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Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 1:34 am
by the demon
that would be cool :chainsaw: :flamed:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:06 pm
by vx trauma
welcome to texas, asshole.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:18 pm
by Dogmeatlives
I don't know if anyone had this idea, but the vault dweller is alive after the first game. If the third game is set in between FO1 and 2, I think it would be badass to have the vault dweller return as the main character. Make him old (like late 40's) but still able to kick extreme ass. And make him like a man-with-no-name type character. That would be cool. What else would be cool? Not making the game first-person. Or anything like Oblivion, but that was just a dream... D;

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:47 pm
by VasikkA
The previous two main characters in Fallouts were unknown, unspecified and had no pre-set history giving the player the possibility to develop their character in any direction they wanted. I don't know how The Vault Dweller could be a 'man-with-no-name' type of charactrer.
Dogmeatlives wrote:Or anything like Oblivion
The more I play Oblivion, the more I agree with the above statement. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:07 am
by St. Toxic
I've said it before, but crossing the path of the vault dweller, visiting some place he's been just a few days ago ( not part of a quest or anything ), catching up to the guy -- a bit of chat; maybe talk him into / out of founding his own city -- would be quite interesting. That said, it'd have to take place between F1 and F2, and some people do get upped over the whole "Tell it jew style" non-chronological thingamabob.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:12 am
by Redeye
Dogmeatlives wrote:I don't know if anyone had this idea, but the vault dweller is alive after the first game. If the third game is set in between FO1 and 2, I think it would be badass to have the vault dweller return as the main character. Make him old (like late 40's) but still able to kick extreme ass. And make him like a man-with-no-name type character. That would be cool. What else would be cool? Not making the game first-person. Or anything like Oblivion, but that was just a dream... D;

Mysterious Stranger.

Just add dialogue( a little) and have him show up as the perk but even without
the perk. And sometimes a shows up like the traveller random encounter
and sometime, maybe, in special locations.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:00 pm
by box
It would be really cool if, even though he might conceivably be wearing, or hangin onto, his ripped up vault suit, you still maybe had to pry a story out of him. Maybe more like High Plains Drifter, I don't know.

What about visiting places in his wake, if no one mentioned this already, like going to the Cathedral, seeing them rebuilding maybe, and having the option of, well, finishing the job or helping them, all canonical issues aside about the nuke blast and all.

To tell you the truth, and I'm not ready to start an argument about this, but it's just that I wouldn't care too much if there were slight alterations to the canon, if need be. I mean, the canon changed even between FO1 and FO2, and as long as it wasnt something egregious or ridiculous (Like Master being secretly alive for FO3, which would just be gay) Most major story issues would obviously fall under that category, anyways.

I thought the mysterious stranger was silly and cool. Even more cool if the Vault Dweller took up his role in FO3. Myabe a small plot thing where he's scripted to show up and you guys meet, type a deal? From then on, he's around, a good guy, but not necessarily giving a shit about you or your big main quest.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:02 am
by VasikkA
box wrote:To tell you the truth, and I'm not ready to start an argument about this, but it's just that I wouldn't care too much if there were slight alterations to the canon, if need be. I mean, the canon changed even between FO1 and FO2, and as long as it wasnt something egregious or ridiculous (Like Master being secretly alive for FO3, which would just be gay) Most major story issues would obviously fall under that category, anyways.
Well, no one really has set what is canon and what isn't. Even MCAs scribbles in the Fallout Bible can and should be questioned. Hell, I was more into those design docs. The Fallout setting has a lot of 'gray areas' and changes can be made and that is up to the developer to decide. BUT, in my opinion, the facts and events presented in the original two shouldn't be altered, as that'd only create conflicts and be disrespectful to the series. I don't want the Fallout setting start to look like swiss cheese.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:25 pm
by box
That's for sure. Necessary revisons for flow is one thing, but completely overhauling established 'fact' like, well, "Supermutants are sterile," is another thing entirely.

Which is nice because the two games leave decades of the vault dweller's life open for, well, whatever, and since age was a factor in the game that you could vary, well, he could be any age, within reason.

How should they do chronography, and how should they do day-to-day time keeping?

Do you think maybe people should "forget" what year it was exactly? Tribals wouldn't know, maybe, beyond some nebulous "three moons ago" thing, or maybe tribals would have even better knowledge of time and date than townsfolk because of farming and whatnot.

I wouldn't mind seeing history getting a bit garbled up too, Canticle for Leibowitz style. Of course, as a FO fan, you'd know the true story, but when people tell you otherwise, well, maybe if you're smart enough you could drop some conversational bomb like "check the fossil record" or "soil samples" or "soil erosion."

Basically, futhering the process that was occurring in FO2, like any good post-apoc story. Thermonuclear War with MIRVs becomes Fiery Revelation with Demons and whatnot. Boomsticks and metal men.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:26 pm
by minigunwielder
I would like to meet the original VD shortly after he was exiled, changing the timeline forever, and getting rid of Arroyo

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:24 pm
by box
Actually that option would be cool. I mean, but you'd have to actually be able to kill him, then, and not just knock him unconscious... that was one cool thing about the C&C games, not just FO, the alternate endings deal.

Ron Perlman reading off some end game shit about how you singlehandedly 'killed the only hope for the wastes' or whatnot. Of course, there is that whole 'being locked into a timeframe' thing, but who cares? C&C assumes its players are intellgent enough to realize that their games end with the 'good guy' sequence, sort of, so if TES:FO has the ability to mow down the Vault Dweller and change history, I wouldn't mind a bit.

I'd mind MUCH MORE if he were in the game and I was locked into a 'help me or else' deal, like half of the oblivion quests. Bullshit, that.
Being able to kill the VD would be a reward in itself.
Getting your ass handed to you by the VD until you're like level 99 gazillion would also be cool.

I mean, he would basically have to be the most powerful single character in the game. Getting him to help you at the end, for instance, would be much more meaningful than your BOS 'help' at the end of FO1, and those guys had power armor! Maybe he'd be like a last-minute surprise thing, if you did his quests and displayed proper anti-hero attitude.

What voice should they give him? The same voice as the orcs and the nords? Maybe he should be Gary Busey, as he probably shouldn't be Ron Perlman just for some narrational, structural thing. But either way I won't bitch. As long as the VD's not fucking Kevin Costner!

Maybe he should go bat shitty out in the desert, all alone. A Dennis Hopper type, or Beth could be pc and make the VD a she. As long as she had a unique B-actor voice, I wouldn't care. Thoughts?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 7:56 am
by Ausir
Bethesda people already said that the game will take place after FO2.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 9:13 am
by JohnPnP
Nubs. Check your facts.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:57 am
by MadBill
After FO2 sigh. Maybe it will take place in Canada where the green still grows.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:52 pm
by St. Toxic
Maybe it'll take place on Mars in the year 3023?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:54 pm
by box
Mars with forests and soil erosion and tumbling rats off of mountains and invisible force field walls. Terraforming... terraforming...

If they already said the game is going to take place after FO2, then that means the game is probably going to start in New Arroyo City. I forget, at the end of FO2, did the VD's grandson or greatgrandson wander off like his pappy? Ron did say something about you becoming village elder, didn't he? I just hope you're not yourself from 2, though.

I liked the fact that it appeared as if things had really gone to hell in VanBuren. FO2's endings really semed like happy endings for most factions, especially NCR, and VB was going to change all that.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 10:05 pm
by Ausir ... New_Arroyo

It was never said that he wandered off, but it wasn't said that he didn't.
Two generations of the same bloodline were re-united, and their savior, the Chosen One, became Elder, presiding over the village of New Arroyo in the years to come.
Also, there's always the possibility of starting in New Reno as the Bishop Child.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:46 pm
by Redeye
Is that the same ending as the "resisters were put to the spear" ending?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:28 am
by VasikkA
What if the main character in Fallout 3 is a spore plant? MCA never excluded that possibility in the Bibles.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:58 am
by St. Toxic
Or another reincarnation of dogmeat. Or perhaps one of those thieving kid's from the Den got out of the hellhole and decided to explore the world? Maybe you're the president of New Latvia, and have to hold off a Bill brothers attack for 30 minutes in an rts-like enviroment?