and make a crippled version for them. HAH!"
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Post by Megatron »

I don't see whats so bad about killings kids in a game anyway

1.It's stupid (-karma, child killer trait and the town trys to kill you
2.They keep running off anyway, but the time your skill is high enough to hit one you know it's stupid to kill children (in game)

It pissed me off in fallout 2 after playing through with the patch and talking to thw wright kids. Espeacially after searching for them before I had the patch.

A taser weapon would be nice. Mabye at security doors (thy ask you to put your weapon away) smaller weapons could be concealed (like shiv and stuff) while they'd take a shotgun off oyu.
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Post by Dan »

Pyro wrote:2.They keep running off anyway, but the time your skill is high enough to hit one you know it's stupid to kill children (in game)

You can just start the game with high str and tag melee.

You get to shady sands real early in the game, before you know it's stupid. Take a rock (there are enough of them around), be sure to have high agl so you can run after the kids, hit em' with the rock untill theyre dead. :twisted:
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Post by Blarg »

If you have more than one radio, you should be able to attach one to an explosive charge to make it radio-detonated.

Satchel charge: it works like a plastique charge, but it has a better(more accurate regardless of Traps skill) timer.

Thermite: useful for burning and melting things, or in quests to destroy stationary objects.

Smoke grenade: generates a cloud of smoke, there is a penalty to fire ranged weapons(especially lasers) into or through it. Useful for getaways.

Tear gas grenade: anyone not in sealed armor or posessing a gas mask has penalties to perception, agility, and most skills. It acts as a smoke grenade as well.

Improvised grenade: a stick of dynamite with nails taped to it or something similar. Thrown dynamite should be allowed.
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
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Post by Dan »

Blarg wrote:Satchel charge: it works like a plastique charge, but it has a better(more accurate regardless of Traps skill) timer.

I dont know about that.
I think it's better to have just regular plastique, because that way charecters with high traps skill has an advantage.
This will cancel it.
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Post by Blarg »

Dan wrote:I dont know about that.
I think it's better to have just regular plastique, because that way charecters with high traps skill has an advantage. This will cancel it.
True. I hadn't thought of that. It would have to be a very rare item if it existed at all. Perhaps it could be a quest reward or requirement.
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
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Post by Blacken »

Satchel charges pretty much are plastique. However, I'd like to see a range of plastique, from C4 to C12, for bigger blast radii and such.

And how exactly would you have a greater penalty for laser weapons through smoke? The laser's heat would burn the smoke clear out of its way, I think (unless they have the rather stupid concept of cold lasers in FO, which I doubt).
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Post by Dan »

Blacken wrote: And how exactly would you have a greater penalty for laser weapons through smoke? The laser's heat would burn the smoke clear out of its way, I think (unless they have the rather stupid concept of cold lasers in FO, which I doubt).
I agree.

The penalty should be for all fireamrs simply because you can't see through it, a laser will go right through the smoke.

The problem is that there must be an option to shoot through the smoke, but I dont know how the game will handle it.
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Post by Blarg »

Ack! You're right, the "no lasers through smoke" was a Car Wars reflex.
Last edited by Blarg on Thu Aug 15, 2002 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm not insane, I'm just misunderstood. Unless I misunderstood the meaning of "insane".
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Post by Dan »

Car Wars?
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Dan wrote:Car Wars?
It's an old table-top game by Steve Jackson Games, the same people who brought you GURPS (Generic Universal Role-Playing System) which was the basis for FO.

Another game that includes penalties for smoke to laser weapons is the Mechwarrior RPG in both 1st and 2nd editions. For every 6 turns (IIRC) of fighting laser weapons would get a penalty to their accuracy. The argument was that all of the smoke in the air interfered w/light refraction and they were therefore less accurate. While I'm not sure that this is correct, don't you think that if a laser has to "burn through" a bunch of smoke particles it would interfere w/its accuracy, or sap its power?

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Post by Dan »

OnTheBounce wrote:
Another game that includes penalties for smoke to laser weapons is the Mechwarrior RPG in both 1st and 2nd editions. For every 6 turns (IIRC) of fighting laser weapons would get a penalty to their accuracy. The argument was that all of the smoke in the air interfered w/light refraction and they were therefore less accurate. While I'm not sure that this is correct, don't you think that if a laser has to "burn through" a bunch of smoke particles it would interfere w/its accuracy, or sap its power?

The lasers in Fallout are designed to cut people in half.
I'm sure they have no problem going through thin walls, not to mention smoke.

I don't see how smoke can slow down anything, isn't it just gas?
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Post by Doyle »

Yes, but lasers are just light, and light can be reflected and refracted by gas.
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Post by Dan »

I just talked with my brother (who has a second degree in physics) and he explained to me why I'm a major moron.

This is what he said:

"A laser is light and material (solid, liquid or gas) stops it.
If a laser is fairly powerfull it can, theoraticly, warm the surface it hits untill it forms an hole and go through it.
Gas cannot be holed (...).
If the laser is powerfull enough to go through the smoke it would probably scatter and won't be accurate.
Thick smoke is used to confuse laser range meters."

Therefor i'm wrong and youre right and all that... :oops:
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Post by Lynxer »

Wouldnt the laser just blow the smoke surrounding it away due to its heat?
Sometimes an atomic weapon is just an atomic weapon, ja?
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Post by Dan »

I guess everything depends on the power of the given laser.
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Dan wrote:Thick smoke is used to confuse laser range meters.
:lol: I should have remembered that from my tanking days. Laser Range Finders will also perform poorly in very dusty conditions. It's one of the reasons why most of them have multiple settings which weight the first last or median return from the beam.

Good show, Dan. Most people don't have the guts to admit when they're wrong. :)

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