Full armour or seperate parts?

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Seperate or full?

Full suits. I don't want some 3d fallout with a shit dnd armour system
Seperate pieces. It's time for fallout to go into 3d and the vault dweller to wear a single shoulder-pad
Total votes: 59


Post by Kashluk »

Yeah, but it was funny how you can't just destroy some poor, thin little wooden doors with your gatling laser, no matter how many rounds you fire. "There isn't even a scratch." Ok....
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Post by Radoteur »

Now metal doors, I would understand.
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Post by NachoMonkey »

Wow, i never knew you could kick wooden doors in, i had all that unarmed skill and STR and didnt use it :/

Post by Kashluk »

I usually just punched (yes, punched) those doors down. Costs less AP :P
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Post by Aegeri »

Pieces may over complicate things too much. Also a general -1 Cha for wearing a helmet isn't applicable in 100% of situations.

If you are in a military camp, is anyone going to give a shit you are wearing a helmet? What about in lawless places in the like, especially if you look very military? What is the effect of wearing a helmet and having on appropriate armour?

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Post by NachoMonkey »

you mean like respect bonuses ?

yeah, power amour would get you respected by military groups, but they would be far more trusting of you if you remove your helmet and show your face, its like a goodwill thing, a bare head leaves you very open for a shot in the head, anyways , in a lot of situations, 1 point of charisma wouldnt really matter a lot, its only in desperate situations when your trying to win someone over ;)
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Remember the mirrored shades in FO2, how could they still give you a bonus to your charisma when you were wearing a full suit of Power Armour? Having a seperate head slot where you could equip a helmet or other head gear would bring more possibilities to the game.
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Post by NachoMonkey »

whos saying FO3 will have mirrored shades ?

Post by Kashluk »

I am!
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Post by VasikkA »

Yeah, and with a 3d engine those shades could look nice and shiny and reflect the environment!

Although it felt funny your charisma was raised even if you wore a Power Armor(huge helmet). Maybe it gave you some charismatic vibes, dunno.

Post by Kashluk »

Heheh, one must've looked so pathetic while wearing those shades with power armor helmet on, that all those people have pitied him ('cuz they thought he's a retard) -> therefore reaction bonus -> +1 CHA
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Post by NachoMonkey »

Bah, screw temporary performance modifiers like shades, i prefered in the brotherhood where you could initially get operations to boost them, so much easier
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Post by VasikkA »

Heh, I'd like a possibility where the operation goes horribly wrong and you would lose one CH point instead, permanently. Kinda like Michael Jackson.Image

Post by Kashluk »

Michael Jackson style? Then it would be more like -1 CHA, -2 END, -1 STR and karma title "Child Molestor".
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Post by Radoteur »

When you get the shades, you're cool.
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Post by mad_troll »

How about making it available to run around naked?????
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Post by VasikkA »

mad_troll wrote:How about making it available to run around naked?????
I'm not surprised to hear that from a swede.Image

Post by Kashluk »

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Post by thefiendishpuppy »

Interestingly, on the door-locking case...

Fallout 2. Military Base near San Fran.

Killed the wolves, after a few tries. (Metal armour, level 6, 10mm SMG. I need me some powered armour, stat!)

"Hmm. I can't remember what to do with this friggin' cart. I know I need explosives, though, and I know they're in that shed over there."

Walk up to shed.

10 lockpick tries later, I've jammed the fucker.

Rest, retry. Another 7 tries, no love.

Rest, retry. 12 tries later, it jams again.

Right now, I'm pissed off because of the wolves, the fact that I'm unable to do most of the stuff I did before without thinking in this goddamn game, and that Hakunin, that selfish bastard, keeps giving me these psychic SMSs. Thanks you little shit, I've got bigger problems!

Switch weapon; I pull out my 10mm SMG, 14/30 bullets. Click weapon; I flick the safety off and loose a shot at the door.

At this point I had no idea it worked, I was just pissed off and wanted to shoot it for denying me...

The door flies open.

"Holy fuck," I shout. "I don't believe it!"

Needless to say, I was surprised, shocked, and damn happy. :D

Before then I didn't know you could attack the scenery... :P

On the topic of the armours, though, I would like to see partial armours and that sort of thing implemented. It'd make aiming for areas a lot more interesting, because you can see that the skag over there has no armour on his left arm, his "shootin' arm", and it would behoove you to cripple him, whereas that nice piece of gun toting screaming psychopathic ass has no cup on, and only some little "upper torso armour" (Tube top, which counts as impenetrable armour because she fills it. Look up the laws of anime if you don't believe me. It's the chainmail bikini law.) That girl can say goodbye to her childbearing days, and if you get a good critical, maybe get her spine and take out her legs too.

I agree that things such as powered armour would be darn silly without the rest of it. It should come in dribs and drabs, though... just because that'd be interesting. You find, perhaps, just the chest plate, sans reactor; if you want to wear it, it's good chest armour, but does nothing for elsewhere. Means it's a pain in the ass to run, getting up after you fall is tough too, and that kinda stuff. Maybe a left pauldron and gauntlet. Without the reactor and the chest armour, it's going to be mostly useless to you; it's only so much dead weight. You can move it if you're above level 6 Strength, say, but you get severe penalties, lessening with heightened STR. Perhaps STR 10 would mean it only imposed minor problems. Finding leg armour might cause a problem of a similar ilk. There's so much you can do with this idea, it's silly. The opportunity for bugs really opens up, too...

"Hey, you're a raider, of the NoXxXforYOU clan! You guys only aim at the crotch! HAHA, lucky for me I have my MKII Powered Combat Armour, Crotch Portion! Muahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

I admit, the chances of such a thing occuring are slim, but where there's a will, there's a bug abuser who'll do a "Won't".

I like the thought of having an Enclave MKII Enhanced Ceramic Powered Tactical Combat Armour with a Brotherhood of Steel sticker and a Brotherhood Tactical Powered Combat Armour Helmet on (that would fit, as the Enclave armours were based off of the old USofA Powered Combat Armours that have been adopted by said Brotherhood). They'd recognise you as a member of the Brotherhood - or someone who can kill Brotherhood and Enclave people - and thus respect you through fear or benevolence. Reputation and Karma would kick in here too.

Besides, putting on a NCR Combat Armour helmet when going on slave raids with the Rangers would be pretty funny if you're going around in an Enclave suit. Plus I could imagine someone with a Combat Armour suit on with the helmet off, wearing those mirrored shades everyone seems to love :D

I could imagine armour pieces for the Leather Jacket, Leather and Metal armour families being crafted for the other body areas. Leather Jacket could have Leather Trousers, Replacement Left/Right Sleeve (who thought one sleeve was stylish anyway? Looks damn cheap) Leather Glove (Glove of Loneliness is a good - and funny - easter egg idea, imho) Leather Trousers and Leather Cowboy Boots (anyone for spurs? +2 kick damage with a -10% penalty as they're a pain in the arse to use, what with their location and all...)

All in all, I think many games could benefit from The Elder Scrolls' method of armour. It was used in Daggerfall (ahh, classic Daggerfall, how I love thee, how thou suck on my WinXP system...) as well as Morrowind, but I'm not sure about the other games, as I've not played them.

Also, the idea of damaged armour appeals to me. Blasting out someone's ribcage then taking their undamaged armour always seemed odd, to me. Repair skills anyone? Also, in this manner, the targeted shots could be used... "Take that guy out with body shots, that one with head shots, and salvage the armour pieces..." You could make full and relatively undamaged armour sets that way.

Interestingly, targeted shots on weapons would be good, too. Damages the weapon - making it less likely that it's salvageable after the battle, but means that the enemy using it is more likely to have it blow up in his face? I'm all for shooting enemies' plasma rifles, then! :P

Besides, taking Cassidy and giving him Combat Armour would be good, if he actually appeared to be wearing it... I admit, they did the right thing with making it so they weren't generic, but weren't the combat outlines and the messages you got when scrolling over things with the Action Cursor enough? Personally, I'd love to see Cassidy in a suit of Tactical Powered Armour, his bald shiney head pokin' out the top... :D

All in all, I think that the Lionheart method of 3d and spriteage is a great idea, but I feel that it could be done just as well in a different way. I'd love to see the areas in Planescape: Torment in full 3d glory, and I think I'd like Fallout to be the same way, too. The isometric 3d effect of prior Fallouts and Lionheart could be done, but I personally don't think that a 3d third person view such as Oni or TES Morrowind would be all so bad, especially considering TES Morrowind's ability to scroll around the character, whilst moving too... pretty :D I don't think that a first person lookaround would be too bad, either, but only as an extra feature. Perhaps when using a Tactical Powered Armour suit with Awareness, using Look on someone would take you inside the helmet for a Metroid Prime-esque Scan Visor approach? Might be cool. Take a look at his gun, scroll it around, rotate the guy, see where he's unarmoured, and shoot.

What I'd love to do is see a 3d mesh - a proper one, not a fan make but a proper rendering mesh - for the Starcraft Marine, though. That'd make a cool statue, too. Better than Games Workshop of Bluewater's Space Marine statue...

Goddamn, I'd love to be a sculptor. Have SC's Marine and Fallout's Enclave guy with their respective weapons either side of my door. :P

Okay, that rambled maybe a little too much... sorry, everyone.

EDIT: Replaced 'Statue Maker' with 'Sculptor'.
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Post by spyder07 »

Wow, way to dig up old threads. Anyways, I think seperate peices would work. For power armor, you shouldn't have any bonus's lest you have it all.
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