Sniper perk

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Sniper perk

Post by Sc0pE »

the sniper perk... it works...
hi-mag optical telescopic sights and 12.7mm fin tipped DU SLAP rounds... what more can you ask for... - go the eye critical!......... I quote the innocent villager
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It works!!!

Post by Sc0pE »

everyone stop saying the sniper perk doen't work...
because it does...
the perk "sniper" bases the ranged critical hits on a luck roll out of 10. so if you have luck 5 that's 5 out of 10 which means you now have a ranged critical chance of 50%...
basically the computer rolls an imanginary dice (randomises no. between 1 and 10) and if it rolls your luck or below you get a critical hit!!!
eg: one out of two is a critical basically...
when you get the perk you will notice an increase of criticals...
i always get luck 6 or 7 so i have a good chance at getting criticals...
critical hits increase damage and give you a chance of doing critical body part damage like blinding a person and breaking a leg and aiming at sertain body parts helps this..

this makes sniper probably the most valuable combat perk in the game!!!!

snipers rule....
hi-mag optical telescopic sights and 12.7mm fin tipped DU SLAP rounds... what more can you ask for... - go the eye critical!......... I quote the innocent villager
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He WAS in my scope.....

Post by Richy »

ah yes, good call friend. i too believe that 'sniper' is the best perk in the game. Realistically, HTH and melee completely suck (unless your a 2000lbs.+ deathclaw with a nasty backhand) because your foes will rip you up with what we call projectile weapons....
so you best bet for a character in Tactics is one based around big shooty things. so what better than to get the best perk for such a character... SNIPER? since we've gunned both fallout 2 and the original we know what we're talking about, so i'd like to see some st00pid n00bies ( :mad: ) reply to this so i can put them back in their place.

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Post by Sc0pE »

after wupping ass all the way through FO + FO2 + FT:BOS, sniper is the best perk of them all...
hi-mag optical telescopic sights and 12.7mm fin tipped DU SLAP rounds... what more can you ask for... - go the eye critical!......... I quote the innocent villager
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Post by Lynxer »

agreed, the Sniper perk is one of the finer options at your disposal.
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Post by Roving_Rabid_Raider »

Sniper perk is a must if you use ranged weapons.
Too bad it's not like the Slayer perk, where each hit is critical hit! that would be awesome for Sniper perk 8) 8) 8)
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Post by Lynxer »

I guess that would make it a TOO good perk. :)
Sometimes an atomic weapon is just an atomic weapon, ja?
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Post by Trakocian »

There's just one damn problem... :agrue:

Sniper is a level 24 perk :snipersmile:
You can't get it until late in the game and by that time I was using snipers as a supplement to my troops throwing granades to flush out the enemy and tearing them to pieces with machine guns, plasma rifles, and laser rifles
Personally, I always preferred the ambush method
Besides in the late missons you're dealing with robots in the hundreds of hit points, those damn behemoths with close to a thousand
Turrets that could be killed using a sniper but I always preferred using a M2 Browning
A few guys walking around in power armor weilding Brownings are damn hard to kill
In the late missions snipers had to be well covered to prevent getting killed
Just a thought....
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Post by axelgreese »

They are talking about the sniper perk which, I think, affects all ranged attacks which includes M2's

And the ambush is always the best. :2gunfire:
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Post by Nutter »

so all this hoopla about sniper *not* working is all bollocks then?

and if sniper works, then there is not much point in wasting three perks on "more criticals"?
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Post by Sirgalahadwizard »

SNIPER perk works on ALL FORMS of ranged attacks.

I think so long as it uses either throwing, energy weapons, big guns, or small guns it gets effected by sniper.

SNIPER is extremly effective with M2's, Gatling Weapons (of any kind - including gatling laser), rocket launchers, and gauss weapons.

Unfortunatly I cannot fully take advantage of sniper, because I tend to have a luck of either 2 or 3 - Strength, Perception, and Intelligence tend to float somewhere near 10 and charisma and luck take a nosedive. Which means an effective 20% or 30% critical rating (not bad, but not good either, cant depend on it). And this doesnt work as good because I take fast shot and cant make targeted shots - so I would have to rely on pure normalcy criticals (normalcy meaning, criticals done w/o targeted shots).

(I figure that by the time divine favor is available, ive gotten most of my important perks already anyway - bonus ROF available at the same time, so charisma is worth dropping after all <even though one of my tag's is in barter>).
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Post by Sirgalahadwizard »

There's not much point in wasting *ANY* perks on improved criticals.

There's something I have to tell you about the fallout game system - FoT included.

...It's that there are some perks that are worth taking, and some that aren't unless you've gotten all the important ones already.

I cant remember all of them off the top of my head, but most perks simply dont give you a big enough increase in *whatever* they do to be attractive IMO.

Sharpshooter is a good one - it basically gives you a +2 to perception for purposes of shooting (which is a good thing, means if you have good skill % then you see lots of 95% attack accuracies - I boosted the small arms skill on "stitch" <initial medic guy> to about 180%, but he still sucked because he has a PE of 4, sharpshooter made it alot better).

Anything that lets you carry more equipment is good (strong back and pack rat). But only usually as levels 3-9 perks.

Weapon handling is good if you're into big guns - having a ST of 6 is ideal.

Tag! should be taken right away, regardless of what else is available (unless you really really want to shoot a M2 via weapon handling).

Examples of Perks that dont really help you much:
*Rad resistance (you're smart enough to avoid rads)
*Snake Eater (ive never got killed by poison before)
*Ghost (added 20% to sneak isn't enough, id take it if it were 50%+ boost tho)
*Scout (extending map by one square doesnt let you see special encounters in adjacent map squares... I wouldnt take it even for one of my characters - rather get a strong back or pack rat perk).

Improved criticals is one of those that dont help you out much. What was it... +5% critical? that's puny as hell. If it were 10% or 15% I might invest in a rank or two - maybe at level 18 or 21 when I aint got no important perks to get...

"critical" Perk Levels (pun intended):
*12... tag!, skill enhancer +1, weapon handling
*15... devine favor, bonus ROF
*24... sniper, slayer

Levels 3-9, 18-21, and 27+ are all open to basicially fill in whatever you want.

What I miss from Fallout 2 is gaining perks from simply learning stuff from other people - like skinning geckos or prize fighter (which effectivly made you invulnerable to the guard turrets in sierra army depot). They really needed something like that in FoT, but it would be tricky to implement i must say (since something like that is a roleplaying type event).
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Post by Nutter »

One more thing - does the trait "finesse" then modify criticals at all if you've got the "sniper" perk or does it become redundant?
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Post by Rydiak »

Quite odd, but all of my tests with the Sniper perk have proved negative for it working. A real quick way to check if it works (in multiplayer at least) is create a character with 10 Luck, 8 Perception, 8 Agility, and Sniper. Arm him with a weapon. Next create another character with drugs on him that add to damage resistance.

Now, if a character has 100% or higher damage resistance, any attack BUT critical hits will say "So-and-so hit blah-blah for zero points of damage". Create a lan game, have your "target" character buff up on the damage resistance drugs, and have the "sniper" attack him. All you will get are "zero damage" messages, meaning a critical hit was not made. Once in a while, you may get your character's "natural" critical hit percentage to occur, but otherwise I can't see Sniper working. However, it may work when a target's DR is below 100%, but it never shows the actual "critical hit" message. All is seen is an increase in damage and/or broken body parts.

I'll do more tests and keep you guys posted.
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Post by Nutter »

now this is interesting...

i have a ghoul sniper in my team with 12 luck who i am working towards the "sniper" perk without any of the "more criticals" perks

if sniper works and is based on that 1-10 roll, then every hit should be a critical
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Post by Sc0pE »

sniper works on all ranged weapons...
that could be a bug...
my suspision is that when using untargeted shots, you can't get crippling criticals, and that for a critical to be made you must do some damage, like when you hit someone "really hard" i think that that may be a form of critical (or mabey just a phrase) so if you do no damage, and don't target, and since the affects of a non targeted critcal are dmg, then i think it is safe to say that not doing any dmg (unless knocking down) is the same as missing...

but that is only my hypothesis,
perhaps the game creators could tell us??
hi-mag optical telescopic sights and 12.7mm fin tipped DU SLAP rounds... what more can you ask for... - go the eye critical!......... I quote the innocent villager

Post by TheReaper »

You can cripple with untargeted shots. I always have Fast Shot and I still manage to wind and cripple my enemies with a pistol or other single-shot weapon.
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Post by Nutter »

well i finally got sniper for my ghoul sniper

S 5
P 14
E 2
C 2
I 6
A 8
L 12

small guns - 298%

fear the reaper

bonus ranged damage X 2
better criticals
bonus rate of fire
action boy

critical hits everywhere, blinds, concussions, crippling hits, etc - and lots of "hit really hard"

critical hits everywhere, blinds, concussions, crippling hits, etc - and lots of "hit really hard"

honestly having sniper and *not* having sniper really didn't seem to change anything drastically, but that probably depends also on the small guns skill % age

so back to square one... does sniper work???
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Post by Warlord »

Yes, it does and it does it exactly how it's supposed to. It will make all ranged attacks upgraded to critical hits if you also make a Lcuk roll. SOOOooo if your luck is 10 and you have Sniper, you always score crits with ranged weapons.
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Post by Satanicus Placenta »

There is one thing missing with the Sniper perk in FO:T. You guys remember in FO1 and FO2, when after you got Sniper or Slayer, you could do critical hits that sometimes resulted in an Insta-Death? Like you'd be fighting some guys in hand-to-hand, and you'd land a snapkick to the eyes that killed your opponent with one hit, or you could be shooting it out with some raiders, after getting the Sniper perk, and catch someone with a critical hit that completely flatlines them with the first shot?

Those are gone, in FO:T :?
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