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Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 4:32 pm
by Slave_Master
Maybe. I would have to check it though. <sigh> Where is Red when you need him?

Anyways, I would assume that they have the same range because they use the same basic principles. Maybe the Gauss Rifle just does more damage because the projectiles used are larger, and thus rip things up better.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 7:23 pm
by Red
What's the Q? I'm always reading these forums, but you people seem to be doing just fine without my participation, so well, I don't participate, though I read a lot...

If the range says 50, then it's 50... I guess I could try to put it at 51 and see if it breaks the game, but I'm too lazy to do tests like that, specially since I may have to find the specific point where it would crash the game.

His theory is a good one, 50 being the max distance between a "visible" target and you. And I agree with it...

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 12:00 am
by Warlord
I enjoy my 2 AP shots with Pistol...

Or the Solar Scorcher...0 AP to reload. Take Nightvision and you can reload during nights too..

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 3:44 am
by VasikkA
Warlord wrote:Take Nightvision and you can reload during nights too..
Heheh, didn't know that :P

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 4:04 am
by Slave_Master
Wow, I gotta try that. If it does work, that would make it one of the best weapons, being able to reload anywhere at all....

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 5:42 pm
by Warlord
I think it works with only one NV. If you can, choose it twice and it will surely work.

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 7:44 pm
by Warlord
Just started another game with an unarmed char.

Got to Den and started to kill Joey to get Anna's Locket back. Here I realized how freaking cool it is to run an unarmed char with Bloody Mess...blew half of Joey to air with Spiked Knuckles.. :shocked!:

Then the game bugged and one of the thugs ran into BOS bunker through the door! Now I can't kill the bastard... The BOS guard said to the thug: "You have nothing to do in there" :P

Darn fun...I like Bloody Mess :twisted:

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 2:17 am
by Loudood
well, even though you probably get the most enjoyment out of using weapons to solve your problems (I voted for combat myself), becoming a stealthy character has its upsides too. I beat the game with a character called ninjaman, and while he wasn't the most hearty or aggressive character, he could gain access to a lot more areas easier than any combat character could.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 1:17 pm
by Talps
You really should've put up combinations of 2. My character is so good, it ruins the challenge of the game

ST 6
PE 8
EN 4
CH 6
IN 9
AG 8
LK 6


Small Guns
Doctor or Gambling or *Science

I suppose Science is the best choice, since Doctor only needs to get up to 60 or 80 I think, and Gambling too only needs to get to about 80 to be effective. Science however has a 121 minimum to get the cybernetic brain, and it's nice to be able to hack into places, rather than being afraid to touch computers without bringing all 100 robots on the place alive.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 6:41 pm
by Warlord
Only bad thing with your char that it gains perks every 4 levels. Now, perks can be

1) pretty useless like Kama Sutra Master, or Presence...

2) quite usefull like Quick Pockets, Thief or Bonus Move

3) very usefull like Sniper, Slayer, Bonus ROF....

So I prefer to have perks every 3 levels... make the game much easier.
Like, take 3 Toughness for the first perks and it's easy living from there on.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 7:42 pm
by Red
the "perk slowdown" is on Skilled, not Gifted.

And Gambling is useless... there's plenty of money all around in the game.

Quick Pockets is useful, though marginally, and Thief totally useless (might as well invest skill points and save the perk for something actually special).

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:07 am
by Talps
Quick Pockets? The only time in the game at all that I would choose Quick Pockets over a rank of More Criticals or Action Boy is the endgame with the Enclave. Every turn I had to go through my inventory and use some stimpacks, but I still got by.

Toughness really isn't that great of a perk. Enclavers use laser and plasma stuff, and that was the only time in the game I had trouble.

Oops, forgot to add (atleast I edit and not double post like most postcount people that think spamming makes them special), gambling is good. There just aren't enough people with loads of cash to buy your loot, and it's a hassle having to carry around 100lbs of expensive weaponry, which could be reserved for heavy drugs, ammunition, quest items, and a spare gun with tons of ammunition for it.

And Thief can be good if you take it when your stats are maxing out and it requires 4 points just to increase it one rank. So for a thief, skills such as Thief, Harmless, Master Thief, Ghost, and maybe Demolition Expert are good. As does Master Trader, Negotiater, Salesman, Speaker, and maybe Smooth Talker for a diplomat.

Some of these perks add a percentage rather than a set amount of points, so take these last.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 4:16 am
by VasikkA
Toughness can be really useful if you take it 3 times. You get a very high damage resistance.

Talps, you can have super stims in one of the item spots in the endgame, just 2 APs and you're good as new.
Remember, you can gamble without a high gambling skill, it just goes slower that way, but it isn't that useful to invest skill points in. Another useless skill is bartering, as Red said, there's plenty of money (and items) around.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 6:17 am
by Warlord
If you make a char with a Luck of 10 and invest points to gambling till it's near 150, then go to Reno and go to a table. Press down numbers 5,4,3 and keep a while.

I usually put something to hold them down and go eat something. When I come back, I got about 1.5 mil weightless money, and I don't have to pick up any loot for money anymore.

Gambling isn't useless.

Talps, how can you create a char like that without the trait that gives extra primary skill points?

I mean, every pri stat starts from 5 and you have 5 extra how can you put those so high at the start?

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 10:41 am
by Red
Um. What exactly is the use of 1.5mil$ in the game?

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 12:29 am
by Talps
Uh, last I checked, 1.02 is the lastest patch and GIFTED adds 7 stat points and increases the minimum from 1 to 2, and I do believe I put Gifted. Stop getting Gifted and Skilled confused.

And like I said, Gambling only needs to be built to about 80 and you can gamble 15 and win most of the time I think, or whatever the 3rd option was, and you dont need to press down 543, just 5.

Money is not that plentiful, I like to have tons of money on me, because when I get to Vault City, New Reno, and San Francisco, I spend ALOT on weapons, armor, and ammunition. And in every town I go to, I check for weightless drugs, and buy them just in case I need them. Money may become plentiful late in the game, and if you hoard around tons of loot, but I doubt you will still have the freedom to buy anything you want without thinking.

With Gambling, you can get rich by lvl 10 as soon as you hit Redding.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 2:20 am
by Red
Once you have ~40k, you can buy anything pretty much without thinking, with the only exception of the four phoenix upgrades.

All big expenses can be stolen back right away - the only exceptions being them damned pheonix implants, and the Vault13 map painting.

Quite frankly having all this moeny kills the whole idea that the wasteland is not plentiful - something that happens later on in the game anyway though. There's just too much of it everywhere :P

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 2:55 am
by VasikkA
Another bad thing about money is... they're no bottle caps anymore! I loved the idea about paying stuff with bottle caps in Fallout. Why did they change it in FO2, I mean it was logical, wasn't it?

Gambling system sucked. It was way too easy, just press some numbers on yuor keyboard in a correct order. Many games have small 'mini-games' in them. You could gamble in Larry games. I hope FO3 has a 'gambling interface'(a roulette table or a slot machine perhaps) along with the speech and bartering interfaces.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 8:49 am
by Warlord
Gambling is pretty sucky, and they use loaded dice in the casino :o bad thing.

When you press down 5 you bet for 100, when you press down 5,4 and 3 at the same time, it bets 100,50 and 25 at the same time and thus giving money faster. I tried pushing all numbers from 5 and below down, but it wasn't as fast as 5,4,3.

The use of 1.5 mil in the game is that you don't have to carry much loot from the field and it saves a lot of space. I just loot the ammo and weapons I need, but nothing else. But it is a fact, that it kills some of the idea of the game. So we blame Black Isle again for these faults.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 11:09 am
by Red
Um... but you can leave 5 pressed... Mucho faster...