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Post by Elodious »

gluttoncreeper wrote:
Didn't we say it was unedited with no artwork? Of course it is not the finished product, and just a sample. We will be posting sampling #2 in the next week or so, or whenever the lard one gets around to it...
This may sound biter coming from me, but these past two samples have been very embarrassing for you.

These being "samples" are in no way any excuse for poor editing, poor grammar and poor research. Is this the level of quality people should expect from the finished product? Surely you appreciate the fact that Fallout fanbase can be highly critical. When you post samples like this book cover and the introduction chapter in order to build hype around your book and sell it to the fans (which I would assume to be your main target) and you repeatedly drop the ball in every way, do you realize you are effectively shooting yourself in the foot?

Good editing, grammar and research are an olive branch, if you will, to the fans that show that you understand the game and its intricacies and have the sensitivity and skill to publish a good book for them. So far you have given them nothing but hand fulls of twigs and have probably been appalled that they have been disappointed.

Why has Copperplate Gothic been the major typeface for this project? Why was the sample chapter possessed by that hideous yellow background? Is anyone paying attention to the layout and design of this book? Is anyone doing the research to sure that information presented in this book is accurate as far as the source material goes? Is anyone even checking spelling?
Rosh wrote:

So far, it looks like there wasn't any effort to clean up any of your released work to date.
When I declined to work with you for personal reasons, I did it with the hope that in removing my free book, you would surpass it with a better one. It seems now that this will not be the case if this is the standard of work everyone has to look forward to.
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Post by Rosh »

Here's a positive outlook:

Maybe with the next title they "lincense", they will bother to pay attention to what they're doing, and "evolve" their collective heads from their asses.

No kidding, someone forgot to spellcheck the cover before publishing it as a preview. And apparently, nobody in the creative process noticed (like nobody noticed that the cover art style is completely wrong from THE TWO FREE CLUEPONSâ„¢ HERE and HERE!), but those who are not paid to do this find said error within a few seconds.

So far you have given them nothing but hand fulls of twigs and have probably been appalled that they have been disappointed.
I'd say it feels more like being offered "shit-on-a-stick" instead of Iguana-on-a-stick.

EDIT: As someone at NMA noticed, as you did in another way (the misplaced font used), GC apparently couldn't afford to "lincense" the Fallout logo.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Don't worry, everyone. I'm convinced this is just a joke. No serious company would be stupid enough to pull this. It's a joke.
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Post by Ausir »

Well, it's not more of a joke than Interplay... Maybe it's Herve's nephew or something?
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Post by Dagon »

I hope that logo is only placeholder 'cos it really looks like shit and why supermutant is grey not green. I would prefer cover without to many graphics, something in style of metal box with Fallout logo on it or something, and this cover is good for some addon i don't know "Player's Handbook" or something with more options to create a character.
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Post by Tensen01 »

Last edited by Tensen01 on Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rosh »

Tensen01 wrote: I think this will be my last post due to inflamitory ones by a certain poster, who even feels the need to be rude on NMAs main page, and I don't like getting as pissed as I was.
So you guys don't have the cojones to explain your half-ass work shown so far?

Noted. So instead it's excuses and whining because people are not being too happy at the wholesale bullshit GC's shoveling. Awww...

"At least there's some good artwork" is questionable given the cover, and again like a shiny game like Oblivion, even if there's great graphics - that doesn't make a game. Nor does it make a book unless your target audience hasn't quite made it to See Spot Run.

I'm still waiting for an explanation, and don't care to hear any more prideful excuses. If you feel the reason to be rude enough to shovel this shit out and call it "Fallout", what reason do we have to show you the slightest bit of respect in turn? We'll give you the same treatment as every other assclown who has done the same, so this shouldn't exactly come as a surprise to any but the most retarded of people. GC decided to pick up the title, you joined, now the work looks like shit, and nobody wants to give explanations other than the weak "original" excuse. It's not "original" when you're working on established canon, McFly, it either fits or it doesn't.

So, exactly how is being upset at shit salesmen OUR FAULT?!

We're the target audience, remember that if you expect to sell this to us, YOU have to kiss OUR ass.

Pucker up, sweetheart. :D
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Post by Nicolai »

So, why not post some samples of the 'quality artwork' you claim to be up to your necks in?
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Post by Baby arm's evil twin »

Good marketing tactics:
Developer wrote:We are making some awesome things that you will love and there for want to buy!
Target customer base wrote:We think it’s terrible and will not buy it.
Developer wrote:Thanks for the feedback, we will do what is necessary to make this a product you will love and therefore buy.
Bad marketing tactics:
Developer wrote:We are making some awesome things that you will love and there for want to buy!
Target customer base wrote:We think it’s terrible and will not buy it.
Developer wrote:Fuck You. You guys are Assholes. We’re gonna make it anyways even though nobody gonna buy it cause we gots somptin to prove.
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Post by vx trauma »

from a almost boring 'news' update bulletin board forum to an incoherent shitfest that ingnore every defusing single line comments with necessary picture/snippet of document. this must be some form of new and super innovative marketing strategy. possibly even so awesome that it works on a dead end DaC rock 'n roller 'being'. time will tell and shit can indeed fly.
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Post by Rosh »

MicroForté was proud and happy to work on Fallout Tactics, and proud of their team.
Fans didn't like it.
MicroForté goes back to revise in a bit more complexity and polish towards what people expect.
It flopped, but not as bad as it could have.

Chuck Cuevas was proud and happy to work on F:POS, including to the point of not caring to give any Fallout fan site interviews while he raped the canon at every opportunity, and also made sure to shut down the forums so nobody could tell him how poorly he was doing.
Fans sure as shit didn't like it.
The console trash thought it was a mediocre BG:DA rip-off.
It flopped, deservingly.

GluttonCreeper has people proud to botch the setting through artwork, background fiction, the ruleset itself, to the point of sucking off themselves and each other over it, and it's the fans' fault for not liking it.
Fans aren't that impressed, particularly those who have published Fallout information for free for years, of a higher grade and degree of attention to detail than GC cares to try and get people to pay money for.
The obvious conclusion goes here.

So...GC's target is failure and mediocrity? If GC wants to sell us on their "pride", first they're going to have to show us something to be proud about.
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Post by Speed_demon »


I completely agree with Rosh, this d20 GCG Fallout does not look good at all
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Post by Jesus Christ »


They deleted ALL of the productive posts in PiP's art thread.

I PM'ed the admin with the fallowing
PM wrote:A great deal of progress had been made in the art thread until your new mod came and deleted all the posts (I am guessing without reading them).

Two members had been arguing amidst a VERY productive exchange between the artists and fans.

I was excited and still held out hope for this project until now. Please delete my account as I no longer wish to take part in this forum nor do I wish to acknowledge its existence.

I would suggest that we ALL stop posting there as of now.

PS. SpoQn is the new mod.
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Post by atoga »

reeee-dickulous! that spoQn fella is off his rocker. also, his profile suggests that he's like 40 years old (his interests are "Books, Movies, Games in all forms, my wife and my golden retriever ripley"), something i find a tad unsettling.

what did he do to become moderator, anyway? none of his posts were that articulate. he defended GCG on a couple of occasions (probably, i'm guessing, without reading the threads he was talking about in their entirety).

boycott. :hug:
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Speed_demon »

They DELETED the art threads? WTF! :censored: The GCG bullshit just keeps coming, like diarrhea out of a rad victims ass.

Boycott? I'm in, 100% :flamed:
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Post by Rosh »

atoga wrote:my wife and my golden retriever ripley
Probably at the same time...
what did he do to become moderator, anyway?
I'm guessing he did to John what John did to Herve.

He was such an obvious plant from the beginning, that when I finally saw the moderator tags on the forums (once John figured that out...*), his role was clear. He's a weak PR ploy, simply put, to make it look as if people are making legit questions.

* - Really, John expects us to believe that he can do PDF work when he can't even make his site NOT look like a Geoshitties site, which doesn't take much talent. Including "title" for the title of each, numerically-sequenced, page. All he needs is the flaming and spinning logos, and the shitfest of the GC page is complete.

I haven't seen amateurs this clownshit try to claim professionalism since the Quake days. Or Derek Smaert and his never-ending failures in interface design.
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Post by Doggedmeat »

Only an unbelievable turd sandwhich like this can make me post. I do not play pnp, and this offering of a game title I like does not compel me to start now. Suggestion.

Follow FO1 & 2 cannon in all material supplied in game - illustrations, rules, characters, etc

Since it seemd to work well for those two games, it may serve you well too.

Off topic, Rosh whatever happened to those Snake Pliskin posts in NMA from 99 - 00 circa? Fun stuff there.
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Post by Jesus Christ »


Please change your sig again.

rosh's sig wrote:(You can also leave comments on their own forums, but be careful, they're such fragile pussies, they must be scarred already from researching the source material.)
Should read:

Don't bother to leave comments on their own forums, because, they're such fragile pussies, they will delete your post if it contains any of the letters a,e,i,o,u or y.
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Post by Rosh »

Doggedmeat wrote: Off topic, Rosh whatever happened to those Snake Pliskin posts in NMA from 99 - 00 circa? Fun stuff there.
I think we still have them around somewhere, we just integrated our older forums into the new system and they should even show up on the search tables. Some user accounts don't, however, and appear as a white guest name. The details seem a little foggy, as I've encountered at least four total cockroaches that have used that name over the last six years or so, each a bit more stupid than the last.

I tend to not remember idiots for long, rather I remember the discussions. I believe he was the one that, despite having huge lists of reasons what FOT had wrong with it, would still try to defend it.

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Post by gluttoncreeper »

Rosh, we know our website sucks, you got one so we can give you a little feedback of our own? We're working on update our website, and it will go live next year, until then suffer with the grey background (or whatever color it appears on your monitor).

As for the deletion of the post, it happens, the new moderator took a page out of our book, not knowing any better, and deleted away. He has been educated and apologied to GCG. Is he GOD as someone suggested, no, he is someone that wants to help control the forum from crude (flamatory) posts and profanity.

So with that, it done and cannot be reversed.

On another note, we do like the comparisons to Herve and Chuck and the other developers of the Fallout games. Creativity of a game lies in making and revising game mechanics and canon from a decades past. Chuck used this to make BOS, using a different engine that the other FO games, which was an OK game to play through once. So now the same compasion to be brought to PnP v1 and PnP d20.

That is all the time we have for this week kiddies, see you nex time.

GCG out...
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