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Post by Red »

Ice wrote:I heard the Hobologist in NCR raises CHA from -2 to +2... I tried this several times in several different ways, but the only change I noticed is a range of -2 to +2 to my LUCK!! Not that I'm complaining, but I thought she raises CHA? Is this dependent on what "type" of character you are playing?
It's 2 luck, not charisma... I fyou don't get that you can get another "Alignement" in SF isntead which CAN raise 1int and 1 luck though.
Besides the +2 luck I got on the Hobo in NCR, there are other ways to raise luck without "gain luck" perk?
No. Well, there is an exploit but it's complicated to trigger it and I've not talked to anyone I can really trust who reproduced it.
Any why use a "gain luck" perk that gives a +1 to luck and +1% to critical hit rather than a "more crit" perk that gives +5% to critical hit?
Because of the Sniper perk (which you mentioned in your list of perks you wanted). Read up on what it does on the manual and you'll know why you want more luck.
Now if doing that means I can't get them to upgrade my car, then I just missed my second upgrade, that is, if they ARE the one to upgrade my car. Am I correct or not?
No, you can still get it. It's somewhere really not obvious on the map in some part of the city that's all.
1. I became a made man for mordino, then went to Shark casino, and got attacked by Bishop's men. I became a made man for Wright, THEN for Mordino, then did not get attacked when going into Shark casino. Why is this?
I don't remember who Shark's joint belongs to, however normally as soon as you become made man for a family, all other families will attack you. HOWEVER, there are bugs where you won't be seen and can talk to the head of the familly that way. As soon as you become made man for this family the family will no longer attack you (you can effectivly exploit this and become made man for all four families)
Is being a made man for one family or the other really that important? I mean, do you get specific bonuses if you become a made man for Mordino or Wright or Bishop?
You get better deals here and there. Quite frankly most people end up killing all the families for some XP, loot and fun :D. I won't tell you what I do since it's a bit of a spoiler...
3. Are the Salvatorre's always the massacred one? Looking at their numbers, they are just asking to be killed... they've got much much less men than Bishop or Mordino, but maybe not more than Wright, but the Wrights are easier to talk to.
Yeah they are. In fact they're probably so easy BECAUSE you need to kill them...
1. Is the Bozar really just a burst gun? I mean, it is a "refinement to the sniper's art", so why burst? The Bozar being a burst gun turned me off, that's why I got Energy Weapons Perk...
Yeah it is. Heavy weapon at it too. I don't like it personally since it's too powerful and removes all tactics from fights.
2. If an NPC says he can use a "rifle", does this mean he can use both a SNIPER RIFLE and a LASER RIFLE?
Basically it means "He can't use what looks like a rifle when you wear it" (because the sprite he was designed doesn't feature him using this rifle) That's how it works (mostly). Kashluk is of course right about the part about the laser rifle being an energy weapon, however he shouldn't have mentioend the weapon he did since it's a spoiler to you, and his statement is partly wrong anyway. Lastly the statement about a coding limitation in the engine which didn't permit the weapon to be good in both long and short range is correct.
3. The Scope Hunting Rifle has longer range but lower damage than a Sniper Rifle, but has trouble when the target is near. The SR has shorter range and bigger damage but no problem when the target is near. Am I correct here? Either way, the SR sux! Glad I'm now stuck with a Laser Rifle, but just want this issue cleared up for future FO2 games.
Sorry can't help, I'm not into rifles (I only use it to take out the turrets in SAD...
4.[...]Anyway, can anyone tell me the pros and cons of burst guns like the Bozar or Minigun (the Avenger/Vindicator looks cool) as compared to energy guns or small guns rifles that do targeted shots? Thanks!
For the most part it's playing stile... Use the bozar if you like to mow down your opposition, use a rifle if you like to pick them out. Of course if you're someone who likes to keep his NPCs alive it's easyer to pick your targets out as NPCs tend to get in the way sometimes...
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Post by Ice »

...Right... Got it...

I need only 8 AG and 8 PER to get sniper, which I both have already so come level 24, I'm getting sniper. Oh, I see you mean to get MORE successful luck rolls... Hmmm... a luck of 8 should get me by alright, until I find a way to raise my luck even more. If there is such a way or if there is no way, whatever... let me have my hopes, alright? :roll:

Thanks for the explaination about being a Made Man. I got to be a MM for Mordino and Wright now, and I can still talk to Bishop (who owns the Shark casino)... He got me to kill the NCR guy, now to murder another one. Hmmm...
Basically it means "He can't use what looks like a rifle when you wear it" (because the sprite he was designed doesn't feature him using this rifle)
Er, I don't quite follow you here...

It's the SNIPER way for me.... love the way I can blind people/turrets with the Laser Rifle, run up to them, then poke them in the eye with another shot from the Plasma Rifle. OOOOHHHHH!!!

How the h*ll do you use these???!!!! In FTBOS, when I put one in my active slot, my skill goes up, but not so in FO2. Why is that? When I click on it to "Use On" and click on a locker, it says "That does nothing." NOTHING??? AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Can someone please explain the lockpicks concept in FO2? Thank you!

Merchant NPCs:
How long do these guy take before "refreshing" their inventories? Like the guy in Redding with 1.5-2.4K, or the stores in San Fran, how many days before they get more cash? And do the stuff I trade to them disappear? Or once I trade to them, they just keep it?
More importantly, am I their only customer?
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Post by Red »

Ice wrote:
Basically it means "He can't use what looks like a rifle when you wear it" (because the sprite he was designed doesn't feature him using this rifle)
Er, I don't quite follow you here...
Basically, take a rifle and see that your character has a special gun in his hands right? Well, not all sprites have the animation of the chracter holding a rifle. If the sprite doesn't have any "rifle animation" it's rather obvious that you won't be able to give the NPC a rifle...
How the h*ll do you use these???!!!! In FTBOS, when I put one in my active slot, my skill goes up, but not so in FO2. Why is that? When I click on it to "Use On" and click on a locker, it says "That does nothing." NOTHING??? AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Can someone please explain the lockpicks concept in FO2? Thank you!
First remember that FO1/2 came before FO:T... So whatever FO:T does is irrelvant to FO2.

There are two main ways to use them. The first is a bit similar to FO:T's: put it in the active slot, then click it (the active slot with said lockpicks) and click on what you want to pick.

The second way is to click and hold the button on the target and select the "bag" option and use the lockpicks in your inventory on it.

There are SOME things which can't be lockpicked this way: you need to use the conventional skill on them (wall safes mostly).
How long do these guy take before "refreshing" their inventories? Like the guy in Redding with 1.5-2.4K, or the stores in San Fran, how many days before they get more cash? And do the stuff I trade to them disappear? Or once I trade to them, they just keep it?
More importantly, am I their only customer?
Each trader has his own "refresh script" and their items CAN change. So effectivly no you're not the only one shopping. But it all depends on their individual scripts...
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Post by Strap »

heres how NPC leveling works (i hope it hasnt been said yet)

your npc has a 1/3 chance of leveling everytime you do, we heres an example of how it works:

you have vic and you are level 9. you have a 1/3 chance for him to gain a level when you do;
you level up, and vic doesnt. now you have a 2/3 chance for him to level when you do again;
you gain another level (11), and he Still doesnt level, so now he has a 3/3 chance to level next time you do, so regardless of chance, your npc will level every 3 of your levels. but if you get lucky, you can get them to level the first time, or the second time.

at least i think that this is how the NPC leveling works, but if im wrong, someone speak up.
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Post by Red »

It's possible however I doubt it goes to a 1 to 1 chance since sometimes when loading NPCs seem to always pass a level but every once in a load this NPC doesn't level.

Well I think anyway.
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Post by Ice »

Hmmm... it seems to me that the San Fran traders "refresh" their cash stores more often than others, and it seems that ALL traders have a certain "cap" that they don't go over no matter how long you have not traded with them.

I am very disheartened at my current situation. I have Adv. Power Armor, Sulik and Vic has Hardened PA, and Cassidy has normal Power Armor. I am now a fearsome looking guy stuck with a tribal, a fat man, a robot, a dog and a man wearing brahmin armor!!! And to make matters worse, I have a weak imagination!! :roll: I am seriously reconsidering playing FOT:BOS just to see my people wear the armor I gave them to wear!! *breaks down and cries*

Oh, a moment for my cute announcement:
I got the car upgrade in NCR!!! It mentioned a blower thing... I can't quite notice what effect it had on the car. Can anyone enlighten me?

1. Why, when I go in with my NPCs, they shoot at me/us, but when I go in alone, nothing happens?
2. Is there any way to go back to the mainland aside from completing the game?
3. Was that a damn cool video (about the tanker leaving the docks) or what?! :D
4. Playing "normally" (ie: no killing all people in towns), what level would YOU be when you go to Enclave?

Gotcha on the lockpicks issue. Seems better now that I understand how this works.
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Post by Red »

Ice wrote: am now a fearsome looking guy stuck with a tribal, a fat man, a robot, a dog and a man wearing brahmin armor!!! And to make matters worse, I have a weak imagination!! :roll: I am seriously reconsidering playing FOT:BOS just to see my people wear the armor I gave them to wear!! *breaks down and cries*
Problem with a team of PA's following you would be that you can't really tell'm apart...
I got the car upgrade in NCR!!! It mentioned a blower thing... I can't quite notice what effect it had on the car. Can anyone enlighten me?
Slightly better mileage for your energy cell. You can notice the difference if you specifically looked for it...
1. Why, when I go in with my NPCs, they shoot at me/us, but when I go in alone, nothing happens?
I think you can bring 1 NPC along with you... Leave the rest at the entrance so you don't get attacked... Basically the thing is that if you bring too much "new" people in the place they'll get usspicious and attack you.
2. Is there any way to go back to the mainland aside from completing the game?
No, sorry....
4. Playing "normally" (ie: no killing all people in towns), what level would YOU be when you go to Enclave?
Depends if you spend a lot of time roaming between cities and wether you found the car (you get more encounters without the car). And how many sidequest you've solved. I personally never reach level 24, but techincally you can reach the enclave at around level 3 or 4 :P... I'd say a normal game varies between level 16 to 24...
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Post by Ice »


Thanks for the new batch of answers. Hmmm... so I better get rid of some of my cash for some serious ammo, then load up the GECK, first aid stuff and anything else I might need before leaving. I got 60K in the car plus around 30K on hand, and I got some weapons and two of those energy pistols worth 12.5K each. Damn. How am I gonna sell THOSE???
Problem with a team of PA's following you would be that you can't really tell'm apart...
With FOT having "color coded" armor, and FO2 being as old as it is, no one has yet made a modified image of the NPCs? God, I would settle for changing Sulik's appearance to a PA with a stripe or two... Anyone know how to change the NPC appearace? I would like to make Sulik look like a PA, since he is wearing one anyway and won't be taking it off anytime soon, except to pee and poo :D

Yup, car has better mileage... I noticed that but had to be sure. I think it's about 10-20% better now.
And how many sidequest you've solved
Failed at making made man for Bishop. I thinkt to be made man for all 3 or 4 families, you gotta finish all their "jobs" before becoming made man, and be made man for them all in the same day without leaving Reno. Oh well, 2 MMs are enough for me. Currently on Lvl 22 or 23, IIRC...

A sad story:
I talked to the BOS guy in SanFran, and told him to that I had to think about getting the vertibird plans for him. I forgot to tell him I WILL get the plans and so went to Navarro with my full party, and killed them ALL!!! I had to do all that again, but the sad part is, I solved a few more quests AFTER making Navarro a ghost town... sad. I had about a day's gameplay worth to make up for, and ended turning off the PC in frustration and sleeping instead. Now I got the vertibird plans WITHOUT killing the whole Navarro base, just killed the guys in the lower level to get the tanker FOB, but I am seriously thinking of going back and cleaning everyone's clock, just for XP. Hey, they're bad guys anyway, huh?

When I got to Enclave, and the guns started shooting at me, I knew something was wrong so I reloaded the game immediately and started doing things by myself. Damn, I went through the whole base without much incident. Experience IS the best teacher. :D

BTW, why does the game refer to the Advanced PA'ed folks as "she"? I'm killing GIRLS in Adv. PAs??? Enclave is filled with LADIES with big GUNS?
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Post by Kashluk »

I suppose you should first try to infiltrate the base in a peaceful manner. Just get the plans & the FOB and get out of there. Then, later, when you need ammo... Burst in with your whole team and SHOW THEM WHO'S THE BOSS! *evil*

Yups, they're all bad guys, I mean chicks. Most of the people there ARE highly trained, heavily armed chicks wearing adv. pa's :) That's why you also hear them *scream* instead of *yell* when they get hit.
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Post by Ice »

Yes, I re-did the whole thing, got the plans and then kicked the butts of those in the lower level to get the FOB since the Commander (scary name, not scary opponent) wouldn't give it to me.

If the people in are chicks, then the Enclave guys must have a GREAT time :D *wink! wink!*
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Post by Kashluk »

Well, they WOULD if the chicks agreed to actually r e m o v e their armors from time to time ;) I think those suits have been *glued* on 'em.
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Post by Ice »

Well, they WOULD if the chicks agreed to actually r e m o v e their armors from time to time ;) I think those suits have been *glued* on 'em.
HA! We're talking post-apocalyptic California here!!! ANY girl who would agree to GLUE armor to their body and thus not "get it on" for the next so many years must either be an idiot or has been brainwashed. Unless, of course these chicks were from NCR, Vault City or San Fran... or other "conservative" places... duh... nevermind, this is getting nowhere. :roll: hehe...
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Post by Red »

Ice wrote:
Problem with a team of PA's following you would be that you can't really tell'm apart...
With FOT having "color coded" armor, and FO2 being as old as it is, no one has yet made a modified image of the NPCs? God, I would settle for changing Sulik's appearance to a PA with a stripe or two... Anyone know how to change the NPC appearace? I would like to make Sulik look like a PA, since he is wearing one anyway and won't be taking it off anytime soon, except to pee and poo :D
I'm VERY well aware of how the sprites in FO:T work, thank you. Fallout engine just doesn't support such a feature. As for changing graphics, well I've never seen anyone succeed in doing that but it should be possible, albeit very complicated (specially since I know of no tools to do it, but the format is pretty well described to someone who wishes to tackle the problem).
Failed at making made man for Bishop. I think to be made man for all 3 or 4 families, you gotta finish all their "jobs" before becoming made man, and be made man for them all in the same day without leaving Reno. Oh well, 2 MMs are enough for me. Currently on Lvl 22 or 23, IIRC...
That's more or less correct. You got it right that you need to do everything possibe for all families until the only thing left is to talk to the leader, for each family. There is no "time limit" once you acheived that.
I talked to the BOS guy in SanFran, and told him to that I had to think about getting the vertibird plans for him. I forgot to tell him I WILL get the plans and so went to Navarro with my full party, and killed them ALL!!! I had to do all that again, but the sad part is, I solved a few more quests AFTER making Navarro a ghost town... sad. I had about a day's gameplay worth to make up for, and ended turning off the PC in frustration and sleeping instead. Now I got the vertibird plans WITHOUT killing the whole Navarro base, just killed the guys in the lower level to get the tanker FOB, but I am seriously thinking of going back and cleaning everyone's clock, just for XP. Hey, they're bad guys anyway, huh?
You can do whatever the heck you want with them, as long as you leave the palce with the plans and the FOB... You couldn't return the plans to the BOS guy the first time?
BTW, why does the game refer to the Advanced PA'ed folks as "she"? I'm killing GIRLS in Adv. PAs??? Enclave is filled with LADIES with big GUNS?
Yup, why not? You sexist? What I'm wondering though is how you (well , the charcter) KNOW(s) it's a girl under there :P
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Post by Ice »


Sorry if I have offended you, I just meant that I am surprised no one has "cracked" it yet. Maybe I'm the only one with a weak imagination. If it's very complicated, then I guess I'm passing on that. I have this tendency that when I try to "mod" a game, I end up modding it more than I play it, and I don't buy games to mod them but to play them.
You can do whatever the heck you want with them, as long as you leave the palce with the plans and the FOB... You couldn't return the plans to the BOS guy the first time?
Yes, I did get the plans and the FOB the last time. I just reloaded to see what I missed. I guess not much eh? Anyway, I plan to giving them another "visit". :twisted: Navarro's gonna be my first "ghost town". I plan to go in alone tho, just stay near the elevators for a quick escape since they can't follow you down. The time I wiped out Navarro, my guys were getting killed by the turrets, while I can snipe the turrets blind and kill at leisure. Drat! FOT gives me more squad control, at the expense of role-play. FO2 gives me roleplay but my people just usually rush to their doom. :P

I love the strategy that has you inside a building, use 1-2 APs to get out, 6 APs to do a targeted shot to the eyes to the guard, then 1-2 APs to get back in. Of course, I've found out what all those Buffouts were for. :roll: This was how I killed everyone in Navarro the first time.

Oh, if I go solo, kill all Navarro people, does my NPCs benefit from all those XPs I get?
Yup, why not? You sexist? What I'm wondering though is how you (well , the charcter) KNOW(s) it's a girl under there :P
Hehe... nope, not sexist, just that ALL Advanced PAs seems to be girls... aren't ther guys anywhere? How do I know it's a girl?

"Guard was critically hit in the eyes for [damage], knocked down and had HER armor bypassed."

Had it not been for this line, I wouldn't have guessed.
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Post by Kashluk »

Ice wrote:Oh, if I go solo, kill all Navarro people, does my NPCs benefit from all those XPs I get?
No, they do not. But don't worry - they can take part in many many fights in the future. Alas, you're only on level 24 right? You must face many enemies before achieving the holy LEVEL 99 :)
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Post by Red »

Ice wrote:Sorry if I have offended you, I just meant that I am surprised no one has "cracked" it yet. Maybe I'm the only one with a weak imagination. If it's very complicated, then I guess I'm passing on that. I have this tendency that when I try to "mod" a game, I end up modding it more than I play it, and I don't buy games to mod them but to play them.
Oh the format is "cracked", but it's hard finding good artists able to work with the contraints of the format...
Drat! FOT gives me more squad control, at the expense of role-play. FO2 gives me roleplay but my people just usually rush to their doom. :P
The closest thing I guess is "stay close to me" option... There are still quite a lot of things the NPCs should be able to do (ie give proper orders for a formation and plan ahead) which FO:T doesn't do right either (I mean you always get full control of eveyrone as if everyone knew what the others did), so well, I find FO2 more appealing in that sense but that's just a personal opinion.
Oh, if I go solo, kill all Navarro people, does my NPCs benefit from all those XPs I get?
Hehe... nope, not sexist, just that ALL Advanced PAs seems to be girls... aren't ther guys anywhere? How do I know it's a girl?
Heh, maybe all the guys were affected to Navarro :P
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Post by Ice »

Speaking of FOT, I remember hype about using waypoints and such, getting to plan ahead and then executing such on your turn... did these features actually make it to the game? Or is it something I missed again?


Yup, I'm on Lvl 23 actually, then level up when I get to the oil rig. I don't want to be doing ghost towns just yet so I probably will have to be careful in Enclave. Tho Navarro is a ghost town and the Bishop family is dead save for Mrs. and Ms. Bishop... don't ask me why I spared them. I think you know why anyway :roll:
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Post by Red »

Ice wrote:Speaking of FOT, I remember hype about using waypoints and such, getting to plan ahead and then executing such on your turn... did these features actually make it to the game? Or is it something I missed again?
Nah, tons of stuff didn't make it into the game... Another rushed product out the door... Anyway all that stuff would have seemed better in turned based though it would have had uses in realtime for sure. I find it real annoying you have to tell your damn NPC every single damn move right when you need it...
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Post by Ice »

Damn, so FOT really is that trashy. Why don't they finish games these days? It's not like a game is "cool" if you gotta dl tons of patches before it even works!
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Post by Red »

FO:T is a long story of a bunch of stuff going awry... And the main reason FO:T was released as is is because of lack of funds. Now why they lacked funds exactly is blamed on a bad contract from Interplay.

Of course since the contract is more important than the fact that a game sells, they released the game.

I figure though that it's better to have it released then have it cancelled, since even i the engine isn't that great it's the best isometric I've seen so far.
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