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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:40 pm
by S4ur0n27
I bet he didn't even think of that.

Re: Snow in Fallout? What the hell?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:30 am
by PsyckoSama
Ernesto wrote: Now I may go by Celcius but... that sounds fairly warm. I'm also not Oppenheimer but I would assume that total nuclear anhililation would also warm up the world by a fair bit. Like, melting of the ice caps fair bit. Wouldn't all snow covered mountains be turned into bleached radiated hills?

Is this another place where Tactics dropped the ball again? Are my points valid? Am I a sorry excuse for a Fallout fan?
Nuclear Winter, smartass... :eyebrow:
atoga wrote:
ColJack wrote:he's right, the yield of the weapons back then wasn't enough to throw up the huge dust clouds into the jet-stream to block the sun...
Maybe so, but the point is that Fallout, wacky '50s comic it is, is simply plunged into a wasteland with hellish hot weather. Just like with many other things, such as the giant radioactive beasties, there's no scientific explanation; that's just the way the devs felt things would be right.
Err... the first two games (as well as Wasteland, Fallout's the spiritual predecessor) take place mostly in Cali and Nevada... its not a big leap to go from blasted desert to blasted nuclear wasteland.

As for tactics, its also not a big leap to go from the great plains of the mid-west to radioactive wasteland... dustbowl anyone?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:16 pm
by Aonaran
Ernesto wrote:Good job, Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Some of my friends got him to come and speak at our University, guy was a total asshole.

Re: Snow in Fallout? What the hell?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:33 pm
by Wolfman Walt
PsyckoSama wrote:Nuclear Winter, smartass...
Is a global climate, it doesn't just affect Chicago and not California.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:21 pm
by Blargh
Nuclear winter, would, I suspect, be rather ducky.

'Oh . . . and the snow !

The snow.

'd melt your face.'

Sublime. :drunk:

Re: Snow in Fallout? What the hell?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:24 pm
by PsyckoSama
Wolfman Walt wrote:
PsyckoSama wrote:Nuclear Winter, smartass...
Is a global climate, it doesn't just affect Chicago and not California.
I know that.

It was a counter for the "Should the world have gotten really really hot?"

Personally I think that the climate as an average would be about the same in most places, abet the soil would be half-dead and ill-suted for growing leading to a wasteland look.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:05 pm
by Dreadnought
It'd be like in Australia.

Lots'a sun.

Blokes in utes.

Heaps of steaks, beer and rock melons and kiwi fruits and vegemite.

And geckos. Sitting around in front of your house every evening. Making CHUCK CHUCK CHUCK CHUCK all night until you give them money or booze.
Sometimes they smash windows with empty beer bottles.
Vile scum!

What was the thread about?

Oh yeah... weather after the big one.

Like in Australia. As I said.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:38 pm
by Manoil
Snow in fallout isn't wrong, per se.

Well, you can see almost 250 years after the war, things would already be on their way back to restoration, and high altitudes would eventually get snow. Obviously, most of it melted during the obvious heat of the barrage of nuclear warfare, but over time, the condensation of the water vapor in the air WOULD return snow to the colder areas.

Like high elevation.

Also, there's more things that people have said are impossible about FoT that, with thinking and consideration, could really happen without need of some random bullshit excuse.

I can't vouch for the appearance of a flesh-and-blood PipBoy, but things like the validity of Vault 0 and updated power armor could be true. No doubt about it.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:28 am
by Dreadnought
Also, a gauss gatling, hairy deathclaws, a sudden robot hostility etc. make perfect sense!

(there's absolutly no need for gatling technology in relation to gauss rifles)

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:46 am
by jetbaby
What in the fuck is up with the new people posting in year or more dead threads?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:39 am
by Wolfman Walt
They have something "Important" to add I guess.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:57 pm
by Manoil
Dreadnought wrote:Also, a gauss gatling, hairy deathclaws, a sudden robot hostility etc. make perfect sense!

(there's absolutly no need for gatling technology in relation to gauss rifles)
Yeah. If you really delve deep, think hard about it-- of course, remembering that it's just a game series and nothing real serious, it doesn't really seem natural to make a highly educated research project out of it, or a debate for that matter, but yeah. Whatever you prefer to do with your free time.

The different variation of Deathclaw could be subject to several possible scenarios, a few to mention:

1- As adaptation to colder areas, likely higher altitudes or simply places less affected by the heat, it is possible that an evolutionary change occurred in at least a fraction of the Deathclaw population, namely those that migrated eastward.

2- These Deathclaws are either the lizard-types bred or mutated with some form of mammal, or a completely different animal's mutation (a mammal) that coincidentally has various similarities to the more well-known reptile mutation Deathclaw. If so, that would not only account for the fur, but the variance from raw intelligence of the reptile deathclaws to the human-like intelligence of the mammal deathclaws.

3- Just random fucking mutation. Definitely not the first in the Fallout series.

The Robot Hostility was also explained, but to rectify that, I'll have to also include why Vault Zero is quite possible.

If you recall, the headliner vault projects (Numbers 8, 12, 13, 15, 27, 29, 34, 36, 42, 53, 55, 56, 68, 69, 70, and 106) were all classified as expiriments in "human behavior" and adaptation, if memory serves. Vault 0, said to have been the "center of the vault network" and housing to "the greatest minds of the time", would likely have been the location of those who were to collect and analyze the vault research and data taken from the expiriments at hand.
It would have, anyway, if price cuts hadn't removed the majority of the Calculator's backup systems and Vault 0's Life Support, causing death to many of the important figures living inside, and turning the majority of those left mentally retarded.

The Robots, in any case, were built for both protection and conquering purposes. When the outside was suitable enough for re-establishment, or the vault was breached, the Robot army would be activated for their protocol of eliminating the threats posed to the personnel of Vault 0. Although the systems were damaged and the protocol was not activated on schedule, the intrusion of the fleeing supermutant army did begin the 'cleansing' process, despite the problems evident at the time.

It would make sense if Vault 0, retaining the title of "center of the vault network", was to open first, before the others were programmed to, and clear the 'impure' mutations and such from the surface. That way, when the remainder of humanity first made its way out of the hole and into the wasteland sun, there would be not only a mutant-free, pure human society, but the prexisting robots, if nothing else, could serve as a policing force for the rebirth of civilization.

But obviously, errors left Vault 0 unopened on its que, and the problems of the Wasteland became irreversible. Destiny isn't always a happy ending, and I need not even remind the rest of you of that fact. You've all probably expirienced something or other yourself.

The last "to-think-about" thing includes both the updated form of Power Armor, and the new Gauss Minigun.

Not only do you find new ideas with a change of scenery and with new people, but you can come about new ways of accomplishing them. The Eastern BoS, very liberal in their sharing of technology, had many tribal recruits, as well as people from the countryside who decided to join, and even those who accompanied them on the Great Airships as well. Amongst this flow of incoming people, was there not only to be new ideas and designs with the scattered and scavenged technology, but more to assist in their development and production.
Also, the major airship was sent just Southeast of Chicago, a midwestern city that, along with many other cities littering the midwest area of America, was packed with warehouses, production facilities, and possibly even stores of unused or valuable technology. Any of these could have at least partially survived the Great War, and when found, the collective genius of the Brotherhood scribes would likely find a way to put them or their technologies to use, and if the right combination of machinery, technology, innovation, and supplies were at use, there is no doubt that they could create and modify their weapons and/or armor, namely the new design of Power Armor and update to both the Gauss and Minigun weaponry technologies (which, given the right supplies and combinations, could make way for the gauss minigun design).

See? Like I said, man, all you gotta do is really think. Hard. If you try hard enough, you can sense at least SOME form of missing link.

EDIT: Mixing the technologies, as you said, is in fact, a bit in the range of overkill. But what the hell, right? You can't ever go TOO far.
Except for nuclear weapons.
Which is the base for Fallout in the first place.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:23 am
by Dreadnought
Got it.

Fallout Tactics is crap. (I already knew it)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:45 am
by Manoil
Dreadnought wrote:Got it.

Fallout Tactics is crap. (I already knew it)
Naw, man...

The PS2 one... well yeah, most obviously a big steamy pile of scatology research, but Tactics? It's good, man... it's good. It's like... Fallout and Fallout 2 are regular gas, and Tactics is diesel. Different strokes for different folks, nawmean?

But yeah. You have the right to an opinion, so I won't try to change your mind. But that doesn't mean you should be closed-minded an shit, you know?

Another example of this kinda situation-- some Star Wars fans only like the original trilogy, and some only like the new ones (except Episode 1), whereas some people just like all of them.

We've all got opinions and dispositions on subjects, but that doesn't mean we can't respect how other people feel about it.

As long as they're respectful as well. Assholes who act all fucking self-righteous and pompous and shit who don't respect boundaries or ideals of others don't deserve that respect themselves.

In any case... by the way, this isn't an accusation or anything like that. Just random wisdom. It's just good to preserve ideals of respect in a modern society where nobody feels ashamed of kicking a man when he's down, or giving into corruption.
Know what I'm saying man?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:15 am
by Redeye
NMA had some shit on Fallout Tactics maps made from FO...

I don't know if its a full campaign conversion, though.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:02 am
by PsyckoSama
jetbaby wrote:What in the fuck is up with the new people posting in year or more dead threads?
Didn't check the last posting date and used to forums that have better than a glacial posting rate

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:03 am
by Wolfman Walt
Guess that goes to show that no one here really likes FOT...besides Danny boy.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:24 am
by PsyckoSama
Wolfman Walt wrote:Guess that goes to show that no one here really likes FOT...besides Danny boy.
I think its decent. Not great, but playable. Problem is that they fucked up and made it a poor mix of tactical game and RPG without the best qualities of either. It good for when you want to blast the shit out of something jsut don't expect it to live up to the other two or a truly great tactical game like JA2.

True, the kinda missed the point with the setting making it "generic" Post-nuke rather than 50s parody post-nuke. But its still a far cry from "PoS" which just simply sucks and happens to be the only fallout game I never spent money on... which ironically I might have done if they didn't kill FO3 simply to support the company.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:26 am
by Wolfman Walt
Well I think most people here don't ACTUALLY think it's horrible interms of what it was ment for (As a tac squad game), it was just this really big let down that basically abused the license. I have no problem playing it, but as you said, it really messes with the license for it to be TOO enjoyable for me.

Also - I still think JA2 was a better Tac squad game.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:41 am
by PsyckoSama
Wolfman Walt wrote:Well I think most people here don't ACTUALLY think it's horrible interms of what it was ment for (As a tac squad game), it was just this really big let down that basically abused the license. I have no problem playing it, but as you said, it really messes with the license for it to be TOO enjoyable for me.
I think its okay if you take it with a grain of salt... and like Manoil said, most of it can be explained away with some creativity.

The "Deathclaws" are mutants that only share a slight simularity that caused the BoS to dub them "Deathclaws" in error after the Wasteland legand from back home.

His idea about vault 0 makes sense.

The powerarmor is a cheap Knockoff of the real deal...

And the gauss miniguns is simply one of a number of odd prototypes that was only adopted in limited use.

Though really, what pisses me off about it is the lack of a diologue tree. If it had the option I bet it could have survived if simply as a engine for fan made fallout role playing games...
Wolfman Walt wrote:Also - I still think JA2 was a better Tac squad game.