Cold War, Communists, and.. Superman.

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Cold War, Communists, and.. Superman.

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

For those interested, there's an upcoming Superman/Alternative Universe series in the works called, <b>Superman: Red Son</b>, which takes a look at what the world would have been like had America's #1 superhero had crashed in the Ukraine, rather than Kansas, and takes places during the Cold War 1950s.
<br>Here's a bit of the <a href=" ... terview</a> on the subject of this, which is why I'm posting about it:
<br><blockquote><b>NRAMA:</b> Okay - back to more thematic things. Obviously, you're a child of the Cold War and saw it end with the rest of us - do you think for your generation of writers, the Cold War will have as much draw as World War II did/does as a setting for those who grew up with it in their lives?
<br><b>Mark Millar</b>: All superhero writers for the last forty or fifty years have been writing about <i>The Bomb</i>. Subconsciously or not, we've all got a bomb in our stories which is either a nuclear device or a creature or a threat capable of wiping out a city. The imagery you see in modern superhero books really comes from our <i>nuclear paranoia</i> and, again, this has never been more relevant than right now, unfortunately. But Red Son isn't entirely about the Cold War, of course. The point of origin is Russia and Superman's rise through the ranks, but it's essentially a science-fiction story, a little political cartoon about what happens when we give even a decent man too much power and he thinks he's right.</blockquote>
<br>There's also a neat mention of how Stalin sees Superman as the successor to the H-Bomb.
<br>Spotted this at <a href="Http://">HomeLAN Fed</a>
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Forty-six & Two
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

Hey, thats pretty interesting. Nice alternative idea.
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Post by Avenrosh »

Did anyone else catch the "Superman: War of the Worlds" comic?
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Post by HanoverF »

The only thing I dislike about this is not only is Superman a commie, apperantly so is Lex Luthor, Batman, Hal Jordan...

I'd think it would be more interesting to keep Lex in America, might add some different levels to his feud with Superman.

Ummm not that I'm a comic book geek :P
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Post by Megatron »

Nice idea. Hope they make superman less of a pussy, he's a bit to uber. And if he's about to defeat some big bad guy, they use TEH KRYPTONITE or give him the option to save a kid out of a burning shark or defeat the villain.

Anyway, looks intresting, with the whole alternative universe thing.
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