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Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:42 pm
by VasikkA
PiP wrote:Now, the idea of "working" for a captain whose orders turn out to be evil halfway thru the game is a decent story sketch.
That would be too linear. I'd want to shoot that fucker after the first mission. A strict and detailed plot would suck. The ending should be open-ended just like in the the previous Fallouts; every town/notable faction gets their own ending. There doesn't even have to be a connection between the beginning and endgame. The waterchip and GECK were merely excuses to send the hero out to explore the unknown. In endgame, they didn't even matter anymore.

I want Fallout to take a step away from power armors and the Brotherhood of Steel crap.

And Paladin, you have come up with at least 10 different plots. Choose one and post it so we can laugh at it.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:57 pm
by S4ur0n27
Kashluk wrote:
S4ur0n27 wrote:Shouldn't it be Troika rolling in Troika's grave?
It's a mass grave.
But Tim Cain isn't dead yet, so he's been buried alive?

zomg :aiee:

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:19 pm
by VasikkA
Don't take it so literally, Susan.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:37 pm
by S4ur0n27
Stop thinking I'm being serious all the time :che:

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:35 pm
by PiP
VasikkA wrote: That would be too linear.
I thought it could work like Silent Storm (don't tell me it was linear) or Bloodlines, or somewhere in between.
I'd want to shoot that fucker after the first mission.
point is the player should only gradually become aware of the evil guy's being evil, he should be fooled and mislead until half of the game, by propaganda, lieing, no access to essential info, and such.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:50 pm
by VasikkA
PiP wrote:point is the player should only gradually become aware of the evil guy's being evil, he should be fooled and mislead until half of the game, by propaganda, lieing, no access to essential info, and such.
No, I meant I generally don't like doing missions in RPGs for anyone but myself(gaining exp, money, items etc).

Usually doing missions just because some fucker tells you to do so is very annoying. Also, it's hard to mislead the player the way you described. Bloodlines managed to pull it off in the first chapter. I think it's one of the best quests(or series of quests) ever in RPGs.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:40 am
by PaladinHeart
VasikkA wrote:And Paladin, you have come up with at least 10 different plots. Choose one and post it so we can laugh at it.
In one sentence or do you want me to put in all the details with options that take into account the various paths the player might take? I like the ghoul Nazi as the bad guy plot the best but just saying those two words doesn't do it justice and just sounds comically ridiculous.

If I put all the details and thus make an interesting plot with all the options then it will be so long most people won't read it.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:37 am
by PiP
VasikkA wrote:No, I meant I generally don't like doing missions in RPGs for anyone but myself(gaining exp, money, items etc)
how bout GTA3 style, i.e. taking up sort of freelance jobs? Actually GTA3 had this kinda plot we're talking about: first you worked for the Italian family, then you wanted to get rid of the boss since you became enemies. I actually kinda liked the way it worked in GTA3, including non-linearity of taking quests and the presence of subquests. Agreed on Bloodlines.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:51 pm
by S4ur0n27
GTA3 felt non-linear but in fact, you pretty much have to follow one path.

GTA1 and 2 were much more non-linear.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:47 pm
by PaladinHeart
Repeatable jobs like the caravan runs are nice but quite a few of the missions were actually similar to the "fetch" missions that Morrowind so often had you doing and they tend to become extremely boring when you play the game again.

Of course that was mostly just a problem with Fallout 2. The first game has much better quests.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:52 pm
by jetbaby
Stop referencing Morrowind. To put it succinctly, if it ends up being like Morrowind, no one here gives a flying fuck.

And mother of god. Did you seriously think this shit? PaladinHeart wrote:
What do you guys think of a giant insect invasion as the menace? Or do you just want a game where you can go around and torment people (like the GTA games)?

Are you kidding me?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:17 pm
by PaladinHeart
jetbaby wrote:Did you seriously think this shit? PaladinHeart wrote:
What do you guys think of a giant insect invasion as the menace? Or do you just want a game where you can go around and torment people (like the GTA games)?

Are you kidding me?
I think I already had to explain that statement to someone else. Egh... do I have to again? :anger:

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:43 pm
by PiP
jetbaby wrote:, if it ends up being like Morrowind, no one here gives a flying fuck.
I've never played Morrowind* so who knows, I might like it :chew:

*I only tried Daggerfall but I couldn't make it run properly on my rig

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:11 pm
by Killzig
PiP wrote:
jetbaby wrote:, if it ends up being like Morrowind, no one here gives a flying fuck.
I've never played Morrowind* so who knows, I might like it :chew:

*I only tried Daggerfall but I couldn't make it run properly on my rig
Get a job w/ the postal service. You'll be living it.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:53 am
by St. Toxic
Play some monopoly with yourself, it's the same thing.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:00 am
by jetbaby
Killzig wrote:
PiP wrote:
jetbaby wrote:, if it ends up being like Morrowind, no one here gives a flying fuck.
I've never played Morrowind* so who knows, I might like it :chew:

*I only tried Daggerfall but I couldn't make it run properly on my rig
Get a job w/ the postal service. You'll be living it.

Basically. If you want to know that bad I'm sure you could pick up Morrowind and it's like four expansions for a few bucks in the bargain bin somewhere.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:01 am
by St. Toxic
Did the expansions ever add anything, y'know, redeeming? Just'd like to know.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:02 am
by Kashluk
Tribunal added new sharp and shiny objects and I guess in that winter thingy you could become a werewolf, grr :eyebrow:

FO3 plot

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:54 pm
by Thilicynweb
At seeing how now one can agree on one particular plot here I thought I would state my own opinion and offer an alternative to one main plot.
PaladinHeart wrote:There should always be at least two or three evil menaces that you choose whether or not you want to take them on. It would be interesting to let the player just ignore something and it eventually turn into something worse.

The good part about not killing certain foes sooner would be that they are tougher and provide a harder challenge later on in the game.
What if the whole game was like Paladin said. If the game started out with a whole bunch of power factions that would evolve over the course of the game in a set way based on the assumpution that your char is not invoving themself in any thing of importance. However, if your char gives aid to one faction, there is a realistic fallout from the events you partake in.
Example: There is a town that is split into 3 fighting factions because of a food shortage, you arrange for caravans of food to arrive at one of the factions, that faction's people survive better or fight better or simply convert people from the other factions now take over the town and start spreading thier own idea's to ther towns, which if you play a long enough might become a threat that you have stop, i.e. helping a Nazi-like faction. Thus the game need not actually ever end, which is in keeping with FO2.
It would be a system based off people's needs, wants, problems, paths to solutions, and resources. The scope of such a system could be applied to the smallest trivial thing such as
popscythe wrote:Trivial shit like getting your spear sharpened in Fallout 2

to the main quest itself.

One idea that someone already thought of and implimented in a mod for Morrowind is multiple starting points. What if your baskstory was created by the 2 maybe 3 highest stats you gave your char during char creation? Each backstory could give you a major quest and a minor one or two to start out with. Some of those or even all may not even matter once you get out into the rest of the game, as VasikkA said:
VasikkA wrote: There doesn't even have to be a connection between the beginning and endgame. The waterchip and GECK were merely excuses to send the hero out to explore the unknown. In endgame, they didn't even matter anymore.
This way there it is a lot more programing to create initially but it turns out a much more replayable game, especially if they create a large world that is very detailed. Though it wouldnt be much of a FO if it wasnt detailed.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:00 am
by ApTyp
I just had a brilliant idea for Fallout 3.


What if instead of time going forward, it actually went... BACKWARD?! :aiee:

So instead of getting phat lewt and gaining stats, you'd be losing them!

Now THIS is a great idea, am I right guys?