Favorite Race????

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Favorite Race????

Post by Cannon »

On Fallout Tactics what race is your favorite-Ghoul, Super Mutant, Dog, Humanoid-Robot, Huamn, Deathclaw?
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Re: Favorite Race????

Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Cannon wrote:On Fallout Tactics what race is your favorite-Ghoul, Super Mutant, Dog, Humanoid-Robot, Huamn, Deathclaw?
Shouldn't this be in the Fallout Tictacs forum? Or at least ask which is the race everyone is making the PC in their maps & mods. Mines a Huamn. ; )
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Ghouls. I've always fancied sloppy zombie porn action flicks.
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Post by bbill »

requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Or at least ask which is the race everyone is making the PC in their maps & mods

i'll go along with that, mines a human ex BOS recruit who deserted and became a brahmin farmer
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Post by OnTheBounce »

My favorite's not listed: Reavers.

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Post by PaladinHeart »

Between the Human and Humanoid Robot sprites I just can't decide. I appreciate each and every living sprite that IS in FOT (I only wish there were more. Including various rats, mutates (centaurs and floaters), and other various things). From an editing standpoint, they are all useful.

I have to say though, the human male metal sprite is MUCH better done than the female, which is quite poor in my opinion. Useful as a unique character sprite, but not for general squad equipment. The sprite only allows the character's face color to show, leaving very little to show of your character's custom skin and hair color. In my opinion, the female raider sprite is a better substitute for this armor.

I also don't really care much for the reaver sprites. The idea of the reaver is somewhat interesting though. With a little work and imagination I can probably use their sprites in some form or fashion for my RPG. Maybe even as actual reavers.

I only wish that I could both the new AND old deathclaw type sprites. The new hairy deathclaws could be the descendants of those escapee raccoons from FO1's glow? (that was in one of the holodisk's info)
I had always assumed that the deathclaws were suppose to be FEV infected raccoons. It makes human subjects completely sterile, so what is to keep it from mutating raccoons into deathclaws that lay eggs? Perhaps some of the coons that escaped were more intelligent and went in a different direction and just happened to retain more of their hair, and grew more intelligent? An idea, perhaps, but not one that I am going to fully exploit. Like OTB most of the deathclaws in my campaign will not be quite as talkative as those in FOT's original campaign.

Bugs, rats, and other various critters are always a nice way to give the player something to fight without stressing them too much. It is also interesting what you can come up with when editing sprite colors. I only wish there were more critter types in FOT... sigh.. Ah well, I can always make several sub-types of each race :)

The super mutants are butt-ugly and way too fatty looking. But the FO universe has to have super mutants so I guess we have to use them if we want super mutants.. <sigh> I just wish they looked more like their original counterparts from FO1 and 2.

The new ghoul sprites are ok. And they function better than those in FO1 and 2 if you want to give a ghoul more charming characterisitics. But if you want a mean ghoul that lacks 95% of its brains... They just aren't that menacing if you ask me. FOT gives them a little bit more humanity, which can be both good and bad in various ways. Including an additional sprite more like those in FO1 and 2 would have been nice, but I guess they didn't really think of anything besides, "Get it done so we can get our money and split" while they were making FOT. (No, you can't tell me any game developer does something for a reason other than making money unless they continue to release patches after the product ships if problems persist). I could fuss a lot more on this subject but I'll save that for later.. "Hack! Ptooey.." -- Blatant Beetlejuice reference

Did I leave anything out? Oh, robots. Humanoid Robots are not exactly "junky" looking enough for the world of Fallout, but they pack a the meanest looking kick-butt sprite in the game. Too bad they suck in multiplayer. The other robots are all nice "security robot" additions. In my opinion, they don't really make good invasion robots (with the exception of a few, such as the scurry bot). I agree that the humanoid robots could, and should, have looked a little bit more fallouty, perhaps something between C3PO and what it is. They still look good though. They can also fire any weapon (take that super mutants) and they make fully functional party members. Behemoths are also quite nice..

I guess that, since I have recalled how much I like scurry bots, I can honestly say they are my favorite.. but they aren't in the list so I refuse to vote.. unless I can vote for both humanoid bots and humans? :-)
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Post by Mad Max RW »

It's not on the list, but the dog is my favorite :P
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Re: Favorite Race????

Post by Max-Violence »

requiem_for_a_starfury wrote:Shouldn't this be in the Fallout Tictacs forum?
I agree -- moving now.

I vote Deathclaws!
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote: I have to say though, the human male metal sprite is MUCH better done than the female, which is quite poor in my opinion.
The metal male looks like it was intended for a fantasy game and got adapted for Fallout, in my mind the raiders are more likely to wear metal armour, the only BOS we saw wearing metal armour was in FO2 where they were keeping a low profile. I would of prefered that they had just made BOS sprites wearing Combat and Power armour, as a new recruit (and from the fact that the BOS in FOT were survivors of a crash and poorly equipped) you would of started with basic leather armour and then had to earn your combat armour. Considering the plot line, there were far too many scribes and Elders floating around, I would of kept scribes in leather armour and not had any Elders/Leaders other than the Generals.
[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:I also don't really care much for the reaver sprites. The idea of the reaver is somewhat interesting though. With a little work and imagination I can probably use their sprites in some form or fashion for my RPG. Maybe even as actual reavers.
I like the Reavers both as a sprite and as an interesting new addition to the Fallout universe, just wish they had done the ReaverHuge sprite (maybe having the ReaverHuge in the original PA all tribalised like the tribal turret).
[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:I only wish that I could both the new AND old deathclaw type sprites. The new hairy deathclaws could be the descendants of those escapee raccoons from FO1's glow? (that was in one of the holodisk's info)
Don't mind hairy DC's just don't like intelligent talking ones. If people are going along with intelligent DC's then the hair might actually be clothing, vests and leggings made from various skins of the creatures they had killed. Afterall Goris was intelligent enough to wear a cloak. : )
[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:Bugs, rats, and other various critters are always a nice way to give the player something to fight without stressing them too much. It is also interesting what you can come up with when editing sprite colors. I only wish there were more critter types in FOT... sigh.. Ah well, I can always make several sub-types of each race :)
Giant Ants, give me some giant ants, is not really Fallout without giant ants.
[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:The super mutants are butt-ugly and way too fatty looking. But the FO universe has to have super mutants so I guess we have to use them if we want super mutants.. <sigh> I just wish they looked more like their original counterparts from FO1 and 2.
I actually prefer the mutants from FOT, just wish they had given them some more variety and included Centaurs and Floaters. My Spartans map was originally going to feature SM's rather than robots, but since the Robots have more variety it made it more interesting when you are fighting wave after wave of them.
[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:The new ghoul sprites are ok. And they function better than those in FO1 and 2 if you want to give a ghoul more charming characterisitics. But if you want a mean ghoul that lacks 95% of its brains... They just aren't that menacing if you ask me.
As OTB (I think it was OTB) said the ghouls were made more fluid for MP. In my mind the ghouls in FOT aren't actually ghouls, for one thing how did they get from necropolis to the greater chicago area? (weren't ghouls created by the vault experiments leaving their vault door open during the war). I prefer to think they are just mutated humans, perhaps the offspring of people who survived the war but who's DNA had been corrupted by the radiation and every so often produced a misshapen baby.
[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:Did I leave anything out? Oh, robots. Humanoid Robots are not exactly "junky" looking enough for the world of Fallout, but they pack a the meanest looking kick-butt sprite in the game. Too bad they suck in multiplayer. The other robots are all nice "security robot" additions. In my opinion, they don't really make good invasion robots (with the exception of a few, such as the scurry bot). I agree that the humanoid robots could, and should, have looked a little bit more fallouty, perhaps something between C3PO and what it is. They still look good though. They can also fire any weapon (take that super mutants) and they make fully functional party members. Behemoths are also quite nice..

I guess that, since I have recalled how much I like scurry bots, I can honestly say they are my favorite.. but they aren't in the list so I refuse to vote.. unless I can vote for both humanoid bots and humans? :-)
Scurry bots are my favorite as well, just love the burrowing animations: ) the hover bots are okay, the detailing makes them look very Flash Gordonish. The security bots look like proto-Mr Handys and the pacification bots just suck. The Behemoths are okay, they are they only serious threat for vehicles, and make great giant ants : ) but the humanoid bots are the worst of the lot, I wish they had used the large security bots from FO2 instead. I kind of like load lifters, but wish that the camera on their shoulder was really a shoulder mounted laser ala Predator : )
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Favourite Race

Post by Duc »

In Fallout Tactics Humans are my favourite race, the only race that was really a true continuation from the Fallout series.

The Super Mutants look nothing like they did in the other Fallout games, the Ghouls are Completely different..Fallout 2 began the process of ruining them from Fallout 1, and then Fallout Tactics completed it.

The deathclaws look foolish as well, too comical. The portrait of the Bishop looked like a Ghoul, but the sprites looked so different.

The Humanoid Robots are neat, I actually thought they were designed well, and were a nice technology that was prized, and made vault 0 that much more appealing.

The dogs are.....dogs, and actually...such a simple creature I think was also poorly designed, I do not like the cartoon animation they gave it.

I wish I knew how to use the map editor still....even with the poor designed races, I could still make neat human maps, like New Reno a Fallout Tactics version.
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Re: Favourite Race

Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Duc wrote:I wish I knew how to use the map editor still....even with the poor designed races, I could still make neat human maps, like New Reno a Fallout Tactics version.
Go for it. It doesn't take too long to try and figure out. If you've got some good ideas it would be worthwhile to make a map out of them.
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Post by OnTheBounce »

[TBC]-PaladinHeart wrote:The new hairy deathclaws could be the descendants of those escapee raccoons from FO1's glow? (that was in one of the holodisk's info)
Deathclaws are mutated Jackson's Chameleons. The mutated racoons were to be in an area called "The Burrow", which featured the descendents of those 'coons which escaped from The Glow. Tim Cain made the wise decision not to include the talking, elfin-sounding named critters, but you can read the design docs in the Fallout Bible. (I can't remember the issue, but it should be 7 or 8.)
dirge_for_a_3D_starfighter wrote:...the only BOS we saw wearing metal armour was in FO2 where they were keeping a low profile.
When you go through FO2 again, "Look" at the BoS chaps and it mentions that the metal armor has a lightning bolt on it, which would indicate Tesla Armor.
dirge_for_a_3D_starfighter wrote:Considering the plot line, there were far too many scribes and Elders floating around, I would['ve] kept scribes in leather armour and not had any Elders/Leaders other than the Generals.
My problem wasn't so much the number of Scribes (although I'd agree on the Elders), but rather the way they simply had them strolling about the bunkers, talking about marches and taking bandit ears. This, of course, degenerated pretty quickly into wondering about how large SM boogers and turds were as well as what coupling w/an SM would be like. (That last bit is another issue, to be filed under "E" for "Excessive Scatological Humor in FoT".) One would think that the Scribes and Elders would have better things to do than decorate the hallways of bunkers...

Then I'd also have to say that the Scribe sprite would look more at home being used for something in the Forgotten Realms than the FO universe.

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Post by atoga »

ghouls! goddamn they're crazy. though I prefer the more deformed f1/f2 ghouls to the wimpy tactics versions.
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Post by Duc »

I definately Agree about the elders, in the main brotherhood hq, there were the four elders,and the high elder, all of which were very important, and busy.

Not just slumming around the hallways as you said. The armor....well in Fallout 1 the brotherhood has initiates in that combat armor, but sadly combat armor was not in FOT.

I think that FOT did not really follow what the brotherhood would really do in the situation. The brotherhood seemed so secretive, and very careful about letting in outsiders, not begging for tribals to join.

It is also strange how the goal is to conquer the wasteland with bunkers, rather than establish one true base, and then come up with a way to the brotherhood, such as making another blimp, establishing communications, or sending scouts around.

It just seemed strange how the brotherhood operated in the game, it was not how they would have based on their organization in the other games.

The brotherhood established very small outposts, with reception desks around the wasteland to keep an eye on the Enclave, yet when they meet new threats in the new area, they beg towns for recruits, and create a swarm of soldiers to invade the enemy.

It was mostly the Raiders, Super Mutants, and Robots trying to defend their towns from the massing invasion of brotherhood armies.

While truly the brotherhood would have established one good base, and survived, while trying to make contact, not battle throught he wasteland carving an empire.(If you consider all the supplies they wasted building all the bunkers, they could have made one good base.)

About the editor....I tried going for it, and it is the worst editor I have ever seen. It reminds me of the make your own RPG kit you can download for free.

I wish it could be simpler, like a starcraft editor, you click on a unit plop it down, click on a terrain, drag where you please, browse through buildings which have their own buttons to see them, and click ones you want, or doodads you want. The way it is now...I can Never use it.
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Duc wrote:While truly the brotherhood would have established one good base, and survived, while trying to make contact, not battle throught he wasteland carving an empire.(If you consider all the supplies they wasted building all the bunkers, they could have made one good base.)
Considering the BOS in FOT were meant to be the remnants of a splinter group stranded after an air crash they are surprisingly well equipped. Perhaps they departed the main faction with pre-war records showing the location of US Army installations across America and the 3 underground bunkers and 1 surface installation were originally Army/National Guard bases/depots which they took over and refurbished using equipment found insitu.
Duc wrote:About the editor....I tried going for it, and it is the worst editor I have ever seen. It reminds me of the make your own RPG kit you can download for free.

I wish it could be simpler, like a starcraft editor, you click on a unit plop it down, click on a terrain, drag where you please, browse through buildings which have their own buttons to see them, and click ones you want, or doodads you want. The way it is now...I can Never use it.
Personally I think the editor is the best part of FOT, out of all the games I've wanted to/tried editing the FOT Editor is the easiest one to use. Ok it has it's shortcommings but these only really become glaringly obvious when you try and get fancy and try to make a map more like the RPGs.
OnMeHead wrote:When you go through FO2 again, "Look" at the BoS chaps and it mentions that the metal armor has a lightning bolt on it, which would indicate Tesla Armor.
Okay I was thinking more in terms of the graphics, but you're right, even so it's hard to imagine the BOS bothering with creating elaborate metal armour for combat purposes. I've always imagined metal armour in Fallout to be of two types, a simple cuirass used mostly in areas where there aren't many guns and people need protection more from unarmed, melee and simple projectile weapons (bows, slings etc) and a more complicated Ned Kelly type of affair used in areas where simple firearms such as pipe rifles and zip guns predominate.
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Re: Elders/Scribes

Post by bbill »

Duc wrote: About the editor....I tried going for it, and it is the worst editor I have ever seen. It reminds me of the make your own RPG kit you can download for free.

I wish it could be simpler, like a starcraft editor, you click on a unit plop it down, click on a terrain, drag where you please, browse through buildings which have their own buttons to see them, and click ones you want, or doodads you want. The way it is now...I can Never use it.
it may be complicated and have lots of features but surely thats a good thing? it allows real living maps to be created, and despite the difficulties making rpg like affairs they can be done to an extent which adds more interest to the level - i look at is as fully customisable not as to complicated ;)

i think simple drag and drop units, terrain and buildings would add a certian level of sameness to every map, after all the game itself is in quite a different style to starcraft, to continue your example, requiring more complexity
Duc wrote:The way it is now...I can Never use it.
i think if you sat down with it and some tutorials you may be surprised
requiem_for_a_starfury wrote: a more complicated Ned Kelly type of affair used in areas where simple firearms such as pipe rifles and zip guns predominate.
i've seen this a few times and am curious as to what type of armour this means? i think ned kelly was an australian outlaw, real or fictional im not entirely sure but what type of armour did he wear?
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Re: Elders/Scribes

Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

bbill wrote:i've seen this a few times and am curious as to what type of armour this means? i think ned kelly was an australian outlaw, real or fictional im not entirely sure but what type of armour did he wear?
basically this
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Post by OnTheBounce »

:hehe: Did anyone notice the weight? (91 lb.) Add a PE penalty of 4 pts. and I think we have a neat new addition to the FO universe's armor catalogue. Er...excepting that green logs wouldn't be readily available for forging... :lol:

Thanks for the link, RfaSF.

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Post by bbill »

i think a -80% chance to hit would be better :)
did you read the bit where it said they only wounded one policemen in the final shootout, and ned kelly was an expert marksman

i'd certainly equip my squad with it though! you could stand there till they run out of bullets then walk up and give them a glasgow kiss
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

bbill wrote:i think a -80% chance to hit would be better :)
did you read the bit where it said they only wounded one policemen in the final shootout, and ned kelly was an expert marksman

i'd certainly equip my squad with it though! you could stand there till they run out of bullets then walk up and give them a glasgow kiss
Trouble is people would start aiming at your legs.

Would love to know how armour like that would stand up to burst fire from a modern assault rifle?

I'm still trying to remember which was the passage in Lorna Doone that would of given them the idea for the armour?
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