The nesssesity of the prequel and Prequel ideas.

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Righteous Subjugator
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

MSG wrote:And you keep going on about how China nuked everything, so all buildings would have to be close to a blast. And you only dropped one nuke per Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not unloaded your whole nuclear arsenal.
That actually was our whole arsenal. We made three bombs. We tested one at Trinity. The other two went to Japan.

Your reply also seems to show a complete lack of understanding how nukes work. You don't have to lay a huge sum of them down on a city to level it. All you have to do is drop enough to make sure the people in that city are dead. Now, given that there are buildings standing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima where there are imprints of the people burned in them, I think it's fairly safe to say that you can kill people without destroying all the structures.
And a buch of animals that already live in the desert would do just fine. They would probably live longer than man in the desert.
That depends on what they ate. Ever heard of a food chain? The vegatation burns up, then the things that ate that leafy stuff are likely to die. If those vegatarians were the food source for those desert animals, then they're likely to die as well.
Did he say "I'm going to send my mutant across the ocean"? No, he didn't so he might have stayed right here.
He did say he was going to protect humanity from itself by making all the humans in to super mutants. At some point, he would have to cross the ocean to do that.

You're positive? You know the exact reasons for sending them? You know exactly what the Elders reasons were?
Why would they need carts if they had Cars? :roll:
This only backs up my argument. Consider that they used CARTS in Westin's brahmin drives instead of CARS, I think it's safe to say they didn't have cars, don't you? :roll:
Dorthy was a mechanic and she lived inside the town, maybe they didn't need him if they had Dorthy. And wasn't he a little crazy?
Dorothy fixed and maintained NCR's power generator which we can see in the game. The only "mechanic" in the game that worked on cars lived like a hermit outside of town.
You still haven't told me where all the NCR tech would go if NCR were bombed.
They don't really have much technology. A few computers, a generator, force field doors, and so on. The NCR's "big problem" with the setting has more to do with political power than it does with it's technology.

Furthermore, assuming NCR was sacked or fell in to anarchy after the bombing of the leadership, I'd say there'd be some stuff getting broken and some support technical people getting killed. You'd have to break those force field emittors to get in and out of NCR as well as to get in to Westin's ranch.
MCA said they used a GECK, and you keep saying that MCA doesn't know anything about FO.
Could this be because all GECK towns look identical in terms of construction? It's pretty hard to miss that just by looking at Vault City and the shot of New Arroyo. Then again, Tandi also says that Vault City is a GECK town.
I know exactly what I'm trying to say but I keep messing it up while typing, if you and I could meet face-to-face I bet I could convinve you that a prequel would be better than a sequel.
I doubt that, because face to face, you don't have any time to prepare what you're going to say.
In the 50' they though radiation made things mutate, now we know better.
Again.. WTF?! Fallout is BASED ON 1950's SCI-FI. The laws of how things work are out of WHAT THEY THOUGHT THINGS DID IN THE 1950s. GET IT?
The generators in FO aren't Cold-Fusion power plants. That's what we were talking about, Cold Fusion.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about here as well. Those generators are most likely cold fusion. That's why they're still generating power.

They're obviously not oil generators because there's no oil. They're not coal generators because they're not hooked up to steam works, and there's probably not much coal to be found. They sure as hell aren't solar because they're all inside buildings. The Wattz ElectroGenerators as seen in Broken Hills, Mariposa, NCR, all the vaults, etc. are most likely Cold Fusion, because those need the least amount of support.
The Vaults secondary power supply is Nuclear power.
Two things, cold fusion is nuclear power and we're not talking about emergency back up power here. We're talking about primary power.
No, you've said why a prequel set on the FO map wouldn't be good compaired to a sequel.
Funny, considering your question was: So which would you prefer a Prequel that doesn't take place on any FO maps or a sequel?.
That's because FO2 was rushed out, and the devs ran out of ideas. If they planned it out longer it would have been better. Same with a prequel, if they plan it out it would be great. A sequel would be too much like Blade Runner or Judge Dread.
And, you're a moron. I think Rosh handled this part on his own well enough that I don't have to reply to it.
And the Devs put them in, says something about them doesn't it?
Yeah, it said the developers just didn't get it when they were making Fallout 2. That's why you have weapons circa 1990 that are better than the ones circa 2050.
Well, after our ALLIES BOMBED US we sort of got sick of your ego war.
Again, you're a moron.
Maybe Deathclaws can't talk is because this is a fictional game[/u].
Or are you trying to point out that Deathclaws don't have vocal cords?

Even fiction has to have a degree of plausibility, and a helping of continuity with itself.
Constipated BladeRunner
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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

This topic is beggining to sound like a write up of a political battle.
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The Vault Overseer
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Post by Ausir »

MSG wrote:
Rosh wrote:That's the biggest laugh all year. Hey, MicroForte did Fallout Tactics and were designers. Grasp of Fallout? About 14%, if that, with Gareth as the notable exception. Considering that Avellone is also responsible for Sin City in Fallout 2, it's quite humorous you said that.
I think it's a bigger laugh that you can't read. I was talking about MCA, did MCA work on FOT? Did any of the Devs from FO work on FOT?
Chris Taylor.

Edited by Dan: I hope you don't mind that I fixed your quote tags.
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